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A comprehensive optical design for a high-resolution, high-flux, wide-energy range, micro-focused beamline working in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft x-ray photon energy range is proposed. The beamline is to provide monochromatic radiation to three photoelectron microscopes: a full-field x-ray photoelectron emission microscope and two scanning instruments, one dedicated to angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (μ-ARPES) and one for ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning photoelectron microscopy (AP-XPS/SPEM). Microfocusing is achieved with state of the art elliptical cylinders, obtaining a spot size of 1 μm for ARPES and 0.5 μm for AP-XPS/SPEM. A detailed ray tracing analysis quantitatively evaluates the overall beamline performances.  相似文献   

The construction of a pulsed electron gun for ultrafast reflection high-energy electron diffraction experiments at surfaces is reported. Special emphasis is placed on the characterization of the electron source: a photocathode, consisting of a 10 nm thin Au film deposited onto a sapphire substrate. Electron pulses are generated by the illumination of the film with ultraviolet laser pulses of femtosecond duration. The photoelectrons are emitted homogeneously across the photocathode with an energy distribution of 0.1 eV width. After leaving the Au film, the electrons are accelerated to kinetic energies of up to 15 keV. Focusing is accomplished by an electrostatic lens. The temporal resolution of the experiment is determined by the probing time of the electrons traveling across the surface which is about 30 ps. However, the duration of the electron pulses can be reduced to less than 6 ps.  相似文献   

The design of the ion injection line connecting the electron beam ion source (EBIS) charge breeder and the Californium Rare Isotope Breeder Upgrade radio frequency quadrupole cooler-buncher at the Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System was investigated with particle tracking simulations. The injection line was configured to accommodate several differential pumping sections, individual optical components were optimized to minimize emittance growth, and the ion beam parameters were matched with the EBIS electron beam acceptance to minimize losses upon injection.  相似文献   

We present an alternative method for generating start electrons for time of flight (TOF) space plasma analyzers. The technique presented here takes advantage of the processes occurring during the scattering of the particles off a surface, i.e., kinetic electron emission. The use of a thin microchannel plate as a scattering surface allows us to distribute this surface along a single plane normal to the particle velocity. The uncertainty on the TOF distance is thus minimized, allowing a greater mass resolution. The first tests carried out showed that a mass resolution of 10 for a beam energy of 10 keV is easily reachable.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new compact low energy electron beam ion trap, SH-PermEBIT, is reported. This electron beam ion trap (EBIT) can operate in the electron energy range of 60-5000 eV, with a current density of up to 100 A/cm(2). The low energy limit of this machine sets the record among the reported works so far. The magnetic field in the central drift tube region of this EBIT is around 0.5 T, produced by permanent magnets and soft iron. The design of this EBIT allows adjustment of the electron gun's axial position in the fringe field of the central magnetic field. This turned out to be very important for optimizing the magnetic field in the region of the electron gun and particularly important for low electron beam energy operation, since the magnetic field strength is not tunable with permanent magnets. In this work, transmission of the electron beam as well as the upper limit of the electron beam width under several conditions are measured. Spectral results from test operation of this EBIT at the electron energies of 60, 315, 2800, and 4100 eV are also reported.  相似文献   

在上海光源上设计了一条光子能量覆盖5~140 eV的高通量、高分辨的真空紫外角分辨光电子能谱束线。本光束线采用准周期椭圆偏振波荡器光源,其周期长度为0.32 m,周期数为14。单色仪采用Dragon型,分为覆盖5~32 eV的低能分支和25~140 eV的高能分支。计算表明,当入射/出射狭缝开启宽度为5/5 μm时,在整个能量扫描范围内,单色仪分辨率可以高达15 000~100 000,光学元件的面型误差对分辨率的影响最大。通量计算显示,样品处s偏振光子通量高达~1012 phs/s。Shadow追迹模拟结果表明,设计的光束线具有很好的聚焦特性。  相似文献   

An inclined slot-excited antenna (ISLAN) electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma source is newly designed and constructed for higher flux hyperthermal neutral beam (HNB) generation. The developed ISLAN source is modified from vertical slot-excited antenna (VSLAN) source in two aspects: one is the use of inclined slots instead of vertical slots, and the other is a cusp magnetic field configuration rather than a toroidal configuration. Such modifications allow us to have more uniform arrangement of slots and magnets, then enabling plasma generation more uniform and thinner. Moreover, ECR plasma allows higher ionization rate, enabling plasma density higher even in submillitorr pressures, therefore decreasing the collision rate and∕or the reionization rate of the reflected atoms while passing through the plasma, and eventually getting higher flux of HNBs. In this paper, we report the design features and the plasma characteristics of the ISLAN source by doing plasma measurements and electromagnetic simulations. It was found that ISLAN source can be a high potential source for larger flux HNB generation; the source was found to give higher plasma densities and better uniformities than inductively coupled plasma source, particularly in low pressure ranges. Also, it is important that using ISLAN gives easier matching and better stability, i.e., ISLAN shows similar field patterns and good plasma symmetries irrespective of the variations of the mean diameter of the ring resonator and∕or the presence of a limiter or a reflector, and the operating pressures.  相似文献   

We report a measurement of the absolute efficiency of a Johnston Laboratories MMl electron multiplier for detection of 2-4 keV Ne(+). The measured detection efficiency depends both on ion impact energy and on the magnitude and direction of an externally applied electric field near the first dynode.  相似文献   

We present a collimator configuration for measuring energy resolved x-ray plasma volume bremsstrahlung emitted, e.g., by an ECRIS. Special attention we paid to shielding the detector against interfering Compton scattered radiation and wall bremsstrahlung stemming from the collimator entrance aperture. We estimate the efficiency for shielding of Compton scattered radiation at least attainable by this arrangement.  相似文献   

Before being used in an extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) scanner, photoresists must first be evaluated for sensitivity and tested to ensure that they will not contaminate the scanner optics. The new NIST facility described here provides data on the contamination potential of the outgas products of a candidate resist by simultaneously irradiating a multilayer optic and a nearby resist-coated wafer with EUV radiation. The facility can also be used without changing its configuration to provide accurate resist dose-to-clear measurements. Detailed, real-time information on the rate of contamination growth is given by a unique, in situ imaging ellipsometer. We will describe the optical layout, mechanical design, and capabilities of the beamline, finally presenting experimental examples of its capabilities.  相似文献   

We present a compact modular apparatus with a flexible design that will be operated at the DiProI beamline of the Fermi@Elettra free electron laser (FEL) for performing static and time-resolved coherent diffraction imaging experiments, taking advantage of the full coherence and variable polarization of the short seeded FEL pulses. The apparatus has been assembled and the potential of the experimental setup is demonstrated by commissioning tests with coherent synchrotron radiation. This multipurpose experimental station will be open to general users after installation at the Fermi@Elettra free electron laser in 2011.  相似文献   

One of the main goal of intense light ion injector projects such as IPHI, IFMIF, or SPIRAL2, is to produce high current beams while keeping transverse emittance as low as possible. To prevent emittance growth induced in a dual solenoid low energy transfer line, its length has to be minimized. This can be performed with the advanced light ion source extraction system concept that we are developing: a new ECR 2.45 GHz type ion source based on the use of an additional low energy beam transport (LEBT) short length solenoid close to the extraction aperture to create the resonance in the plasma chamber. The geometry of the source has been considerably modified to allow easy maintenance of each component and to save space in front of the extraction. The source aims to be very flexible and to be able to extract high current ion beams at energy up to 100 kV. A specific experimental setup for this source is under installation on the BETSI test bench, to compare its performances with sources developed up to now in the laboratory, such as SILHI, IFMIF, or SPIRAL2 ECR sources. This original extraction source concept is presented, as well as electromagnetic simulations with OPERA-2D code. Ion beam extraction in space charge compensation regime with AXCEL, and beam dynamics simulation with SOLMAXP codes show the beam quality improvement at the end of the LEBT.  相似文献   

Reflection electron microscopy (REM) is applied to image the structure of polished natural diamond (001) surfaces (of 5 × 4 mm size) after friction experiments under a pressure below the critical value. Friction tracks marked by a diamond needle after a single pass movement under a pressure of 13 GPa can be seen in REM images and show non-uniform contrast. The surface shows relatively dark image contrast at the light contacted area, which is possibly due to the structural modification at the top atomic layer. The high local contacting pressure pushes part of the needle into the surface which causes fracture, resulting in the formation of grooves at the surface. It is possible to have plastic deformation in this process, but no evidence has been found for the presence of cracking. The observations support the adhesion frictional mechanism rather than the micro-cleavage model.  相似文献   

The structure and preliminary commissioning results of a new 2.45 GHz ECR proton ion source and a dual-lens low energy beam transport (LEBT) system are presented in this paper. The main magnetic field of the ion source is provided by a set of permanent magnets with two small electro-solenoid magnets at the injection and the extraction to fine tune the magnetic field for better microwave coupling. A 50 keV pulsed proton beam extracted by a three-electrode mechanism passes through the LEBT system of length of 1183 mm. This LEBT consists of a diagnosis chamber, two Glaser lenses, two steering magnets, and a final beam defining cone. A set of inner permanent magnetic rings is embedded in each of the two Glaser lenses to produce a flatter axial-field to reduce the lens aberrations.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the effect of noble gas ions bombardment on the degradation of atomically flat Si(111) surfaces at room and high (400 degrees C-600 degrees C) temperatures. Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and reflection electron microscopy (REM) have been used to characterize the topography and structure of the as-implanted and post annealed surface layers. It is shown that the fading of the specularly reflected beam is not directly related to the amorphization of the surface. This experimental study has also evidenced the difficulties one meets to regrow a defect-free material after amorphization by noble gas bombardment. For high temperature for which the amorphization is not possible, the surface loses its stepped structure and turns into a monocrystalline but atomically rough surface. This roughness is a function of substrate temperature.  相似文献   

The dynamical electron scattering theory for reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) has been used to calculate the channeling behavior of the incident electrons on GaAs (100) and (110) surfaces. The effect of the strong concentration of the electrons in the top atomic layer of the surface has been used for identifying the atomic termination on the GaAs (100) surface with reflection electron energy-loss spectroscopy (REELS). The dynamical process for resonance propagation of electrons and the process of creating the reflection wave on the GaAs (110) surface have been investigated and compared with results of the layer multiple-scattering model. A physical picture has been derived to describe the interaction of an incident electron beam with a crystal surfaces in the RHEED geometry. The sensitivity of the surface resonance wave to the surface atomic structure has been demonstrated. The distinct excitations of the Ga and As atomic columns on the GaAs (110) surface have been observed in the REELS experiment under various resonance diffraction conditions, and are interpreted in terms of differences in the electron channeling effect along different atomic columns.  相似文献   

A setup for identifying low-energy (1–10 MeV) ions with charges Z ≥ 1 by simultaneously measuring the energy losses and the time of flight is described. The setup is composed of a multiwire proportional chamber and a strip silicon detector, which are used to measure the ion energy, and two low-pressure avalanche wireless detectors for measuring the energy losses and the time of flight. Results obtained in measuring α particles from 226Ra source and p, Be, C, and O ions produced on the ITs-100 cyclotron at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions are presented.  相似文献   

In electron ionization source, electrons are produced through thermionic emission by heating a wire filament, accelerating the electrons by high voltage, and ionizing the analyzed molecules. In such a system, one important parameter is the filament emission current that determines the ionization rate; therefore, one needs to regulate this current. On the one hand, fast responses control is needed to keep the emission current constant, but on the other hand, we need to protect the filament from damage that occurs by large filaments current transients and overheating. To control our filament current and emission current, we developed a digital circuit based on a digital signal processing controller that has several modes of operation. We used a smart algorithm that has a fast response to a small signal and a slow response to a large signal. In addition, we have several protective measures that prevent the current from reaching unsafe values.  相似文献   

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