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本文主要讨论银行应用计算机网络开展通存通兑、实现资源共享、加速资金周转、提高社会经济效益、方便客户的做法.  相似文献   

首先介绍了认知无线电系统中频谱分配的图论着色模型。针对该模型以网络效益最大化为目标,设计了自适应的交叉和变异算子,并在此基础上引入小生境技术,提出了基于自适应小生境遗传算法的认知无线电频谱分配算法。通过仿真实验比较了本算法、颜色敏感图论算法与经典遗传算法的性能。结果表明基于自适应小生境的遗传算法不易陷入局部最优,在较少的代数内就可以找到理想最优解,能更好地实现网络频谱效益最大化,其性能优于颜色敏感图论算法和经典遗传算法。  相似文献   

讨论了校园网学生宿舍网络的特点,对校园网学生宿舍网络的管理进行了探讨与研究.  相似文献   

讨论了校园网学生宿舍网络的特点,对校园网学生宿舍网络的管理进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

在大规模P2P文件共享系统中,搜索效率往往直接决定了网络的可扩展性.洪泛机制广泛应用于非结构化P2P文件共享系统中,尽管它在内容搜索方面有很高的效率,但同时产生了大量的冗余消息,严重制约了网络的可扩展性.为了能够在保持较高查询成功率的同时大大减少查询开销,本文提出一种新的基于朋友关系的搜索策略FbSearch.FbSearch在搜索过程中,优先把查询消息转发给朋友节点,若失效再按照BFS机制广播查询.实验结果表明:FbSearch稳定高效,能够在大幅度降低搜索开销的同时,保持较高的查询成功率.  相似文献   

计算机和网络,已成为当前时代的主角,并以前所未有的态度向前发展,极大地改变了人们的生活、学习、工作和思维方式.现代信息技术在教学中的应用已经成为一个教学的热点问题.网络教学也是其中一种新兴的教学方式.网络教学是一种新生的事物,是一个开放的概念.可以这样定义,在先进理念指导下,运用网络资源,在教师指导下,促进学生积极自主学习,加强师生交流,加强师生协作研讨,优化教学过程.  相似文献   

Automation and Remote Control - We propose a network formation model using the theory of stochastic games with random terminal time. Initially, the leader proposes a joint project in the form of a...  相似文献   

一种基于利益均衡的联盟形成策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
联盟形成是多Agent系统中的一个关键问题,主要研究如何在联盟内Agent间划分联盟效用,使Agent在决策时愿意形成全局更优的联盟.但已有策略对额外效用的平均分配没有顾及后加入联盟的Agent的利益,不利于全局优化联盟的形成.对此,给出一种基于利益均衡的联盟形成策略,在非减性效用分配等原则的基础上,提高了对额外效用分配的合理性,在面向任务的领域中可以达到全局优化解,较好地满足了稳定性、时效性以及分布等要求.  相似文献   

We present a model of strategic network formation with absolute friction and heterogeneous agents. The individual payoffs from a given network are determined by the difference of an agent specific utility function that depends on the number of her direct links and the sum of her link-costs. These link-costs decompose in a symmetric function that represents the social distance between the two agents and an agent specific function representing the partner’s quality. From a theoretical point of view, we analyze strong pairwise stable networks (Belleflamme and Bloch, Int Econ Rev 45(2):387–411, 2004) and show that our model always has a unique strong pairwise stable network which is also strongly stable (Dutta and Mutuswami, J Econ Theory, 76:322–344, 1997). From a practical point of view, we provide an algorithm that reproduces this stable network from information on the individual payoff structure. We illustrate the use of this algorithm by applying it to an informal risk sharing network data set from the village of Nyakatoke in rural Tanzania.  相似文献   

即时消息系统目前已成为人们交友和沟通的主要工具,建模和理解其中的好友关系网络的建立和演化规律对于设计更加友好的即时消息系统很有益处.针对世界最大的即时消息系统之一的QQ,分析了好友关系网络的特点,统计了QQ用户的交友取向特征,考虑了实际的QQ联系人作为节点的出度和入度情况.不同于传统的基于节点度的优先附着规则,提出了即...  相似文献   

We consider a network formation game where nodes wish to send traffic to each other. Nodes contract bilaterally with each other to form bidirectional communication links; once the network is formed, traffic is routed along shortest paths (if possible). Cost is incurred to a node from four sources: 1) routing traffic; 2) maintaining links to other nodes; 3) disconnection from destinations the node wishes to reach; and 4) payments made to other nodes. We assume that a network is stable if no single node wishes to unilaterally deviate, and no pair of nodes can profitably deviate together (a variation on the notion of pairwise stability). We study such a game under a form of myopic best response dynamics. In choosing their action, nodes optimize their single period payoff only. We characterize a simple set of assumptions under which these dynamics converge to a stable network; we also characterize an important special case, where the dynamics converge to a star centered at a node with minimum cost for routing traffic. In this sense, our dynamics naturally select an efficient equilibrium.  相似文献   

通过分析基于矩阵的视频图像传输网络的寻址、交换和路由技术,包括编址系统、通讯协议和交换/路由协议的规则及实现,提出了有效解决视频图像在网络上的互联互通、透明传输的方法,并为视频图像的现行业务集成、视频图像传输网络的组建、模拟视频传输到数字视频传输的平滑过渡等提供了应用案例。最后分析了基于矩阵的视频图像传榆网络所产生的效益。  相似文献   

我国政府目前已建成一定规模的充电站网络.针对充电站网络利用率低,存在大量冗余站点和电动汽车充电难等问题,提出了一种数据驱动的充电站网络优化方法.首先,该方法模拟电动汽车充电行为,对不同时间戳内的充电站分别建立队列系统,进而估计充电站间的到达率情况.在此基础上,分析城市电动汽车的充电行为空间特征,用于挖掘城市电动汽车的充...  相似文献   

基于网络延迟的信息协作效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对网络中心战环境下的信息协作问题,提出了一种基于网络延迟的信息协作效益综合测度模型。该模型以网络延迟作为研究的出发点,首先对网络中能用于信息协作的网络结点进行可用知识的分析,在此基础上进行信息协作的效益测度,进而分析信息协作所导致的网络复杂性,并给出综合考虑协作效益和协作惩罚两方面影响后的信息协作整体效益度量。最后,通过系列实验数据对该分析模型进行相应的有效性验证。  相似文献   

提高网络工程专业人才素质之我见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前我国高等教育正在从知识传授转向注重能力培养与素质提高。网络工程专业近几年来高速发展,如何培养网络工程人才的专业能力是一项重要课题。文章主要介绍国防科技大学在网络工程专业人才能力培养方面采取的措施和取得的成效,目的在于与国内同行共同探讨网络工程专业人才专业能力的培养方法。  相似文献   

无线局域网在当今得到了充足的发展与应用。文章阐述了无线设备的选择,无线局域网的组建,无线局域网的安全隐患及相应的解决方案.  相似文献   

Different models of attractor networks have been proposed to form cell assemblies. Among them, networks with a fixed synaptic matrix can be distinguished from those including learning dynamics, since the latter adapt the attractor landscape of the lateral connections according to the statistics of the presented stimuli, yielding a more complex behavior. We propose a new learning rule that builds internal representations of input timuli as attractors of neurons in a recurrent network. The dynamics of activation and synaptic adaptation are analyzed in experiments where representations for different input patterns are formed, focusing on the properties of the model as a memory system. The experimental results are exposed along with a survey of different Hebbian rules proposed in the literature for attractors formation. These rules are compared with the help of a new tool, the learning map, where LTP and LTD, as well as homo- and heterosynaptic competition, can be graphically interpreted.  相似文献   

We propose a simple mechanism based on taxes and subsidies to enhance high cooperation in evolutionary networks. The interactions among agents are based on the Spatial Prisoners' Dilemma game in which each agent interacts with the same strategy with its local neighbors, collects an aggregate payoff and imitates the strategy of its best neighbor. First we study the mechanism in a regular lattice where it is well-known that the asymptotic fraction of cooperators fluctuates around a constant value for almost all starting proportions and configurations of cooperators. We also explore the mechanism in random and adaptive networks, where adaptability refers to the ability of agents to change their local neighborhood. For theses networks it has been reported that the starting proportion of cooperation has to be sufficiently high in order to obtain highly cooperative levels in the long-run time. The implementation of our mechanism produces successful results in such evolutionary networks, higher levels of cooperation are reached for all initial fractions of cooperation, including the most adverse case of just one cooperator in the network. Additionally, we observe that the network reaches a spatial configuration such that the fraction of cooperators remains in high level even when the mechanism is switched off. As a result the mechanism can work as an ignition engine to achieve highly cooperative level since it can be implemented for a finite period of time.  相似文献   

Vor über 40 Jahren starb am 10. November 1970 viel zu früh der Schweizer Informatik-Pionier Heinz Rutishauser, der an der ETH Zürich forschte und lehrte. F.L. Bauer erinnert sich an seinen Kollegen.  相似文献   

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