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欧泊,合成欧泊,仿欧泊的鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李景芝 《中国宝石》1996,5(2):97-98

埃塞俄比亚欧泊的成分特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年在埃塞俄比亚Welo省附近发现了一个新的火山型欧泊矿床,该产地的欧泊具有比较独特的外观。通过激光诱导离解光谱仪、X射线能谱仪、傅里叶红外光谱仪及热重分析测试研究了埃塞俄比亚欧泊样品的成分特征及所含水的存在形式,并与澳大利亚和墨西哥欧泊的成分特征进行了对比研究。研究表明:埃塞俄比亚欧泊含有Si、Ca、Mg、Al、Ba、Fe和Sr等元素,其中Ca、Ba和Sr元素含量总体比澳大利亚欧泊和墨西哥欧泊高,具有一定的产地鉴别意义。埃塞俄比亚欧泊的红外光谱在791cm~(-1)处的吸收峰指示其具有一定的结晶度,此特征与同是火山热液成因的墨西哥欧泊一致,而与风化淋滤成因的澳大利亚欧泊没有明显结晶化的特征不同。热重分析测试结果表明,埃塞俄比亚欧泊中的水以吸附水和结晶水两种形式存在,与其它产地欧泊没有明显差异。  相似文献   

立新 《中国宝石》2010,(1):124-124
澳大利亚产的欧泊举世闻名.以颜色艳丽,色彩丰富而著称。但是.很多人不知道的是,欧泊中还有更为珍贵的特殊品种——欧泊化石。  相似文献   

韩永奇 《饮料工业》2010,13(5):43-46
上海世博会终于来了。被称为"经济奥运会"的上海世博会于2010年5月开幕,世博会经济凸显的巨大吸引力、巨大影响力成为各商家营销战的必争之地。今年五·一期间,笔者应朋友之邀,到上海参观世博会。在游玩观展的同时,笔者重点观察了世博会中饮料市场的表现,利用这个难得而又短暂的机会进行走马观花、浮光掠影般的考察,可以说,世博会期间的上海饮料市场亮点多多,世博营销引人注目。  相似文献   

享有“珠宝诗人”美誉的曾郁雯,是台湾第一位同时获得苏富比和佳士得这两大国际拍卖会青睐的珠宝设计师,也是唯一荣获金马奖、入围金曲奖的珠宝设计师。多年的跨界阅历,让她的欧泊作品呈现出不拘一格的诗意。四年前,在上海珠宝展上第一次见到曾郁雯,当时即被她从容、优雅的言谈举止折服。  相似文献   

会“呼吸”的欧泊,这让人听起来非常的不可思议.但却是笔者亲眼所见。 21年来,笔者奔波于世界各地的宝石矿区和珠宝交易中心,同时每年都会到美国图桑(Tucson)珠宝展进行采购,从未间断.可以说阅尽天下各种宝石。即便是这样,如此奇特的欧泊.笔者也是第一次见到.这是其它产地的欧泊难以具备的特点。  相似文献   

2010年中国(上海)国际茶博会于5月21日~24日亮相上海国际展览中心。此届茶博会展是多年来上海及长三角地区规模最大,参展单位最多的一次中外茶业盛会。本届上海茶博会紧密链接上海世博会,成为世博会中外贵宾、参观者在上海世博会期间的一个具有“展现千年茶文化独特风采,汇集百样茶品香艳世界”的特色游观新景。  相似文献   

目前,“绿色食品”在百姓中间己不再是一个陌生词汇,它不但进入了百姓的健康话题,而且在某种程度上已经成为一冲饮食时尚,政府有关部门对绿色食品的重视程度和工作力度也越来越大,但在零售业及百姓消费中,绿色食品还停留于一种概念上的认识,离实际的销售及实际的购买还有一段距离根据目前的市场状况,我认为主要有以下几点问题:  相似文献   

Athena 《中国宝石》2012,(9):106-107
欧泊集宝石之美于一身,仿佛色彩精灵进驻其中,古今中外无数人为它痴迷。来自德国的百年欧泊商EmilWeis就是这样一家痴爱欧泊的公司,其创始人曾经拒绝为英女王献宝。  相似文献   

营销创新是推动企业发展的主导力量,企业要制胜知识经济时代、提升企业核心竞争力,必须进行营销创新.而营销策略创新是营销创新的核心,它主要包括产品策略创新、价格策略创新、渠道策略创新和促销策略创新.  相似文献   

建筑材料是城市文明的象征,影响着一个城市的面貌,与人类生活息息相关.以上海世博会展馆的建筑材料为样本,将其分为节能材料、环保健康材料、环境友好材料,居住舒适性材料等四个类别进行讨论,总结了未来建筑材料发展的趋势.  相似文献   

低碳展示是在展示设计出现是在生态文明背景下寻找到的一种新的展示学科发展方式,低碳展示必须从政府、参展商、展示设计以及搭建单位、参观者以及学科教育等角度考虑,围绕营造低碳展示空间、配置低碳展示设施、倡导低碳展示方式,培育低碳展示体验环境来加以实现。  相似文献   

基于近5年上海市纺织工业经济及财务指标、进出口和固定资产投资等数据,对上海市纺织工业十一五期间的发展状况进行了分析,着重分析了2010年上海市纺织工业的发展情况,以期发现工业运行中的各种影响因素,并对2011年的发展方向作了预测分析。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国农业市场化改革取得了巨大成就,但目前农业市场化进程仍较缓慢.本文在分析制约我国农业市场发展的因素的基础上,提出推进我国农业市场化的策略选择.  相似文献   

民国时期是川酒的重要发展期,运销活动发达。运销活动主要集中在盆西平原区、川东丘陵区及沱江、涪江、川江沿线,运销中心有灌县、绵竹、成都、犍为、遂宁、合川、江津、重庆、万县。川酒主要销往以成都、重庆两地为消费中心区域,出川运销湖北、湖南、南京、上海、陕西、甘肃等地。川酒运销线路与酒的产地分布、人口分布、消费水平及交通条件等因素密不可分。  相似文献   


On January 1, 2005, the Multi-Fibre Arrangement, which established quotas on different categories of apparel and textile imports to the European Union, was phased out.This article synthesizes the determinants of trade patterns in the absence of quotas and reviews their impact for the UK apparel retailermarket. It assesses international strategic merchandising from China, post-quota elimination for the UK apparel market with particular reference to global adjustment to apparel supply. However, to sustain their domination of global fashion textile supply, particularly to EU markets, China will need to face the challenges of anti-dumping, technical regulations or standards, preferential trade agreements, regional free trade zones and other non-tariff trading barriers. The article concludes that China is well placed to exploit her position of dominance but suggests that sub-optimal considerations of cost versus response time to the EUretailer will provide a challenge for the future supply of fashion retail products.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the chemical structure, antioxidant and immuno‐stimulating activities of two polysaccharides, TPS–FJ and TPS–SC, extracted from Tremella fuciformis from two of the major cultivation regions of China. TPS–FJ and TPS–SC contained protein and high uronic acid. Average molecular weights of TPS–FJ and TPS–SC were 45 461 and 25 981 kDa, respectively. A triple‐helix conformation was exhibited by TPS–FJ but not by TPS–SC. TPS–FJ and TPS–SC contained same monosaccharides but in different ratios. Both the polysaccharides displayed characteristic polysaccharide bands in their Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectra, shown high water and oil holding capacity, and retained antioxidant potential after simulated gastrointestinal digestion in vitro. TPS–FJ significantly (< 0.05) stimulated the nitric oxide, tumour necrosis factor‐α and interleukin‐6 production of RAW 264.7 cells with higher reactions than those of TPS–SC in vitro. Thus, Tremella fuciformis polysaccharide can be used as a potential antioxidant and immunomodulatory ingredient in food industry.  相似文献   

Mulberry (genus Morus) is a significant source of polyphenols, which can promote positive effects on human health. China has various mulberry cultivars, however, many Chinese mulberry cultivars have been only minimally studied. To solve this lack of research, 8 mulberry cultivars (Da10, Tang10, Yueshen74, Yuefenshen, Longsang, Ningxia1hao, Taiwanguosang, and Baiyuwang) from 4 regions of China were assessed to determine their polyphenol profiles using HPLC‐MS/MS and then tested for their antioxidant and anti‐α‐glucosidase activities in vitro. A total of 18 nonanthocyanins and 4 anthocyanins were quantified in mulberry cultivars; among these polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, quercetin 3‐O‐rutinoside, and cyanidin 3‐O‐glucoside were confirmed as the major phenolic acid, flavonol derivative, and anthocyanin, respectively. Two types of stilbene compounds, piceid, and piceatannol, were detected for the 1st time in all mulberry cultivars. Moreover, the methanolic extracts of different mulberry cultivars showed disparate antioxidant and α‐glucosidase inhibitory activities, and this discrepancy was mainly attributed to varying the anthocyanin content. Based on our results, Taiwanguosang is proposed to be a good candidate suitable for further process due to its high level of anthocyanins.  相似文献   

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