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德国绿色电力营销政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国的发电燃料结构以煤和核能为主;同时,可再生能源,主要是大型水电也占了一部分,近年来发展最快的可再生能源是风能。德国绿色电力产品分为3类,即纯大型水电、可再生能源电力与热电联产混合产品以及纯可再生能源电力。德国的第一个绿色电价项目出现于上世纪90年代中期,在德国开展了绿色电力营销和认证体系,同时,该国传统上的可再生能源政策更加注重对可再生能源发电的直接支持,而不是对市场的零售端提供激励措施。  相似文献   

正固定电价政策即按各类可再生能源发电标准成本,直接明确规定各类可再生能源电力上网价格,电网企业必须按此价格向可再生能源发电企业支付费用。其主要特点是能保证可再生能源发电项目稳定的收益。固定补贴政策(溢价电价机制),既考虑可再生能源发电实际成本情况和价格政策需求,又与电力市场的竞价挂钩,是在电力市场价格基础上给予可再生能  相似文献   

  目的  在市场化交易模式消纳可再生能源发电的发展趋势下,“市场电价+绿证收入”将成为未来可再生能源发电企业的主要经营模式。以可再生能源发电参与现货电能量市场为研究大背景,对可再生能源绿色电力证书的价格进行研究。  方法  基于现货电能量市场的优化出清模型,应用可再生能源全生命周期成本测算理论,以满足可再生能源发电企业的内部收益为目的,建立了绿证-电能量市场耦合的优化模型,并结合可再生能源季节性出力特性,提出了可再生能源绿证价格季节性曲线及其波动区间的仿真和测算方法。  结果  不同类型的可再生能源绿证价格不同,不同类型的可再生能源绿证价格的气候相关性亦不相同。  结论  绿证价格的科学合理测算不仅可以帮助可再生能源发电企业进行收益评估和制定更为准确的投资决策,还为电力市场主体与交易中心提供相关决策支持。  相似文献   

绿色电力在美国发展迅速,到2003年3月美国在电力市场中开展绿色价格项目的电力公司已达300家以上。随着电力零售市场的开放,美国在绿色电力推广过程中应用绿色电力价格,为用户提供了机会去支持电力公司加大可再生能源发展的基金。在绿色电力价格中通过用户参与、NGO协调及绿色电力认证等形式使得美国的绿色电力营销取得良好效果。  相似文献   

可再生能源电力费用分摊政策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
时璟丽 《中国能源》2010,32(2):15-18,21
我国已初步建立了支持可再生能源电力发展的电价和费用分摊政策框架,有效地促进了可再生能源电力市场的蓬勃发展。本文从资金来源、使用范围、筹措支付等角度,对国内外费用分摊政策及实施进行对比分析,对我国现有政策实施面临的资金严重不足、税收、财务、效率等诸多问题进行剖析,并测算了近三年可再生能源电力补贴资金需求。在吸纳国际经验的基础上,提出通过基金管理方式实现可再生能源电力费用分摊,利用可再生能源电价附加、国家财政资金等多条渠道支持可再生能源电力发展的具体建议。  相似文献   

传统的固定电价政策以财政补贴为主要手段,侧重于对发电侧的鼓励,当可再生能源发电达到一定规模时,就会造成大规模的资源浪费,导致"弃风"、"弃光"现象,同时也使国家财政负担加重。2018年国家能源局发布了3次关于可再生能源电力配额制的征求意见稿,主要目的在于有效解决可再生能源的消纳问题。可再生能源配额政策是电力市场发展到相对成熟阶段的产物,也是产权理论在政策层面的具体应用。该项政策设计有利于构建有效率的电力市场体系,发展能源利用技术,优化现有能源结构。但由于我国可再生能源配额政策仍处于探索阶段,政策设计在目标设定、运作机制、惩罚措施等方面均存在诸多不完善之处,需要借鉴国外先进经验。我国的可再生能源配额政策设计还需要进一步完善和细化,解决好与现有固定电价补贴政策、绿色电力证书制度的衔接问题,制定更为长远、细致、稳定的配额目标,鼓励多样化的可再生能源发电,设立强有力的惩罚措施与监管机构等。  相似文献   

2009年3月启动的甘肃敦煌10MW光伏并网发电特许权示范项目招标,标志着我国在大型荒漠光伏电站应用方面取得了重大进展。国家能源局组织开展的第一轮太阳能光伏发电特许权招标活动非常及时,对启动国内太阳能光伏市场产生了积极的影响,确定的电价1.09元/(kW.h)基本合理。然而,项目在实施过程中也却遇到了一系列的问题,如因供货不及时影响了项目进展,增大了建设成本;配套电网建设滞后;电力外送和消纳问题越来越突出,将成为大规模发展光伏电站的主要制约因素;税制改革挫伤了地方政府的积极性等。为保证国内光伏市场的健康发展,建议应将增值税中央收入部分按一定比例返还地方,采取补贴或者转移支付等手段维护地方政府开发太阳能项目的积极性;继续开展招标试点,摸清国内太阳能产业和市场的发展走向,完善太阳能光伏发电价格形成机制;吸取风电特许权项目的经验教训,改进招标规则,在电价的核准上谨慎行事;统筹考虑风电、太阳能等可再生能源资源开发与外送通道和消纳市场问题;慎重对待为解决太阳能等可再生能源发电电力消纳问题而引进高耗能项目。  相似文献   

梳理可再生能源发电商、常规能源发电商与售电公司等交易主体之间的电力、绿色证书供需关系,以各发电商的利益最大化为目标,建立考虑绿色证书的能源经济调度模型,求解消纳保障机制下发电商电力调度及证书交易策略;通过算例分析说明了绿色证书机制提高可再生能源发电商收益的有效性,消纳责任权重对于绿证价格变化、市场力抑制等市场良性运营具...  相似文献   

舟丹 《中外能源》2014,(7):52-52
<正>按照《可再生能源法》的规定,中国建立了可再生能源电价附加机制,对可再生能源发电上网电价进行补贴。可再生能源电价附加主要用于以下3种补贴:一是电网企业依照上网电价收购可再生能源发电量所发生的费用,高于按照常规能源发电平均上网电价计算所发生费用之间的差额部分;二是国家投资或者补贴建设的公共可再生能源独立电力系统合理的运行和管理费用超出销售电价的部分;三是可再生能源发电项目接网工程。《可再生能源法》发布后,国家主管部门先后出台了一系列配套政策,对可再生能源电价附加费用的筹集、使用及监  相似文献   

尽管每度电要比常规标准电价高出0.53元左右,上海首批12家企业还是宁愿多出钱,抢购了一定单位的绿色风电。这标志着我国第一个绿色电力机制框架在上海初步建立,一种全新的能源消费理念正在培育。绿色电力认购营销在上海已正式启动,宝钢股份、上海烟草、松下电器等12家企业自愿认购了上海地区利用风力生产的部分绿色电力。所谓绿色电力,是指由风能、太阳能、地热能、生物质能等可再生能源生产的电力。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of renewable energy in Germany from 1973 to 2003. It investigates the relative importance of energy policy and green power marketing in shaping the renewable energy market. More than a decade of consistent policy support for renewables under the feed-in law (StrEG) and its successor (EEG) has been an important driver for increasing renewable electricity generation to date, putting the country in a better position than most of its peers when it comes to achieving European Union targets for renewable energy. Green power marketing driven by customer demand, on the other hand, is growing, but has had limited measurable impact so far. We discuss potential intangible benefits of green power marketing and scenarios for future market development. The paper concludes with lessons that can be learned from the German case for policy design and market development in other countries.  相似文献   

Liberalizing the electricity industry and attempting to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases are the two dominant trends in European energy policy. The last-mentioned issue might require the contribution from renewable energy technologies, but at present most renewables cannot compete on their own with conventional technologies. Thus, it can be expected that if renewables must compete solely on market conditions alone this will slow down or even halt the development of new renewable capacity. One model in which additional payments to renewable technologies are generated is based on the development of a separate green market. In Holland a voluntary green certificate market has existed since the beginning of 1998. In Denmark a comprehensive restructuring of the legislation for the electric power industry has just been completed, including the framework for developing a separate green market for renewable electricity production. The main objectives of introducing this type of electricity market in Denmark is to secure the development of renewable energy technologies (including contributions to greenhouse gas reductions), while at the same time releasing the Government from the (by now) quite heavy burden of subsidising renewable technologies. Finally, a green market will make it possible for these renewable technologies to be partly economically compensated for the environmental benefits, which they generate compared to conventional power production. With the recent Danish legislation as starting point this paper analyzes possible ways to set up a green certificate market, treating as well some of the consequences produced when the market is actually funtioning. The analysis is applicable for all renewable technologies, but special attention is given to wind power.  相似文献   

Fredric C. Menz   《Energy Policy》2005,33(18):2398-2410
While there has been interest in promoting the use of renewable energy in electricity production for a number of years in the United States, the market share of non-hydro renewable energy sources in electricity production has remained at about 2 percent over the past decade. The paper reviews the principal energy resources used for electricity production, considers the changing regulatory environment for the electricity industry, and describes government policies that have been used to promote green electricity in the United States, with an emphasis on measures adopted by state governments. Factors influencing the development of green power markets are also discussed, including underlying economic issues, public policy measures, the regulatory environment, external costs, and subsidies. Without significant increases in fossil fuel prices, much more stringent environmental regulations, or significant changes in electricity customer preferences, green electricity markets are likely to develop slowly in the United States.  相似文献   

张斌 《中外能源》2014,(9):34-39
德国政府计划于2014年对可再生能源支持政策进行全面改革,此次改革仍保留了《可再生能源法2012》的整体架构,重点是要控制非水电可再生能源的补贴成本。采取的主要措施包括控制风电、光伏和生物质发电年度装机容量增长目标,补贴重点侧重更加经济有效的可再生能源类型(即陆上风电和光伏),上网电价递减率与年度新增装机容量挂钩的灵活限额机制,调整上网电价递减周期等。同时通过直接营销和拍卖等市场机制,让可再生能源更加融入市场。这标志着德国可再生能源的发展进入到引导投资和重点扶持的新阶段。建议借鉴德国《可再生能源法》完善我国可再生能源支持政策,包括针对不同可再生能源的技术特点制定完善的、自适应的上网电价模型,顺应技术发展规律实行"老机老电价、新机新电价"的电价调整机制,不断提高补贴手段的市场化和有效性等。  相似文献   

本文采用了问答的形式,总结了在前三十年的改革开放中,电力部门的市场化改革取得的巨大成绩和经验。本文指出,电力部门需要继续推动新一轮改革,以应对气候变化、环境保护和节约资源的严峻挑战,以及克服市场化所遗留的问题。作者强调,优化结构、提高效率、减低成本、提供消费者可负担起的、绿色低碳的电力服务是新一轮电力改革的目标。本文认为切忌从理论条条出发和迷信市场竞争力为灵丹妙药,分析如何把市场机制和加强监管紧密结合起来,走出一条符合中国国情的电力可持续发展的道路。作者建议在推动"竞价上网"环节,使环境成本价格化,供应端和需求端参与电力服务竞争,满足可再生能源市场份额制,鼓励清洁电源发展和降低煤电比例和控制煤炭消费总量,达到电力结构的清洁、绿色和低碳化。在"输配电"环节,充实和加强国家电监会的价格监管和社会责任监管。电网公司要保障电力供应安全,实施绿色节能调度和完成节电目标。电网公司管理系统要扁平化、分散化、透明化和一体化。大力发展超智能电网和信息通信技术。  相似文献   

中国新能源发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了中国新能源发展现状(水电装机跃居世界前列。核电从无到有、快速发展,风电开发方兴为艾,烟煤电站清洁化水平提高)及面临的问题(燃煤火电绿色发展任务艰巨.水电发展举步维艰,新能源发展任重道远,核电安全有序发展需要引起高度重视),并给出了相应的应对措施(统筹做好相关规划,大力发展可再生电力,有序开展核电建设.积极推进水电开发,提高火电清洁化水平)。  相似文献   

In the United States, electricity consumers are told that they can “buy” electricity from renewable energy projects, versus fossil fuel-fired facilities, through participation in voluntary green power markets. The marketing messages communicate to consumers that they are causing additional renewable energy generation and reducing emissions through their participation and premium payments for a green label. Using a spatial financial model and a database of registered Green-e wind power facilities, the analysis in this paper shows that the voluntary Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) market has a negligible influence on the economic feasibility of these facilities. Nevertheless, voluntary green power marketers at least implicitly claim that buying their products creates additional renewable energy. This study indicates the contrary. Participants in U.S. voluntary green power markets associated with wind power, therefore, appear to be receiving misleading marketing messages regarding the effect of their participation. In the process of completing this analysis, a potentially relevant factor in explaining investor behavior was identified: the potential for the overlap of voluntary REC markets with compliance REC markets that supply utilities need to meet their obligations of Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS). The majority of state RPS rules allow for regional or even national sourcing of RECs, meaning that projects are generally eligible to provide compliance RECs to utilities not only in their home states, but in several other states.  相似文献   

The interest in commercial green power in the developed world is about 25 years old, starting in the mid-1970s after the first oil shock. Electricity derived from any renewable energy source is considered "green" because of the negligible impact on greenhouse gas emissions. In terms of commercial energy, this list currently includes hydro, wind, biomass, geothermal, and solar. In the 1970s and 1980s, the interest in green power was driven by the goal of replacing fossil fuels to minimize the dependence on oil. Now there is a broader goal: to minimize the emission of CO/sub 2/ (the most common global warming gas) that results from the burning of fossil fuels. This article discusses the market potential for renewable resources, green power in the mainstream electric utilities, and the following renewable resources: hydroelectric power, wind power; biomass; solar thermal power; solar photovoltaics; and geothermal power.  相似文献   

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