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In this paper, the differential quadrature method is used to solve first‐order initial value problems. The initial condition is given at the beginning of a time interval. The time derivative at a sampling grid point within the time interval can be expressed as a weighted linear sum of the given initial condition and the function values at the sampling grid points within the time interval. The order of accuracy and the stability property of the quadrature solutions depend on the locations of the sampling grid points. It is shown that the order of accuracy of the quadrature solutions at the end of a time interval can be improved to 2n–1 or 2n if the n sampling grid points are chosen carefully. In fact, the approximate solutions are equivalent to the generalized Padé approximations. The resultant algorithms are therefore unconditionally stable with controllable numerical dissipation. The corresponding sampling grid points are found to be given by the roots of the modified shifted Legendre polynomials. From the numerical examples, the accuracy of the quadrature solutions obtained by using the proposed sampling grid points is found to be better than those obtained by the commonly used uniformly spaced or Chebyshev–Gauss–Lobatto sampling grid points. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a framework to construct higher‐order‐accurate time‐step‐integration algorithms based on the post‐integration techniques is presented. The prescribed initial conditions are naturally incorporated in the formulations and can be strongly or weakly enforced. The algorithmic parameters are chosen such that unconditionally A‐stable higher‐order‐accurate time‐step‐integration algorithms with controllable numerical dissipation can be constructed for linear problems. Besides, it is shown that the order of accuracy for non‐linear problems is maintained through the relationship between the present formulation and the Runge–Kutta method. The second‐order differential equations are also considered. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the validity of the present formulation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A generalized formulation of the Energy‐Momentum Methodwill be developed within the framework of the Generalized‐α Methodwhich allows at the same time guaranteed conservation or decay of total energy and controllable numerical dissipation of unwanted high frequency response. Furthermore, the latter algorithm will be extended by the consistently integrated constraints of energy and momentum conservation originally derived for the Constraint Energy‐Momentum Algorithm. The goal of this general approach of implicit energy‐conserving and decaying time integration schemes is, to compare these algorithms on the basis of an equivalent notation by the means of an overall algorithmic design and hence to investigate their numerical properties. Numerical stability and controllable numerical dissipation of high frequencies will be studied in application to non‐linear structural dynamics. Among the methods considered will be the Newmark Method, the classical α‐methods, the Energy‐Momentum Methodwith and without numerical dissipation, the Constraint Energy‐Momentum Algorithm and the Constraint Energy Method. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of the present exposition are to: (i) provide a generalized unified mathematical framework and setting leading to the unique design of computational algorithms for structural dynamic problems encompassing the broad scope of linear multi‐step (LMS) methods and within the limitation of the Dahlquist barrier theorem (Reference [3], G. Dahlquist, BIT 1963; 3 : 27), and also leading to new designs of numerically dissipative methods with optimal algorithmic attributes that cannot be obtained employing existing frameworks in the literature, (ii) provide a meaningful characterization of various numerical dissipative/non‐dissipative time integration algorithms both new and existing in the literature based on the overshoot behavior of algorithms leading to the notion of algorithms by design, (iii) provide design guidelines on selection of algorithms for structural dynamic analysis within the scope of LMS methods. For structural dynamics problems, first the so‐called linear multi‐step methods (LMS) are proven to be spectrally identical to a newly developed family of generalized single step single solve (GSSSS) algorithms. The design, synthesis and analysis of the unified framework of computational algorithms based on the overshooting behavior, and additional algorithmic properties such as second‐order accuracy, and unconditional stability with numerical dissipative features yields three sub‐classes of practical computational algorithms: (i) zero‐order displacement and velocity overshoot (U0‐V0) algorithms; (ii) zero‐order displacement and first‐order velocity overshoot (U0‐V1) algorithms; and (iii) first‐order displacement and zero‐order velocity overshoot (U1‐V0) algorithms (the remainder involving high‐orders of overshooting behavior are not considered to be competitive from practical considerations). Within each sub‐class of algorithms, further distinction is made between the design leading to optimal numerical dissipative and dispersive algorithms, the continuous acceleration algorithms and the discontinuous acceleration algorithms that are subsets, and correspond to the designed placement of the spurious root at the low‐frequency limit or the high‐frequency limit, respectively. The conclusion and design guidelines demonstrating that the U0‐V1 algorithms are only suitable for given initial velocity problems, the U1‐V0 algorithms are only suitable for given initial displacement problems, and the U0‐V0 algorithms are ideal for either or both cases of given initial displacement and initial velocity problems are finally drawn. For the first time, the design leading to optimal algorithms in the context of a generalized single step single solve framework and within the limitation of the Dahlquist barrier that maintains second‐order accuracy and unconditional stability with/without numerically dissipative features is described for structural dynamics computations; thereby, providing closure to the class of LMS methods. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of using the predetermined coefficients in constructing time‐step integration algorithms is investigated. Both first‐ and second‐order equations are considered. The approximate solution is assumed to be in a form of polynomial in the time domain. It can be related to the truncated Taylor's series expansion of the exact solution. Therefore, some of the coefficients can be predetermined from the known initial conditions. If there are m predetermined coefficients and r unknown coefficients in the approximate solution, the unknowns can be solved by the weighted residual method. The weighting parameter method is used to investigate the resultant algorithm characteristics. It is shown that the formulation is consistent with a minimum order of accuracy m+r. The maximum order of accuracy achievable is m+2r. Unconditionally stable algorithms exist if mr for first‐order equations and m+1⩽r for second‐order equations. Hence, the Dahlquist's theorem is generalized. Algorithms equivalent to the Padé approximations and unconditionally stable algorithms equivalent to the generalized Padé approximations are constructed. The corresponding weighting parameters and weighting functions for the Padé and generalized Padé approximations are given explicitly. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a (higher‐order) finite element approach for the simulation of heat diffusion and thermoelastic deformations in NC‐milling processes. The inherent continuous material removal in the process of the simulation is taken into account via continuous removal‐dependent refinements of a paraxial hexahedron base‐mesh covering a given workpiece. These refinements rely on isotropic bisections of these hexahedrons along with subdivisions of the latter into tetrahedrons and pyramids in correspondence to a milling surface triangulation obtained from the application of the marching cubes algorithm. The resulting mesh is used for an element‐wise defined characteristic function for the milling‐dependent workpiece within that paraxial hexahedron base‐mesh. Using this characteristic function, a (higher‐order) fictitious domain method is used to compute the heat diffusion and thermoelastic deformations, where the corresponding ansatz spaces are defined for some hexahedron‐based refinement of the base‐mesh. Numerical experiments compared to real physical experiments exhibit the applicability of the proposed approach to predict deviations of the milled workpiece from its designed shape because of thermoelastic deformations in the process.  相似文献   

An explicit–explicit staggered time‐integration algorithm and an implicit–explicit counterpart are presented for the solution of non‐linear transient fluid–structure interaction problems in the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) setting. In the explicit–explicit case where the usually desirable simultaneous updating of the fluid and structural states is both natural and trivial, staggering is shown to improve numerical stability. Using rigorous ALE extensions of the two‐stage explicit Runge–Kutta and three‐point backward difference methods for the fluid, and in both cases the explicit central difference scheme for the structure, second‐order time‐accuracy is achieved for the coupled explicit–explicit and implicit–explicit fluid–structure time‐integration methods, respectively, via suitable predictors and careful stagings of the computational steps. The robustness of both methods and their proven second‐order time‐accuracy are verified for sample application problems. Their potential for the solution of highly non‐linear fluid–structure interaction problems is demonstrated and validated with the simulation of the dynamic collapse of a cylindrical shell submerged in water. The obtained numerical results demonstrate that, even for fluid–structure applications with strong added mass effects, a carefully designed staggered and subiteration‐free time‐integrator can achieve numerical stability and robustness with respect to the slenderness of the structure, as long as the fluid is justifiably modeled as a compressible medium. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new family of time‐stepping algorithms for the integration of the dynamics of non‐linear shells. We consider the geometrically exact shell theory involving an inextensible director field (the so‐called five‐parameter shell model). The main characteristic of this model is the presence of the group of finite rotations in the configuration manifold describing the deformation of the solid. In this context, we develop time‐stepping algorithms whose discrete solutions exhibit the same conservation laws of linear and angular momenta as the underlying physical system, and allow the introduction of a controllable non‐negative energy dissipation to handle the high numerical stiffness characteristic of these problems. A series of algorithmic parameters for the different components of the deformation of the shell (i.e. membrane, bending and transverse shear) fully control this numerical dissipation, recovering existing energy‐momentum schemes as a particular choice of these algorithmic parameters. We present rigorous proofs of the numerical properties of the resulting algorithms in the full non‐linear range. Furthermore, it is argued that the numerical dissipation is introduced in the high‐frequency range by considering the proposed algorithm in the context of a linear problem. The finite element implementation of the resulting methods is described in detail as well as considered in the final arguments proving the aforementioned conservation/dissipation properties. We present several representative numerical simulations illustrating the performance of the newly proposed methods. The robustness gained over existing methods in these stiff problems is confirmed in particular. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The static behaviour of spherical shallow shells bonded with piezoelectric actuators and subjected to electrical loading are studied in this paper by using the differential quadrature element method (DQEM). Geometrical non‐linear effects are considered. Detailed formulations for the DQ circular spherical shallow shell element and the DQ annular spherical shallow shell element are given for the first time. Numerical studies are performed to evaluate the effects of actuator size, thickness and boundary conditions. Very accurate results are obtained by the DQEM. Based on the results reported in this paper, one may conclude that the DQEM is a useful tool for obtaining solutions for smart materials and structures exhibiting geometric non‐linear behaviours. Thickness effects cannot be neglected when the actuator thickness is comparable to that of the base material. Snap‐through may occur when the applied voltage reaches a critical value even without mechanical loading for certain geometric configurations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider linear and non‐linear space–time fractional reaction–diffusion equations (STFRDE) on a finite domain. The equations are obtained from standard reaction–diffusion equations by replacing a second‐order space derivative by a fractional derivative of order β∈(1, 2], and a first‐order time derivative by a fractional derivative of order α∈(0, 1]. We use the Adomian decomposition method to construct explicit solutions of the linear and non‐linear STFRDE. Finally, some examples are given. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a novel partitioned coupling algorithm to solve first‐order time‐dependent non‐linear problems (e.g. transient heat conduction). The spatial domain is partitioned into a set of totally disconnected subdomains. The continuity conditions at the interface are modeled using a dual Schur formulation where the Lagrange multipliers represent the interface fluxes (or the reaction forces) that are required to maintain the continuity conditions. The interface equations along with the subdomain equations lead to a system of differential algebraic equations (DAEs). For the resulting equations a numerical algorithm is developed, which includes choosing appropriate constraint stabilization techniques. The algorithm first solves for the interface Lagrange multipliers, which are subsequently used to advance the solution in the subdomains. The proposed coupling algorithm enables arbitrary numeric schemes to be coupled with different time steps (i.e. it allows subcycling) in each subdomain. This implies that existing software and numerical techniques can be used to solve each subdomain separately. The coupling algorithm can also be applied to multiple subdomains and is suitable for parallel computers. We present examples showing the feasibility of the proposed coupling algorithm. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present paper a systematic development of higher order accurate time stepping schemes which exactly conserve total energy as well as momentum maps of underlying finite‐dimensional Hamiltonian systems with symmetry is shown. The result of this development is the enhanced Galerkin (eG) finite element method in time. The conservation of the eG method is generally related to its collocation property. Total energy conservation, in particular, is obtained by a new projection technique. The eG method is, moreover, based on objective time discretization of the used strain measure. This paper is concerned with particle dynamics and semi‐discrete non‐linear elastodynamics. The related numerical examples show good performance in presence of stiffness as well as for calculating large‐strain motions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many optimization problems in engineering require coupling a mathematical programming process to a numerical simulation. When the latter is non‐linear, the resulting computer time may become unaffordably large because three sequential procedures are nested: the outer loop is associated to the optimization process, the middle one corresponds to the time marching scheme and the innermost loop is required for solving iteratively the non‐linear system of equations at each time step. We propose four techniques for reducing CPU time. First, derive the initial values of state variables at each time (innermost loop) from those computed at the previous optimization iteration (outermost loop). Second, select time increment on the basis of those used for the previous optimization iteration. Third, define convergence criteria for the simulation problem on the basis of the optimization process, so that they are only as stringent as really needed. Finally, computations associated to the optimization are shown to be greatly reduced by adopting Newton–Raphson, or a variant, for solving the simulation problem. The effectiveness of these techniques is illustrated through application to three examples involving automatic calibration of non‐linear groundwater flow problems. The total number of iterations is reduced by a factor ranging between 1·7 and 4·6. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two‐dimensional photonic crystal structures are analyzed by a recently developed hybrid technique combining the finite‐element time‐domain (FETD) method and the finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) method. This hybrid FETD/FDTD method uses the discontinuous Galerkin method as framework for domain decomposition. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first hybrid FETD/FDTD method that allows non‐conformal meshes between different FETD and FDTD subdomains. It is also highly parallelizable. These properties are very suitable for the computation of periodic structures with curved surfaces. Numerical examples for the computation of the scattering parameters of two‐dimensional photonic bandgap structures are presented as applications of the hybrid FETD/FDTD method. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed hybrid method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper concerns design sensitivity analysis (DSA) for an elasto–plastic material, with material parameters depending on, or serving as, design variables. The considered constitutive model is Huber–Mises deviatoric plasticity with non‐linear isotropic/kinematic hardening, one which is applicable to metals. The standard radial return algorithm for linear hardening is generalized to account for non‐linear hardening functions. Two generalizations are presented; in both the non‐linearity is treated iteratively, but the iteration loop contains either a scalar equation or a group of tensorial equations. It is proven that the second formulation, which is the one used in some parallel codes, can be equivalently brought to a scalar form, more suitable for design differentiation. The design derivatives of both the algorithms are given explicitly, enabling thus calculation of the ‘explicit’ design derivative of stresses entering the global sensitivity equation. The paper addresses several issues related to the implementation and testing of the DSA module; among them the concept of verification tests, both outside and inside a FE code, as well as the data handling implied by the algorithm. The numerical tests, which are used for verification of the DSA module, are described. They shed light on (a) the accuracy of the design derivatives, by comparison with finite difference computations and (b) the effect of the finite element formulation on the design derivatives for an isochoric plastic flow. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the singular behavior for anisotropic multimaterial V‐notched plates is investigated under antiplane shear loading condition. Firstly, the elastic governing equations are transformed into eigen ordinary differential equations through introducing the asymptotic expansions of displacements near the notch tip. The stress singularity exponents, including the higher‐order terms, and the corresponding eigen angular functions are then obtained by solving the established equations by using the interpolating matrix method. Thus, using the combination of the results from finite element analyses and the derived asymptotic expansion, an overdeterministic method is employed to calculate the amplitudes of the coefficients in the asymptotic expansions. Finally, the stress and displacement fields in the vicinity of the notch tip, consisting of both singular terms and higher‐order terms, are determined. The effects of material properties and geometry characteristic on the singular behaviour of the notch tip are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The construction of energy–momentum methods depends heavily on three kinds of non‐linearities: (1) the geometric (non‐linearity of the strain–displacement relation), (2) the material (non‐linearity of the elastic constitutive law), and (3) the one exhibited in displacement‐dependent loading. In previous works, the authors have developed a general method which is valid for any kind of geometric non‐linearity. In this paper, we extend the method and combine it with a treatment of material non‐linearity as well as that exhibited in force terms. In addition, the dynamical formulation is presented in a general finite element framework where enhanced strains are incorporated as well. The non‐linearity of the constitutive law necessitates a new treatment of the enhanced strains in order to retain the energy conservation property. Use is made of the logarithmic strain tensor which allows for a highly non‐linear material law, while preserving the advantage of considering non‐linear vibrations of classical metallic structures. Various examples and applications to classical and non‐classical vibrations and non‐linear motion of shells are presented, including (1) chaotic motion of arches, cylinders and caps using a linear constitutive law and (2) large overall motion and non‐linear vibration of shells using non‐linear constitutive law. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stability and reflection‐transmission properties of the bipenalty method are studied in application to explicit finite element analysis of one‐dimensional contact‐impact problems. It is known that the standard penalty method, where an additional stiffness term corresponding to contact boundary conditions is applied, attacks the stability limit of finite element model. Generally, the critical time step size rapidly decreases with increasing penalty stiffness. Recent comprehensive studies have shown that the so‐called bipenalty technique, using mass penalty together with standard stiffness penalty, preserves the critical time step size associated to contact‐free bodies. In this paper, the influence of the penalty ratio (ratio of stiffness and mass penalty parameters) on stability and reflection‐transmission properties in one‐dimensional contact‐impact problems using the same material and mesh size for both domains is studied. The paper closes with numerical examples, which demonstrate the stability and reflection‐transmission behavior of the bipenalty method in one‐dimensional contact‐impact and wave propagation problems of homogeneous materials.  相似文献   

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