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F. Kazarian B. Beaumont B. Arambhadiya T. Gassmann Ph. Lamalle D. Rathi A. Mukherjee P. Ajesh H. Machchhar D. Patadia M. Patel K. Rajnish R. Singh G. Suthar R. Trivedi R. Kumazawa T. Seki K. Saito H. Kasahara T. Mutoh G. Nomura 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2011,86(6-8):888-891
The Ion Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (IC H&CD) system for ITER will provide 20 MW to the plasma. The associated Radio Frequency (RF) source system has to be compliant with all operation modes foreseen in that frame. Their specifications are fully described in this paper and constraints on IC RF source components are detailed, in particular concerning the final stage tube of the amplifier. Results of tests performed under a collaborative work at the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) facility are presented. Consequences on the procurement process by ITER India (II) are deduced. 相似文献
Peter Spaeh Gaetano Aiello Robby Gessner Giovanni Grossetti Andreas Meier Theo Scherer Sabine Schreck Arkady Serikov Dirk Strauss Alessandro Vaccaro Bastian Weinhorst 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2013,88(6-8):878-881
After approval of the preliminary design of the ITER EC H&CD Upper Launcher, ECHUL-CA, a consortium of several European research institutes, was founded to pool resources for approaching the final design. At the end of 2011 the consortium has signed a 2 years contract with F4E to go ahead with the work on the launcher. The contract deals with design work on both the port plug, forming the structural system, and the mm-wave-system, which injects the RF-power into the plasma. Within the period of this contract all components being part of the Tritium confinement, of which the closure plate, the support flange, the diamond windows and the waveguide feed-throughs are the most outstanding ones, will get the status of the final design.Important steps to be done for the structural system are the optimization of the mechanical behavior of the launcher, leading to minimum deflections of the port plug during plasma disruptions and optimum seismic resistance. To reduce the effect of halo currents it was decided to recess the first wall of 100 mm compared to the regular blanket tangent. This recess requires substantial changes of the cooling system and the thermo-hydraulic design of the launcher. Also the layout of the shielding arrangement and the integration of the mm-wave system need significant revision. Moreover manufacturing aspects and enhanced remote handling capability are taken into account.For the final design also quality aspects must be considered; thus the design is elaborated with respect to applicable codes and standards, material specifications, risk analyses and the RAMI (reliability, availability, maintainability and inspectability) analysis to guarantee maximum performance of the device.This paper outlines the present status of the structural system of the EC H&CD upper launcher and represents the most recent steps towards its final design. 相似文献
P. Spaeh G. Aiello M. de Baar R. Chavan B. Elzendoorn T. Goodman M. Henderson K. Kleefeldt J.D. Landis A. Meier D. Ronden G. Saibene T. Scherer S. Schreck A. Serikov D. Strauss A. Vaccaro 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2011,86(6-8):724-727
Four ITER EC H&CD (Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive) Upper Launchers will be installed in the ITER Tokamak to counteract plasma instabilities by injection of up to 20 MW of millimeter-wave power at 170 GHz. Each Launcher features a structural system which is equipped with eight beam lines in a Front-Steering arrangement. The Launcher development has reached the status of a preliminary design, since the corresponding review meeting was held in November 2009 at the ITER site in Cadarache. All design work is performed by several EU associations being contracted by Fusion for Energy (F4E). The structural design of the Upper Launcher consists of three sub-components: First of all the Blanket Shield Module (BSM), which fills the gap between the regular blankets. The BSM dissipates about 80% of the nuclear heating and envelopes the front mirrors of the mm-wave system. Further the Launcher Mainframe, which provides a rigid structure for precise and secure integration of the mm-wave system to guarantee reliable operation under all potential scenarios. Finally the internals, such as dedicated support structures for the mm-wave system, shielding elements and components for gas and coolant supply. The most challenging design aspects are proper dissipation of nuclear heating in zones of high heat flux, the mechanical integrity during plasma disruptions, the integration of sufficient shielding material and the precise alignment of the mm-wave system under tight space conditions. Furthermore the definition of efficient manufacturing routes with respect to tolerance compliance requires substantial investigation and, though the Launcher is designed for ITER lifetime, potential repair by adequate remote handling procedures must be considered. This paper presents the recent status of the preliminary structural design and outlines future design approaches with the main focus on manufacturing methods, remote handling capability of the sub-components and optimum integration of the internals to bring the EC Launcher towards the final design. 相似文献
K. Kajiwara K. Takahashi N. Kobayashi A. Kasugai K. Sakamoto 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2009,84(1):72-77
An optimization procedure of the quasi-optical system for a millimeter wave launcher is developed for the ITER electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) launcher. In the launcher, the radiated RF beams from eight corrugated waveguides are reflected sequentially by two mirrors and injected into a plasma through a small aperture in the blanket shield module on the top of the launcher. Using a steepest decent method, the heat load on the mirrors is successfully reduced to the acceptable level by flattening the RF power profile on the mirrors keeping the scattering of the RF power to a minimum from the mirrors. It is found that 20 MW injection will be acceptable even when the resistivity of 2.64 × 10−8 Ωm for the surface of the mirror (dispersion strengthened copper, 151 °C assumed) is increased by a factor of ∼10 with a contamination. 相似文献
A. Vaccaro G. Aiello K. Kleefeldt T. Scherer S. Schreck P. Spaeh D. Strauss 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2011,86(6-8):851-854
Four Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (EC H&CD) Upper Launchers (UL) are foreseen for plasma stabilization purposes in ITER. The mission of the UL is to mitigate neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) and the sawtooth instability by localized heating and current drive with high precision and accuracy. Special attention is to be aimed to the structural design of the UL, because of highly restrictive space requirements. The ECH upper launcher has a length close to 6 m and the nominal gap to the neighbouring components is 20 mm. Electromagnetic perturbations could induce forces on the conductive materials and result in an excessive displacement of the portions that are located far from the fixation.During the last years, the design of the UL has been optimized by means of static simulations of the structure. The peak loads obtained by the electromagnetic simulation of the eddy currents induced during an upward Vertical Displacement Event (VDE) (considered as the worst case disruption scenario for the UL) were used. Static simulations are a fast tool for comparing different structure configurations and optimization of the UL design, but they do not provide a complete picture of the real situation, since they do not take into account for dynamic effects that could lead to larger displacements.In this paper, modal and transient analyses of the structure of the quasi-optical design (Preliminary Design Review status) of the upper launcher are presented. The results of transient and static analysis have been compared together and the Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) with respect to the transient loads have been assessed. The transient study and the modal analysis have shown that the EC upper launcher has a stiff structure with relatively high natural oscillation frequencies (compared to the duration of the VDE) and that the dynamic effects do not constitute a critical issue. 相似文献
K. Takahashi K. Kajiwara Y. Oda K. Sakamoto T. Omori M. Henderson 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2013,88(2):85-93
The design of the torus diamond window for the ITER electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) system has advanced considering a reliable and manufacturable structure. The diamond window prototype was fabricated based on the design and the high power experiment was carried out to verify the millimeter wave transmission capability. Transmission of 740 kW-100 s was demonstrated and no significant temperature increase of the window structure and no damage on the diamond disk were obtained. The temperature saturation of the cooling water for the window was observed and loss tangent of 7.8 × 10?6, which was the lowest value that we had ever obtained at JAEA, was evaluated. This result indicates that the diamond window design is feasible and promising the high power more than 1 MW transmission. 相似文献
《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(7-8):960-964
The design of the ITER Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive (ECH&CD) Upper launcher is recently in the first of two final design phases. The first phase deals with the finalization of all FCS (First Confinement System) components as well as with specific design progress for the remaining In-vessel components.The most outstanding structural In-vessel component of an ECH&CD Upper launcher is the Blanket Shield Module (BSM) with the First Wall Panel (FWP). Both of them form the plasma facing part of the launcher, which has to meet strong demands on dissipation of nuclear heat loads and mechanical rigidity. Nuclear heat loads from 3 MW/m3 at the First Wall Panel’ surface, decaying down to a tenth in a distance of 0.5 m behind of it will affect the BSM and the FWP. Additional heating of maximum 0.5 MW/m2 due to plasma radiation must be dissipated from the FWP.To guarantee save and homogenous removal of such extensive heat loads, the BSM is designed as a welded steel-case with specific cooling channels inside its wall structure. Attached to its face side is the FWP with a high-power cooling structure.Based on computational analysis the optimum cooling channel geometry has been investigated. Specific pre-prototype tests have been made and associated assembly parameters have been determined in order to identify optimum manufacturing processes and joining techniques, which guarantee a robust design with maximum geometrical accuracy.This paper describes the design, manufacturing and testing of a full-size mock-up of the BSM. The study was carried out in an industrial cooperation with MAN Diesel and Turbo SE. 相似文献
P. Spaeh G. Aiello A. Goldmann K. Kleefeldt A. Kroiss A. Meier C. Obermeier T. Scherer S. Schreck A. Serikov D. Strauss A. Vaccaro 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2012,87(7-8):956-960
To counteract plasma instabilities, Electron Cyclotron Launchers will be installed in four of the ITER Upper Ports. The structural system of an EC Upper Launcher accommodates the MM-wave-components and has to meet strong demands on alignment, removal of nuclear heat loads, mechanical strength and nuclear shielding. The EC Upper Launcher has successfully undergone the Preliminary Design Review in 2009 and is now in the final design phase. Nuclear heat loads from 0.1 W/cm3 up to 0.8 W/cm3 will affect the front area of the launcher main frame. To guarantee save and homogenous removal of those heat loads, the front part of the launcher main frame is designed as a double wall steel-casing with cooling channels inside the shell structure. To finalize the design of this double wall component, the main emphasis is now to define the cooling channels geometry and to identify the optimum manufacturing route to assure adequate flow of coolant and sufficient mechanical strength in compliance with required dimension tolerances and quality of the welds. Several manufacturing options have been investigated and were evaluated by computational analysis and fabrication of pre-prototypes. To come to a final design, the most promising route will be chosen to manufacture a full-size mock-up of the double wall main frame. It will be tested at the KIT Launcher Handling Test facility to check the compliance with the design goals related to geometrical accuracy and thermo-hydraulic characteristics. This paper describes the design and the manufacturing routes of the prototypic double wall main frame. 相似文献
Robby Gessner Gaetano Aiello Giovanni Grossetti Andreas Meier Dennis Ronden Peter Spaeh Theo Scherer Sabine Schreck Dirk Strauss Alessandro Vaccaro 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2013,88(9-10):1881-1885
The final design of the structural system for the ITER EC H&CD upper launcher is in progress. Many design features of the preliminary design are under revision with the aim to achieve the built-to-print-status. This paper deals with design and analysis of a bolted joint for the Blanket Shield Module with special perspective on Remote Handling capability. The BSM of the ECH Launcher is attached to the Launcher Main Frame by a bolted joint conceived so that in the Hot Cell Facility, RH maintenance can be performed on internal components. The joint must be capable to resist very high Electro-Magnetic loads from disruptions, while it has to sustain substantial thermal cycling during operation. Thus the need for a rigid and reliable design is essential. Beside the set of pre-stressed bolts the flanges were therefore equipped with additional shear keys to divert radial moments away from the bolts. Main focus of the work performed was the mechanical design of the joint and the assessment of the structural integrity with respect to the loads applied and its capability for maintenance by RH procedures. To fulfill a major aspect of the RH requirements, the bolts were designed as “captive” in order to avoid their accidental removal from the joint. The captive bolt design is based on a concept that uses a dedicated spring ring, a standard spiral spring and a tensioning screw with two threads to secure the bolts in a form-locking stop. The final approval phase of the RH compatibility foresees simulations in Virtual Reality and physical tests on prototypes. 相似文献
ITER中的电子回旋波电流驱动模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过将相对论Fokker-Planck方程与波迹方程联合求解,对ITER(国际热核实验反应堆)参数下的电子回旋波电流驱动进行了数值模拟。结果表明,当波的环向发射角度不太大时,波功率沉积将发生在ITER的强场侧。当环向发射角度为21°时,电子回旋波的能量在等离子体中心区域被吸收并驱动起等离子体中心区域的电流。当发射角度变大时,电子回旋波将在弱场侧沉积功率。当发射角度为20°~30°时,能够驱动归一化的径向位置(r/a)小于0.35区域内的等离子体电流,并有较高的电流驱动效率。 相似文献
N. Mitchell P. Bauer D. Bessette A. Devred R. Gallix C. Jong J. Knaster P. Libeyre B. Lim A. Sahu F. Simon 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2009,84(2-6):113-121
The first 2 years of the ITER IO has seen substantial progress towards the construction of the magnets, in three main areas. Firstly, the design has been developed under the conflicting constraints to minimise construction costs and to maximise plasma physics performance. Building construction momentum while updating the design to take account of new physics assessments of the coil requirements has been challenging. Secondly, with a stabilising design, it has been possible for the Domestic Agencies to launch the first industrial procurement contracts. And thirdly, critical R&D to confirm the performance of the Nb3Sn cable in conduit design is proceeding successfully.The design consolidation has been accompanied by design reviews involving the international community. The reviews conducted by magnet experts have enabled a consensus to be built on choosing between some of the design options in the original ITER basic design in 2001. The major design decisions were to maintain the circular Nb3Sn conductor embedded in radial plates for the toroidal field (TF) coils and to maintain NbTi-based conductors for the PF coils. Cold testing, at low current, is also being introduced for quality control purposes for all coils. 相似文献
M. Dalla Palma S. Dal Bello F. Fellin P. Zaccaria 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2009,84(7-11):1460-1464
This paper deals with the requirements, operational modes and design of the cooling system for the ITER Neutral Beam test experiments. Different operating conditions of the experiments have been considered in order to identify the maximum heat loads that constitute, with the inlet temperature and pressure at each component, the design requirements for the cooling system.The test facility components will be actively cooled by ultrapure water realizing a closed cooling loop for each group of components. Electrochemical corrosion issues have been taken into account for the design of the primary cooling loops and of the chemical and volume control system that will produce water with controlled resistivity and pH. Draining and drying systems have been designed to evacuate water from the components and primary loops in case of leakage, and to carry out leak detection.Tritium concentration, water resistivity and pH will be measured and monitored at each primary loop for safety reasons and high voltage holding reliability. The measured water flow rates and temperatures will be used to calculate the exchanged heat fluxes and powers. Flow regulating valves and speed of variable driven pumps will be adjusted to control the component temperatures in order to fulfil the functional and thermohydraulic requirements. 相似文献
Clark D. J. Steyaert J. Carneiro A. Morris D. 《IEEE transactions on nuclear science》1972,19(2):114-117
A new internal Penning ion source is now being tested for production of nitrogen and oxygen beams. Nitrogen beams of N5+ have been accelerated to 250 MeV. An external source for lithium beams is being developed. 相似文献
F. Javier Fuentes Vincent Trouvé Emily Blessing Jean-Jacques Cordier Jens Reich 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2013,88(6-8):597-601
The optimization of the manufacturing/assembly tolerances and processes in ITER Experimental Nuclear Fusion Device is one of the key tasks to optimize the fabrication cost, to prevent problems during assembly and to ensure that the critical homogeneity of the magnetic field and the positioning requirements of the plasma facing components can be achieved. This task is further complicated by the strong interplay among the various Tokamak systems, as for instance in the inner region of the machine where the clearances between Central Solenoid, Toroidal Field Coils, Thermal Shield, Vacuum Vessel and In-Vessel components have been minimized for their large influence on the magnetic flux and the overall machine cost.A 3D tolerance simulation analysis of ITER Tokamak machine has been developed based on 3DCS dedicated software. The dimensional variation model is representative of Tokamak functional tolerances and processes, predicting accurate values for the amount of variation on critical areas. In addition, dimensional simulations help to determine the key tolerances that contribute to a particular variation.This paper describes the current status of the Tokamak dimensional variation studies and its management plan, highlighting the status of compliance of allocated tolerances with input requirements. Management of risk issues and corrective actions are also described. 相似文献
S. Sadakov S. Khomiakov B. Calcagno Ph. Chappuis G. Dellopoulos V. Kolganov M. Merola I. Poddubnyi R. Raffray J.J. Raharijaona M. Ulrickson A. Zhmakin 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2013,88(9-10):1853-1857
Main function of the ITER blanket system [1], [2], [3] is to shield the vacuum vessel (VV) from nuclear radiation and thermal energy coming from the plasma. Blanket system consists of discrete blanket modules (BM). Each BM is composed of a first wall panel and a shield block (SB). The shield block is attached to the VV by means of four flexible supports and three or four shear keys, through key pads. All listed supports do have parts with ceramic electro-insulating coatings necessary to exclude the largest loops of eddy currents and restrict EM loads. Electrical connection of each SB to the VV is through two elastic electrical straps. Cooling water is supplied to each BM by one coaxial water connector. This paper summarizes the recent evolution of the blanket attachment system toward design solutions compatible with design loads and numbers of load cycles, and providing sufficient reliability and durability. This evolution was done in a frame of pre-defined external interfaces. The ongoing supporting R&D is also briefly described. 相似文献
R.W. Callis J.L. Doane H.J. Grunloh K. Kajiwara A. Kasugai C.P. Moeller Y. Oda R.A. Olstad K. Sakamoto K. Takahashi 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2009,84(2-6):526-529
Initial testing on the Japan Atomic Energy Agency Gyrotron Test Stand of ITER-relevant TL components, has shown reasonable efficiencies, but identified that trapped modes between closely located miter bends, as well as mode conversion at miter bends can lead to excessive heating of the connecting waveguides. General Atomics has designed, built, and will test components to address this issue as well as ITER relevant components that have not been tested at the levels of 1 MW, 170 GHz, for extended pulse lengths. Some of the components that will be tested are ultra low loss miter bends, dc breaks, polarizers, power monitors, bellows, waveguide switches, waveguide cooling clamps, etc. Details of the components and test results will be presented. 相似文献
One year of operation of a heavy-ion Penning source in the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron has resulted in the acceleration of a number of isotopes of 17 elements, ranging from boron to tantalum. The method of positive identification of these beams and the operational techniques used to develop certain beams are described. Comparison of the extracted particle current for a given charge state with the calculated ionization potential has resulted in a systematic understanding of particle currents to be expected for undeveloped beams. In particular, shell effects and total ionization potential must both be considered in predicting beam intensities. The particle currents of ArR8+ Ar9+ and Ar10+ provide a sensitive test for the comparison of multiple and single impact calculations. The data are in agreement with multiple impact calculations. Also, low energy x-rays emitted from the Penning source have been detected and the observed spectra characterize the two modes of source operation. 相似文献
Clark D. J. Steyaert J. Carneiro A. Elo D. Frazier P. Morris D. Renkas M. 《IEEE transactions on nuclear science》1971,18(3):102-103
A heavy ion source of the PIG type has been installed on the axial injection line at the 88-Inch Cyclotron. It is now in the testing phase. Arc powers up to 4 kW have been run, and hydrogen and nitrogen beams have been injected and accelerated in the cyclotron. 相似文献
The ITER blanket design has substantially evolved since the ITER design review of 2007. Two major incentives for the design changes have been the need to account for large plasma heat fluxes to the First Wall (FW) and the need for acceptable maintenance of FW panels. In parallel to the design effort, a focused R&D program is being carried out including manufacturing and testing of semi-prototypes for the FW panels, and of full-scale prototypes for the shield blocks. This paper summarizes the status of the ITER blanket system design including the accommodation of interfaces, and describes some of the key R&D activities in support of the design with the goal of starting procurement in the first half of 2013. 相似文献