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Fatigue is undoubtedly the most important design criterion in aeronautic structures. Although friction stir-welded joints are characterized by a high mechanical performance, they can enclose some defects, especially in their root. These defects along with the relatively low residual stresses of the friction stir-welding thermomechanical cycle can turn into primary sources of crack initiation. In this context, this article deals with the fatigue behavior of friction stir-welded joints subjected to surface smoothing by grinding improvement technique. The 4-mm-thick aluminum alloy 2024-T351 was used in this study. The fatigue strength of the base material, joints in the as-welded condition, and the sound and defective friction stir-welded joints improved by grinding were investigated in detail. The tests were carried out with a constant amplitude loading and with a stress ratio of R = 0. The fatigue results show that an improvement in fatigue behavior was obtained in the joints repaired by superficial grinding technique. The weld grinding technique is better especially for lower loads and increases the high cycle fatigue strength. The fatigue strength of the improved welded joints was higher than that of the base material.  相似文献   

The fatigue experiment was executed for the 2219-T6 aluminum alloy friction stir-welded joints at the rotation speed of 800 r/min and the welding velocity of 150 mm/min. Most fatigue failures occurred in the weld nugget zone (WNZ), the thermo-mechanical affected zone and the nearby areas. The experimental results demonstrated that the sudden hardness gradient increases sites corresponding to the fatigue failure locations. The high-angle grain boundaries with the highest concentration were scattered within the WNZ. The microcracks initiated at the intersection of the soft grains. More than one crack initiation site was observed within the WNZ and the thermo-mechanical affected zone, when the fracture occurred in these areas. The rough surface of the welding area should be one of the main reasons for the fatigue failure occurrence. The fatigue crack growth rate in the WNZ at the first stage was fastest in comparison with the fatigue crack growth rate in the other areas of the joint.  相似文献   

A356 and 6061 aluminum alloys were joined by friction stir welding at constant tool rotational rate with different tool-traversing speeds. Thermomechanical data of welding showed that increment in tool speed reduced the pseudo heat index and temperature at weld nugget (WN). On the other hand, volume of material within extrusion zone, strain rate, and Zenner Hollomon parameter were reduced with decrease in tool speed. Optical microstructure of WN exhibited nearly uniform dispersion of Si-rich particles, fine grain size of 6061 Al alloy, and disappearance of second phase within 6061 Al alloy. With enhancement in welding speed, matrix grain size became finer, yet size of Si-rich particles did not reduce incessantly. Size of Si-rich particles was governed by interaction time between tool and substrate. Mechanical property of WN was evaluated. It has been found that the maximum joint efficiency of 116% with respect to that of 6061 alloy was obtained at an intermediate tool-traversing speed, where matrix grain size was significantly fine and those of Si-rich particles were substantially small.  相似文献   

对铝合金3003进行一系列的搅拌摩擦搭接焊试验,并对焊接接头的工艺及组织性能进行了分析。试验结果表明:焊接接头可分为3个区域:焊核区、热机械影响区和热影响区,各区域的组织有明显的特征。当搅拌头的旋转速度为1120 r/min,焊接速度为50mm/min时,焊缝成型良好,当焊接工艺参数选择不恰当时,会产生飞边、沟槽、隧道型缺陷、钩状缺陷及波浪状曲线等缺陷。同时该旋转速度下各焊接速度所对应的抗拉强度普遍较高,基本可以达到母材抗拉强度的75%以上。在搭接焊核区硬度较高,有的甚至超过母材,在上板前进侧的热影响区硬度达到最低值。  相似文献   

This article presents a method for automatic seam-tracking in friction stir welding (FSW) of lap joints. In this method, tracking is accomplished by weaving the FSW tool back-and-forth perpendicular to the direction of travel during welding and monitoring force and torque signals. Research demonstrates the ability of this method to automatically track weld seam positions. Additionally, tensile and S-bend test result comparisons demonstrate that weaving most likely does not reduce weld quality. Finally, benefits of this weave-based method to FSW of lap joints are discussed and methods for incorporating it into existing friction stir welding control algorithms (such as axial load control) are examined.  相似文献   

Microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of dissimilar friction stir-welded aluminum and magnesium alloys were investigated by applying three different rotational speeds at two different travel speeds. Sound joints were obtained in all the conditions. The microstructure was examined by an optical and scanning electron microscope, whereas localized chemical information was studied by energy-dispersive spectroscopy. Stir zone microstructure showed mixed bands of Al and Mg with coarse and fine equiaxed grains. Grain size of stir zone reduced compared to base metals, indicated by dynamic recrystallization. More Al patches were observed in the stir zone as rotational speed increased. X-ray diffraction showed the presence of intermetallics in the stir zone. Higher tensile strength and hardness were obtained at a high rotational speed corresponding to low travel speed. Tensile fractured surface indicated brittle nature of joints. Dissimilar friction stir weld joints showed different behaviors in different corrosive environments, and better corrosion resistance was observed at a high rotational speed corresponding to low travel speed (FW3) in a sulfuric and chloride environments. Increasing travel speed did not significantly affect on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance as much as the rotational speed.  相似文献   

研究了搅拌摩擦焊法搭接TA2工业纯钛和T2紫铜。工艺优化实验结果表明:Cu/Ti搭接搅拌摩擦焊工艺窗口较窄,在搅拌头转速800 r/min、焊速20 mm/min以及搅拌头转速900 r/min、焊接速度30 mm/min的焊接工艺参数配比条件下,可获得无缺陷且焊缝表面、搭接界面成形良好的Cu/Ti接头。对搅拌头转速800 r/min、焊速20 mm/min的焊接参数下获得的Cu/Ti接头焊缝进行金相和SEM观察,分析结果表明:搭接界面两侧Cu、Ti宏观流动现象明显,Ti向Cu一侧的塑性材料流动量要明显优于Cu向Ti一侧,且在局部机械混合区呈典型的Cu/Ti相间条带状结构;在搭接界面处形成一层平均厚度约为4.8 μm的扩散过渡层,在过渡层中Cu的扩散速度要大于Ti的扩散速度,Cu/Ti搭接界面形成冶金结合  相似文献   

Friction stir lap welding of the similar and dissimilar aluminum alloys is investigated. AA 5182 and AA 6022 aluminum alloys (the widely used aluminum alloys for automobile applications) are selected for the feasibility studies. The friction stir lap welding shows that the placement of the aluminum alloys in the different orders over each other affect the final weld quality and its mechanical properties. The welding parameters such as rotational and traverse speeds and the penetration depth are key factors to affect the micro-structure soundness. The mechanical and the micro-structural characterization is performed on the joints formed with varying welding parameters and from the different order of placement of the AA 6022 and the AA 5182 sheets. The weld failure occurs on the advancing side during the peel tests indicating that the retreating side is relatively stronger. Measured temperatures indicate that the advancing side has higher developed temperature during the course of welding compared to the retreating side.  相似文献   

谢一鸣  夏春  李建萍  邢丽 《热加工工艺》2012,41(11):131-132,135
用搅拌摩擦焊方法对树脂基复合材料与铝合金进行了搭接试验,研究了轴肩下压量对接头成形及力学性能的影响。结果表明:利用搅拌摩擦焊方法可以实现这两种材料的搭接,其界面结合机制为机械结合;轴肩下压量对接头成形和性能具有重要的影响,采用合适的轴肩下压量可形成成形良好、无宏观缺陷的焊接接头;SEM观察表明,接头界面存在的微裂纹可能是接头力学性能不太理想的主要原因。  相似文献   

Keyhole left at 316L stainless steel friction stir welding/friction stir processing seam was repaired by filling friction stir welding (FFSW). Both metallurgical and mechanical bonding characteristics were obtained by the combined plastic deformation and flow between the consumable filling tool and the wall of the keyhole. Two ways based on the original conical and modified spherical keyholes, together with corresponding filling tools and process parameters were investigated. Microstructure and mechanical properties of 316L stainless steel FFSW joints were evaluated. The results showed that void defects existed at the bottom of the refilled original conical keyhole, while excellent bonding interface was obtained on the refilled modified spherical keyhole. The FFSW joint with defect-free interface obtained on the modified spherical keyhole fractured at the base metal side during the tensile test due to microstructural refinement and hardness increase in the refilled keyhole. Moreover, no σ phase but few Cr carbides were formed in the refilled zone, which would not result in obvious corrosion resistance degradation of 316L stainless steel.  相似文献   

研究了两种新型航空铝合金的L-T和T-L取样方向的平面应变断裂韧性K<,IC>值,采用标准紧凑拉伸试样进行试验,最后对实验数据进行了整理比较,并对试件进行了扫描电镜观察,通过电镜照片分析了该现象的产生机理.研究结果显示,这两种新型航空铝合金平面应变断裂韧性均高于传统航空铝合金,且存在明显的各向异性.对于同种铝合金材料而言,L-T取向的K<,IC>值高出T-L取向K<,IC>值42%~45%.  相似文献   

通过试验研究了刹车减速度对摩擦焊接头韧性的影响.结果表明,适当降低刹车减速度,改善了顶锻阶段的变形条件,提高了接头韧性.通过配比合适的转动惯量,最终取消刹车,可降低能耗,提高接头质量,简化焊机结构.  相似文献   

The effect of peening on the fatigue crack growth performance of friction stir-welded 7075 aluminum alloy was investigated. The fatigue crack growth rates were assessed for laser- and shot-peening conditions at stress ratios (R) of 0.1 and 0.7. The surface and through thickness residual stress distributions were characterized for the different regions in the weld. The results indicate a significant reduction in fatigue crack growth rates using laser peening compared to shot peening and the as-welded condition. The effect of the compressive stresses obtained through laser peening was deemed responsible for increasing the resistance to fatigue crack growth of the welds.  相似文献   

以建筑用X100管线钢焊接接头为研究对象,通过CTOD实验对母材、焊缝和HAZ区的断裂韧性进行研究。结果表明,随着温度的降低,X100管线钢焊接接头的断裂韧度逐渐降低。相同温度下,母材的断裂韧度最好,焊缝的断裂韧度最差,不同形状和分布的M-A组元是影响焊接接头断裂韧度的主要因素。  相似文献   

Metal Science and Heat Treatment - Lap joints of AA2014 aluminum alloy produced by friction stir welding and subjected to post weld heat treatment have been studied. The shear strength and hardness...  相似文献   

采用搅拌摩擦焊对异种铝合金6061-T6(上板)和A356-T6(下板)进行搭接焊,用体式和光学显微镜观察搭接接头的组织形貌,并测试其显微硬度.结果表明:在适当的工艺参数条件下,可以获得表面成形良好、内部无明显缺陷的搭接接头.在焊核区,两板间存在明显的界面,且位置较原位置整体上移,前进侧界面处呈锯齿状,界面由两种铝合金组织交替镶嵌而成,而后退侧界面则呈曲线状.两板均呈现典型的搅拌摩擦焊接头组织:焊核区由细小的等轴晶组成,而热影响区组织与母材相似,晶粒有细微粗化,热机影响区晶粒被拉长、弯曲,有明显的塑性流动.两板焊缝区显微硬度比各自母材均有不同程度的降低,且上板6061-T6降低幅度较大,焊后最大硬度约为母材的65%.  相似文献   

依据HB5142-1996标准对A356.0铝合金铸件断裂韧性进行测定,测出KIC为18.48 MPa·m1/2.通过进一步的断口观察和能谱分析,对影响材料断裂韧性的因素进行了分析.结果表明:铸造A356.0断口脆性特征明显,铸造试样中的宏观铸造缺陷对其断裂韧性造成很大影响.  相似文献   

Friction stir welding (FWS) is regarded as a more plausible alternative to other welding methods for Al-Cu dissimilar joining. However, the structure of an FSW joint is different from others. In this study, lap joints of 6061 aluminum alloy and commercially pure copper were produced by FSW, and the effects of rotation rate on macromorphology, microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. In addition, a fracture J integral model was used to analyze the effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties. The results revealed that the macrodefect-free joints were obtained at a feed rate of 150 mm/min and 1100 rpm and that the failure load of the joint reached as high as 4.57 kN and only reached 2.91 kN for the 900 rpm, where tunnel defects were identified. Particle-rich zones composed of Cu particles dispersed in an Al matrix, and “Flow tracks” were observed by the EDS. The J integral results showed that the microdefects on the advancing side cause serious stress concentration compared with the microdefects located on the Al-Cu interface, resulting in the fracture of the joints.  相似文献   

7475铝合金断裂韧性KIC的各向异性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用标准紧凑拉伸试样测定了7475铝合金T-L和L-T向的平面应变断裂韧性KIC值。利用扫描电镜分析了断口形貌,对7475合金KIC各向异性的程度和机理进行了研究。结果表明:7475合金的断裂韧性具有明显的各向异性,T-L向的KIC约比L-T向低10MPa·m1/2或25%左右。同一取向上,KIC的大小与时效制度及加工工艺有关。  相似文献   

铸造铝合金A356平面断裂韧度KIC的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董大军  上官晓峰 《铸造》2007,56(5):520-522
按照HB5142-1996实验标准,采用紧凑拉伸(CT)试样测定铸造铝合金A356的平面断裂韧度KIC值,并使用光学显微镜(OP)、扫描电镜(SEM)以及能谱分析仪(ESA)等现代技术观察了合金的组织、断口形貌并对其夹杂物成分进行了鉴定,从微观角度给予解释。试验结果表明:铝合金A356铸件的KIC值15~20 MPa.m1/2,接近2×××系(Al-Cu合金)和7×××系(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金)变形铝合金的下限,断口为准解理断裂,铸造缺陷明显降低KIC值。最后提出了一些提高平面断裂韧性的改进措施。  相似文献   

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