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The vertical distribution of major and intermediate electron acceptors and donors was measured in a shallow stratified fjord. Peaks of zero valence sulfur, Mn(IV), and Fe(III) were observed in the chemocline separating oxic surface waters from sulfidic and anoxic bottom waters. The vertical fluxes of electron acceptors and donors (principally O2 and H2S) balanced within 5%; however, the zones of oxygen reduction and sulfide oxidation were clearly separated. The pathway of electron transfer between O2 and H2S was not apparent from the distribution of sulfur, nitrogen, or metal compounds investigated. The chemical zonation was related to bacterial populations as detected by ethidium bromide (EtBr) staining and by in situ hybridization with fluorescent oligonucleotide probes of increasing specificity. About half of all EtBr-stained cells were detectable with a general oligonucleotide probe for all eubacteria when digital image analysis algorithms were used to improve sensitivity. Both EtBr staining and hybridization indicated a surprisingly uniform distribution of bacteria throughout the water column. However, the average cell size and staining intensity as well as the abundance of different morphotypes changed markedly within the chemocline. The constant overall cell counts thus concealed pronounced population shifts within the water column. Cells stained with a delta 385 probe (presumably sulfate-reducing bacteria) were detected at the chemocline at about 5 x 10(4) cells per ml, and this concentration increased to 2 x 10(5) cells per ml beneath the chemocline. A long slim rod-shaped bacterium was found in large numbers in the oxic part of the chemocline, whereas large ellipsoid cells dominated at greater depth. Application of selective probes for known genera of sulfate-reducing bacteria gave only low cell counts, and thus it was not possible to identify the dominant morphotypes of the sulfate-reducing community.  相似文献   

An analysis of viable bacterial populations enumerated on carbohydrate selective media was used to simulate the colonic environment in vitro and determine if differential media could detect significant microbial shifts due to dietary fiber source, dietary fat source, and carcinogen. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were provided with either pectin or cellulose as a fiber source, either corn or fish oil as a source of fatty acids, and injected with either azoxymethane (AOM), a gastrointestinal carcinogen, or saline in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design. At 6 and 10 mo of age, fresh feces were collected, homogenized in anaerobic buffer and anaerobically plated onto differential media. Diets containing pectin supported more anaerobes at 6 mo of age (P < 0.01) than diets containing cellulose. Rats injected with AOM and consuming either pectin or corn oil supported more anaerobes at 10 mo of age (P < 0.05) than rats injected with saline and consuming the same diets. Rats consuming cellulose and receiving AOM but not expressing tumors possessed larger anaerobic populations at 10 mo of age (P < 0.05) than rats consuming cellulose, injected with AOM and expressing tumors. These effects show that gastrointestinal bacterial populations, as measured by carbohydrate specific media, respond to dietary changes such as dietary fiber source, and thus may play a key role in the etiology of colon cancer.  相似文献   

We herein report the case of a 53-year-old man with a nonspecific acute colonic ulcer whose liver function deteriorated after he had undergone hepatectomy. He was referred to our hospital for a hepatoma caused by hepatitis B virus and a right hemihepatectomy was performed. His liver function was poor after the operation, and minor complications such as pleural effusion and biliary fistula developed. A large amount of melena was seen 29 days after the hepatectomy and he developed hemorrhagic shock. Superior mesenteric arteriography revealed pooling of blood in both the hepatic flexure of the ascending colon and the cecum. An emergency right hemicolectomy was performed. There was a 5 x 1-mm ulcer 18 cm distal to the ileocecal valve. Numerous erosions were observed to be scattered throughout the colonic mucosa. The patient recovered slowly and was discharged 6 months after the hepatectomy. This is the first report of an acute colonic ulcer that could have been caused by liver dysfunction.  相似文献   

Heritability estimates were higher for 8-week body weight in dwarf than in normal broiler populations due to the maternal effects of dwarf dams. 2. The dwarfing gene dw did not induce new genetic variability for egg weight, 30-week body weight and age at sexual maturation. 3. Genetic correlation estimates showed that the selection for 8-week body weight will increase egg weight in dwarf pullets more than in normals. 4. Within a dwarf population it should be possible to increase 8-week body weight without influencing the mature size of pullets.  相似文献   

The life histories of microbial populations, under favorable and adverse conditions, exhibit a variety of growth, decay, and fluctuation patterns. They have been described by numerous mathematical models that varies considerably in structure and number of constants. The continuous logistic equation alone and combined with itself or with its mirror image, the Fermi function, can produce many of the observed growth patterns. They include those that are traditionally described by the Gompertz equation and peaked curves, with the peak being symmetric or asymmetric narrow or wide. The shape of survival and dose response curves appears to be determined by the distribution of the resistance's to the lethal agent among the individual organisms. Thus, exponential decay and Fermian or Gompertz-type curves can be considered manifestations of skewed to the right, symmetric, and skewed to the left distributions, respectively. Because of the mathematical constraints and determinism, the original discrete logistic equation can rarely be an adequate model of real microbial populations. However, by making its proportionality constant a normal-random variate it can simulate realistic histories of fluctuating microbial populations, including scenarios of aperiodic population explosions of varying intensities of the kind found in food-poisoning episodes.  相似文献   

It is known that, when two microbial populations competing for a single rate-limiting nutrient are grown in a spatially uniform environment, such as a single chemostat, with competition being the only interaction between them, they cannot coexist, but eventually one of the two populations prevails and the other becomes extinct. Spatial heterogeneity has been suggested as a means of obtaining coexistence of the two populations. A configuration of two interconnected chemostats is a simple model of a spatially heterogeneous environment. It has been shown that, when Monod's model is used for the specific growth rates of the two populations, steady-state coexistence can be obtained in such systems for wide ranges of operating conditions. In the present work, we study a model of microbial competition in configurations of interconnected chemostats and we show that, if a substrate inhibition model is used for the specific growth rates of the two populations, coexistence in a periodic state is also possible. The analysis of the model is done by numerical bifurcation theory methods.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of drinking tea or coffee on the lung cancer risk of male cigarette smokers in a case-control in Uruguay. Four hundred and twenty-seven lung cancer cases were frequency matched on age and residence with 428 hospitalized controls suffering from conditions unrelated to tobacco smoking and diet. Whereas coffee drinking had no effect on the lung cancer risk of the cigarette-smoking men in this study, black tea consumption decreased this risk. Heavy drinkers of tea (two or more cups of tea per day) were associated with a reduced risk of 0.34 (95% CI 0.14-0.84). This protective effect was more evident among Kreyberg I tumors (squamous cell and small cell) and among light smokers. Possible sources of bias and mechanisms of action are discussed.  相似文献   

Isozyme variation among 54 isolates of Microsporum canis, 18 Microsporum cookei isolates and two Diheterospora isolates were studied using starch gel electrophoresis. Of eight enzymes examined, four were polymorphic (EST, G6P, MDH and PEP), having from two to four electrophoretic forms. Within each species, consistent and reproducible isozyme patterns of the eight enzyme systems were obtained. Phenotypic diversity (H) in M. canis was higher than in M. cookei (H = 0.459 and H = 0.408 respectively), but phenotypic differentiation of M. canis isolates from different geographical regions (Auckland, Wellington and Palmerston North, New Zealand) was low, with a proportion of total diversity (Gst) of 0.151 found among the localities. The results suggest that the isolates of M. canis from different geographical regions are closely related, supporting the theory of a common lineage.  相似文献   

The most fundamental questions such as whether a cell is alive, in the sense of being able to divide or to form a colony, may sometimes be very hard to answer, since even axenic microbial cultures are extremely heterogeneous. Analyses that seek to correlate such things as viability, which is a property of an individual cell, with macroscopic measurements of culture variables such as ATP content, respiratory activity, and so on, must inevitably fail. It is therefore necessary to make physiological measurements on individual cells. Flow cytometry is such a technique, which allows one to analyze cells rapidly and individually and permits the quantitative analysis of microbial heterogeneity. It therefore offers many advantages over conventional measurements for both routine and more exploratory analyses of microbial properties. While the technique has been widely applied to the study of mammalian cells, is use in microbiology has until recently been much more limited, largely because of the smaller size of microbes and the consequently smaller optical signals obtainable from them. Since these technical barriers no longer hold, flow cytometry with appropriate stains has been used for the rapid discrimination and identification of microbial cells, for the rapid assessment of viability and of the heterogeneous distributions of a wealth of other more detailed physiological properties, for the analysis of antimicrobial drug-cell interactions, and for the isolation of high-yielding strains of biotechnological interest. Flow cytometric analyses provide an abundance of multivariate data, and special methods have been devised to exploit these. Ongoing advances mean that modern flow cytometers may now be used by nonspecialists to effect a renaissance in our understanding of microbial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The genes (mdh) encoding malate dehydrogenase (MDH) from the mesophile Chlorobium vibrioforme and the moderate thermophile C. tepidum were cloned and sequenced, and the complete amino acid sequences were deduced. When the region upstream of mdh was analyzed, a sequence with high homology to an operon encoding ribosomal proteins from Escherichia coli was found. Each mdh gene consists of a 930-bp open reading frame and encodes 310 amino acid residues, corresponding to a subunit weight of 33,200 Da for the dimeric enzyme. The amino acid sequence identity of the two MDHs is 86%. Homology searches using the primary structures of the two MDHs revealed significant sequence similarity to lactate dehydrogenases. A hybrid mdh was constructed from the 3' part of mdh from C. tepidum and the 5' part of mdh from C. vibrioforme. The thermostabilities of the hybrid enzyme and of MDH from C. vibrioforme and C. tepidum were compared.  相似文献   

A culture-independent approach based on PCR amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing of 16S rRNA gene fragments from both Bacteria and Archaea were used to analyze the microbial community inhabiting a low-grade copper sulfide run-of-mine (ROM) test heap of a project in Chile. In this paper, we summarize results of a 1-year monitoring study. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rRNA fragments revealed that the retrieved sequences clustered together with Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferriphilum, Ferroplasma acidiphilum and environmental clones related to them. In addition, some sequences were distantly related (< 95% similarity in the 16S rRNA gene fragment analyzed) to cultured microorganisms from the Sulfurisphaera and Sulfobacillus genera. Thus, the prokaryotic assemblage might be mainly composed of sulfur- and iron-oxidizing microorganisms. The remaining sequences were related to uncultured chrenarchaeota clones or had only partial homology with known microorganisms. Attempts were made to estimate the dynamic of phylogenetic microbial groups in different stages of the leaching cycle and to correlate them with chemical and physical parameters in the heap. The temporal distribution of microbial 16S rRNA gene sequences could be divided in three periods. In the bioleaching cycle, first stage A. ferrooxidans and Sulfurisphaera-like archaea were dominant within each respective phylogenetic domain. In the second stage (from days 255 to 338), Leptospirillum and Ferroplasma groups were mainly detected, respectively. Finally (the third period from operation days 598 to 749), Sulfobacillus-like microorganisms became predominant, while Ferroplasma was the only Archaea detected. These data are now being used to obtain more detailed and quantitative information on prokaryotic community structure over time and to explore the nature of the community metabolic pathways. These results extend our knowledge on microbial dynamics in bioheaps, a key issue required to improve commercial applications.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated signal changes in the human primary visual cortex during visual stimulation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner at 1.5 Tesla. Experiments were performed on 10 normal volunteers and 2 patients with homonymous hemianopsia. In the normal volunteers, a signal increase was observed on the bilateral primary visual cortex during hemifield stimulation. In one patient with homonymous hemianopsia after cerebral infarction, the signal change was clearly decreased on the affected side. In the other patient, who was recovering from multiple sclerosis to an almost normal visual field, the fMRI results were within normal limits. These results suggest that it is possible to map noninvasively the activation of the visual stimulation with a clinical MRI system, and that this test might be useful as an objective method of visual field examination.  相似文献   

1. Cypridina luciferin analogues, 2-methyl-6-(p-methoxyphenyl)-3,7- dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3-one (MCLD) and 2-methyl-6-phenyl-3,7-dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3-one(CLA ), react with O2- or 1O2 to emit light in visible region. Such chemiluminescences were used for the detection of O2- or 1O2 in activated leukocyte systems and myeloperoxidase (granulocyte-extract) + Br- + H2O2 systems in vitro. 2. The mechanisms of MCLA (CLA)-dependent luminescence is described in detail. Superoxide generated from sinusoidal cells in acute ethanol intoxication of rats was detected by MCLA-dependent luminescence from the surface of perfused rat liver (organ luminescence). 3. Furthermore, with alive animals, O2- generated in the lung of rats with necrotized pancreatitis and that in the stomach of rats after ischemia/reperfusion were detected by their organ luminescences.  相似文献   

从福建省4个市(县)蔬菜基地采集的蔬菜根结线虫病的16份样本中,鉴定出南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)、爪哇根结线虫(M.javanica)和花生根结线虫(M.arenaria)3个种,其中,南方根结线虫为优势种.田间根结线虫种群多数为单一种,31%的样品为2个种组成的混合种群,这些混合种群由南方根结线虫与爪哇根结线虫或南方根结线虫与花生根结线虫组成.  相似文献   

Four new species of trematodes are described from fishes of the Falkland--Patagonian region as follows: Infundibulostomum patagonicum from Notothenia ramzay; Stenacron mancopsetti from Mancopsetta maculata; Neolepidapedon argentinensis from Salilota australis; Hirudinelloides elongatus from Thyrsites atun. For the latter species a new genus, Hirudinelloides, has been erected. Representatives of the genera Infundibulostomum, Stenacron and Neolepidapedon are first reported from this region.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide information about arch shape variations among South Pacific populations. The application of Fourier transforms, Y(phi i) = ao/2 + sigma (aicos phi i + bisin phi i) was used to separate two components of variation; size and shape. Dental arch size can be described by one coefficient (ao), while the shape can be summarized by the first three harmonics (amp1-3) in the Fourier series. The materials used in this study were dental casts of South Pacific populations (Fiji, Western Samoa and Kiribati), Australian Aboriginals and Japanese. Fijians, Western Samoans and Kiribati people have larger upper and lower dental arches than that of Japanese. These populations were separated by the arch size and first Fourier amplitudes which showed the arch depth/width ratio. The Fijian upper and lower dental arches were significantly larger than those found in other populations and was characterized by a wide posterior arch breadth. The Western Samoan and Kiribati arch shape was more similar to the Japanese arch shape than the Fijian. Distribution patterns of arch shape characteristics in these populations showed the same tendencies in the upper and lower arches.  相似文献   

36 small-for-dates newborn were introduced to our studies. The concentrations of C3 in sera of newborns were at 65% mean values found in sera their mothers. We have compared the concentrations of C3 in sera of newborns and their mothers and did not find no correlation. These data may indicate this component does not penetrate through placenta.  相似文献   

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