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On the pitting corrosion currents of zinc by chloride anions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The changes in the pitting corrosion current density with time on zinc electrode concerning the concentration of both the passivating borate and the aggressive chloride anions were followed using a simple electrolytic cell. The pitting corrosion currents started to flow after an induction period, τ. This period is found to be a function of the concentration of Cl anion, according to the relation logτ=βγlogCCl. The pitting corrosion currents finally reached a steady-state value, which depended on the concentration of both B4O72− and Cl anions. At a constant B4O72− anion concentration, the pitting corrosion current varied with the concentration of Cl anion according to the relation logipit=a1+b1logCCl. It also varies at constant Cl anion concentration and various B4O72− anion concentration according to the relation logipit=a2b2logCB4O72−. The susceptibility of the passivating zinc to pitting corrosion was found to be increasing as the temperature and pH of the solution increases. Results are discussed on the basis of adsorption of the aggressive anion on the passivating film, followed by penetration through the film and incorporation in it. This undermines the oxide film and causes pitting corrosion.  相似文献   

The anodic behaviour of Zn electrode in 1 × 10−2 M Na2B4O7 solutions in the absence and presence of various concentrations of Na2SO4, Na2S2O3 or Na2S as aggressive agent was studied by galvanostatic polarization technique. In the absence of sulphur-containing anions in solution, the polarization curves are characterized by one distinct arrest corresponding to Zn(OH)2 and/or ZnO, after which the potential increases linearly with time due to the formation of barrier oxide film before reaching the oxygen evolution reaction. The duration time of the arrest decreases with increasing current density while the rate of oxide film formation increases. On the other hand, the duration time of the arrest increases with the number of anodic cyclization while the rate of oxide film formation decreases. Additions of low concentration of the aggressive anions have no effect on the passive film formed on the metal surface. The potential starts to oscillate within the oxygen evolution region with increases in the concentration of these aggressive anions. Further increases in the concentration of these aggressive anions are associated with impaired Zn passivity that might indicate pitting attack. The aggressiveness of the sulphur species decreases in the order: . The effect of raising pH of the solution on the anodic behaviour of Zn electrode in the presence of anions was also investigated. It was found that the raising the pH of the solution affecting on the rate of oxide film formation and the breakdown potential value.  相似文献   

A five-nation study has investigated the mechanisms and rates of the atmospheric corrosion of zinc and steel in tropical regions in Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and The Philippines. For the study, 18 exposure sites encompassing severe marine, marine, severe industrial, industrial, marine/industrial, urban and highland environments were established across the countries. At each location, zinc and steel plates were exposed for periods of three months and one year, and measurements were taken of a wide range of surface-response and climatic parameters, including gaseous SOx and NOx, airborne salinity, relative humidity (RH) and temperature, rainwater composition, surface temperature and time of wetness (TOW). Exposed plates were used to determine mass loss, the nature of corrosion products (using FTIR and SEM-EDS) and the morphologies of corrosion layers (via SEM-EDS). Regression analysis indicated that the prime factors controlling zinc corrosion rate were climate (temperature and rainfall) and surface-response (TOW), and surprisingly not pollutant levels, despite significant variation in SOx levels across the sites. SEM studies indicated the presence of pitting below the oxide layers on zinc, particularly those plates exposed at marine and other sites with relatively low SOx levels. In contrast, no pitting was observed (or pits had very low aspect ratios) in the specimens exposed at sites with high SOx levels. The possible processes leading to the observed damage patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Pitting corrosion of stainless steel has been investigated with high-resolution in situ X-ray microtomography. The growth of pits at the tip of stainless steel pins has been observed with 3D microtomography under different conditions of applied current and cell potential. The results demonstrate how pits evolve in stainless steel, forming a characteristic “lacy” cover of perforated metal. In addition, it is shown how the shape of pits becomes modified by MnS inclusions.  相似文献   

Employing electrochemical frequency modulation for pitting corrosion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using the electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) technique, the non-linear behavior of a corroding system is measured. This non-linear behavior is likely to be different for a system undergoing uniform or pitting corrosion. The implementation of the EFM technique to detect pitting corrosion has been investigated by observing the fluctuations in the so-called causality factors. These causality factors, resulting from an EFM test and in the ideal case having values of 2 and 3, respectively, are normally used for quality and data validation purposes. While investigating pitting corrosion, they show different behavior leading to the CPT (critical pitting temperature) detection.  相似文献   

Acoustic emission (AE) during pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel (304 SS) in H2SO4 solutions with different pH values and Cl concentrations was studied. Two types of AE signals are detected in all solutions. Each type of signals is characterized by AE parameters (rise time, counts number, duration and amplitude) and waveform carefully. It is believed that the hydrogen bubbles evolution inside the pits is the AE source.  相似文献   

An improved method is described for obtaining detailed information on the size and shape of many corrosion pits by examination with White Light Interferometry. The entire surface is first imaged at low resolution by automatically stitching individual images into one composite image. Specially written software analyses the image and determines the location of all corrosion pits. The program then guides the white light interferometer in making high resolution topographic images of each pit. The images are analyzed to give any desired data about the pit geometry, such as depth, maximum width, projected area, volume, etc. Curves showing the depth distribution for each pit can be generated along with detailed topographic images of all pits. The technique does not work for pits that undercut the surface, and there is a practical size limit of about 20 cm2. The method is therefore best suited for studying the early stages of pit propagation.  相似文献   

A microcrystalline aluminium film with grain size of about 400 nm was prepared by magnetron sputtering technique. Its corrosion behaviour was investigated in NaCl containing acidic solution by means of potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical noise (EN). The polarization results indicated that the corrosion potential of the sample shifted towards more positive direction, while its corrosion current density decreased compared with that of pure coarse-grain Al. The EN analysis based on stochastic model demonstrated that there existed two kinds of effect of microcrystallization on the pitting behaviour of pure aluminium: (1) the rate of pit initiation is accelerated, (2) the pit growth process was impeded. This leads to the enhancement of pitting resistance for the microcrystallized aluminium.  相似文献   

Pitting corrosion is difficult to detect, predict and design against. Modeling and simulation can help to increase the knowledge on this phenomenon as well as to make predictions on the initiation and progression of it. A cellular automaton based model describing pitting corrosion is developed based on the main mechanisms behind this phenomenon. Further, a sensitivity analysis is performed in order to get a better insight in the model, after which the information gained from this analysis is employed to estimate the model parameters by means of experimental time series for a metal electrode in contact with different chloride concentrations.  相似文献   

The change of polarization curves and surface morphologies of SUS304 stainless steel was investigated in 3.5 mass% NaCl solution with or without the application of ultrasound (US). As the result, both the pitting corrosion and the crevice corrosion were largely suppressed by the application of US. The reason is attributed to the decrease in the concentration of hydrogen and chloride ions in pits or in the crevice by removing the corrosion product and stirring the liquid there.  相似文献   

Using a simple electrolytic cell, the pitting corrosion current of reinforcing steel is measured in Ca(OH)2 solutions in presence of chloride and sulfate as aggressive ions. Pitting corrosion current starts to flow after an induction period which depends on the concentration of both the aggressive and the passivating anions. The pitting corrosion current densities reach steady-state values which depend also on the type and concentration of the corrosive and passivating anions. The corrosive action of the aggressive species decreased in the order: SO42− > Cl. Corrosion of the steel is found to be governed by a single electron transfer reaction. Raising the temperature decreases the induction period associated with pit initiation and increases the corrosion current associated with pit propagation. From Arrhenius plots, the activation energies for both pit initiation and pit propagation in presence of chloride and sulfate ions are calculated.  相似文献   

A model based on deterministic equations with statistically distributed input parameters has been developed for simulating the evolution of the pit depth distribution at different exposure times and the percentage of pits that transform to stress corrosion cracks. The model has been applied to the specific case of steam turbine disc steel exposed to a range of environments under applied stress. With preliminary fitting at one exposure time, the simulation not only reflects the trends in the experimental measurement but also the model, uniquely, reproduces the statistical variability or “noise” associated with the measurements.  相似文献   

The probability distributions of external-corrosion pit depth and pit growth rate were investigated in underground pipelines using Monte Carlo simulations. The study combines a predictive pit growth model developed by the authors with the observed distributions of the model variables in a range of soils. Depending on the pipeline age, any of the three maximal extreme value distributions, i.e. Weibull, Fréchet or Gumbel, can arise as the best fit to the pitting depth and rate data. The Fréchet distribution best fits the corrosion data for long exposure periods. This can be explained by considering the long-term stabilization of the diffusion-controlled pit growth. The findings of the study provide reliability analysts with accurate information regarding the stochastic characteristics of the pitting damage in underground pipelines.  相似文献   

The pitting corrosion resistance of a new family of duplex stainless steels has been evaluated. These non-standard duplex stainless steels are characterised by low Ni content and high N and Mn levels. Potentiodynamic polarisation scans in NaCl solution have been carried out to determine pitting potentials. A crevice-free cell has been used to perform the electrochemical tests.An exponential equation is obtained in the regression analysis between the pitting potential and chemical composition which allows an estimate of the pitting resistance of these new duplex stainless steels.  相似文献   

Localized pipe wall damage accounts for many failures. Numerical modelling of pipes under increasing axial load and constant internal pressure when there is corrosion pits on the exterior surface of the pipe is reported herein. It is shown that for the assumed ideal elastic–plastic material the shape and volume of the plastic field depend on pit depth and its geometry. Pipe wall fracture around a pit can be associated with a critical plastic section. The results reported herein should be relevant for estimating of the risk of perforation and of loss of contents for steel pipes under different loading.  相似文献   

Measurements of pitting corrosion by potentiodynamic method and also by acoustic emission technique were carried out simultaneously. Cumulative distribution function of pitting corrosion (CDFP) occurrence was determined based on the results of potentiodynamic measurements. Independently cumulative distribution function of acoustic events (CDFAE) was found. The correlation analysis of both distributions was also performed. The occurrence of pitting corrosion was checked by metallographic observation. The measurements proved that observable acoustic activity is an effect of hydrogen evolution inside the pits. The random character of acoustic events during polarization, statistical analysis and existence of pits are good confirmation.  相似文献   

L. Peguet  B. Malki 《Corrosion Science》2007,49(4):1933-1948
This paper addresses the influence of cold rolling and tensile deformation on the pitting corrosion resistance of AISI 304 and AISI 430 stainless steels, investigated using some electrochemical techniques specifically designed for the different pitting stages to be analyzed separately. Cold work is shown to act differently depending on the pitting stage under consideration. (i) The pit initiation frequency shows a maximum after 20% cold-rolling reduction or 10% tensile deformation. This maximum is also observed on the ferritic grade, contradicting the hypothesis of a direct effect of strain-induced martensite, and is more likely related to the dislocations pile-ups. (ii) The pit propagation rate increases monotonously with cold rolling reduction, and pit repassivation ability decreases (leading to a larger number of stable pits), suggesting that the overall dislocation density is the controlling factor in these stages. Last, the significance of pitting potential measurements is discussed in the light of the effect of the cold-rolling reduction on the measured values.  相似文献   

The pitting corrosion current of reinforcing steel is measured under natural corrosion conditions in Ca(OH)2 solutions in presence of Cl as aggressive ions and as inhibiting anions. The corrosion current starts to flow after an induction period which depends on solution composition (concentration, pH and presence or absence of the aggressive and the inhibiting anions). The limiting corrosion currents increase with increasing the Cl ion concentration and decrease with increasing the pH and inhibiting ions concentration. The inhibition efficiency of the studied inhibiting ions increases in the following order: , and depends on the way by which the inhibitor is added to the solution. Injection of the inhibiting anions in solution causes repassivation of the pre-formed pits through competition with Cl ions for adsorption sites on metal oxide surface. The adsorbability constant and the free energy of repassivation of the inhibiting anions are calculated.  相似文献   

The corrosion mechanisms of pitting, intergranular corrosion, and general corrosion were examined on an AE44 magnesium alloy subjected to immersion and salt-spray environments. The two environments show similar trends with respect to weight loss and thickness loss, although the immersion environment induces greater amounts of weight loss of magnesium. With respect to the corrosion mechanisms, the two environments show definitive trends, owing to the continuous presence of water in the immersion environment allowing more and larger pits to form as compared to the salt-spray environment. The immersion environment was more deleterious than the salt-spray environment for magnesium.  相似文献   

A newly synthesized glycine derivative (termed GlyD), 2-(4-(dimethylamino)benzylamino)acetic acid hydrochloride, was used to inhibit uniform and pitting corrosion processes of Al in 0.50 M KSCN solutions (pH 6.8) at 25 °C. For uniform corrosion inhibition study, Tafel extrapolation, linear polarization resistance and impedance methods were used, complemented with SEM examinations. An independent method of chemical analysis, namely ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry) was also used to test validity of corrosion rate measured by Tafel extrapolation method. GlyD inhibited uniform corrosion, even at low concentrations, reaching a value of inhibition efficiency up to 97% at a concentration of 5 × 10−3 M. Results obtained from the different corrosion evaluation techniques were in good agreement. This new synthesized glycine derivative was also used to control pit nucleation and growth on the pitted Al surface based on cyclic polarization, potentiostatic and galvanostatic measurements. The pitting potential (Epit) and the repassivation potential (Erp) increased by the addition of GlyD. Thus GlyD suppressed pit nucleation and propagation. Nucleation of pit was found to take place after an incubation time (ti). The rate of pit nucleation and growth decreased with increase in inhibitor concentration. Morphology of pitting was also studied as a function of the applied anodic potential and solution temperature. Cross-sectional view of pitted surface revealed the formation of large distorted hemispherical and narrow deep pits. GlyD was much better than Gly in controlling uniform and pitting corrosion processes of Al in these solutions.  相似文献   

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