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Myxoma virus is a leporipoxvirus of New World rabbits (Sylvilagus sp.) that induces a rapidly lethal infection known as myxomatosis in the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Like all poxviruses, myxoma virus encodes a plethora of proteins to circumvent or inhibit a variety of host antiviral immune mechanisms. M-T7, the most abundantly secreted protein of myxoma virus-infected cells, was originally identified as an interferon-gamma receptor homolog (Upton, Mossman, and McFadden, Science 258, 1369-1372, 1992). Here, we demonstrate that M-T7 is dispensable for virus replication in cultured cells but is a critical virulence factor for virus pathogenesis in European rabbits. Disruption of both copies of the M-T7 gene in myxoma virus was achieved by the deletion of 372 bp of M-T7 coding sequences, replacement with a selectable marker, p7.5Ecogpt, and selection of a recombinant virus (vMyxlac-T7gpt) resistant to mycophenolic acid. vMyxlac-T7gpt expressed no detectable M-T7 protein and infected cells supernatants were devoid of any detectable interferon-gamma binding activities. Immunohistochemical staining with anti-beta-galactosidase and anti-CD43 antibodies demonstrated that in vMyxlac-T7gpt-infected rabbits the loss of M-T7 not only caused a dramatic reduction in disease symptoms and viral dissemination to secondary sites, but also dramatically influenced host leukocyte behavior. Notably, primary lesions in wild-type virus infections were generally underlayed by large masses of inflammatory cells that did not effectively migrate into the dermal sites of viral replication, whereas in vMyxlac-T7gpt infections this apparent block to leukocyte influx was relieved. A second major phenotypic distinction noted for the M-T7 knockout virus was the extensive activation of lymphocytes in secondary immune organs, particularly the spleen and lymph nodes, by Day 4 of the infection. This is in stark contrast to infection by wild-type myxoma virus, which results in relatively little, if any, cellular activation of germinal centers of spleen and lymph node by Day 4. We conclude that M-T7 functions early in infection to (1) retard inflammatory cell migration into infected tissues and (2) disrupt the communication between sentinel immune cells at the site of primary virus infection in the subdermis and lymphocytes in the secondary lymphoid organs, thereby disabling the host from mounting an effective cellular immune response. To summarize, in addition to neutralizing host interferon-gamma at infected sites, we propose that M-T7 protein also modifies leukocyte traffic in the vicinity of virus lesions, thus effectively severing the link between antigen presenting cells of the infected tissue and the effector lymphocytes of the peripheral immune organs.  相似文献   

This brief note serves as an introduction to 4 papers originally presented at the 1961 Western Psychological Association meeting: W. E. Vinacke's The complexities of thinking (see 37: 7621); Irving Maltzman's Motivation and the direction of thinking (see 37: 7617) Ronald C. Johnson's Linguistic structure as related to concept formation and to concept content (see 37: 7626); and Ernest R. Hilgard's Impulsive versus realistic thinking: An examination of the distinction between primary and secondary processes in thought (see 37: 7616). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We describe the convalescent care of 169 back-transported (to community hospitals) and 285 eligible but not back-transported very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Eligible infants who were not back transported to a level I or II community hospital were transferred to a level II nursery within the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) for convalescent care. Study infants were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at MUSC from July 1985 through June 1989. They were admitted after maternal transport to MUSC for imminent delivery (N = 159), out-born community delivery (N = 55), or in-born MUSC delivery (N = 240). The mean +/- SD birth weight and gestational age and the NICU admission diagnoses for the back-transported and non-back-transported neonates were similar. The mean +/- SD weight of neonates at the time they were back transported was significantly greater than the weight of neonates at the time of intrahospital transfer. In contrast, the discharge weight to home and total days hospitalized were significantly less in the back-transported infants. Five back-transported neonates (3%) and 12 non-back-transported neonates (4%) were readmitted to the NICU. The back-transported infants used more than 3,800 bed days at community hospitals that would otherwise have been spent in the regional center, thus facilitating increased parental and primary physician involvement in their care.  相似文献   

Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV6) is a lymphotropic virus genetically related to human cytomegalovirus (CMV) and for which two variants, A and B, have been distinguished. Human CMV is usually cultivated with human fibroblasts (HF). The lack of cell lines useful for HHV6 isolation and propagation led us to investigate whether HHV6 variants A and B could infect HFs as CMV does. Isolates of HHV6 variants A and B were used to infect MRC-5 HFs. HHV6 infection was detected by means of immunoperoxidase assay using three specific monoclonal antibodies. HHV6-specific antigens were detected in 88 and 38% of cases after infection with variants A and B, respectively. The highest number of HHV6-antigen-positive cells was obtained at 4-5 days p.i. The titre of HHV6 stocks was determined in parallel by immunoperoxidase assay on HFs and by observation of cytopathic effect using serial dilutions on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The number of infectious particles inducing the appearance of antigen-positive HF cells was consistently lower than the titre of virus stocks, expressed as TCID50. The amount of HF-associated HHV6 DNA was measured using limiting dilution PCR assay; it was significantly increased during 4-day infection in the case of variant A but not variant B. The yield of virus from infected HFs was demonstrated only for variant A by the serial propagation of virus from HFs to PBMCs and by the increase in cell-free HHV6 DNA in HF culture supernatant. Our results show that HHV6 can reproducibly infect HFs, albeit at a low level, and that HFs are more permissive to variant A than to variant B, as reported previously for PBMCs and human T-cell lines.  相似文献   

Although research has demonstrated the efficacy of psychological services for ameliorating physical conditions, consumers are often uninformed of the advantages of integrated health care. To begin to address this knowledge gap, the authors developed, offered, and assessed a 2-hr community outreach program, which included lectures highlighting the benefits of providing psychological services within general health care, a demonstration of stress-reduction techniques, and first-person accounts of the benefits of psychological health care. The preliminary results of the evaluation were positive. It is recommended that similar programs be disseminated in diverse communities. Suggestions for planning and conducting these types of programs are offered. Furthermore, strategies for improving the goals and content of workshops are offered, with a focus on the distinction between promotion of attitudinal change versus practical activism. Finally, implications for community outreach that is intended to inform the public of the value of psychological health care services are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the Summer of 1997, two Romanian charities which provide financial support to care for children with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) living in Romania invited a team of healthcare professionals to conduct an independent audit of care for children nursed in hospital and community settings. The primary objective of the mission was to: witness hospital and community care of HIV positive children; work with Romanian healthcare professionals in the development of a simple user friendly audit tool for use in a variety of child care settings; and utilize the tool to audit and produce a written report related to care provision in the hospital and community home setting. The results of the audit exercise demonstrate that the provision of care for HIV positive children in the community homes exceeds that of similar children cared for in a tertiary hospital setting.  相似文献   

There has been growing concern in the community at large about the impact of the work of psychologists and other social scientists on various aspects of life. Many people are beginning to believe that effective control over some procedures and restrictions on the use of material obtained by psychological and other investigations may be necessary. What form such control will take depends to a very large extent on the ability of the disciplines involved to make a meaningful statement of their position in matters of such great sensitivity as the invasion of privacy or the utilization of human research subjects in the process of developing knowledge and applying it for the benefit of the individual and society as a whole. In light of these concerns there has been an increase in discussion among psychologists, about the need to explore some of the critical issues as they relate to practice, research, and the legal implications of the work carried out by psychologists. There have been significant and worrying incidences in which research and applied work have been threatened or stopped due to community reaction (or over-reaction, if you wish) to the threat which the "brain watchers" pose for the rights of the individual. In order to provide a forum for discussion of some of these problems it was decided to hold a symposium at the C.P.A. Annual Meeting in Calgary to present issues and to discuss some of the significant aspects which relate to this matter of Psychology and the Law. Dr. Castaneda, who has spent much time studying the ethical problems relating to research, discussed implications for psychologists doing research with human subjects. Mr. Berry explored aspects of practice which are receiving increasing attention in the legal sphere. Professor Desmond Morton of Osgoode Law School attempted to put in perspective some of these issues as they are seen by our legal colleagues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Growing enrollment in managed care plans among Medicaid recipients represents a new market for these plans but presents challenges to those providers that traditionally have served this population. To continue serving Medicaid patients, community-based providers must develop contracts or other types of partnerships with Medicaid-contracting health plans. This paper reviews the challenges to such collaboration and discusses the practical issues that plans and community-based providers must resolve to develop productive working relationships. Keys to successful collaboration are identified. Ways in which federal and state governments can help the collaborative process are suggested.  相似文献   

The outcome of the transfer of 60 elderly patients suffering from dementia from hospital to nursing home care under a partnership contract was reviewed at 6 and 12 months following transfer. The nursing home population had fared badly compared with patients remaining in hospital during the first 3 months. This difference was less evident at 6 months follow-up and had disappeared at 12 months follow-up. It seems that a partnership agreement such as this can deliver a quality of health care at least as good as hospital treatment as long the transfer is handled carefully.  相似文献   

The United States faces a rapidly growing aging population, government reforms, and policy shifts to give primary responsibility to the states for programs of community-based care for the elderly. At the same time, increasing concern is being given to the more effective use of home and community-based services, and particularly what role case management might play. Given these changes, much may be learned from the 1993 reforms to the British system of community care, which made case management the cornerstone of the system and gave primary responsibility for community care programs to local social service departments. This examination of the programs in Britain, conducted largely through site visits and personal interviews with social service staff, describes the successes and shortcomings of the implementation of the community care reforms with recommendations for program development in the United States.  相似文献   

With healthcare systems changing at a rapid pace and resources becoming scarcer, communities and institutions together can create new ways to provide health care and uncover previously overlooked resources. Below, what these partnerships can teach nurses about the power that can come from sharing power.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the costs and benefits of routine follow-up evaluation in patients treated with radiation therapy for early-stage Hodgkin's disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively examined patterns of follow-up evaluation and methods of relapse detection among 709 patients with stage I and II Hodgkin's disease treated with primary radiotherapy between 1969 and 1994. We determined the probability of relapse detection for seven routine follow-up procedures, compared their relative costs, and determined the impact of each procedure on the likelihood of survival following salvage therapy. RESULTS: Relapse has occurred in 157 patients (22%) at a median 1.9 years (range, 0 to 13 years) posttreatment. Relapse was suspected primarily by history (Hx) in 55% of patients, physical examination (PE) in 14%, chest x-ray (CXR) in 23%, and abdominal x-ray (KUB) in 7%. Only one relapse (1%) was identified by a routine laboratory study. The rate of relapse detection was highest for a combination of Hx and PE (78 of 10,000 examinations) followed by CXR (26 of 10,000 examinations). The projected charges (1995 dollars) per relapse detected by routine follow-up Hx and PE were $11,000 compared with $68,000 for CXR and $142,000 for KUB. The 10-year actuarial survival rate following salvage therapy was 65% overall, 65% for patients in whom relapse was detected by Hx or PE, and 69% for patients in whom relapse was detected by radiographs (P = not significant). CONCLUSION: The majority of relapses occurred within 5 years of treatment and were identified by Hx and PE. CXR was useful during the first 3 years of follow-up evaluation. KUB, CBC, and laboratory studies accounted for nearly half of all follow-up charges and rarely led to the detection of relapse. Their routine use as a method of relapse detection is questionable. In general, the method of relapse detection did not have a significant impact on the likelihood of successful salvage therapy.  相似文献   

The psychotherapy termination process has, thus far, received too little attention both within and outside the field of psychotherapy integration. Drawing on their clinical experience, representatives from 3 different psychotherapy home bases were invited to identify several guiding principles that facilitate a therapeutic completion, as well as potential obstacles. To illustrate the complex and multifaceted nature of this subject, the author introduces an array of clinical questions that prompted him to organize this symposium. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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