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介绍了溶液的黏度、电导率、表面张力和溶剂的挥发性等对静电纺丝制备纳米纤维薄膜的影响,静电纺丝技术的分类,以及采用可降解的明胶等物质通过静电纺丝技术制备明胶基纳米纤维薄膜,综述了静电纺丝明胶基纳米纤维薄膜在可食用薄膜、抗菌抗氧化薄膜、组织工程、纳米纤维敷料和过滤等方面的应用。  相似文献   

复合纺丝法纺制超细旦纤维的工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林耀  穆淑华 《合成纤维》1996,25(3):16-21
用复合纺丝法纺制了涤锦复合超细纤维,在常规及高速纺丝条件下,研究了冷却条件、集束点位置、纺丝速度、涤锦复合比、拉伸条件等对纤维的力学性质、热收缩性、取向和结晶等的影响,得出在上述条件下的影响规律.文中还对纤维的剥离性能及其对纤维的纺织加工性进行研究,为利用剥离法制取涤锦复合超细纤维提供依据.  相似文献   

熔体直纺多孔超细涤纶POY纺丝成形工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李苏  朱卫华 《聚酯工业》2013,26(2):28-30
研究了熔体直纺多孔超细涤纶POY的成形加工条件。重点探讨了直纺熔体品质、纺丝温度、冷却成形条件和卷绕速度对多孔超细涤纶POY纺丝成形过程中的流变性、可纺性和结构性能以及纤维品质的影响。  相似文献   

张慧琴 《合成纤维》1995,24(4):34-36,39
本文从试纺0.55dtex聚丙烯超细纤维出发,论述了用Plantex公司聚丙烯短程纺设备纺制聚丙烯超细短纤与普通短纤的不同之处,对影响纺丝成形及成品指标的重点工艺进行了探讨,为今后批量生产聚丙烯超细短纤维打下了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

作为天然高分子之一的明胶无毒无味,具有优异的生物相容性及生物可降解性。利用静电纺丝技术制备的明胶纳米纤维膜材料能最大程度地仿生天然细胞外基质的胶原蛋白结构,因此在生物医用材料领域具有广泛的应用,引起了国内外学者的普遍关注。本文介绍了明胶静电纺丝装置、工艺的研究进展,同时总结了明胶静电纺丝纳米纤维膜材料在生物医疗领域内的应用研究情况,并展望了明胶静电纺丝工艺与明胶纳米纤维膜材料的发展趋势和研究方向。  相似文献   

PP/PA6复合超细纤维的研制   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以 PP和 PA6为原料 ,采用复合纺丝技术 ,制成单丝纤度 2~ 3 dtex的常规纤维 ,该纤维在后加工过程中可以剥离成单丝纤度小于 0 .5 dtex的复合超细纤维。介绍了复合纺丝工艺 ,讨论了对纤维物理性能指标产生较大影响的工艺参数 ,试验制得的复合超细纤维截面清晰 ,在常温常压下可染 ,织物服用舒适性良好。  相似文献   

采用自制的熔体同轴静电纺丝装置,通过控制壳层聚丙烯(PP)与核层聚乳酸(PLA)+聚乙二醇(PEG)的流量大小,制备不同直径、不同结构和不同热焓的核壳结构纤维。研究结果表明,在总流量不变的情况下,核层PLA+PEG流量增加,获得的纤维直径增大,1 g/h时平均直径为2.4μm,5 g/h时为6μm;PLA+PEG与PP流量相差越大,纤维直径越不均匀,内外层结构也越不均匀;PLA+PEG流量增大,制备的纤维热焓增大。为获得直径均匀、结构均匀、热焓较大的核壳结构超细纤维,PLA+PEG与PP流量比值控制在1~2倍较佳。  相似文献   

采用75%四氢呋喃(THF)和25%N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)的混合溶液作溶剂,通过气流-静电纺丝法制备了苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)超细纤维。利用扫描电镜(SEM),研究了溶液浓度、电压、接收距离(喷丝孔到接收板的距离)、喷丝孔内径对静电纺纤维的直径和形貌的影响。研究发现:溶液浓度对电纺纤维的直径和形貌有非常重要的影响,当溶液浓度由10%增加到18%时,电纺纤维平均直径随之成线性增加;当电压由23.8kV增加到33.8kV时,纤维平均直径先减小后增加。最佳工艺条件为:溶液质量分数为14%,电压为28.8kV,接收距离为20cm,喷丝孔内径为0.27mm,所得SBS电纺超细纤维平均直径为429nm。  相似文献   

用溶液静电纺丝方法制备了聚醚酮酮超细纤维,用扫描电子显微镜研究了实验过程中纺丝电压、纺丝距离、流量、纺丝液浓度对于聚醚酮酮纤维直径和形貌的影响,并对多个纺丝参数的影响规律进行了分析。实验结果表明,在一定条件下纺丝电压和纺丝距离对纤维直径影响较小,而流量和纺丝液浓度能显著影响纤维直径,在小流量、低浓度容易得到较细的纤维,并且纤维直径分布集中。  相似文献   

介绍了POY—DTY工艺路线在德国NEUMAG细旦丝生产设备及英国SDS—700C设备上生产单丝线密度为0.41dtex超细纤维的工艺技术,探讨了各工艺参数对产品质量的影响。  相似文献   

通过高压静电场纺丝法制备了羟丙基甲基纤维素邻苯二甲酸酯(HPMCP)的超细纤维,并详细研究了溶液浓度、纺丝电压及混合溶剂的配比对纤维形态和直径的影响。当混合溶剂中的无水乙醇与二氯甲烷为1∶1(V/V)时,在纺丝电压为30kV的条件下,HPMCP可纺丝的浓度范围为7%~16%(wt)。溶液浓度为7%时,电纺得到珠状纤维;浓度大于8%时,得到表面光滑的圆柱状纤维。随着纺丝溶液浓度的增大,所得纤维的平均直径逐渐增大。在HPMCP溶液浓度(8%)和溶剂组成(无水乙醇/二氯甲烷=1∶1)保持一定时,随着纺丝电压的增大,所得纤维的平均直径呈下降的趋势。而在纺丝浓度和电压一定的情况下,随着混合溶剂中二氯甲烷体积分数的增大,所得纤维的平均直径先增大后减小,无水乙醇与二氯甲烷体积比为1∶1和1∶2时,所得纤维的直径分布相对集中。  相似文献   

夏长林 《合成纤维》2019,48(8):19-26
相变纤维(PCF)已被广泛研究并用作高性能非织造布和涂料。随着纤维制造技术的发展,静电纺超细PCF已经被开发和研究。综述了静电纺丝技术对超细(亚微米)PCF的研究和发展状况。讨论了使用长链脂肪烃(或石蜡)、聚乙二醇、脂肪酸(及其共晶体)和其它固液相变材料(PCM)作为潜热储存材料的静电纺超细PCF的形态、组成和热性质,为制造具有所需热物理性质的超细PCF提供指导。  相似文献   

In this work, porous polyethersulfone (PES)/polyethylene glycol (PEG) ultrafine fibers were prepared via electrospinning technique, and then were used to removing endocrine disrupters from their aqueous solutions. The surface and the internal structures of PES/PEG ultrafine fibers were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the result showed that they were both porous. The porous electrospun PES/PEG ultrafine fibers can remove endocrine disrupters such as biphenyl A (BPA) and biphenyl (BP) effectively. Compared with pure PES ultrafine fibers, PES/PEG ultrafine fibers showed larger adsorption capacity and faster kinetics of uptaking target species. The hydrophilic properties and the porosity of porous PES/PEG ultrafine fibers can be controlled by adding hydrophilic materials such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), which can improve the adsorption properties of porous PES/PEG ultrafine fibers significantly. The results showed that porous electrospun PES/PEG ultrafine fibers had the potential to be used in environmental application and water treatment.  相似文献   

Elastomeric EPDM fibers with diameters of 200–400 nm are prepared by coaxial electrospinning of PVP/EPDM fibers, subsequent vulcanization of the polymers and finally removal of the outer PVP layer using ethanol. The initially applied PVP layer restricts the elastic recovery of the EPDM fibers. The crosslinking density of the EPDM fibers reaches 8.44 × 10?5 mol · cm?3. The original morphology of EPDM is preserved after removing the PVP layer. The ultrafine EPDM fibers are expected to be useful in many fields, such as brittle plastics toughening, as well as applications in extremely high or low temperatures.


利用自制熔体微分静电纺丝装置,将聚丙烯(PP)与3种亲水改性剂——纳米碳酸钙、十二烷基苯磺酸钠和亚雷森7008进行共混,成功制备了PP共混超细亲水纤维,并对纤维的亲水性能进行测试。结果表明:制备的纤维的直径主要集中在2~6μm,有效产量约为9 g/h;亚雷森7008的亲水改性效果最好,当亚雷森7008质量分数为5%时,单位质量共混纤维的吸水率为1269%,输水速率为3.48g/(min?g);随着改性剂含量的增加,纤维直径先增大后减小,芯吸高度增加,亲水改性效果更好。  相似文献   

首先测试分析了山东英利产Lyocell纤维(英赛尔)的结晶度和取向度,证明其具有原纤化所需的内部结构;然后基于原纤化产生的理论条件、方法,力求在外力均匀作用的环境中,使Lyocell纤维及其制品更快、更均匀地产生超细化,分裂出超细纤维且对纤维制品的负面影响最小,最终得到超细化的具体技术方案。结果表明:Lyocell纤维在2.5 mol/L的NaOH溶液中膨润10 min后,经低能槽式超声设备处理30 min或者经高能探头式超声设备处理10 min后,均可有效地超细化,分裂成超细纤维,且超声波处理时间越长,纤维超细化程度越高。低能槽式超声设备方便用于Lyocell纤维织物的超细化处理。  相似文献   

随着国家对食品安全管控的加强,明胶的微生物指标越来越受到明胶生产企业以及客户的重视。一旦微生物超标,将不利于产品的卫生安全,甚至给人们的健康带来潜在的危害。本文围绕明胶生产过程中易被微生物污染的环节,探讨了明胶生产过程中的微生物防控技术,为提高明胶的食用安全性提供参考。  相似文献   

Ag nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized in formic acid aqueous solutions through chemical reduction. Formic acid was used for a reducing agent of Ag precursor and solvent of gelatin. Silver acetate, silver tetrafluoroborate, silver nitrate, and silver phosphate were used as Ag precursors. Ag+ ions were reduced into Ag NPs by formic acid. The formation of Ag NPs was characterized by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Ag NPs were quickly generated within a few minutes in silver nitrate (AgNO3)/formic acid solution. As the water content of formic acid aqueous solution increased, more Ag NPs were generated, at a higher rate and with greater size. When gelatin was added to the AgNO3/formic acid solution, the Ag NPs were stabilized, resulting in smaller particles. Moreover, gelatin limits further aggregation of Ag NPs, which were effectively dispersed in solution. The amount of Ag NPs formed increased with increasing concentration of AgNO3 and aging time. Gelatin nanofibers containing Ag NPs were fabricated by electrospinning. The average diameters of gelatin nanofibers were 166.52 ± 32.72 nm, but these decreased with the addition of AgNO3. The average diameters of the Ag NPs in gelatin nanofibers ranged between 13 and 25 nm, which was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).  相似文献   

Electrospun fibrous substrates mimicking extracellular matrices can be prepared by electrospinning, yielding aligned fibrous matrices as internal fillers to manufacture artificial nerves. Gelatin aligned nano-fibers were prepared by electrospinning after tuning the collector rotation speed. The effect of alignment on cell adhesion and proliferation was tested in vitro using primary cultures, the Schwann cell line, RT4-D6P2T, and the sensory neuron-like cell line, 50B11. Cell adhesion and proliferation were assessed by quantifying at several time-points. Aligned nano-fibers reduced adhesion and proliferation rate compared with random fibers. Schwann cell morphology and organization were investigated by immunostaining of the cytoskeleton. Cells were elongated with their longitudinal body parallel to the aligned fibers. B5011 neuron-like cells were aligned and had parallel axon growth when cultured on the aligned gelatin fibers. The data show that the alignment of electrospun gelatin fibers can modulate Schwann cells and axon organization in vitro, suggesting that this substrate shows promise as an internal filler for the design of artificial nerves for peripheral nerve reconstruction.  相似文献   

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