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Spontaneously diabetic C57BL/6J obob and C57BL/Ks dbdb mice have been shown to have significantly decreased immunoassayable pancreatic somatostatin concentrations compared to lean littermate controls at 11-12 weeks: obob 1.06+/-0.15 pg/mug protein (n=10) vs control 1.94+/-0.-6 pg/mug protein (n=10) (mean +/- SE; p less than 0.005); dbdb 0.7+/-0.2 pg/mug protein (n=8) vs control 1.5+/-0.2 pg/mug protein (n=8) (mean +/- SE; p less than 0.005). An inverse relationship between circulating insulin levels and pancreatic SRIF concentration is suggested.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We performed ex vivo adenoviral gene transfer in a mouse pancreatic islet transplant model to test the efficacy of this expression system. We then determined whether adenoviral-mediated expression of mouse interleukin (IL) 4 or IL-10 from transduced syngeneic islet grafts could prevent disease recurrence in diabetic nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. METHODS: An adenoviral vector expressing beta-galactosidase (AdCMV betaGal) was used to transduce BALB/c islets (2.5 x 10(3) plaque-forming units/islet), which were analyzed for glucose responsiveness, islet cell recovery, and efficiency of gene transfer. In vivo function and reporter gene expression were examined with AdCMV betaGal-transduced islet grafts in alloxan-induced diabetic syngeneic recipients. Adenoviruses expressing either IL-4 or IL-10 were used in a similar fashion to infect NOD islets, which were characterized in vitro, as well as transplanted into diabetic syngeneic recipients. RESULTS: In vitro functional studies showed no significant difference between control or transduced islets, with 50+/-4% of AdCMV betaGal-infected islet cells staining positive for beta-galactosidase. Transplant recipients became nomoglycemic within 48 hr after transplant, and, although beta-galactosidase expression decreased over time, it was detectable in the graft for up to 8 weeks. Despite the nanogram quantities of IL-4 or IL-10 produced/day from each graft equivalent in vitro, transduced and transplanted NOD islets failed to prevent disease recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that adenoviruses are efficient for at least medium term gene expression from islets in vivo, but neither IL-4 nor IL-10 alone can prevent autoimmune disease recurrence in NOD mice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine, in vivo, the effect of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) treatment time and tissue blood flow on the size and shape of the resulting necrotic lesion in porcine liver. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Radiofrequency ablation is an electrosurgical technique that uses a high frequency alternating current to heat tissues to the point of desiccation (thermal coagulation). Radiofrequency ablation is well established as the treatment of choice for many symptomatic cardiac arrhythmias because of its ability to create localized necrotic lesions in the cardiac conducting system. Until recently, a major limitation of RFA was the small lesion size created by this technique. Development of bipolar and multiple-electrode RFA probes has enabled the creation of larger lesions and therefore has expanded the potential clinical applications of RFA, which includes the treatment of liver tumors. A basic understanding of factors that influence RFA lesion size in vivo is critical to the success of this treatment modality. The optimal RFA technique, which maximizes liver lesion size, has yet to be determined. Theoretically, lesion size varies directly with time of application of the RF current, and inversely with blood flow, but these relationships have not been previously studied in the liver. METHODS: Six animals underwent hepatic RFA (460 kHz), for 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, and 20 minutes. Identical, predetermined anatomic areas of the liver were ablated in each animal. Two additional animals underwent 12 RFA treatments -- 6 with vascular inflow occlusion (Pringle maneuver) and 6 with uninterrupted hepatic blood flow. Animals were euthanized and the livers were removed for gross pathologic examination. All lesions were measured in three dimensions and photographed. Tissues were examined by routine histology and by histochemistry to determine viability. RESULTS: Increasing duration of RFA application from 5 through 20 minutes did not create lesions of larger diameter, but this time increase did predict deeper lesion production (beta = 0.34, p = 0.04). A range of lesion shapes were created from four separate ovals (corresponding to each electrode), to larger ovals intersecting to form a cross, to spheroid lesions. The number of blood vessels in close proximity to the probe tip (within a 1-cm radius from the center of the lesion) strongly predicted minimum lesion diameter (beta = -0.61, p = 0.0001) and lesion volume (beta = -0.56, p = 0.0004). This negative effect of blood flow on lesion size was confirmed experimentally. Radiofrequency ablation lesions created during a Pringle maneuver were significantly larger in all three dimensions than lesions created without a Pringle maneuver: minimum diameter was 3.0 cm (with Pringle) versus 1.2 cm (p = 0.002), maximum diameter was 4.5 cm (with Pringle) versus 3.1 cm (p = 0.002), depth was 4.8 cm (with Pringle) versus 3.1 cm (p < 0.001), and lesion volume was 35.0 cm3 (with Pringle) versus 6.5 cm3 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Blood flow is a strong predictor of all RFA lesion dimensions in porcine liver in vivo, whereas a change of treatment time from 5 to 20 minutes is predictive only of lesion depth, but not diameter or volume.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the pathogenic properties of islet-infiltrating lymphocytes related to the severity of the autoimmune destruction of islet beta-cells in the NOD mouse. We analysed the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) produced by adoptive transfer of islet lymphocytes from NOD into NOD.scid mice. Here we show that the transfer was most effective when both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were present in the infiltrate, but CD4+ T cells alone were sufficient to cause the disease. Islet lymphocytes from both females and males transferred diabetes effectively, but the severity of IDDM was higher when female islet lymphocytes were used. Unexpectedly, the sensitivity of male islets to beta-cell damage was greater than that of female islets. Treatment of NOD females with a peptide of heat shock protein (hsp)60, p277, known to protect NOD mice from IDDM, reduced the pathogenicity of the islet lymphocytes. In contrast, administration of cyclophosphamide to males, a treatment that accelerates the disease, rendered the islet lymphocytes more pathogenic. More severe disease in the recipient NOD.scid mice was associated with more interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-secreting islet T cells of the NOD donor. The disease induced by islet lymphocytes was strongly inhibited by co-transfer of spleen cells from prediabetic mice, emphasizing the regulatory role of peripheral lymphocytes. Thus, the cellular characteristics of the islet infiltrate and the pathogenicity of the cells are subject to complex regulation.  相似文献   

Administration of TNF-alpha to autoimmune diabetes-prone nonobese diabetic mice and biobreeding rats inhibits diabetes development; however, the mechanism(s) of diabetes prevention by TNF-alpha has not been established. We used the model of syngeneic islet transplantation into diabetic nonobese diabetic mice to study the effects of TNF-alpha administration on the types of mononuclear cells and cytokines expressed in the islet grafts and on autoimmune diabetes recurrence. Twice daily i.p. injections of TNF-alpha (20 microg/day) from day 1 to day 30 after islet transplantation significantly prolonged islet graft survival; thus, 70% (16 of 23) of mice treated with TNF-alpha were normoglycemic at 30 days after islet transplantation compared with none (0 of 14) of vehicle-treated control mice. Islet grafts and spleens from TNF-alpha-treated mice at 10 days after islet transplantation contained significantly fewer CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and significantly decreased mRNA levels of type 1 cytokines (IFN-gamma, IL-2, and TNF-beta) than islet grafts and spleens from control mice. Regarding type 2 cytokines, IL-4 mRNA levels were not changed significantly in islet grafts or spleens of TNF-alpha-treated mice, whereas IL-10 mRNA levels were decreased significantly in islet grafts of TNF-alpha-treated mice and not significantly changed in spleens. TGF-beta mRNA levels in islet grafts and spleens were similar in TNF-alpha-treated and control mice. These results suggest that TNF-alpha partially protects beta cells in syngeneic islet grafts from recurrent autoimmune destruction by reducing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and down-regulating type 1 cytokines, both systemically and locally in the islet graft.  相似文献   

Until recently, the identification of cellular factors that govern the developmental program of human stem cells has been difficult due to the absence of repopulation assays that detect human stem cells. The transplantation of human bone marrow (BM) or cord blood (CB) into non-obese diabetic (NOD)/severe-combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice has enabled identification of primitive human cells capable of multilineage repopulation of NOD/SCID mice (termed the SCID-repopulating cell [SRC]). Here, we examined the effect of long-term in vivo treatment with various combinations of human cytokines on the developmental program of SRC. Detailed flow cytometric analysis of engrafted mice indicated that the vast majority of the human graft of untreated mice was comprised of B lymphocytes at various stages of development as well as myeloid and primitive cells; T cells were not reproducibly detected. Many studies, including murine in vitro and in vivo data and human in vitro experiments, have suggested that flt3 ligand (FL) and/or Interleukin-7 (IL-7) promotes T- and B-cell development. Unexpectedly, we found that treatment of engrafted mice with the FL/IL-7 combination did not induce human T- or B-cell development, but instead markedly reduced B-cell development with a concomitant shift in the lineage distribution towards the myeloid lineage. Effects on lineage distribution were similar in engrafted mice transplanted with highly purified cells indicating that the action of the cytokines was not via cotransplanted mature cells from CB or BM cells. These data show that the lineage development of the human graft in NOD/SCID mice can be modulated by administration of human cytokines providing a valuable tool to evaluate the in vivo action of human cytokines on human repopulating cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Type 1 diabetes is characterized by the presence of an autoimmune memory, responsible for the destruction of even syngeneic islet grafts. This recurrence of autoimmunity is partly responsible for the need of extensive immunosuppression in pancreas and islet transplantation in type 1 diabetic patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the capacity of a 20-epi-analog of vitamin D3, KH1060, both alone and in combination with cyclosporine (CsA) to prevent diabetes recurrence in syngeneic islet grafts in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice. METHODS: Spontaneously diabetic NOD mice grafted with syngeneic islets (n=500) under the kidney capsule were treated with KH1060, CsA, or a combination of both drugs from the day before transplantation until recurrence or 60 days after transplantation. RESULTS: Vehicle-treated mice showed a recurrence of diabetes in 100% of cases (n=17) within 4 weeks. Treatment with high doses of CsA (15 mg/kg/day) or KH1060 (1 microg/kg/2 days) significantly prolonged islet survival (60 days and 50 days, respectively, versus 9.5 days in controls; P<0.001 and P<0.0001). Mice treated with subtherapeutical doses of both drugs combined (KH1060 0.5 microg/kg/2 days + CsA 7.5 mg/kg/day) had significant prolongation of graft survival (48 days; P<0.001) and more importantly, four of five mice that were still normoglycemic 60 days after transplantation showed no recurrence after discontinuation of all treatment. Histology of the grafts of control and combination-treated mice demonstrated that graft infiltration and islet destruction were less severe in grafts of combination-treated mice. Cytokine mRNA analysis in the grafts 6 days after transplantation revealed a clear suppression of interleukin-12 and T helper 1 cytokines and higher levels of interleukin-4 in combination-treated mice. CONCLUSIONS: KH1060, an analog of 1,25(OH)2D3, delays autoimmune disease recurrence after syngeneic islet transplantation in NOD mice, both alone and especially in combination with CsA, possibly restoring tolerance to beta cells in 30% of cases.  相似文献   

Rodents develop inflammatory, non-infectious, prostatitis upon autoimmuniz-ation with male accessory gland (MAG) extracts in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). Although there appears to be differences among strains, with respect to susceptibility to induction, specific details are not known about the genetic bases of such differences. Because NOD mice have inherited a genetic predisposition to autoimmune lesions affecting, apart from the islets of Langerhans, a large array of secretory glands such as salivary glands, thyroid, parathyroids and adrenal cortex, we selected this strain to assess the influence of inherited genes upon experimentally-induced autoimmune prostatitis (EAP). Indeed, MAG extracts injected into young NOD males in association with CFA cause a severe inflammatory reaction in the prostate, accompanied by a humoral and T cell-mediated response. NOD mice develop a more aggressive form of EAP than Wistar rats, the strain of reference used to establish the model. In NOD mice, disease begins earlier, affects 100% of the animals, does not require boosting and leads to florid infiltrates circumscribed to lateral and dorsal prostatic lobes. Immune mice develop a T cell-mediated response to MAG assessed by in vitro proliferation and accompanied by the release of IFN-gamma, whereas IL-4 is not detectable in the same culture super-natants. To assess the influence of the NOD background genes upon EAP susceptibility, we tested C57BL/6.H2(g7) mice in parallel. NOD mice are considerably more susceptible to EAP induction than congenic C57BL/6.H2(g7) mice. Both strains demonstrate a detectable humoral and cell-mediated response against MAG, but the histopathological manifestations are considerably more dramatic in NOD than in the C57BL/6.H2(g7) strain. Our results thus support the notion that NOD mice have background genes which favour severe autoimmune manifestations, irrespective of the target tissue.  相似文献   

Two-centimeter nerve allografts were transplanted across a major histocompatibility barrier from donor ACI rats into a 0.5-cm gap in the sciatic nerve of recipient Lewis rats and immunosuppressed with FK506, 2 mg/kg per day for 3 months. One group of animals continued to receive intermittent immunosuppression with FK506, 2 mg/kg twice a week for another 2 months, whereas the second group of animals received no further immunosuppression in order to determine whether rejection of nerve allografts can still occur after immunosuppression is withdrawn, even after the axons have regenerated through the nerve graft. The sciatic function index improved from -76.3 at 3 months to -46.6 at 5 months in those animals continuing to receive intermittent immunosuppression, but only improved to -66.8 at 5 months when immunosuppression was discontinued. Similarly, somatosensory evoked potentials demonstrated an improvement in relative latency from 2.3 msec at 3 months to 0.34 msec at 5 months in animals continuing to receive intermittent immunosuppression, but only improved to 1.29 msec at 5 months when immunosuppression was discontinued. Nerve allografts continuing to receive intermittent immunosuppression showed no signs of rejection by light or electron microscopy and no significant difference compared with isografts, whereas nerve allografts whose immunosuppression had been stopped at 3 months showed mild signs of rejection, less regeneration, and a smaller number of nerve fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine whether a plasma interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) would reflect the severity of burn injury and to examine the relation between IL-1ra and the cytokines. We studied 24 burn patients in whom the total burn surface area (TBSA) accounted for at least 20% of the body surface, and in whom serial blood samples could be obtained beginning immediately after the burn injury. Plasma levels of IL-1ra were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-6, and IL-8 were also determined by ELISA. Endotoxin was measured by an endotoxin-specific synthetic substrate method. There was a significant correlation between the plasma levels of IL-1ra and TBSA during the first week following burn injury. The IL-1ra level was the highest immediately after the burn injury. The level decreased markedly thereafter, and again rose when infection occurred. The IL-1ra level was extraordinarily elevated in patients who developed concomitant sepsis, septic shock or the septic multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The IL-1ra level on admission and the maximum IL-1ra level during the observation period were significantly higher in the patients who eventually died than in the survivors. There was a significant correlation between the level of IL-1ra and that of TNF-alpha, IL-6 or IL-8 during the observation period. No correlation was found between IL-1ra and endotoxin. The plasma IL-1ra level was closely correlated with the severity of inflammation and the clinical status of the burn patients, regardless of the infection. Results suggest that IL-1ra can serve as an index of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).  相似文献   

Primary leukemic cells from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) can be injected intravenously into mice with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) to create a model of human leukemia. Leukemic cells disseminate to murine tissues in a clinicopathologic pattern similar to that seen in humans. Thus far, reports of engraftment of lymphoid leukemia in SCID mice have mainly been from patients with B-cell lineage ALL, for which engraftment occurs more frequently with cells from high-risk patients. There are few data on the engraftment of T-cell lineage ALL in SCID mice. Leukemic cells from 19 patients (16 adult and three pediatric) with T-cell lineage ALL were injected into SCID mice, with overt engraftment of 12 cases (63%). Engraftment of leukemia in SCID mice was associated with earlier death due to leukemia of the patient donors (P < .01, log-rank test). The recently developed non-obese diabetic (NOD)/SCID mouse may expand the uses of the SCID model. Cells from the seven patients with T-cell lineage ALL that failed to cause leukemia in SCID mice were injected into NOD/SCID mice. Overt leukemia engraftment was observed in all seven cases. Thus, growth of human T-cell lineage ALL cells in SCID mice was associated with a high-risk patient group. However, this association was not observed when NOD/SCID mice were used, suggesting that this model would no longer predict patients likely to die early of leukemia, but may provide a more realistic system for studying the biology and treatment of the disease.  相似文献   

By selectively inbreeding diabetic individuals, we have been able to establish an NOD mouse population with a genetic predisposition towards insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in approximately 100% of cases. We examined the preventive effect of 15-DS or 15DS + CyA on developing IDDM in these animals. Whereas 15-DS has been proved to be effective in preventing diabetes (significant decrease of the diabetic risk ratio to 0.368 and a reduction of the incidence of the disease to 46.7%), combined treatment with CyA did not produce any additional benefit.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We and others have reported previously that the immunosuppressant, leflunomide (Lef), can prevent allogeneic and xenogeneic islet graft rejection in streptozocin (STZ)-induced diabetic animals. However, whether Lef required to prevent islet graft rejection is sufficient to prevent the recurrence of autoimmune diabetes has not been addressed. METHODS: The effect of Lef on concordant xenogeneic islet graft in STZ-induced diabetic mice and autoimmune nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice were studied. Then, whether Lef prevents the onset of spontaneous diabetes in young NOD mice and the recurrence of diabetes after major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-matched islet transplantation in diabetic NOD mice were investigated. RESULTS: In STZ-induced diabetic BALB/c mice, Lef treatment significantly prolonged rat islet graft survival. However, Lef could not significantly prolong rat islet graft survival in autoimmune diabetic NOD mice. For prevention studies, treatment with Lef at 30 mg/ kg/day from 4 weeks to 20 weeks of age significantly reduced the incidence of spontaneous diabetes in NOD mice. However, when the NOD mice were treated from 8 to 24 weeks of age, the incidence of spontaneous diabetes was not significantly reduced as compared to the incidence of diabetes in the untreated female NOD mice at 28 weeks of age. Finally, in the MHC-matched islet transplant model, Lef could not significantly prolong MHC-matched nonobese diabetes-resistant mice islet graft survival in NOD mice. CONCLUSIONS: Lef preventing concordant xenogeneic islet graft rejection is not sufficient to prevent the recurrence of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. We believe that controlling autoimmunity after islet transplantation will lead the way to promote successful clinical islet transplantation in the future.  相似文献   

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