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The main purpose of modelling the yarn structure is to find relations that are more reliable giving the behaviour of the yarn starting from its components. In this paper, the identification of the mechanical behaviour of the elastic core spun yarns by a rheological modelling on the basis of pre-existent phenomenological models is presented. In this model, the elastic core spun yarn is considered as a viscoelastic material. The model is verified experimentally with two types of elastic core spun yarns 50/78 and 59/156 and a range of draft of five values for two types of yarn and two values of elastane count in dtex (78 and 156). Comparative analysis of the theoretical and experimental tensile curves indicates a high level of correlation between both data-sets. The effect of the elastane draw ratios on the parameters of this model is established in the second part of this paper. Our test results revealed that the elastane draft is one of the important factors influencing the elasticity and the viscosity of elastic core spun yarns.  相似文献   

A comparison of fortified and functional foods on such parameters as destination, food group, the principles of enrichment with vitamins and/or macro- and micronutrients, doses and forms of vitamins and minerals, hygienic regulations of micronutrients usage and content in the final product, regulatory and technical documentation, duration of application, effectiveness, labeling, information for consumers has been carried out. Insufficiency and the need to improve the regulatory framework for functional foods are noted.  相似文献   

Compression therapy is the universally accepted treatment for the management of hypertrophic scarring after severe burns. A review of the type of treatments for burns and type of compression garments commercially available is discussed in Part 1 of this paper (Anand, Kanchi Govarthanam, & Gazioglu, in press). A refined model was also designed to predict the sub-garment pressure more accurately, irrespective of the shape and size of the limb (see Part 1, in press). The thermophysiological properties of the compression garment provide comfort by preserving body temperature and moisture output close to their normal levels. In this study, the dimensional, mechanical and thermophysiological properties of four fabrics procured from different sources were thoroughly studied and compared. The study was aimed at the determination of their suitability to be utilised for the management of hypertrophic scarring. It was established that one of the fabrics investigated possessed superior properties in comparison to the other three fabrics. It was also demonstrated that the characteristics of this particular fabric can be further enhanced for its suitability for use as a compression garment for this specific area of application.  相似文献   

Skin burns are usually caused by contact with fire, heat, electricity, light, radiation, hazardous chemicals and friction. The degree of the burn is classed based on the extent and depth of the burn. A third-degree burn is classed as a severe burn and compression therapy is universally accepted as the treatment to manage hypertrophic scarring caused after such burns. This paper describes the types of burns and the different types of treatments available and reviews the types of compression garments that are commercially available for the management of hypertrophic scarring after severe burns. The Laplace equation that is used to model a pattern-cutting chart has been refined to predict the sub-garment pressure more accurately, irrespective of the shape and size of the limb. This model’s accuracy was further validated by constructing garments for the arms and legs of a male volunteer and measuring the actual pressures by using a Kikuhime pressure measuring device.  相似文献   

对比酱油新老标准,新标准包括一个酿造酱油标准和一个配制酱油标准,增加了对原辅料、铵盐、标签等内容的强制性条款,新标准科学、合理,易于宣传贯彻执行。  相似文献   

Biocompatibility of six different compression stockings and cytotoxic effects were determined using HaCaT keratinocytes, L929 mouse fibroblasts, primary adult and juvenile keratinocytes Cells were quantified using a luminometric ATP assay and the photometric BCA test. Cytotoxic effects were determined by LDH release. An area-based extraction ratio of 1.25 cm2:mL could be shown to be superior to the weight-based extraction of test material. Extraction medium should be an acidic sweat solution as this helps to recreate in vivo conditions. Monolayer cultures of HaCaT keratinocytes or L929 mouse fibroblasts should be used for testing. Primary adult keratinocytes or primary juvenile keratinocytes can also be used. For the latter, testing under DMEM with FCS is recommended to achieve comparable results. It was found that the compression stockings tested exhibited no negative influence on cell viability in vitro and no direct cytotoxic effects measured as release of LDH. Hence, good biocompatibility could be asserted.  相似文献   

J.Str 《国际纺织导报》2005,33(7):60-60,62
描述了由Benninger公司开发的能在实现针织坯布控制松弛的同时除去表面的硅油和针织油剂的新工艺。大量应用证明在无需热定型的情况下可进一步加工。新工艺适合于针织物连续开幅以及不连续绳状加工工艺。  相似文献   

A.Sch 《国际纺织导报》2009,37(6):36-36,38,42
聚酰胺/弹性纤维印花织物已大大丰富了泳装的类型,但客户不断变化的颜色和设计要求对所有的印染厂而言永远是一个挑战。描述了一种聚酰胺/弹性纤维印花织物高效水洗后加工工艺。  相似文献   

德国Alterfil公司开发的高技术含量的缝纫线Alterfil 120能满足缝制紧身衣、内衣、泳装及袜品时对缝纫线的要求。同时介绍了采用弹性缝线缝制针织品时对缝纫针及其他设备的要求。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of elastane linear density and draft ratio on the physical and mechanical properties of core-spun yarns. Twenty yarn samples were prepared on industrial scale in a spinning mill with two different yarn linear densities, each with different two elastane deniers and five draft ratios. It was found that core-spun yarn’s tenacity, elongation and hairiness are affected not only by the overall yarn linear density but also by the elastane linear density and the draft ratio. However, the effect of elastane linear density and draft ratio was not found to be statistically significant on the yarn mass variations and total imperfections, which are only affected by the overall yarn liner density. A statistically significant interaction for yarn elongation at break was found between the yarn liner density and the elastane linear density concluding that elastane linear density used in the core must be compatible with the overall yarn liner density for attaining the best yarn elongation.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiles in normal human gingival and dermal fibroblasts were investigated using DNA microarrays. Their fundamental characteristics were almost identical, but 5% of their genes were uniquely expressed. These results help us to choose an optimal cell source for effective fibroblast-based cell therapy that is dependent on differential gene expression profiles.  相似文献   

压力袜是缓解、治疗下肢静脉疾病简便有效的一种医用纺织品,其穿着安全性和有效性受到广泛关注。文章选择年轻女性作为研究对象,使用超声多普勒血流探测仪测量其穿着不同等级压力袜时下肢远端皮肤血流速度的变化,探讨了在穿着不同压力等级压力袜和在不同穿着时间情况下,压力袜对人体下肢远端足背处血流的影响。研究表明,压力袜的穿着对人体下肢远端血流速度有较为明显的抑制作用,并且随着压力等级的增高,下肢足背处血流速度降低率变小。同时,长时间穿着压力等级较小的压力袜,对人体下肢远端血流的抑制效果与短时间穿着压力等级较高的压力袜的效果接近。  相似文献   

采用石墨烯、碳纳米管、聚吡咯等导电导热材料,在两层织物的上层以方格形式印刷石墨烯涂料,下层织入导电纱线。运用多学科知识,采用上下层织物接触导通电路的方式,以压力为条件在接触区域产生热能的新颖电热原理,设计了具有受压局部发热且温度可调功能的新型智能纺织品,该纺织品具有可折叠变形、节能简约、安全度高、实用便捷等特点,可以用于食品的恒温保温、汽车飞机座椅加热、康复医疗等各种领域。文章从纱线材料、织物组织结构、电路分析等方面对智能纺织品进行设计研发。  相似文献   

Isolated and separated protein fractions from cereal and pseudocereal grains were analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and scanning electron microscopy. Prolamin, the main storage protein in cereal such as maize, showed a difference in electrophoretic patterns and fine structure in comparison with those from amaranth and soybean. In contrast glutelins from amaranth, soybean and maize showed some similarity in the distribution of protein bands and in microstructure. Amaranth and soybean were closely similar in distribution of protein fractions and their microscopic structure. As an addition to chemical analyses, microscopy helped to understand and visualize structural changes and textural differences in protein fractions. Pseudocereals can be used as a nutritive substitute of some cereals in functional foods.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(8):6783-6794
Milk is a primary protein source that has always played a role in mammalian health. Despite the intensification of research projects on dromedary and the knowledge of the genetic diversity at the casein loci, the genetic structure of the Tunisian camel population still needs exploration. This study sought to determine the genetic diversity of 3 casein gene variants in 5 Tunisian camel ecotypes: c.150G>T at CSN1S1S1-casein), g.2126A>G at CSN2-casein), and g.1029T>C at CSN3-casein). The obtained results were compared with data published on Sudanese and Nigerian camels to establish the level of differentiation within and between populations. A total of 159 blood samples were collected from 5 Tunisian camel ecotypes and the extracted DNA was genotyped by PCR-RFLP. A streamlined genotyping protocol was also developed for CSN3. Results indicated that allele T was quite rare (0.06) at CSN1S1 for all ecotypes. Minor allele frequency was found for G (0.462) in CSN2 except for Ardhaoui Medenine ecotype who deviated from the average CSN2 allele frequency of the total population. Allele C showed minor allele frequency of 0.384 in CSN3. Among the Tunisian population, GAT (0.343) was the most represented haplotype in all ecotypes except for Ardhaoui Medenine, where GGC (0.322) was the most frequent one. Significant differences in heterozygosity and local inbreeding were observed across the Tunisian, Sudanese, and Nigerian populations, although the global fixation index indicated that only 2.2% of the genetic variance is related to ecotype differences. Instead, phylogenetic analysis revealed a closer link between the Tunisian and Sudanese populations through a clade subdivision with 3 main branches among the ecotypes. This study represents the first attempt to understand casein gene variability in Tunisian camels; with further study, milk traits and genetic differentiation among populations can be associated with the history of camel domestication.  相似文献   

The wear comfort desired by the consumer is leading to increased use of fabrics containing elastane filaments. However, the elastane's ratio is an important factor influencing the fabric's mechanical properties. Thus, we study the effect of elastane's ratio and finishing process on the elasticity of denim whose weft yarns are cotton covered elastane-core spun yarns having the same twist factor and various elastane's ratio.  相似文献   

Basel Younes 《纺织学会志》2017,108(5):674-682
This article is focused on biopolymers as intelligent environmentally friendly polymers, the production processes, and coatings of biotextiles used in different industries for next generation environmental applications. Furthermore, classification and composition of biodegradable polymers, the theoretical techniques, and factorial experimental designs for the optimization of processes with intelligent biotextiles used as an alternative to commercial chemical-based textiles at reasonable cost with a zero to low environmental footprint are discussed. This article will also provide how these novel modeling methodologies will assist polymer designers in making the best decision. The present work also discusses how the fully biodegradable polymers support the textiles industry by decreasing the processing energy, material, and manufacturing costs. Finally, current development as well as potential future applications and trends of biodegradable polymers in modern biodegradable textiles industry will be presented.  相似文献   

As outlined in compression therapy literature, the performance of a compression textile can be characterized by its stiffness and interface pressure. In this study, an indirect approach for measuring pressure from a set of compression bandages and hosiery was developed, from which rigidity (EI) values were determined, and tension–elongation curves and pressure-elongation data were calculated. The calculated pressure values were compared against PicoPress sensor readings measured on 10 participants. Results showed that the correlation between both approaches varied among bandage and hosiery samples.  相似文献   

现在染色者已可应对最初提出的挑战,通过熟悉各种影响参数并控制它们利于织物的弹性、匀染性和牢度级数,以制定合适的优化策略。必须特别注意的是热定型工艺的温度。作为基本规则,建议采用下降的温度趋势,染前用高温热定型,而染后用低温热定型/干燥,这相比于反过程织物的性能将更好。应用一些适用于单个工艺技术且满足所需织物性能的特定化学助剂,可使聚酯超细纤维/弹性纤维混纺织物成功染色后的性能符合高质量标准。  相似文献   

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