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本文分别基于四粒子Cluster态和一个非对称的四粒子纠缠态,提出两个量子秘密共享的方案,其中共享的秘密是未知的单粒子态。秘密的发送者需要对手中的粒子进行Bell基测量,协助者需要对手中的粒子进行测量或者实施幺正操作,最后接收者通过对手中的粒子进行相应的幺正变换或者受控非门操作,就可以重构原始秘密。通过分析表明,任何一个代理者在其他两方协助下是可以恢复秘密的,所以我所提出的方案是高效且安全可靠的。  相似文献   

利用一个五粒子团簇态为信道,分别提出了三个关于二粒子态和单粒子态的双向受控量子信息传输协议。在第一个协议中,通过引入辅助粒子,实施受控非门运算和Bell态测量,Alice能把二粒子未知态传送给Bob,同时Bob也能把单粒子未知态传送给Alice。在第二个方案中,通过引入辅助粒子、巧妙构造正交基和执行单粒子投影测量,Alice能帮助Bob远程地制备二粒子已知态,同时Bob也能帮助Alice远程地制备单粒子已知态。由于他们充分利用了前馈策略去构造测量基,制备任务能够完美完成。在第三个方案中,结合前两个方案的特点,Alice能成功将二粒子未知态传送给Bob,Bob也完美地在Alice处制备单粒子已知态。上述三个方案离开监控者的允许是不能实现的。  相似文献   

提出了一个基于团簇态的量子秘密共享方案,发送者通过Pauli操作将经典秘密信息编码在团簇态上进行分发,接收者通过联合测量实现秘密共享。协议插入EPR对作为诱骗态以防止窃听,通过安全性分析证明本协议是安全的,可以抵抗截获-测量、截获-重发和纠缠-测量攻击。此外,协议传输一个四粒子团簇态可以共享四个经典比特信息,量子比特效率达到100%。  相似文献   

彭家寅 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(12):3731-3735
为了解决任意二量子通信问题,首先给出了五粒子和七粒子纠缠态的构造方法,并提供了它们的量子线路图。其次,以该五粒子纠缠态为量子信道,提出一个任意二粒子未知量子态的受控隐形传态协议。该协议在监察者Charlie的控制下,Alice进行四粒子投影测量和经典通信,Bob采用简单酉变换就能以100%的概率成功重构一个任意二粒子纠缠态。最后,利用七粒子纠缠态为量子信道,提出了任意二粒子纠缠态的联合受控远程制备方案。在此方案中,发送者Alice用自己掌握被制备态的部分信息构造测量基,发送者Bob采用前馈测量策略,接收者Diana在监控者Charlie的帮助下,通过简单幺正变换就能确定性地恢复原始态。  相似文献   

本方案利用可重用的不对称三粒子纠缠态作为载体,发送方用控制非门操作将信息编码到载体上,接收方再利用控制非门操作解除纠缠,实现量子秘密共享。为了检测是否有窃听者,通过随机插入诱骗粒子的方法作窃听检测,随后进行二次检测窃听,使其安全性具有双重保证。分析表明方案能有效防止窃听,抵御纠缠欺骗攻击。  相似文献   

基于x-type纠缠态(四粒子纠缠态),提出一种量子投票方案。方案只使用一组x-type纠缠粒子,与使用N个粒子的投票方案相比,更容易实现。投票者利用复杂性小的相移操作进行投票,提高了方案效率。为了保证投票过程的安全性和防止重复投票,利用纠缠态特性和超密编码设计了检测阶段。在公布测量结果后,决定是否继续本次投票活动。当顺利通过检测后,计票者可使用计分算子计算出投票的结果。在投票过程中,没有单个粒子携带选票内容,整个信息被隐藏在纠缠的粒子间。安全性分析表明,该方案能够防止窃听和篡改选票的干扰。由于方案中制备粒子的简便性、选择候选人的最小复杂性和检测步骤的严密性使得整个方案与其他量子投票方案相比,更高效、实用和安全。  相似文献   

基于部分纠缠态的量子安全直接通信协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种新的带认证的三方量子安全直接通信协议。该方案利用共享的三粒子部分纠缠态和CNOT门来编码和译码,两方可同时向第三方传递秘密消息,共享的部分纠缠态可重复使用。在理想信道下,协议对于非相干攻击是安全的。该方案通过认证可以验证客户端身份的合法性,部分纠缠态在实际中容易制备和保存,能够实现两方同时跟第三方直接通信。  相似文献   

提出了一个利用特殊的二粒子纠缠态作为量子信道来实现任意二粒子未知量子态的隐形传态。对比Yuan等人提出的利用[χ]纠缠态实现的任意未知二量子态的隐形传态方案。该方案利用二粒子信道和Bell基测量,以及特殊的幺正操作顺利完成信息的隐形传态。而且方案中利用了较少的资源,且获得的原始信息的概率为1。  相似文献   

量子隐形传态大多都使用最大化纠缠态作为量子信道,但最大化纠缠资源只存在于理想情况下。研究了非最大化纠缠信道的量子隐形传态,基于非最大化纠缠GHZ态提出了一个新型的概率控制隐形传态方案。通过引入多参数通用测量,可以根据量子信道参数调整测量基参数,进而实现最佳的成功概率。加入了量子控制者,使方案具有更高的灵活性。该方案可以被扩展到接收者没有足够量子能力的半量子通信情况,进一步扩大了概率隐形传态的应用范围。  相似文献   

提出一种新的消息发送者和接收者同时匿名的经典消息通信方案.方案通过制备量子连续变量纠缠态,在参与者中移动式传输粒子,将1比特经典消息编码在不同的模式中.消息接收者可以计算得到匿名消息,然后通过不同模式的计算结果检验本次通信中的参与者诚实度,从而判断匿名消息是否有效.方案将传输和检测两个过程合并设计在同一轮通信中,通信信号和检测结论基于同一轮通信中的信道编码,可以验证具有自适应特征的参与者(检测过程和通信过程表现不一致的参与者)作弊.除了指数小的概率,发送者和接收者的匿名性和消息的私密性都得到保护.  相似文献   

由于W态纠缠的强鲁棒性,它被认为是更适用于量子信息处理和量子安全通信的信息载体。针对4粒子W态或3粒子非对称W态量子直接通信效率低下或物理实现困难等缺陷,利用3粒子对称W态和量子身份认证机制,提出了一种新的确定型安全量子通信协议。该协议由认证码生成、量子态准备、量子态分发、安全检测与身份认证和消息通信五阶段组成,通信双方只需进行两粒子Bell基、单粒子Z基或X基测量,通信效率也有所提高,即1个3粒子W态传输1经典比特信息。安全分析证明该协议能有效抵抗各类窃听者Eve攻击和伪装攻击,具有较好的安全特性。  相似文献   

Multi-particle quantum state deterministic remote preparation is a fundamental and important technical branch in quantum communication. Since quantum noise is unavoidable in realistic quantum communication, it is important to analyze the effect of noise on multi-particle quantum communication protocols. In this paper, we study the effects of noise, such as amplitude damping, phase damping, bit-flip and depolarizing noises, on two deterministic remote preparation of an arbitrary three-particle state protocols, which are based on two different entangled channels, namely \(\chi \) state and Brown state. The detailed mathematical analysis shows that the output states of two deterministic remote state preparation (DRSP) protocols are the same in the same noisy environment. That is to say, in the same noisy environment, the effects of noise on two DRSP protocols are the same. This conclusion proves that these two DRSP protocols will produce the same arbitrary three-particle states in the same noise channel environment, and so that these protocols are inherently convergent and can be substituted for each other in certain circumstances. In addition, this paper also takes three-particle states \(a\left| {000} \right\rangle + b{\mathrm{e}^{ic}}\left| {111} \right\rangle \) as an example and studies the relationship between the fidelity, the target state and the size of the noise factor. The results show that if the target state can be selected, an appropriate target state can effectively resist on the bit-flip noise. If the target state cannot be selected, as the increase in the size of noise factor, the fidelities of the two DRSP schemes in the amplitude damping noise and phase damping noise are always larger than those in the bit-flip noise and depolarizing noise. This conclusion indicates that two protocols have better resistance on amplitude damping and phase damping noise than the bit-flip and depolarizing noises. These findings and analyses will provide valid help in deterministic remote preparation of an arbitrary three-particle state in a noisy environment.  相似文献   

By exploiting the entanglement correlation in quantum mechanics, two three-party remote state preparation (RSP) schemes are proposed. One is three-party remote preparation of a single-particle quantum state, and the other is three-party remote preparation of a two-particle entangled state. In the proposed schemes, the sender Alice knows the quantum states to be prepared, while the receivers Bob and Charlie do not know the quantum states; Alice performs measurement and unitary operations on her own particles with two three-particle GHZ states as the quantum channel. According to Alice’s measurement results, Bob and Charlie measure their own particles on the corresponding quantum measurement bases and perform unitary operations on the corresponding particles to reconstruct the quantum states, respectively. Compared with multiparty joint remote preparation and two-party RSP of a quantum state, the proposed schemes realize quantum multicast communication successfully, which enables Bob and Charlie to obtain the prepared quantum states simultaneously in the case of just knowing Alice’s measurement results, while Bob and Charlie do not know each other’s prepared quantum states. It is shown that only three classical bits are required for the two proposed RSP schemes when Bob and Alice introduce an auxiliary particle, respectively, and the proposed schemes are secure after the quantum channel authentication.  相似文献   

为提高基于W态的量子通信方案的效率,提出了一种新的基于W态的量子信息拆分(QIS)方案。该方案中,秘密分发者通过局域操作将经典信息编码在量子比特上,并在分发的量子比特中随机插入非正交态粒子进行检测窃听,参与者只需进行3粒子投影测量即可恢复秘密。方案使参与者能够利用1个W态直接共享2比特经典信息,并能够抵御截获-测量、截获-重发和纠缠附加粒子攻击,安全性得以保证。该方案效率较高, 理论上其量子比特效率为67%。  相似文献   

Two schemes via different entangled resources as the quantum channel are proposed to realize remote preparation of an arbitrary four-particle \(\chi \) -state with high success probabilities. To design these protocols, some useful and general measurement bases are constructed, which have no restrictions on the coefficients of the prepared states. It is shown that through a four-particle projective measurement and two-step three-particle projective measurement under the novel sets of mutually orthogonal basis vectors, the original state can be prepared with the probability 50 and 100 %, respectively. And for the first scheme, the special cases of the prepared state that the success probability reaches up to 100 % are discussed by the permutation group. Furthermore, the present schemes are extended to the non-maximally entangled quantum channel, and the classical communication costs are calculated.  相似文献   

A method for quantum key distribution (QKD) using entangled coherent states is discussed which is designed to provide key distribution rates and transmission distances surpassing those of traditional entangled photon pair QKD by exploiting entanglement sudden death. The method uses entangled electromagnetic signal states of ‘macroscopic’ average photon numbers rather than single photon or entangled photon pairs, which have inherently limited rate and distance performance as bearers of quantum key data. Accordingly, rather than relying specifically on Bell inequalities as do entangled photon pair-based methods, the security of this method is based on entanglement witnesses and related functions.  相似文献   

Controlled teleportation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article, we review the recent development of controlled teleportation which can be used for sharing quantum information and has important applications in remote quantum computation. We introduce the principles of a couple of controlled teleportation schemes with maximally entangled quantum channels and those with pure entangled quantum channels (non-maximally entangled states). The schemes based on maximally entangled states have the advantage of having maximal efficiency although there are differences in their implementations in experiment. In the controlled teleportation schemes using non-maximally entangled states as the quantum channels, the receiver can reconstruct the originally unknown state by adding an auxiliary particle and performing a unitary evolution. No matter what the unknown state is (a single qubit state or an m-qudit state), the auxiliary particle required is only a two-level quantum system.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the recent development of controlled teleportation which can be used for sharing quantum information and has important applications in remote quantum computation. We introduce the principles of a couple of controlled teleportation schemes with maximally entangled quantum channels and those with pure entangled quantum channels (non-maximally entangled states). The schemes based on maximally entangled states have the advantage of having maximal efficiency although there are differences in their implementations in experiment. In the controlled teleportation schemes using non-maximally entangled states as the quantum channels, the receiver can reconstruct the originally unknown state by adding an auxiliary particle and performing a unitary evolution. No matter what the unknown state is (a single qubit state or an m-qudit state), the auxiliary particle required is only a two-level quantum system.  相似文献   

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