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介绍了迷彩图案的分类、特点及发展趋势,指出迷彩图案向多色渐变、迷彩基布向多元混纺、迷彩功能向多频谱伪装方向发展的趋势,并向传统的平网和圆网迷彩印花技术提出了挑战。采用现行的分散/还原一浴两相圆网印花技术,通过对染化料、糊料和设备等的优选,实现了军警迷彩印花对色牢度、颜色一致性和近红外伪装方面的高要求,在传统的斑块迷彩印花方面具有技术优势。新型印花技术,包括转移印花和喷墨印花,可极好地实现多色渐变迷彩的效果,但是还存在一些急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

针对盲人出行困难及安全性不足的问题,从智能服装设计角度提出一种具有安全防护功能的盲人服。从警示功能与防护功能角度出发,在服装胸、腰、手腕处缝制反光条,在颈、胯、手肘、膝盖部位缝制可拆卸式气囊;从盲人日常出行需求出发,利用嵌入式技术为服装载体设计探路功能、摔倒检测与防护功能、未起身报警功能;利用基于支持向量机的特征值提取方法确定摔倒判定的阈值。结果显示:相较于普通服装,盲人服在厚重感、宽松感方面的舒适性差,在七分制评分下其总体舒适性评分低0.14分;在距离20 m以内的昏暗环境中,盲人服具有评分“良好”的警示效果,其对左右障碍物辨识度可达100%;设置传感器合加速度与合角速度阈值为27.44 m/s2及60 (°)/s时, 系统对摔倒判定成功率可达100%;未起身报警功能可有效保护无法自行起身的穿着者,并通过短信与网页显示及时通知监护人。  相似文献   

服装CAD技术指标评价体系的建立   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
李旭 《纺织学报》2006,27(2):105-109
针对目前服装CAD应用过程中出现的技术不规范问题,概括了二维CAD和三维CAD的技术特点和指标体系。并从用户使用的角度对其中的主要技术进行了分析比较,建立起相应技术指标的评价体系,其中通用化技术指标强调规范化和智能化,基本功能技术指标要求完整性,并根据重要性按4∶6比例分配打分。该评价体系为服装CAD技术规范化和技术评价提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

雷达伪装用含碳纤维非织造布的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种用聚丙烯腈基碳纤维、低熔点涤纶纤维和普通涤纶短纤维制作的雷达伪装用非织造布絮片。使用不同质量比的碳纤维和涤纶纤维混合梳理铺层,利用热风法非织造布絮片制作技术制作非织造布,并对其中的碳纤维进行了表面绝缘处理,对所得到的产品的微波吸收性能进行了检测。结果发现,随着碳纤维含量的变化,材料对于8-18GHz电磁波的吸收能力也逐渐变化。当碳纤维含量从100%到0%逐渐变化时,其对雷达波的吸收能力先是缓慢增加,当含量10%左右时,达到最大值,之后,随着碳纤维含量的进一步减少,其吸收能力急剧下降。  相似文献   

Today electronics in “wearable systems” or “smart textiles” are mainly realised on traditional interconnection substrates, like rigid printed circuit boards or mechanically flexible substrates. The electronic modules are detachable to allow cleaning and washing of the textile. In order to achieve a higher degree of integration and user comfort, a technology for flexible and stretchable electronic circuits was developed. The electronic system is completely embedded in an elastomer material like polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS, silicone), resulting in soft and stretchable electronic modules. The technology uses standard packaged components (ICs) and meander-shaped copper tracks, so that stretchable systems with complex functionality can be achieved. This paper describes how these stretchable modules can be integrated in textiles. Also the influence of the PDMS on the stretchability of the textile has been examined. A basic electronic module with blinking light emitting diodes (LEDs) was designed and produced to illustrate the textile integration and to perform initial washing tests.  相似文献   

为了制备具有电磁波屏蔽、热防护功能的红外防伪面料,使用化学镀镍、镀铜和镀银等空心微珠分别对涤棉织物进行涂层整理,试验结果表明,当金属化空心微珠在涂层剂中形成三维导电网络结构时,电磁波屏蔽性能最好,其中葡萄糖镀银微珠屏蔽效果好于酒石酸钾钠镀银微珠,而且随着添加量的增加,电阻率逐渐降低,屏蔽效能增大。当添加量相同时,涂层织物热防护性能为:未镀空心微珠涂层织物〉葡萄糖镀银微珠涂层织物〉镀铜微珠涂层织物〉镀镍微珠涂层织物。  相似文献   

郑晴  王昭杰  王鸿博  王敏  柯莹 《纺织学报》2021,42(7):158-163
为提高电动自行车骑行时的热舒适感和腿部灵活性,应用高性能的材料,采取分体式款式和多开口结构,设计开发了新型电动自行车骑行防寒服。基于真人着装实验,将新型防寒服与一款现有防风衣进行对比,首先在5 ℃和50%相对湿度的冷环境中通过皮肤温度测量和主观感受评价测试服装的保暖性,其次采用视觉模拟评分法评价服装的工效性。实验结果表明:在骑行过程中,穿着新型防寒服的平均皮肤温度显著高于防风衣,主观热感和热舒适感较防风衣有明显改善;新型防寒服的裤装设计会影响穿脱便捷性,但显著提高了腿部运动灵活性,更适用于具有脚踏功能的电动自行车骑行。  相似文献   

In this work, novel materials with heat management properties have been developed by means of the encapsulation of a phase changing material (PCM) in a biopolymeric matrix using the electrospinning technique. This study optimizes the methodology to obtain micro-, submicro- and nanoencapsulation structures based on zein (a maize protein) and dodecane (a PCM paraffin which has a transition temperature at −10 °C). The results demonstrate that dodecane can be properly encapsulated in the zein matrix under different conditions, although the efficiency and, thus, the heat management properties of the structures developed, change according to the encapsulation morphology and the electrospinning parameters/configuration employed. These encapsulation technologies can be of interest in the food industry in order to develop new smart packaging materials with the ability to maintain temperature control, e.g. to preserve the cold chain.  相似文献   

洪岩  杨敏  陈雁 《纺织学报》2013,34(1):96-100
为了研究人体生理特征指标和服装微气候指标的监测方法,通过分析能够反映人体健康状况的生理特征指标和人体舒适感的服装微气候指标,文章探讨了将传感器和显示器技术应用于服装产品的路径与方法,设计了应用于人体生理指标监测智能服装的信息采集、传输、显示和记录系统,研制了可以用于服装的、以AT89C52单片机为基础的智能化生理指征监测服装系统,本文对系统进行了分析和介绍。本文的研究成果可以为传感器和显示器技术在智能服装领域的应用提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

The development of textronic and miniaturization of textile sensors allow them to be used as elements of an innovative system for measuring the vital functions of young children. One of the important functions of this system is the measurement of respiratory rhythm, which is based on the variations in the resistance of a knitted fabric made of electrically conductive strands, integrated into baby underwear. The research presented in this article was carried out in order to select the optimum type of stitch used for knitting. The tests were carried out on five samples made of different types of stitches. The resistance studies of individual samples were performed during their operation. The selection of suitable stitches for stability and reliability of measurements was made. In the second stage of the study, two samples selected on the basis of stage 1 were subjected to continuous cycles of 5 h. Based on this two-step analysis, a stitch selection was made.  相似文献   

翟丽娜  李俊  杨允出 《纺织学报》2020,41(10):188-196
为揭示热传感器的测评规律和当前相关研究的不足,通过对热传感器相关研究及历史文献的梳理和对比,分析归纳了热传感器的类别,各类热传感器的结构特征、信息采集方法、传热模拟模型、应用场景及测评特点。研究表明:铜片式传感器测试稳定性好,但其热学性能与人体皮肤有一定差异,存在低估烧伤发生的风险;皮肤模拟传感器可更为真实地模拟人体皮肤受热的热响应状态,但其应用范围受限。根据研究的发展现状可以预测,铜片式传感器的功能应用将集中在标准化测试中,皮肤模拟传感器还需要更多的技术完善,新型传感器可考虑将模拟范围扩大到皮肤内部的热性能模拟上。  相似文献   

Development of a smart packaging for the monitoring of fish spoilage   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
There is much interest from the fisheries industry in developing rapid methods to evaluate real-time freshness of fish and seafood products. Emphasis is on the ones that would reflect and account for the products history and their storage conditions from “harvest-to-home”. The development of a “smart packaging” that monitors the microbial breakdown products in the headspace of packaged fish is described. When fish spoils it releases a variety of basic volatile amines which are detectable with appropriate pH indicating sensors. These are prepared by entrapping within a polymer matrix a pH sensitive dye that responds, through visible color changes to the spoilage volatile compounds that contribute to a quantity known as total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N). Laboratory trials on fresh fish filets showed that the sensor accurately tracks the increase in amines concentration in the package headspace. The response was also found to correlate to changing microbial populations (total viable count or TVC and Pseudomonas spp.). In addition, leaching of the dye was assessed over time to assess the suitability of the sensor formulation for food packaging application.  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器构建服装测量用温湿度仪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈益松  杨凯  张渭源 《纺织学报》2007,28(5):117-121
温度和相对湿度是服装热湿舒适性研究领域中2个重要的测量参数,对其进行精确的动态实时测量是服装领域的实用技术。以美国国家仪器(NI)公司的虚拟仪器为架构,在LabVIEW为系统软件的开发环境下,研制了1台温湿度测量仪。该仪器具有多路信号输入,数据连续采集与处理,图形化显示,文件存储,超限报警等多项功能,并具有设置灵活,方便修改的特点,可用于服装热湿舒适性测量及其他相关领域,并在实验中取得了良好的结果。  相似文献   

In this study, antibacterial alginate fibers were developed by using two approaches for fiber development. Firstly, replacing the sodium ions of sodium alginates with metal ions like zinc. Secondly, replacing the sodium ions of sodium alginate with biologically inactive ions like calcium and loading the fibers with ZnO nanorods. Fibers were characterized by liquid absorption and ion release measurements, by placing them separately in distilled water, solution A (0.8298% NaCl & 0.0368% CaCl2) and normal saline solution. Results showed that release of ions from fibers was affected by liquid absorption, physiology of solution and contact time with solution. More ions were released from fibers with higher absorption and longer contact time. Calcium alginate fibers containing zinc ions showed greater absorbency as well as the greater metal ions release. Fibers containing zinc ions, and ZnO nanorods were also tested for their mechanical properties and antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Alginate fibers containing ZnO nanorods were stronger than alginate fibers containing zinc ions. However, calcium fibers containing zinc ions exhibited more antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Dust-free fabrics and garments are essentially used in hospitals to maintain hygiene in operation theatres and also in various other industrial establishments, such as cleaning electronic chip manufacturing rooms. It is also needed for personal health care of allergy and asthma patients. In order to design a dust-free fabric, it is very important to study the characteristics of the textile materials that influence dust attraction. In this work, the dust particle size and its distribution on different types of fabrics with different fibre types have been studied making use of non-conventional instruments. As of today, there is no instrumental technique available for studying the dust concentration on textile substrates. Therefore, there is a need for developing an instrument that would measure dust particle size and their concentration on textile materials. A digital dust analyzer has been developed for this purpose. This instrument is calibrated by standard dust particles that have similar properties as that of atmospheric dust particles. The reference dust particle size falls in the range of 0.1–198 μ m. A set of fabrics were selected to study the effect of fabric properties towards dust attraction. The results revealed that lowest dust accumulation occurs on plain woven 100% polyester fabrics followed by polyester–cotton blends. The dust-less fabrics developed through different techniques such as polyurethane coating, silicone finishing and weaving of metallic filaments showed satisfactory improvement in their functional properties. Polyurethane coated fabrics give best results followed by silicone finish fabrics and metallic yarn woven fabrics. Based on the analysis and understanding of the results, some of the factors influencing the dust affinity of fabrics are established.  相似文献   

Microbial transglutaminase (MTG) isolated from Streptomyces mobaraensis has been available on a commercial scale for several years. MTG generates inter- and intramolecular cross-links between γ-carboxylamide groups of glutamine residues and ɛ-amino groups of lysine residues in proteins. Due to its great potential to improve various functional properties of proteins, MTG is mainly used to enhance texture, stability, and water binding. Application of MTG for the production of plant protein-based foodstuffs such as tofu, noodles, bread and bakery products, is still limited to raw materials from soybean and wheat. However, with the increasing demand for vegetarian foods, the utilisation of novel proteins as functional ingredients, e.g. from peas, lupins, sesame, and sunflower, seems promising. To open new horizons for MTG application, this review aims at demonstrating the actual potential of MTG in processing foodstuffs based on vegetable proteins. Particular focus was laid on novel plant protein sources suitable for cross-linking with MTG. Furthermore, strategies for improving texture and nutritive value of the proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, tri-layer fabrics for surgical gown applications were developed using polypropylene spunbond, polypropylene melt-blown and polyester/rayon spunlace (hydro-entangled) nonwoven layers with the aid of a fusing machine and polypropylene powder as the bonding agent. Weight, thickness, bending rigidity, grab tensile properties, bursting strength, air permeability, water vapour transmission rate, hydrostatic pressure, water resistance (impact penetration test), and synthetic blood repellency of the fabrics (unfinished and finished with water repellent polymethylhydrosiloxanes solution) were measured and the data was statistically analyzed. The results showed that the finished fabric composed of the spunbond outer layer, melt-blown middle layer, and spunlace inner layer, meets the blood repellency requirements of level 4 protection according to the barrier protection classification of Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). The other samples, i.e. untreated type of abovementioned sample and treated and untreated tri-layer of spunbond, melt-blown, spunbond samples offer level 2 protection according to AAMI classification.  相似文献   

采用双阳极动态阴极电解槽以电沉积的方式制备铁铜合金Fe70Cu30,通过工艺试验、添加试验测定铁铜合金的性能及应用性能研究。研究结果表明:Fe70Cu30本身即具有良好的热压烧结性能和很好的冷压性能;研究表明电沉积铁铜合金能够降低烧结温度,硬度没有大的变化,抗弯强度普遍有不同程度提高。根据应用试验结果,我们认为电沉积铁铜合金在某些方面具有无法替代的作用。  相似文献   

Carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCS) hydrogel beads were normally prepared from a composite formulation with other polymers, such as alginate. In present study, a novel method was developed to prepare CMCS hydrogel beads in alcohol-aqueous binary solvents. The morphology and shape of the beads were highly dependent on alcohol concentration. The most spherical hydrogel beads were obtained with 3% calcium and 30% alcohol concentration. The chemical crosslinking agent, glutaraldehyde, was needed to maintain the hydrogel integrity and morphology upon drying. Vitamin D3, a model nutrient, was encapsulated into the beads and 96.9% encapsulation efficiency was obtained. The effects of freeze-drying and room temperature drying were studied on the swelling behaviors and release properties in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Possible mechanisms for CMCS hydrogel beads formation in binary solvents were discussed. The CMCS hydrogel beads prepared in 30% alcohol-aqueous binary solvent may be a promising delivery system for hydrophobic nutrients or drugs.  相似文献   

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