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本文提出一种碱性铜布线抛光液,其不含通用的腐蚀抑制剂,并对其化学机械抛光和平坦化(CMP)性能进行了研究。首先研究了此抛光液对铜的静态腐蚀速率和抛光速率,并与含抑制剂的铜抛光液做了对比实验。在静态条件下,此不含抑制剂的碱性铜抛光液对铜基本无腐蚀速率,而在动态抛光过程中对铜有较高的速率。而含抑制剂的抛光液对静态腐蚀速率略有降低,但是却大幅度降低了铜的去除速率。另外,对铜布线的化学机械平坦化研究表明,此不含抑制剂的碱性铜抛光液能够有效的去除铜布线表面的高低差,有较高的平坦化能力。此抛光液能够应用于铜CMP的第一步抛光,能够去除大量多余铜时初步实现平坦化。 相似文献
TaN由于其良好的性能广泛用于布线铜与介质之间的阻挡层和黏附层.在对直径为300 mm的TaN镀膜片进行化学机械抛光(CMP)后,对比并分析了两种碱性抛光液对TaN去除速率、片内非均匀性、去除速率选择性和表面粗糙度的影响.结果表明,经过自主研发且不合氧化剂的碱性阻挡层抛光液抛光后,TaN的去除速率为40.1 nm/min,片内非均匀性为3.04%,介质、TaN与Cu的去除速率之比为1.69∶1.26∶1,中心、中间以及边缘的表面粗糙度分别为0.371,0.358和0.366 nm.与商用抛光液抛光结果相比,虽然采用自主研发的抛光液抛光的去除速率低,但片内非均匀性以及选择性均满足商用要求,且抛光后TaN表面粗糙度小,易清洗,无颗粒沾污.综合实验结果表明,自主研发的高性能碱性抛光液对TaN镀膜片具有良好的抛光效果,适合工业生产. 相似文献
研究了一种碱性铜抛光液,其基本组分是硅溶胶磨料、新型FA/O V型螯合剂、非离子表面活性剂和氧化剂(H2O2)。在压力为2 psi(1 psi=6.895 kPa)、抛头转速与抛盘转速分别为97和103 r/min、流量为300 mL/min的条件下,分析了铜膜去除速率随着螯合剂和氧化剂体积分数增加的作用规律。结果表明,加入体积分数2%的螯合剂和体积分数3%的氧化剂时,抛光液具有较好的自钝化能力和较高的铜膜去除速率。同时,研究了工艺参数在抛光过程中对去除速率和片内非均匀性(WIWNU)的影响,平坦化实验的抛光工艺选择压力1.5 psi、抛头和抛盘转速分别为87和93 r/min、流量300 mL/min。实验结果表明:此种抛光液在上述工艺条件下,抛光结束时剩余高低差为63.7 nm,具有较好的平坦化效果,对抛光液商业化提供了参考价值。 相似文献
化学机械平坦化(CMP)过程中,抛光液的化学作用对平坦化效果起着不可替代的作用。介绍了碱性抛光液中氧化剂(H2O2)对铜布线CMP的作用:H2O2对铜的强氧化性可以将铜氧化为离子状态,然后在螯合剂的螯合作用下快速去除铜膜;H2O2对铜的钝化作用可以保护凹处铜膜不被快速去除,从而有效降低高低差。此外,还研究了碱性抛光液中不同H2O2浓度对铜的静态腐蚀速率、动态去除速率及铜布线平坦化结果的影响。研究表明:抛光液对铜的静态腐蚀速率随H2O2浓度的增大逐渐降低然后趋于饱和;铜的动态去除速率随H2O2浓度的增大而逐渐降低;抛光液的平坦化能力随H2O2浓度的增大逐渐增强再趋于稳定。 相似文献
采用响应曲面法(RSM)和人工神经网络(ANN)分别对化学机械抛光(CMP)碱性铜抛光液的主要成分(SiO2磨料、FA/O型螯合剂、H2O2氧化剂)进行优化研究.采用RSM优化,当抛光液中磨料、氧化剂和FA/O型螯合剂的体积分数分别为10.57%,1.52%和2.196%时,Cu的抛光速率的预测值和实测值分别为924.29和908.96 nm/min;采用ANN结合人工蜂群算法(ABC)优化,当抛光液中磨料、氧化剂和FA/O型螯合剂的体积分数分别为11.58%,1.467%和2.313%时,Cu的抛光速率的预测值和实测值分别为947.58和943.67 nm/min,其拟合度为99.36%,高于RSM的94.63%,且均方根误差较低为0.199 3.结果表明,在抛光液配比优化方面,RSM和ANN都是可行的,但后者比前者具有更好的拟合度和预测准确度,为更加高效科学地优化抛光液配比提供了一种新的思路和方法. 相似文献
在ULSI多层铜布线中,由于钽与铜在物理及化学性质上的差别导致这两者的CMP去除速率不同,从而在抛光结束后出现蝶形坑等缺陷,影响器件性能。通过实验分析碱性抛光液中磨料、螯合剂、氧化剂、pH值、活性剂对铜与钽CMP选择比的影响。根据铜与钽的CMP去除机理,从实验结果分析出对铜、钽去除速率影响较为明显的成分,调节这些成分得到特定配比的抛光液,分别实现了铜与钽的去除速率相等、铜的去除速率大于钽、铜的去除速率小于钽。使用上述铜去除速率小于钽的抛光液对12英寸(1英寸=2.54 cm)图形片进行抛光,通过原子力显微镜观察,证明了这种抛光液能有效地修复多层布线CMP中的蝶形坑等缺陷。 相似文献
化学机械抛光(CMP)工艺是IC工艺中大马士革工序的关键步骤。抛光液的电化学行为研究对抛光质量的控制具有重要意义。采用电化学测试手段,研究碱性抛光液中氧化剂(H2O2)对铜表面钝化膜的成膜影响,分析H2O2对抛光速率、表面粗糙度的影响机理。通过实验确定,在0.5% SiO2磨料和3% 表面活性剂的碱性抛光液中,添加0.5%的H2O2和3%的FA/OⅡ型螯合剂可获得大于800 nm/min的高抛光速率和表面粗糙度为22.2 nm的较佳平坦效果。 相似文献
Abstract: The stability of a novel low-pH alkaline slurry (marked as slurry A, pH = 8.5) for copper chemical mechanical planarization was investigated in this paper. First of all, the stability mechanism of the alkaline slurry was studied. Then many parameters have been tested for researching the stability of the slurry through comparing with a traditional alkaline slurry (marked as slurry B, pH = 9.5), such as the pH value, particle size and zeta potential. Apart from this, the stability of the copper removal rate, dishing, erosion and surface roughness were also studied. All the results show that the stability of the novel low-pH alkaline slurry is better than the traditional alkaline slurry. The working-life of the novel low-pH alkaline slurry reaches 48 h. 相似文献
This study reports a new weakly alkaline slurry for copper chemical mechanical planarization (CMP), it can achieve a high planarization efficiency at a reduced down pressure of 1.0 psi. The slurry is studied through the polish rate, planarization, copper surface roughness and stability. The copper polishing experiment result shows that the polish rate can reach 10032 A/rain. From the multi-layers copper CMP test, a good result is obtained, that is a big step height (10870 A) that can be eliminated in just 35 s, and the copper root mean square surface roughness (sq) is very low (〈 1 rim). Apart from this, compared with the alkaline slurry researched before, it has a good progress on stability of copper polishing rate, stable for 12 h at least. All the results presented here are relevant for further developments in the area of copper CMP. 相似文献
The planarization mechanism of alkaline copper slurry is studied in the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process from the perspective of chemical mechanical kinetics.Different from the international dominant acidic copper slurry,the copper slurry used in this research adopted the way of alkaline technology based on complexation. According to the passivation property of copper in alkaline conditions,the protection of copper film at the concave position on a copper pattern wafer surface can be achieved without the corrosion inhibitors such as benzotriazole(BTA),by which the problems caused by BTA can be avoided.Through the experiments and theories research,the chemical mechanical kinetics theory of copper removal in alkaline CMP conditions was proposed. Based on the chemical mechanical kinetics theory,the planarization mechanism of alkaline copper slurry was established. In alkaline CMP conditions,the complexation reaction between chelating agent and copper ions needs to break through the reaction barrier.The kinetic energy at the concave position should be lower than the complexation reaction barrier,which is the key to achieve planarization. 相似文献