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《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1969-1974
The test blanket module port plug (TBM PP) consists of a TBM frame and two TBM-sets. However, at any time of the ITER operation, a TBM set can be replaced by a dummy TBM. The frame provides a standardized interface with the vacuum vessel (VV)/port structure and provides thermal isolation from the shield blanket. As one of the plasma-facing components, it shall withstand heat loads while at the same time provide adequate neutron shielding for the VV and magnet coils. The frame design shall provide a stable engineering solution to hold TBM-sets and also provide a mean for rapid remote handling replacement and refurbishment. This paper presents main design features of the conceptual design of TBM PP with two dummy TBMs. Also analysis results are summarized to evaluate shielding, hydraulic, and thermal and structural performances of the TBM PP design.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1113-1118
Licensing a pressurized nuclear equipment like the European Test Blanket Modules (TBM) Systems and, on the longer term, breeder blankets of a fusion demonstration reactor (DEMO), will require presenting to the Regulator and the Agreed Notified Body, along with design and safety analyses, supporting data like consolidated materials data and design limits, qualified fabrication procedures specifications and validated modeling tools that go often over today's state-of-the-art of nuclear industry. TBM systems feature indeed a newly developed structural material and advanced fabrication processes that were not referenced in any nuclear construction codes before, new type of functional materials, complex structures geometry and many interconnected sub-systems exchanging tritium by permeation or fluid mass transfer. For many years now, Europe has structured its development activities on TBM Systems toward the preparation of licensing. First tangible results are now arising: the EUROFER structural material has been introduced in the RCC-MRx nuclear code, supported by a database of several thousands of test records; TBM box fabrication procedure specifications are under standardization by industry in view of their qualification; a modeling tool for accurate simulation of tritium transport in TBM systems has been developed in view of refining conservative inventory data published in preliminary safety reports and optimizing waste management. Remaining challenges are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种新的基于三维确定论方法的ITER实验包层模块中子学分析策略。该计算策略分为两步:第1步将包层模块离散,利用3D模块化MOC方法求解细群中子注量率;第2步在整个模块上利用简化球谐函数方法进行中子学计算。在此基础上编制程序,并对液态锂铅实验包层模块进行计算,给出了各区中子注量率、TBR等中子学参数,并与MCNP程序的计算结果进行比较,比较结果证明了计算方法及程序的正确性。  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1362-1369
The Indian Lead–Lithium Ceramic Breeder (LLCB) Test Blanket Module (TBM) is the Indian DEMO relevant blanket module, as a part of the TBM program in ITER. The LLCB TBM will be tested from the first phase of ITER operation in one-half of an ITER port no. 2. LLCB TBM-set consists of LLCB TBM module and shield block, which are attached with the help of attachment systems. This LLCB TBM set is inserted in a water-cooled stainless steel frame called ‘TBM frame’, which also provides the separation between the neighboring TBM-sets (Chinese TBM set) in port no. 2. In LLCB TBM, high-pressure helium gas is used to cool the first wall (FW) structure and lead–lithium eutectic (Pb–Li) flowing separately around the ceramic breeder (CB) pebble bed to cool the TBM internals which are heated due to the volumetric neutron heating during plasma operation. Low-pressure helium is purged inside the CB zones to extract the bred tritium. Thermal-structural analyses have been performed independently on LLCB TBM and shield block for TBM set using ANSYS. This paper will also describe the performance analysis of individual components of LLCB TBM set and their different configurations to optimize their performances.  相似文献   

The European test blanket module (EU-TBM), first prototype of the breeding blanket concepts under development for the future DEMO power plant to produce the tritium, will be developed to be tested in three equatorial ports of ITER dedicated to this. The CEA Cadarache under the contract of Association EURATOM/CEA and in close relation with Association EURATOM/HAS works on the integration of the EU-TBM inside ITER tokamak.The installation of the TBM into the vacuum vessel is made with the help of a port plug, constituted with two components: the Shield module and the Port-Plug frame. The Shield module provides the neutron shielding inside the Port-Plug frame, which maintains in cantilever position the TBM and its shield module and closes the vacuum vessel port.This paper will describe the EU-TBM design and integration activities on the cooled shield module and on its interface with the TBM component. A particular attention, in term of thermal and mechanical studies, is dedicated to the design of the shield and test blanket module attachment, and also to the shield design and its internal cooling system.  相似文献   

A shield module is associated with an Indian Test Blanket Module (TBM) in ITER to limit the radiation doses in port inter-space areas. The shield module is made of stainless steel plates and water channels. It is identified as an important component for radiation protection because of its radiation exposure control functionality. The radiation protection classification leads to more assurance of the component design. In order to validate and verify the design of the shield module, a neutronic laboratory-scale experiment is designed and executed. The experiment is planned by considering the irradiation under a neutron source of 14 MeV and yields of 10 10 ns −1. The reference neutron spectrum of the ITER TBM shield module has been achieved through optimization of the neutron source spectrum by a combination of steel and lead materials. The neutron spectrum and flux are measured using a multiple foil activation technique and neutron dose-rate meter LB 6411 (He-3 proton recoil counter with polyethylene), respectively. The neutronic design simulation is assessed using MCNP5 and FENDL 2.1 cross-section data. The paper covers neutronic design, irradiation and the outcome of the experiment in detail.  相似文献   

Break-out & feeder is an essential component connecting the ITER lower vertical stabilization (VS) coil to the outside power source. It plays the role of interface between the in-vessel and out-vessel devices and has large influence on the coil performance. Due to the special location of the ITER lower VS coil, the break-out & feeder has to endure severe in-vessel environment such as high temperature, strong magnetic field and neutron irradiation. High temperature and restricted cooling paths can easily make the break-out under high thermal stress. While square crossing with the Tokamak toroidal magnetic field will result in large Lorentz forces in the feeders. Structural analysis of the break-out & feeder shows overlarge thermal stress concentrating in the coil spine where the conductors lead out. The primary stresses in the feeders are also extremely high. Moreover, there is difference in loading in comparison with the coil main body, which is designed to be mainly in compression and with relaxed crack growth issues, the break-out & feeder is not so compressive and will endure large tensile stress in work. Therefore, relieving the high stresses is important for its design. According to the results of further analysis, structure optimizations such as using block structures in the break-out and modifying the feeder supports are proved with good effect.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1068-1073
Korea has developed a helium cooled ceramic reflector (HCCR) test blanket module (TBM) consisting of four sub-modules in an ITER. From the draft design of the side wall (SW) according to a thermal-hydraulic analysis, a mechanical analysis was performed considering a design channel pressure of 10 MPa. The SW comprised of sixteen grids with the seventeen partitions for the manifold function satisfied 1.5Sm of the allowable stress (Sm) according to RCC-MR code at the maximum stress region in the SW. In addition, an elastic analysis of the draft design of the back manifold (BM) was carried out, which supported the four sub-modules in the HCCR TBM and has the main inlet/outlet of the He cooling pipe, the measurement pipes, and He purge gas lines from the port cell. The results show that the maximum stress was higher than 1.5Sm, and the BM design has been modified to satisfy the BM function and requirements.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):1984-1988
To evaluate the nuclear properties of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) JA Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder Test Blanket Module (WCCB-TBM) and to ensure its design conforms to nuclear licensing regulations, nuclear analyses have been performed for the WCCB-TBM's components, including its frame, shield, flange, port extension, pipe forest, bio-shield and Ancillary Equipment Unit (AEU). Utilising Monte Carlo code MCNP5.14, activation code ACT-4 and the Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library FENDL-2.1, this paper focusses on the shutdown dose rate calculation for the WCCB-TBM. Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code (MCNP) geometry input data for the TBM are created from computer-aided design (CAD) data using the CAD/MCNP automatic conversion code GEOMIT, and other geometry input data are created manually. The ‘Direct 1-Step Monte Carlo’ method is adopted for the decay gamma-ray dose rate calculation. Behind the bio-shield, the effective dose rates 1 day after shutdown are about 0.2 μSv h−1, which are much lower than 10 μSv h−1, the upper limit for human access. Behind the flange, the effective dose rates 106 s after shutdown are 50–80 μSv h−1, which are lower than 100 μSv h−1, the upper limit for human hands-on access for workers performing maintenance.  相似文献   

Through a consideration of the requirements for a DEMO-relevant blanket concept, Korea (KO) has proposed a He cooled molten lithium (HCML) blanket with ferritic steel (FS) as a structural material in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) program. The preliminary design and its performance of KO HCML test blanket module (TBM) are introduced in this paper. It uses He as a coolant at an inlet temperature of 300 °C and an outlet temperature up to 400 °C and Li is used as a tritium breeder by considering its potential advantages. Two layers of graphite are inserted as a reflector in the breeder zone to increase the tritium breeding ratio (TBR) and the shielding performances. A 3-D Monte Carlo analysis is performed with the MCCARD code for the neutronics and the total TBM power is designed to be 0.739 MW at a normal heat flux from the plasma side. From the analysis results with CFX-10 for the thermal-hydraulics, the He cooling path is determined and it shows that the maximum temperature of the first wall does not exceed 550 °C at the structural materials and the coolant velocities are 45 and 11.5 m/s in the first wall and breeding zone, respectively. The obtained temperature data is used in the thermal-mechanical analysis with ANSYS-10. The maximum von Mises equivalent stress of the first wall is 123 MPa and the maximum deformation of it is 3.73 mm, which is lower than the maximum allowable stress.  相似文献   

India has proposed the helium-cooled solid breeder blanket concept as a tritium breeding module to be tested in ITER. The module has lithium titanate for tritium breeding and beryllium for neutron multiplication. Beryllium also enhances tritium breeding. A design for the module is prepared for detailed analysis. Neutronic analysis is performed to assess the tritium breeding rate, neutron distribution, and heat distribution in the module. The tritium production distribution in submodules is evaluated to support the tritium transport analysis. The tritium breeding density in the radial direction of the module is also assessed for further optimization of the design. The heat deposition profile of the entire module is generated to support the heat removal circuit design. The estimated neutron spectrum in the radial direction also provides a more in-depth picture of the nuclear interactions inside the material zones. The total tritium produced in the HCSB module is around 13.87 mg per full day of operation of ITER, considering the 400 s ON time and 1400 s dwell time. The estimated nuclear heat load on the entire module is around 474 kW, which will be removed by the high-pressure helium cooling circuit. The heat deposition in the test blanket model (TBM) is huge (around 9 GJ) for an entire day of operation of ITER, which demonstrates the scale of power that can be produced through a fusion reactor blanket. As per the Brayton cycle, it is equivalent to 3.6 GJ of electrical energy. In terms of power production, this would be around 1655 MWh annually. The evaluation is carried out using the MCNP5 Monte Carlo radiation transport code and FEDNL 2.1 nuclear cross section data. The HCSB TBM neutronic performance demonstrates the tritium production capability and high heat deposition.  相似文献   

在中国氦冷固态增殖剂实验包层模块(CH HCSB TBM)热工水力优化设计的基础上,利用有限元程序ANSYS和计算流体力学程序FLUENT对实验包层模块进行了相应的分析.分析结果表明热工水力优化是合理的,是可以接受的.  相似文献   

A two dimensional solver is developed for MHD flows with low magnetic Reynolds’ number based on the electrostatic potential formulation for the Lorentz forces and current densities which will be used to calculate the MHD pressure drop inside the channels of liquid breeder based Test Blanket Modules (TBMs). The flow geometry is assumed to be rectangular and perpendicular to the flow direction, with flow and electrostatic potential variations along the flow direction neglected. A structured, non-uniform, collocated grid is used in the calculation, where the velocity (u), pressure (p) and electrostatic potential (?) are calculated at the cell centers, whereas the current densities are calculated at the cell faces. Special relaxation techniques are employed in calculating the electrostatic potential for ensuring the divergence-free condition for current density. The code is benchmarked over a square channel for various Hartmann numbers up to 25,000 with and without insulation coatings by (i) comparing the pressure drop with the approximate analytical results found in literature and (ii) comparing the pressure drop with the ones obtained in our previous calculations based on the induction formulation for the electromagnetic part. Finally the code is used to determine the MHD pressure drop in case of LLCB TBM. The code gives similar results as obtained by us in our previous calculations based on the induction formulation. However, the convergence is much faster in case of potential based code.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2088-2092
Three ITER equatorial port cells are dedicated to the assessment of six different designs of breeding blankets, known as Test Blanket Modules (TBMs). Several high temperature components and pipework will be present in each TBM port cell and will release a significant quantity of heat that has to be extracted in order to avoid the ambient air and concrete wall temperatures to exceed allowable limits. Moreover, from these components and pipes, a fraction of the contained tritium permeates and/or leaks into the port cell. This paper describes the optimization of the heat extraction management during operation, and the tritium concentration control required for entry into the port cell to proceed with the required maintenance operations after the plasma shutdown.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1107-1112
The Indian LLCB TBM, currently under development, will be tested from the first phase of ITER operation (H–H phase) in one-half of the ITER port no-2. The present LLCB TBM design has been optimized based on the neutronic as well as thermal hydraulic analysis results. LLCB TBM R&D activities are primarily focused on (i) development of technologies related to various process systems such as Helium, Pb–Li liquid metal and tritium, (ii) development and qualification of blanket materials viz., structural material (IN-RAFMS), tritium breeding materials (Pb–Li, and Li2TiO3), (iii) development and qualification of fabrication technologies for TBM system. The present status of LLCB TBM design activities as well as the progress made in major R&D areas is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

ITER ELM coils are used to mitigate or suppress Edge Localized Modes (ELM), which are located between the vacuum vessel (VV) and shielding blanket modules and subject to high radiation levels, high temperature and high magnetic field. These coils shall have high heat transfer performance to avoid high thermal stress, sufficient strength and excellent fatigue to transport and bear the alternating electromagnetic force due to the combination of the high magnetic field and the AC current in the coil. Therefore these coils should be designed and analyzed to confirm the temperature distribution, strength and fatigue performance in the case of conservative assumption. To verify the design structural feasibility of the upper ELM coil under EM and thermal loads, thermal, static and fatigue structural analysis have been performed in detail using ANSYS. In addition, design optimization has been done to enhance the structural performance of the upper ELM coil.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):1177-1180
Korea has developed a Helium Cooled Ceramic Reflector (HCCR) Test Blanket Module (TBM) and its auxiliary system in ITER. In parallel with its design, safety analysis has performed including accident analysis with the selected reference accidents. Among them, the effect of in-box LOCA to the structural integrity of the TBM was investigated. From the transient analysis of the GAMMA-FR on the in-box LOCA, it is found that the pressure of the internal TBM can be increased up to 8 MPa with the same pressure of the operating coolant through the Tritium Extraction System (TES) and He purge lines in the TBM. Structural analysis with ANSYS code for TBM was performed with this condition and it is confirmed that the TBM can endure and it does not affect the ITER machine by the failure.  相似文献   

A finite element model of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in-vessel viewing port was developed by the ANSYS code in order to evaluate the stress level of this structure. The thermal, elastic and modal analyses were made in succession based on the loads designated by the ITER International team. The designed loads include electromagnetic loads, seismic loads, pressure, temperature and gravity. The preliminary results of the finite element analysis (FEA) show that the stress intensity exceeded the allowable stress and the maximum stress was concentrated in the geometric discontinuous region of the shroud stub extension (SSE). Therefore, the SSE has been modified recently. For the modified structure, we found that the stresses do not exceed the allowable value for all load combinations. In addition the modal analysis results show that the natural frequencies of the IVV port structure are located in the typical diapason of seismic excitation.  相似文献   

A structural analysis of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) vacuum vessel's lower port region was presented by means of a finite element analysis method. The purpose is to evaluate the stress and displacement level on this structure under various combinations of five designed loads, including the gravity of the vacuum vessel, seismic loads, electromagnetic loads, and possible pressure loads to ensure structural safety. The cyclic symmetry finite element model of this structure was developed by using ANSYS code. The re- sults showed that the maximum stress does not exceed the allowable value for any of the load combinations according to ASME code and the nine vacuum vessel (VV) supports have the ability to sustain the entire VV and in vessel-components and withstand load combinations under both normal as well as off-normal operation conditions. Stress mainly concentrates on the connecting region of the VV support and lower port stub extension.  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2024-2027
Korea has designed a Helium-Cooled Ceramic Reflector (HCCR)-based Test Blanket System (TBS) for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Among seven selected reference accidents in Korean TBS, in-box loss of coolant accident (LOCA) is one of them. This is initiated by a double-ended break of the coolant pipe in the Breeding Zone (BZ), pressurizing the BZ box structure, causing pressurization of the Tritium Extraction System (TES) and purging of pipelines. When the accident is detected, the Plant Safety System (PSS) isolates the Helium Cooling System (HCS) and TES, and requests plasma shutdown to Fusion Power Shutdown System (FPSS). To prevent aggravating failure of the system, the safety function is automatically activated when the accident is detected, the device being the isolation valve of HCS and TES. One important observation of this accident is that instant isolation is not a good measure to take. In terms of the possibility of aggravating failure, system isolation is an important safety procedure but isolated TES volume is exposed to high pressure and temperature conditions in the early move of the accident transient. The result of system safety analysis shows that delayed isolation keeps the system safe for a while. In this article, given the preliminary accident analysis results for the current HCCR TBS, case studies were performed regarding the delayed isolation timing effect. For this transient simulation, Korean nuclear fusion reactor safety analysis code (GAMMA-FR) was used.  相似文献   

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