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Advances in media technologies brought so-called 4-D movies to your neighbour. The 4-D movies represent movies (preferably in 3-D) with additional sensory effects such as motion chairs and wind effects. We present an end-to-end framework to provide sensory effects for home theaters based on MPEG-V standard. The key technologies of the 4-D broadcasting framework, required to provide sensory effect through home theaters consist of creating sensory effects synchronized with audiovisual contents, delivering the sensory effects with content to home theater devices, recognizing home devices for rendering sensory effects, and rendering contents through home theater system with connected sensory devices in a synchronized way. This paper proposes end-to-end technology required, in addition to the conventional broadcasting framework, based on international standard of MPEG-V, specifically Part 2 to describe capabilities of the home sensory devices, Part 3 to provide contents with sensory effects, and Part 5 to command the sensory devices among other parts of MPEG-V standard.  相似文献   

基于CATV的数字多媒体广播系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现在家庭上网多采用电话拨号方式,但由于信道拥塞,信息流通经常受阻,这种方式无法满足大众对信息的需求。为此开发了基于CATV的数字多媒体广播系统,系统采用非对称数据推送方式,使用信息代理,发送和接收机制使人们方便快速地获取因特网上的信息。  相似文献   

周旭  郭锐  徐华 《信息通信》2006,19(4):18-20
人们对LED信息板的应用越来越多元化,交通、通讯、证券、商务当中往往都能够找到它的身影.目前采用有线控制方式的LED信息板在应用上受到限制,如果基于无线网络来控制LED信息板,将使其应用空间更广阔.文中从传输和控制方式的革新出发,介绍了基于无线网络的LED信息发布系统,嵌入短信控制、GPRS网络、FTP传输,从概念上和技术上破除LED信息板应用的瓶颈.  相似文献   

There are two licenses, 12.5 MHz each, in the S-band for digital satellite-to-vehicle radio broadcasting in the United States. The potential advantages of such a system is that a motorist can enjoy commercial-free music, digital-quality sound and seamless coast-to-coast coverage. One proposal for the broadcast system is to have two satellites covering the continental USA at any given time. There will also be terrestrial repeaters in cities where the receivers on the vehicles cannot see the two satellites. The channels of these systems are affected by Rician, Rayleigh and flat fading caused by shadowing. This paper proposes a forward error correction (FEC) scheme that is not only robust against fading but also enables a low-delay tuning channel so that minimum tuning delay will occur when a user is switching and selecting programs. The scheme uses multiple source coded bit streams employing different interleaver depths. Large interleavers are used to ensure good decoded signal quality while small interleavers are used to minimize tuning delay. The proposed scheme also ensures that a program will not be interrupted by momentary shadowing frequently experienced by a motorist when, for example, a vehicle goes under a highway overpass. The impact of interleaver design on the real-time end-to-end delay and fading due to shadowing is analyzed. Finally, the channel code performance in Rician and Rayleigh fading channels are also presented  相似文献   

详细介绍了应用于HDTV的ATSC数字电视标准,包括所描述系统的组成(编码与压缩、服务复用和传送、RF/传输)和数据结构等。  相似文献   

基于UCL的流媒体广播系统设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了基于内容定位技术的流媒体广播原理和系统组成,讲解了系统软件设计的方案、主要模块的功能和设计要点,并比较几种典型的流媒体应用系统.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of our research conducted in the area of Sensory Experience including our implementations using MPEG-V Part 3 entitled “Sensory Information”. MPEG-V Part 3 introduces Sensory Experience as a tool to increase the Quality of Experience by annotating traditional multimedia data with sensory effects. These sensory effects are rendered on special devices like fans, vibration chairs, ambient lights, scent disposers, water sprayers, or heating/cooling devices stimulating senses beyond the traditional ones. The paper's main focus is on the end-to-end aspects including the generation, transmission, and synchronized rendering of sensory effects with the traditional multimedia data taking movie clips as an example. Therefore, we present in this paper an open source tool chain that provides a complete end-to-end sensory effect generation and consumption framework. Furthermore, we summarize results from various subjective quality assessments conducted in this area. Finally, we point out research challenges that may encourage further research within this emerging domain.  相似文献   

李翔  许正学  王祥  牟亚南 《电声技术》2017,41(6):97-100
针对应急广播系统建设问题,结合目前四川省的建设情况,在分析传统广播不能满足互联网发展趋势的基础上,提出了应急广播的优势并给出了系统架构,之后详细介绍了四川省应急广播的建设内容,包括平台、传输网络以及广播终端的建设,在建设创新方面主要体现在技术、组织、模式及服务,最后提到了系统建设中的一些经验及达到的效果。  相似文献   

如今,越来越多的ARM+FPGA联合系统,被用来作为数字信号处理的硬件方案。但在这种系统应用的时候,实现ARM和FPGA这两种不同速率的硬件之间的高速通信,一直是重难点技术。为了解决这一问题,可以用到一种被称之为DMA(Direct Memory Access)的传输技术[1]。这一技术不需要依赖于CPU的大量中断负载,就能实现异步数据的高速率传输。利用这一技术,在基于ARM+FPGA联合系统的基础上,可以实现具有多路广播音频实时采集和处理功能的硬件设备。  相似文献   

介绍了IDBS的系统结构和协议层次,描述了采用多播数据缓存技术的IDBS系统结构,IDBS为高速英特网接入,多媒体技术应用提供了一种廉价、高效的途径。  相似文献   

赵莹 《信息技术》2008,32(3):121-123,127
青岛数字传媒以每日更新上百条的新闻,数以万计的信息条数为青岛市的老百姓提供海量的信息服务,为承载如此庞大信息更新数量,必须有一条成熟、稳定的信息管理及播出系统为此服务.多媒体信息系统的业务流程分为信息的策划、采编、制作、播出共四个步骤,系统由多媒体信息内容管理平台、多媒体信息制作平台、多媒体信息播出平台三部分组成.利用了先进成熟的Internet、XML、数据库,sml等技术,严格遵循广播媒体的三级审稿制度.为数字电视的运维提供了坚实可靠的平台保障.  相似文献   

Key analyses and specifications that the author asserts should have been part of the precertification process for HDTV systems are outlined. As part of the current precertification process, estimates for the channel and equipment impairments and the associated power penalties in the C/N (carrier-to-noise) are not required, the range of BER (bit error rate) for a given EFH (error free hours) is not specified, and the expected spectral spreading into adjacent channels due to the nonlinear power amplifier is hardly mentioned. The problems with the ATTC laboratory tests and field tests are discussed  相似文献   

智慧广电生态体系是智慧广电建设工程的重要组成部分,也是广电行业推进媒体深度融合、推动高质量发展的重要保障.本文浅析了智慧广电生态体系的建设思路构想,以及技术研究、数据算法应用、科技规划与标准建设、跨界合作等方面的能力要求,并给出了概要实施建议.  相似文献   

基于DVB的数据广播   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
主要介绍了在DVB数据广播标准中数据信息的多种传输方式,然后阐述了DVB数据广播的分层结构及其试验平台的软硬件实现。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了一种基于一种新型多功能智能电动牙刷的天气状况、交通路况播报系统的基本工作原理和实现方法.该系统主要由蓝牙模块、电台信息采集模块、信息数据蓝牙传输模块、音频解码模块、扬声器播放模块、电源模块等组成.本文设计的天气状况、交通路况播报系统是基于电台获取的大数据信息再通过蓝牙进行音频传输从而进行播报.  相似文献   

盘锦市融媒发展中心项目建设涵盖广播制播系统、融媒体综合制作系统、融媒体新闻制作系统、融媒体播发系统、网络及安全系统等。本文以盘锦市融媒体发展中心项目建设中广播制播系统为例,对播出、录音、工作站、总控等系统的规划进行分析介绍。  相似文献   

This paper presents a digital rights management (DRM) system for digital broadcasting based on home servers (DBHS) using receivers with large-capacity storage devices. DBHS will enable viewers to enjoy 'television anytime/anywhere' by utilizing these storage functions. Our proposed DRM system is suitable for broadcasting, and allows both rights protection and advanced access to content held on home storage devices (in terms of validity, usage and charge conditions, and so on). We developed a prototype DRM system using a Pentium3 personal computer (1 GHz) in order to evaluate the nonlinear playback and 'trick-play' modes of encrypted content on the hard disk drive (HDD). Using this prototype, we confirmed that the nonlinear playback of content encrypted using the proposed DRM system could be processed in real time. The functionality in terms of trick-play modes was equal to that of commercially available hard disk recorders. In addition, we developed a security module for the DRM system in the form of a smart card with a built-in processor. We confirmed that the proposed DRM system utilizing the new smart card could be applied to DBHS.  相似文献   

符合中国数字电视地面广播标准的前向纠错码编码器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提供了一种符合中国数字电视地面广播标准中的前向纠错码BCH-LDPC级联编码器的硬件实现方案.设计充分利用了此LDPC码的G矩阵的准循环特性,在结构、存储空间和时序上得以较大的优化.此结构也具有一定的灵活性,能通过对G矩阵列划分改变其并行度,从而改变速度和面积上的折中.并且通过在控制电路中设定不同的状态跳转条件实现不同码率的编码要求,使编码器大部分模块得到了重用.  相似文献   

Leong  H.V. Si  A. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(21):1951-1953
Statistical operators such as the exponentially weighted moving average operator are useful in adapting to changes in data access patterns in a mobile database application. The authors investigate the effectiveness of such operators in selecting suitable data items to be broadcast over scarce wireless channels through simulation  相似文献   

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