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The latest video coding standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC) obtains superior coding efficiency compared to the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), which is achieved by incorporating more effective and complex new coding tools. In this paper, we propose a novel fast intra mode decision algorithm for VVC, including following two strategies: (1) the correlation between the optimal modes of the adjacent blocks and the modes selected in the rough modes decision (RMD) process is analyzed and applied to reduce the modes in the candidate list; (2) modes in the candidate list are sorted in ascending order according to the modes’ cost calculated in the RMD process. An early termination method is proposed for terminating the optimal prediction mode decision process based on this new order early. These two strategies are incorporated into intra coding to reduce the coding complexity. Since these two strategies do not add any additional computational complexity, the proposed fast algorithm can achieve more complexity reduction. The experimental results show that the complexity reduction of the proposed algorithm is up to 44.74% compared to VVC reference software VTM2.0, and averagely 30.59% encoding time saving with 0.86% BDBR increase.  相似文献   

Multi-view video coding (MVC) has been extended from H.264/AVC to improve the coding efficiency of multi-view video. This paper proposes a fast mode decision algorithm which can make an early decision on the correct mode partition to solve the issue of the enormous computational complexity. The best modes of the reference views are utilized to determine the complexity of the macroblock (MB) in the current view, the mode candidates needed to be calculated can then be obtained according to the complexity. If the complexity is low or medium, the search range can be reduced. The threshold of the rate-distortion cost for the current MB is calculated using the co-located and neighboring MBs in previously coded view and is utilized as the criterion for early termination. The motion vector difference in the reference view is applied to dynamically adjust the search range in the current MB. Experimental results prove that the proposed algorithm achieves a time saving of 81.05% for a fast TZ search and 87.85% for full search, and still maintains quality performance and bitrate.  相似文献   

低复杂度的多视点视频编码宏块模式决策算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了降低多视点视频编码(MVC)的计算复杂度,提出了一种基于全局-局部率失真代价的低复杂度宏块模式决策算法。首先根据宏块候选模式的块尺寸和率失真代价特点,将所有候选模式分为大尺寸模式(Skip/Direct、Inter16×16和Intra16×16)和小尺寸模式(Inter16×8、Inter8×16、Inter8×8、Intra8×8和Intra4×4);接着统计已编码帧中这两类宏块模式的平均率失真代价,并利用这些平均率失真代价计算当前帧宏块模式决策的全局率失真代价;最后利用得到的全局率失真代价,并结合当前宏块已估计模式的局部率失真代价和空间邻近宏块的模式信息提前终止模式决策,具体包括对大尺寸宏块模式进行提前判定以及对小尺寸候选模式进行逐级选择。实验结果表明:与MVC参考代码中的全搜索模式决策算法相比,本文算法在时域预测视点和视点域预测视点上分别节省了74%和82%的平均编码时间,同时保持了良好的编码率失真性能;与现有模式决策快速算法相比,本文算法降低了更多的编码时间,并具有更好的编码率失真性能。  相似文献   

针对多视点视频编码(MVC)中部分大宏块模式(SKI P/DIRECT模式,帧间16×16模式)相对于其它模式的计算复杂 度低,并且在编码所确定的最优模式中占有相当高比重的特点,本文提出一种基于转移概率 的多视点视频 快速模式选择算法。首先根据多视点视频当前编码宏块对应时间和视点间宏块及周围宏块的 位置几何关系, 建立宏块模式参考模型;其次比较参考模型中模式的时间相似度和视点间相似度;最后计算 模式之间的转 移概率,确定提前结束大宏块模式选择过程的阈值。实验结果表明,本文所提出的快速算法 平均节约MVC时间80.93%,编码质量平均下降0.04dB,码率平均增加0.27%。  相似文献   

Color inconsistency between views is an important problem to be solved in multi-view video applications, such as free viewpoint television and other three-dimensional video systems. In this paper, by combining with multi-view video coding, a coding-oriented multi-view video color correction method is proposed. We first separate foreground and background in first Group Of Pictures (GOP) by using SKIP coding mode. Then by transferring means and standard deviations in backgrounds, color correction is performed for each frame in GOP, and multi-view video coding is performed and used to renew the backgrounds. Experimental results ances in color correction and multi-view video show the proposed method can obtain better performcoding.  相似文献   

多视点视频加深度(MVD,multi-view video plus depth)的编码格式包含多个纹理视频序列及其对应的深度图,深度图与对应的纹理视频具有相似的边缘信息。传统的编码模式不考虑两者的联系,单独编码导致复杂度高、编码时间过长。因此,合理利用深度图与纹理图的相似性进行编码,可以有效降低编码复杂度,同时应该确保编码质量不受影响。本文利用深度图的这一特点辅助纹理视频的编码,提出一种帧间快速模式选择算法,充分利用深度图与纹理图之间的相似性,建立一种联合复杂度模型,根据模型得到每个宏块的复杂度。对于复杂度低的宏块,在计算率失真代价之前跳过编码中一些不必要的模式,从而降低编码复杂度。实验表明,本文提出的快速模式选择算法,在保证率失真性能基本不变的情况下,能减少60.57%的编码复杂度,并最高能减少80.64%的编码时间。  相似文献   

As a 3D extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, 3D-HEVC is developed to improve the coding efficiency of multi-view video. However, the improvement of the coding efficiency is obtained at the expense of a computational complexity increase. How to relieve the computational burden of the encoder is becoming a critical problem in applications. In this paper, a fast encoder decision algorithm to encode the dependent texture views is proposed, where two strategies to accelerate encoder decision by exploiting inter-view correlations are utilized. The first one is an early merge mode decision algorithm, and the second one is an early CU splitting termination algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve 47.1% encoding time saving with overall 0.1% BD-rate reduction compared to HTM (3D-HEVC test model) version 7 under the common test condition (CTC). Both of the two strategies have been adopted into the 3D-HEVC reference software and enabled as a default encoding process under CTC.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for fast mode decision in the H264 video coding standard is presented in this paper. The algorithm exploits temporal information and adaptive thresholding and can provide significant computational savings with similar or even better Rate Distortion performance as compared to accepted standard contributions and other techniques found in the literature.  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于视频监控的时空可伸缩编码方法。首先提出一种适用于可伸缩视频编码特点的监控算法,利用该算法将运动区域从背景中提取出来,并用模式和方向快速判别算法去掉对编码增益很小的冗余模式,基本层利用该算法进行编码,增强层利用基本层的信息预测可能的模式集合,然后进行零块预先判决,最后对最高时间级的高速运动块通过视觉门限来降低其空间冗余度。实验证明,该方法能够较大地提高编码速度和一定程度上提高压缩率,并且视觉质量损失很小。  相似文献   

To increase the flexibility of bit stream adaptation in the H.264/Scalable Video Coding, Medium-Grain Scalable Video Coding (MGS), a variation of Coarse-Grain Scalable Video Coding (CGS), is included. The encoding structure of MGS is significantly different from that of CGS, and the encoding procedure of MGS is very complex. It is important to reduce encoding complexity without sacrificing MGS coding performance. In this paper, a fast mode decision algorithm is proposed for the enhancement layer of MGS based on its specific coding structure. First, the candidate modes and the coding sequence of the current macro-block (MB) are predicted based on mode correlations and correlation degrees. Next, early termination strategies, including Direct Mode, inter-layer, layer and spatial, and spatial-only, are proposed based on the coding structure of MGS and correlations. Finally, MBs are encoded in the order predicted with the four proposed early termination strategies to improve the coding speed. Experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve an average time saving of up to 85.44% with strong robustness and negligible loss in coding efficiency.  相似文献   

To minimize the errors of the reconstructed values and improve the quality of decoded image,an efficient reconstruction scheme for transform domain Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding is proposed.The reconstruction scheme exploits temporal correlation of the coefficient bands,the WZ decoded bits stream and the side information efficiently.When side information is outside the decoded quantization bin,the reconstructed value is derived using expectation of the WZ decoded bit stream and the side information.When side information is within the decoded quantization bin,the reconstructed value is derived using the biased predictor.Simulation results show that the proposed reconstruction scheme gains up to 1.32 dB compared with the commonly used boundary reconstruction scheme at the same bit rates and similar computation cost.  相似文献   

自适应环路滤波(ALF)是面向高清的多视点视频编码(MVC)中的一项新的滤波技术,虽然能提高视频压缩的主观质量和客观质量,但是其复杂度过高阻碍了其实时应用。本文提出了一种低复杂度的ALF算法,充分利用了视点间相关性和层间相关性以减少亮度和色度分量的分割次数,并且能自适应跳过大部分帧的块控制(DBC)处理过程。实验结果表明,所提出的算法能在保证视频主观质量和客观质量基本不变的情况下减少61%左右的ALF处理时间。因此,所提出的方法在编码效率和复杂度上做到了很好的折中处理,并且能很好地改善ALF的性能。  相似文献   

Reduction of high computational complexity of multi-view video coding (MVC) is necessary for realization in consumer electronics. Since mode decision is one of the key computational bottlenecks of multi-view video encoders, this paper proposes a coding statistics based fast mode decision algorithm. First of all, a rate–distortion cost based fast DIRECT mode decision algorithm early terminates the mode decision process if possible. Next, the candidates for Inter modes are reduced by taking the advantage of the correlation between an optimal mode and motion cost. The proper thresholds to reduce the candidates for the above two fast algorithms can be easily derived from exponential functions at run time. Finally, motion vector difference based motion characteristics is referred to further speed up the mode decision process of Inter modes. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme reduces up to 70.82% of encoding time with negligible degradation of RD performance.  相似文献   

We consider a client-driven selective streaming system for multi-view video, which is supported by scalable multi-view video coding (SMVC). The system is used to reduce bit-rates for efficient transmission of multi-view video. The transmit source is partitioned into three layers: a base and two enhancement layers. The base layer contains all views encoded by MVC at a low-quality, while each enhancement layer contains high-quality part of the selected left and right views, respectively. The base layer is more important than the enhancement layers to create 3D perception, albeit of low-quality, and should be more protected than the enhancement layers. In this paper, two-level and three-level hierarchical 64QAM are used to provide unequal error protection (UEP) for the client-driven selective streaming system. First we find the suitable hierarchical values, which is the ratio of the distances in hierarchical 64QAM, for the client-driven selective streaming system. Furthermore, we analyze numerically how the hierarchical 64QAM impacts peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) performance of fast and slow-motion sequences. Simulation results show that the three-level hierarchical 64QAM outperforms both conventional 64QAM with Gray mapping and the two-level hierarchical 64QAM in terms of achieving the target average PSNR performance at a low SNR environment.  相似文献   

为了提高多视角视频编码系统中运动估计速度,提出了一种基于马尔科夫链模型的快速运动矢量估计算法。该算法充分利用帧间、视角间相关性,建立预测矢量状态集合。通过马尔科夫链模型的状态转移概率,对预测矢量进行提前测试。然后利用提前退出准则,实现快速运动矢量估计。实验结果表明,与单独采用全搜索算法比较,该算法对于多视角视频序列运动估计速度可以提高99%以上,PSNR平均降低0.16dB。提出的算法对多视角视频编码系统的运动估计效率提升明显。  相似文献   

During the multi-view video acquisition, color variation across the views tends to be incurred due to different camera positions, orientations, and local lighting conditions. Such color variation will inevitably deteriorate the performance of the follow-up multi-view video processing, such as multi-view video coding (MVC). To address this problem, an effective color correction algorithm, called the SIFT flow-based color correction (SFCC), is proposed in this paper. First, the SIFT-flow technique is used to establish point-to-point correspondences across all the views of the multi-view video. The average color is then computed based on those identified common corresponding points and used as the reference color. By minimizing the energy of the difference yielded between the color of those identified common corresponding points in each view with respect to the reference color, the color correction matrix for each view can be obtained and used to correct its color. Experimental results have shown that the proposed SFCC algorithm is able to effectively eliminate the color variation inherited in multi-view video. By further exploiting the developed SFCC algorithm as a pre-processing for the MVC, extensive simulation results have shown that the coding efficiency of the color-corrected multi-view video can be greatly improved (on average, 0.85 dB, 1.27 dB and 1.63 dB gain for Y, U, and V components, respectively), compared with that of the original multi-view video without color correction.  相似文献   

多功能视频编码(versatile video coding,VVC)是最新的视频编码标准,与高效视频编码(high efficiency video coding,HEVC)相比进一步提高了压缩效率,但由于引入了包括二叉树和三叉树在内的多类树结构,同时帧内角度模式从35种增加到67种,导致编码复杂度剧增.为了降低计算...  相似文献   

游乐  郑世宝 《信息技术》2006,30(2):39-43
为了实现尽可能高的编码效率,H.264采用了基于率失真优化的编码模式选择技术,然而为每一种编码模式都计算率失真代价极大的增加了编码时间。为了降低编码时间,提出了一种H.264快速模式选择算法,其主要思想是根据图像序列在时间以及空间上的相关性,为当前编码宏块预测一个编码模式子集,并仅对子集中的模式进行编码以及率失真优化,同时采用了适当的策略来避免由于不精确预测所带来的误差扩散。仿真结果表明,本算法平均减少了56%的编码时间,同时PSNR值平均下降0.13dB,最大下降不超过0.19dB。  相似文献   

ATM(AVC-based test model)测试模型实现了多视视频加深度(MVD)格式的联合编码,使得数据的压缩效率更高。然而,较高的压缩效率使得码流对传输错误非常敏感,极易产生错误扩散现象。针对ATM测试模型的编码顺序,提出一种用于MVD联合编码的错误隐藏算法。算法充分利用视点内、视点间及纹理视频与深度视频间的相关性,针对每个视点的不同特征提出了适应其视频特性的不同隐藏算法。实验表明,本文提出的算法可以在不增加算法复杂度的情况下,有效提高视频的主客观质量。  相似文献   

As the upcoming 3D video coding standard, high efficiency video coding (HEVC) based 3D video coding (3D-HEVC) has been drafted. In 3D-HEVC, the computational complexity of mode decision process is significantly high due to exhaustive modes’ checks for coding units (CU) derived from recursive quad-tree partitioning. In this paper, we propose an early merge mode decision method for complexity reduction of dependent texture views. First, inter-view correlation and hierarchical depth correlation of coding modes are separately analyzed for B frame and P frame. Then, conditions to early determine merge mode coded CUs are derived based on the correlations. All of the early determined CUs only check merge modes in the mode decision process, which brings considerable complexity reduction. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve average 20.4% of encoding time saving for dependent texture views with negligible rate distortion performance loss.  相似文献   

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