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The ITER Fast Plant System Controller (FPSC) is based on embedded technologies. The FPSC will be devoted to both data acquisition tasks (sampling rates higher than 1 kHz) and control purposes (feedback loop actuators). Some of the essential requirements of these systems are: (a) data acquisition and data preprocessing; (b) interfacing with different networks and high speed links (Plant Operation Network, timing network based on IEEE1588, synchronous data transference and streaming/archiving networks); and (c) system setup and operation using EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) process variables.CIEMAT and UPM have implemented a prototype of FPSC using a PXIe (PCI eXtension for Instrumentation) form factor in a R&D project developed in two phases. The paper presents the main features of the two prototypes developed that have been named alpha and beta. The former was implemented using LabVIEW development tools as it was focused on modeling the FPSC software modules, using the graphical features of LabVIEW applications, and measuring the basic performance in the system. The alpha version prototype implements data acquisition with time-stamping, EPICS monitoring using waveform process variables (PVs), and archiving. The beta version prototype is a complete IOC implemented using EPICS with different software functional blocks. These functional blocks are integrated and managed using an ASYN driver solution and provide the basic functionalities required by ITER FPSC such as data acquisition, data archiving, data pre-processing (using both CPU and GPU) and streaming.  相似文献   

A major challenge for the ITER project is to develop and implement a Remote Maintenance System, which can deliver high Tokamak availability within the constraints of the overall ITER programme objectives.Much of the maintenance of ITER will be performed using remote handling methods and some with combined manual and remote activities working together.The organization and management of the ITER remote handling facilities will be of a scale unlike any other remote handling application in the world.The ITER remote handling design and procurement activities will require co-ordination and management across many different sites throughout the world. It will be a major challenge for the ITER project to ensure a consistent quality and technical approach in all of the contributing parties. To address this issue the IO remote handling team are implementing the ITER Maintenance Management Plan (IMMP) comprising an overarching document defining the policies and methodologies (ITER Remote Maintenance Management System or IMMS) and an associated ITER remote handling code of practise (IRHCOP).The IMMS will be in document form available as a pdf file or similar. The IRHCOP will be implemented as a web based application and will provide access to the central resource of the entire code of practise from any location in the world. The IRHCOP data library will be centrally controlled in order that users can be assured of the data relevance and authenticity.This paper will describe the overall approach being taken to deal with this challenge and go on to detail the structure and content of both the IMMS and the IRHCOP.  相似文献   

The first Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) prototype coil for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) has been manufactured in the Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS (ASIPP) at 2014. The all 19 brackets need to braze to the stainless steel jacketed, Mineral Insulated Conductor (SSMIC) for transporting the nuclear heating in the brackets to the water-cooled SSMIC. Silver-based alloy is the only candidate brazing filler for the bracket brazing due to the limitation from melting point temperature and strength. In this paper, firstly, the experimental study for controlling the fluidity of silver-based brazing alloy is developed. And then, the brazing experiment of prototype bracket is introduced to develop the brazing process and some cracks in the Inconel 625 jackets surface appeared unexpectedly. The microstructures and tensile performance study of the cracked Inconel 625 jacket were made to explore the reason for cracks and the improved brazing technologies to suppress the cracks are developed. Finally, the bracket brazing experiment for the first ELM prototype coil is carried out, In spite of this, some cracks also appear in the Inconel 625 jackets.  相似文献   

在加速器中对磁场的控制实际上就是对磁场电源的控制.随着环中粒子能量的增加,偏转磁场将同步增加.这将要求电源控制器对磁场电源提供给定电压波形,已产生相应的加速磁场维持粒子在固定轨道上的谐振加速.为此,基于ARM,DSP,FPGA等硬件平台,采用Linux编程技术、双Buffer缓存机制和DSP编程,实现对磁铁电源波形数据...  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的核动力设备实时故障诊断系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在神经网络故障诊断研究的基础上,将遗传算法引入神经网络优化,并在此基础上设计了核动力设备遗传优化神经网络实时故障诊断系统.测试结果表明,该故障诊断系统能迅速、准确、可靠地诊断出所设故障.  相似文献   

为进一步减少核电厂中出现故障后的误操作,本文研究设计并实现核电厂实时故障诊断的专家系统。系统用专家系统理论将故障诊断的专家知识转化为存储于数据库的规则,实现了计算机自动异常征兆检测、实时提示、故障实时诊断,以及提出故障操作建议等功能。研究结果表明,开发的实时故障诊断专家系统能够为正确诊断压水堆核电厂多个典型事故提供有效的诊断结果和运行帮助信息。   相似文献   

本文介绍了福清核电RPR反应堆保护系统的结构组成;针对福清核电反应堆保护系统逻辑结构复杂,调试工期短等特点,使用Visual Studio.net C#开发了福清核电反应堆保护系统逻辑图的仿真软件,使得整个保护系统的结构更加的清晰,加快调试进程;同时,采用基于TCP/IP的通信协议,与DCS的数据采集系统相连接,能够模拟现场真实控制过程;另外,利用ACCESS数据库来保存、查询与维护整个系统的数据,易于操作人员方便管理相关数据。最后通过对软件的测试表明能够达到对系统仿真的目的。  相似文献   

CT(ComputerizedTomography)图像重建是一种运算量很大的数据处理过程。特别是三维CT,其巨大的运算量成为该技术发展的主要障碍之一。采用并行处理技术提高运算速度被公认为是解决这一问题的最好途径。本文具体介绍了采用多处理器并行处理技术实现三维CT高速图像重建的“环形移位悬浮存储器”并行图像重建系统PIRS-4(4-preeessorParallelImageReconstructionSystem)的体系结构和硬件、软件设计,包括系统结构与配置、交叉开关网络的设计以及控制模块的硬件细节,系统工作流程、卷积反投影图像重建算法描述、操作系统与编程语言的选择、仿EMS方式的原理和浮点数的直接内存读写等。并给出了在PIRS-4上实现CT图像重建的实验结果及分析。  相似文献   

本文较详细地介绍了在核电厂培训模拟器上建立放射性监测系统的软件设计工作。简述了RNS仿真的建模工作,以及按照软件工程学原则,自顶向下设计结构化的仿真计算软件的过程,并具体介绍了该程序模块与模拟器主仿真软件的关系以及实现该程序模拟实时仿真运行的方法。  相似文献   

Rogowski coil is used to measure the current of the thyristor in ITER poloidal field converter, the output of the Rogowski coil is the differential of current over time, so the result should be synchronized with input signal by using the integrator. In the process of measuring, the integral drift is caused by the input offset current, input offset voltage and the input bias current, which produces errors which will be larger after a long time, so something should be taken to decrease the errors. Then a real-time way of compensation was proposed in this paper based on the foregoing analysis. According to the method, the high-performance integrator was designed and tested to fulfill the demand of decreasing the errors by simulation analysis and experimental test.  相似文献   

田露 《中国核电》2012,(3):268-276
文章简述了核电仪控安全系统数字化的发展背景,分析了美国核管会(NRC)等核安全当局针对软件共因故障(SWCCF)的观点。针对核电安全系统采用数字化平台后,引入的软件共因故障问题,以方家山核电工程安全系统数字化的设计方案为例,阐述了计算机软、硬件多样性的防范策略,在软件共因故障防御的问题上,为核电数字化安全系统提供了一种多样性纵深防御的解决方案;同时分析了核安全执照申请中可能遇到的问题,并提出未来核电安全仪控系统可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

The VAXONLINE software system, started in late 1984, is now in use at 12 experiments at Fermilab, with at least one VAX or MicroVax. Data acquisition features now provide for the collection and combination of data from one or more sources, via a list-driven Event Builder program. Supported sources include CAMAC, FASTBUS, Front-end PDP-11's, Disk, Tape, DECnet and other processors running VAXONLINE. This paper describes the functionality provided by the VAXONLINE system, gives performance figures and discusses the ongoing program of enhancements.  相似文献   

刘乐  张奇 《核安全》2013,12(2):74-78
软件单元测试过程在核电厂安全系统软件的测试以及范围更广泛的验证与确认工作中占有重要的地位。软件单元测试过程是一个综合的、系统化的过程,它应满足软件测试相关的文档要求。在对软件单元测试过程进行审查时,要关注它对软件安全需求的覆盖情况、软件内部结构的覆盖情况以及工作的独立性。  相似文献   

培训服务软件 CI 系统是模拟机培训的重要工具。本文介绍的 CI 系统功能及软件结构,对模拟机的研制和发展具有参考价值。  相似文献   

核电厂热力系统设计需在保证安全性的前提下尽量提高经济性。经济性的影响因素较多,包括技术成熟度、设备成熟度以及系统热经济性等。为了从热经济性的角度确定最优的快堆核电厂热力系统加热器配置,以俄方800 MW钠冷快堆热力系统为参考,基于热平衡分析法建立了适用于快堆核电厂的加热器、立式汽水分离再热器等设备的热力分析模型,进而开发了快堆核电厂热力系统热经济性分析程序,利用俄方设计计算值进行了程序验证。利用新开发的程序研究了不同加热器布置方案、给水焓升分配方案,确定了等焓降分配法的给水焓升分配方案热经济性最好。  相似文献   

本文依据IEEE std 1633标准,对Schneidewind软件可靠性模型进行研究,将该模型应用于核电厂数字化仪控系统软件可靠性定量评估,并评价该模型对于核电厂数字化仪控系统软件可靠性定量评估的适用性。本文结合某堆型核电厂数字化仪控系统典型功能模块软件故障数据,代入Schneidewind模型,对软件可靠性进行定量评估。本文介绍的工作对进一步开展数字化仪控系统软件可靠性研究具有积极意义。  相似文献   

HIRFL束流诊断系统软件设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
具体描述了在Windows95环境下HIRFL束流诊断系统软件的设计过程与方法,对系统的界面设计进行了讨论,新设计的系统在反应速度,稳定性和操作方便性方面都有很大的提高。  相似文献   

SOPHY SPECT软件系统分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对法国Sopha Medical公司生产的单光子发射型计算机断层摄影(SPECT)装置的FORTH软件系统进行了分析。文章在简要介绍FORTH语言的基础上,着重分析Sophy软件系统的整体结构和布局.其中主要包括系统的模块结构,硬盘和内存的分配及系统的运行过程。  相似文献   

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