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清乾隆年间(公元一七四四年),在洛阳老城密密麻麻的青砖青瓦民房中,出现了一组规模宏伟的建筑群,它占地一万五千多平方米,面对洛河,气势非凡。该建筑群挺过了改朝换代的天翻地覆,经历了解放战争的枪林弹雨,闯过了九死一生的“文革”焚火,挣扎着苟活到了今天,成了洛阳屈指可数的还有几许原汁原味的建筑群。正国为如此,它成了洛阳市内“全国重点保护单位”。如今,该古建筑群被作为洛阳民俗博物馆,向世人展示中原大地清代古建筑的特色,也展示河洛地区多姿多彩的民俗文化。  相似文献   

邢爱伟 《陶瓷》2011,(18):41-41
2008年,即便国际金融危机席卷全球,中国经济依然快速发展,高歌猛进。但在经济快速发展的背后,却萌生了一系列问题:喝杯牛奶中毒了,睡个午觉楼倒了,坐趟高铁追尾了,买个家具甲醛超标了……一系列的安全事故,加深了人们对生活环境的担忧。  相似文献   

汪凌云 《中国橡胶》1993,(20):11-12
1987年以来,跃进橡胶厂进行了卓有成效的技术改造,兴建了8000多m^2的成型大楼,淘汰了一些老设备,改建了2000m^2的制帮车间,新装了五条生产线,并对公用工程进行了填平补齐,从而为九十年代的经济发展奠定了物质基础,使企业长期保持兴旺发达。该厂的经验归纳起来有如下几点:  相似文献   

曾听过这样一则故事,一位服装店老板收了两个徒弟。大徒弟聪明能干,师傅教的一点就通、一看就会,很快掌握了裁剪、缝纫等全套技术;小徒弟心灵手巧,但有点不安分,常常对服装设计提出一些奇思异想,弄得师傅哭笑不得。几年后两个徒弟都出师了,大徒弟自己开了个服装店,小徒弟则去了大城市打工,一直没有音讯。又过了若干年,大徒弟的手艺超过了师傅,成了小有名气的服装师傅,服装店生意也比较稳定。  相似文献   

本文归纳介绍了国外近年来发明的先进的几种典型筒式过滤机及其结构,工作原理,特点,应用范围等,并进行了分析,近年来,美国和日本等国家,发明了多种型式的,用于涂料,净化水及啤酒等工业上的筒式过滤机,这些过滤机,揭开了过滤行业的新纪元,促进了工业的发展。  相似文献   

裴世红  吴迪  孙怀宇 《无机盐工业》2007,39(6):31-32,43
提出了一种催化氧化酸浸硫化铜矿的湿法冶炼方法。采用纯氧作氧化剂,找到了一种新型催化剂,降低了反应温度,缩短了反应时间,在密闭条件下,通过两步反应,利用中间脱硫方法,解决硫磺包膜阻碍反应速度问题,最终制得海绵铜,副产硫酸亚铁及硫磺(在得到硫磺的基础上进而制备硫化钠)。考察了反应温度、固体质量与液体体积之比、氯离子浓度、反应时间对铜浸出率的影响。研究结果表明,在适宜的工艺条件下,铜的浸出率达到了98%以上。采用闭路循环,充分利用了资源,并且克服了火法炼铜中副产二氧化硫污染环境的缺点,污染小,体现了环保意识,为硫化铜矿的湿法冶炼开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

针对三元复合驱井随着开采时间的延长,抽油泵,抽油杆,管线以及储层中易出现大量结垢,严重影响抽采效率的问题,本文分析了三元驱井堵塞的原因,结合压裂解堵工艺原理,通过将三元清垢解堵与压裂造缝技术相结合,实现了清“旧”垢,造“新”缝,达到了高效解堵的目的,形成了一套压裂清垢复合解堵技术,取得了较好的应用效果,促进了三元复合驱井的增产增效。  相似文献   

鉴于新型锌合金的硅含量,可高于常见锌合金的10倍,在用光度法测硅前,对单硅酸的聚合性问题,进行了理论分析,并作了试验验证。结果表明,新型锌合金在测定条件下,单硅酸不聚合,所配制的一系列测硅检量液可隔夜使用,这既保证了测硅的准确度,又简化了操作,提高了分析速度,节约了药品。  相似文献   

王明忠 《氯碱工业》2009,45(5):26-26
哈尔滨华尔化工有限公司为满足新上项目层状偏硅酸钠的需要,2006年10月将烧碱生产能力扩大1万t/a,总能力达到了5万t/a。为确保蒸发装置稳定运行,提高烧碱产量和质量,对蒸发系统进行了改造,实现了自动控制,稳定了效体液位,提高了蒸发效率,减轻了操作人员的劳动强度,降低了蒸汽消耗。  相似文献   

周兰雁 《贵州化工》2005,30(3):48-49
利用DCS控制系统及智能变送器,取代了原来的就地气动控制系统,解决了原系统存在的问题,提高了生产的稳定性,减少了维护人员的工作量,大大提高了工作效率,保证了醋酸异丙脂的萃取。  相似文献   

A novel Null-type sampling nozzle with six sampling holes was developed to measure the particle concentrations and size distributions in high-pressure natural gas flows under isokinetic sampling conditions. The isokinetic sampling performances of sampling nozzles were investigated by experiments and numerical simulations with standard κε turbulent model. The maximum deviation between the experimental and numerical data was less than 4%. In order to ensure reliability and stability, sampling nozzles were calibrated in standard wind tunnel. Furthermore, this novel Null-type sampling nozzle was used to measure the separation efficiency of filter with an operation pressure of 6.0 MPa in a natural gas compressor station. The results of experiment and numerical simulation show that the new Null-type sampling nozzles have relatively smaller isokinetic sampling errors and reliable sampling efficiencies, which enable it competent to sample high-pressure natural gas.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of coke oven emissions is reported. Measurements were made on samples collected at various workplace locations on the oven top. A new type of sampling system was used and is described. Results range from volatile monoaromatic compounds including benzene to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) of six fused rings. Estimates of errors which may arise when sampling for PAH by filtration are given.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the errors arising in side wall sampling has been conducted. A two-dimensional model provides qualitative explanation of these errors but, unlike probe sampling, quantitative prediction of sampling efficiency is not possible because the flow to the sampler is more complex. The experiments show that serious errors in concentration or particle size distribution can arise unless the particles are fine, the concentration is high and a very high sampling velocity is used. A projection extending from the pipe wall was found to improve sampling efficiency. However this improvement was of marginal value because the complex nature of the flow precluded a simple theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

赖瑞芳 《化肥工业》2012,39(6):51-54
介绍氨法脱硫烟气在线连续监测系统的配置及其构成,分析了存在的问题。2011年7月,对第2期烟气在线连续监测系统采样与预处理装置进行了改造,改造后采样管路无结晶、不堵塞;2012年4月,对第1期烟气在线连续监测系统采样和预处理装置也进行了相应的改造,以防止采样管线因出现铵盐结晶而堵塞,确保检测精度,保证了烟气在线连续监测系统的长周期正常运行。  相似文献   

A gas chromatograph has been developed with which simple gas mixtures can be analysed rapidly, repetitive separations being possible every few seconds. The instrument operates automatically, sampling from a number of points, and it can be remotely controlled. Changes taking place in the composition of atmospheres, flue gases and engine exhausts, which were too rapid for estimation by conventional sampling and analytical procedures, were followed without difficulty, and the results of these analyses are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A study was done in order to determine how the sampling conditions can influence the quantitative measure of PAHs in air, done with a solid-phase microextraction device. The PAHs studied were naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene. A comparison between static and dynamic samplings and a plan of experiments were done to study the influence of the gaseous flow, the exposure time, and the number of PAHs in sample, on the mass trapped on the fiber. Then, the performances of PDMS 100 w m and 7 w m fibers for the extraction of PAHs in air were compared. The mass trapped by the fiber, the equilibrium time, the reproducibility, and the performances of the fiber in a dynamic sampling were also tested and compared.  相似文献   

Green seeds are used as a grading factor in estimating chlorophyll in canola and rapeseed in the Canadian and U.S.A. grading systems. This work examines the effect that sampling and perception have on the estimation of green seeds as well as the effect that sampling has on the determination of chlorophyll. Individual seed analysis indicated that in order to be considered as green, seeds needed to contain between 200 and 400 mg/kg chlorophyll. Variation due to binomial sampling played a predominant role in the error in determining the green seed levels in canola. Sampling of large numbers of seeds, as in the loading of export shipments, reduced the error. Binomial sampling also contributed to the error in chlorophyll determination even with sample sizes as large as 500. Differences in perception of green also were noted between individuals with coefficients of variation as high as 50% at the 1% green seed level. The combination of perception error and sampling error may result in samples of 1,000 seeds drawn from a mass with 2% green seeds having green seed counts ranging from 0.96 to 3.04%, 19 times out of 20.  相似文献   

Abstract. A continuous time series is often observed or sampled at discrete intervals. Most literature has dealt with the case when the sampling intervals are equally spaced. For irregularly sampled data, most existing literature is concerned with second-order moments or anti-aliasing spectral estimations. We study the estimation of higher-order spectral density functions with the emphasis on the bispectral estimate when the continuous time series is sampled by a random point process. Estimates under the Poisson sampling scheme are studied in detail. Asymptotic bias and covariances are obtained. In particular, it is shown explicitly how the information of the sampling process comes into play in obtaining a consistent estimate of the bispectral density function of a continuous time series. In contrast to the second-order spectral density function estimation where the Poisson sampling scheme results in a constant correction term, a consistent bispectral density function estimate results in a nonlinear correction term even in the Poisson sampling scheme. A simple simulation example is presented for illustration.  相似文献   

To ensure that diced almonds meet the current FDA guideline limit for total aflatoxin, it is necessary to have a sampling plant that will allow representative sampling with defined precision-i.e., with confidence limits on the average aflatoxin found. A sequential sampling plan using 4.54-kg samples of diced almonds or 150-g samples of meal by-product (fines screened from diced nuts during production) was constructed with data from a study of aflatoxin distribution among samples of 2 selected lots of almonds. These 2 lots of whole nuts, estimated to have 400 and 25 ppb aflatoxin, were diced and boxed with normal processing equipment and procedures to approximate the distribution of aflatoxin in the product during commercial production. With a square root trans-formation of the data from 4.54-kg samples of diced nuts, the aflatoxin in samples of both lots approximated a normal distribu-tion and the within-lot variances were not significantly different, which allowed the statistical plan described. A supplemental study was made of aflatoxin distribution in the meal by-product. The lack of a significant difference between the results for diced nuts and those for the corresponding meal suggests that diced almonds can be monitored for aflatoxin indirectly by sampling the meal, which will allow the use of fewer analyses of 150-g samples of less expen-sive product to reach a decision.  相似文献   

研究了一种无机械可动部件、可免维修的脉冲射流取样装置,以甘油-水体系为模拟对象,考察了体系粘度、压冲压力、T型节截面积和降液管长度对其取样性能的影响. 结果表明,随体系粘度从1.21 mPa×s增大到7.38 mPa×s,单次采样量从14.6 mL减小到6.1 mL;随T型节截面积增大单次采样量增大,并随体系粘度变大增大趋势更加显著;当降液管长度从2.65 m减至0.684 m时,单次采样量从19 mL锐减至3.8 mL,压冲压力对采样量几乎没有影响. 降液管中流体不连续流动导致的取样针底部出口处压力显著降低是采样驱动力的来源.  相似文献   

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