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X射线相衬技术大大拓宽X射线的应用领域。本文综述X射线相衬成像的物理学原理、X射线相衬成像装置的一般结构和应用方法,并对各种不同相衬成像的方法、成像算法和生物应用逐一阐述。  相似文献   

组织内的微脉管形态变化被认为是多种疾病进展中最重要的病理生理学特征之一.X射线相衬CT(X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography,PCCT)利用X射线穿过物体时引起的相位变化作为成像衬度,它能够在不注射造影剂的情况下高分辨率地呈现生物软组织内的三维(three-dimension...  相似文献   

X射线成像波带片及制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈洁  柳龙华  刘刚  田扬超 《光学精密工程》2007,15(12):1894-1899
研究了X射线成像波带片的工作原理和制作工艺。从理论上分析了波带片的空间分辨率与最外环宽度的关系,以及波带片衍射效率与厚度和折射率的关系。利用国家同步辐射实验室发展的加工工艺,即电子束光刻技术和X射线光刻技术结合制作波带片。实验结果表明:波带片最外环宽度为150 nm,高宽比为4,基本满足高分辨X射线成像波带片的高空间分辨率、大高宽比、高精度等要求。  相似文献   

微分相衬干涉显微镜定量测量表面形貌   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
改进了用于定量测量样品表面形貌的微分相衬干涉显微镜系统,对系统中由Nomarski棱镜引起的相位差β的消零工作提出了一种新的方法,实验证明是有效可靠的,并且对样品表面三维形貌重构、截面轮廓比对及系统的测量精度进行了实验研究.  相似文献   

基于微分干涉相衬的相位分析法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对微分干涉相衬显微定量测量方法进行研究,提出了一种更有效的相位分析法。即在不对双光束干涉光路进行改造或处理的前提下,通过对光学成像进行处理而得到理想的结果。即把图像中的光强信号转变成相位信号,并通过维纳滤波对噪声进行了消除,最后获得表面微观形貌定量参数。  相似文献   

本文介绍X射线多重衍射效应的起因,多重衍射图谱的指标化,给出了用普通X射线粉末衍射仪观测多重衍射效应的方法,并简要说明了多重衍射效应的应用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了X射线多重衍射效应的起因,多重衍射图谱的指标化,给出了用普通X射线粉末衍射仪观测多重衍射效应的方法,并简要说明了多重衍射效应的应用。  相似文献   

临床X射线成像所使用的X射线源实际上都是部分相干的,由部分相干源在一定距离内所成的像一般既有吸收衬度又有相位衬度。本文根据Fresnel-Kirchhoff衍射理论的基本思想,导出X射线相位衬度成像的理论公式,着重对其衬度进行分析,并与实验作了比照,结果与预期的相符。  相似文献   

李达  倪晨  顾牡 《光学仪器》2009,31(5):24-27
实验室建立了以钨靶为光源的微聚焦X射线相衬成像系统,为减少应用过程中微聚焦光源的多色性对系统成像质量的影响,使用一系列不同厚度的铝质滤波片对弱吸收材料聚丙烯吸管进行微聚焦X射线相衬成像的研究。结果说明铝质滤波片能够改善成像质量,且随着铝质滤波片厚度的增加图像中物体的边缘特征的衬度呈指数衰减。为铝质滤波片在钨靶微聚焦X射线相衬成像系统中的应用提供了经验。  相似文献   

The ratio of inelastic-to-elastic total cross-sections has been measured in an energy-filtering electron microscope for different elements. Formulae for the transmission of elastically and inelastically scattered electrons in part I were used to calculate the optimum conditions for a Z-ratio contrast in the electron spectroscopic imaging mode. Structure-sensitive contrast can be observed for all non-carbon atoms in biological sections when filtering with an energy loss at ΔE ~ 250 eV below the carbon K edge. Model experiments with evaporated layers of different elements on a carbon film allow measurement of the contrast increase. Filtering with the carbon plasmon loss shows a lower phase contrast than with zero-loss filtering. This can be explained by calculating contrast transfer functions for inelastically scattered electrons.  相似文献   

The charge contrast images (CCI) on insulating or poorly conducting samples were observed under steady‐state charging conditions with a thermal field emission scanning electron microscope under high vacuum by using an Everhart‐Thornley detector. The charge contrast on plumbous titanate‐nickel composite particles and patterned sapphires could be the indicators of near‐surface features, compositional variations and conductivity distributions. Optimum imaging conditions for observing the CCI include the electron energy, the electron flux density and the electron dose. Contrast characteristics associated with surface and near‐surface secondary electron emission yield enhanced above the trapped charge‐up regions, as charge trapping selectively enhanced the poorly conductive phase and lattice distorted area. SCANNING 29: 230‐237, 2007. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A conventional global contrast enhancement is difficult to apply in various images because image quality and contrast enhancement are depndent on image characteristics largely.And a local contrast enhancement not only causes a washed-out effect,but also blocks.To solve these drawbacks,this paper derives an optimal global equalization function with variable size block based local contrast enhancement.The optimal equalization function makes it possible to get a good quality image through the global contrast enhancement.The variable size block segmentation is firstly executed using intensity differences as a measure of similarity.In the second step,the optimal global equalization function is obtained from the enhanced contrast image having variable size blocks.Conformed experiments have showed that the proposed algorithm produces a visually comfortable result image.  相似文献   

Measured values of the transmission of amorphous films as a function of the objective aperture and film thickness can be described by a single-scattering theory for unfiltered and zero-loss filtered images in the electron spectroscopic imaging mode of a transmission electron microscope. The theory can be applied to estimate the gain of contrast by zero-loss filtering for specimen structures larger and smaller than the chromatic aberration disc.  相似文献   

X射线数字成像检测与诊断技术是X射线检测的发展趋势,微型X射线数字成像系统采用X射线敏感CCD面阵探测器作为射线探测元件,具有体积小、分辨率高、实时性好的特点。本文研制了基于X射线敏感CCD的微型X射线数字成像系统,介绍了整个系统的组成,阐述了X射线敏感CCD的工作原理,选定了系统采用的X射线敏感CCD,设计了CCD探测器的驱动电路、模数转化电路、数据采集与通讯电路、图像获取及处理软件等。该系统采用USB2.0接口与计算机进行通讯,直接采用USB接口电源供电,无需外部电源,结构简单。分辨率测试表明,该系统的分辨率>10lp/mm。  相似文献   

目前荧光成像技术在生物医学领域得到越来越广泛的应用。为了缩短产品设计和开发周期,且能更直观地反映系统的成像效果,根据各模块光谱特性曲线,提出了荧光成像链路模型。利用该模型,对荧光成像系统的对比度进行了分析,验证了滤光片光密度(OD)值的合理范围是在5~7之间。最后以荧光显微镜为例,对系统成像过程进行了仿真。结果表明,各模块不匹配也会对系统对比度产生影响,仿真图像能够直观反映出系统的匹配程度和成像效果,并与实际系统测试结果相吻合,证明了该链路模型仿真的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Phase differentiation via combined EBSD and XEDS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and orientation imaging microscopy have become established techniques for analysing the crystallographic microstructure of single and multiphase materials. In certain instances, however, it can be difficult and/or time intensive to differentiate phases within a material by crystallography alone. Traditionally a list of candidate phases is specified prior to data collection. The crystallographic information extracted from the diffraction patterns is then compared with the crystallographic information from these candidate phases, and a best‐fit match is determined. Problems may arise when two phases have similar crystal structures. The phase differentiation process can be improved by collecting chemical information through X‐ray energy‐dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) simultaneously with the crystallographic information through EBSD and then using the chemical information to pre‐filter the crystallographic phase candidates. This technique improves both the overall speed of the data collection and the accuracy of the final characterization. Examples of this process and the limitations involved will be presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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