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The problem of finding the distribution of the sum of more than two Rayleigh fading envelopes has never been solved in terms of tabulated functions. In this letter, we present a closed-form union upper-bound for the cumulative distribution function of the weighted sum of N independent Rayleigh fading envelopes. Computer simulation results verify the tightness of the proposed bound for several values of N. The proposed bound can be efficiently applied in various wireless applications, such as satellite communications, equal-gain receivers, and radars. 相似文献
There are various cases in physics and engineering sciences (especially communications) where one requires the envelope probability density function (PDF) of the sum of several random sinusoidal signals. According to the correspondence between a random sinusoidal signal and a random vector, the sum of random vectors can be considered as an abstract mathematical model for the above sum. Now it is desired to obtain the PDF of the length of the resulting vector. Considering the common and reasonable assumption of uniform distributions for the angles of the vectors, many researchers have obtained the PDF of the length of the resulting vector only for special cases. However in this paper, the PDF is obtained for the most general case in which the lengths of vectors are arbitrary dependent random variables. This PDF is in the form of a definite integral, which may be inappropriate for analytic manipulations and numerical computations. So an appropriate infinite Laguerre expansion is also derived. Finally, the results are applied to solve a typical example in computing the scattering cross section of random scatterers 相似文献
A Nakagami-m approximate distribution to the sum of M non-identical independent Nakagami-m variates is derived. Comparisons between exact and approximate sum distributions show excellent agreement. This new approach finds applicability in important communications issues such as equal-gain combining, signal detection, linear equalisers, outage probability, intersymbol interference and phase jitter. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》1978,24(5):649-650
Lower bounds are given for the rate-distortion and distortion-rate functions of the sums of linear transformations of independent random vectorsX andY . These lower bounds are sharp in the sense that they are exactly achieved when the random vectorsX andY are Gaussian and identically distributed. 相似文献
Karagiannidis G.K. Sagias N.C. Tsiftsis T.A. 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2006,54(8):1353-1359
We present closed-form expressions for the probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the sum of non-identical squared Nakagami-m random variables (RVs) with integer-order fading parameters. As it is shown, they can be written as a weighted sum of Erlang PDFs and CDFs, respectively, while the analysis includes both independent and correlated sums of RVs. The proposed formulation significantly improves previously published results, which are either in the form of infinite sums or higher order derivatives of the fading parameter m. The obtained formulas can be applied to the performance analysis of diversity combining receivers operating over Nakagami-m fading channels. 相似文献
Mingxin Zhou Hao Zhang Yingning Peng 《Communications Letters, IEEE》2005,9(9):799-801
A Bayesian estimator for the correlation parameters of the multivariate Nakagami-m distribution is presented in this letter. The proposed estimator is a generalized Gibbs sampler, called group-based sampler. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that our new estimator offers reasonably small relative error and it also provides an acceptable performance. 相似文献
Karagiannidis G.K. Zogas D.A. Kotsopoulos S.A. 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2003,51(8):1240-1244
Capitalizing on the proof of a theorem presented by L.E. Blumenson and K.S. Miller (see Ann. Math. Statist., vol.34, p.903-10, 1963), we propose a useful closed formula for the exponentially correlated n-variate Nakagami-m probability density function. Moreover, an infinite series approach for the corresponding cumulative distribution function is presented. Bounds on the error resulting from the truncation of the infinite series are also derived. Finally, in order to check the accuracy of the proposed formulation, numerical results are presented. 相似文献
On higher order statistics of the Nakagami-m distribution 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Yacoub M.D. Bautistu J.E.V. Guerra de Rezende Guedes L. 《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1999,48(3):790-794
This paper proposes a fading model that leads to a formal, but simple method to obtain the exact formula of the Nakagami-m published in 1960 distribution for m=n/2, with n a nonzero integer number. Based on such a model, the joint distribution of the envelope and its time derivative are accomplished, and exact formulas for the level crossing rate (closed-form formula) and for the average fade duration are derived. Simulation curves and exact formulas are checked against each other and a very good agreement between them is attained. Although derived for discrete values of m (m being an integer multiple of 1/2), there are no mathematical constraints for these expressions to be used for any real value of m⩾1/2 相似文献
This paper derives a convenient closed-form expression for the input impedance of a vertical antenna above a dielectric half-space. The expression is obtained from the induced electromotive force (EMF) method using a complex-image spatial Green's function. It is found that the effect of the dielectric half-space can be modeled by a short image array of three to five complex image antennas. Numerical results verify the accuracy and convenience of the method for a vertical antenna at any height above a dielectric half-space with and without loss 相似文献
Cooperative localization for next-generation converged networks with closed-form solution 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this article, a novel cooperative wireless localization scheme based on information fusion is proposed. The scheme combines large-scale arrival time and small-scale distance measurements obtained from the next-generation converged networks. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the terminai's position is derived with closed-form solution, and the Cramtr-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of the estimate error is investigated. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results verify that the proposed localization scheme can significantly enhance the location precision. Moreover, the mean square error of position estimate approximates the CRLB when the number of reference stations increases, which indicates that the proposed ML estimator is asymptotically efficient. 相似文献
The properties of the series are studied for both bounded and unbounded random variables. The technique is used to find efficient series for computation of the distributions of sums of uniform random variables and sums of Rayleigh random variables. A useful closed-form expression for the characteristic function of a Rayleigh random variable is presented, and an efficient method for computing a confluent hypergeometric function is given. An infinite series for the probability density function of a sum of independent random variables is also derived. The inversion of characteristic functions, a trapezoidal rule for numerical integration, and the sampling theorem in the frequency domain are related to, and interpreted in terms of, the results 相似文献
An improved algorithm which is based on the recursive closed-form algorithm fornon-minimum phase FIR system identification via higher order statistics is presented.In order toincrease the parametric estimation accuracy,the improved algorithm uses the optimal iterativemethod to seek the nonlinear least-square solution.Finally,the simulation examples are alsogiven. 相似文献
Directivity optimization of a reflector antenna with cluster feeds: A closed-form solution 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lam P. Shung-Wu Lee Chang D. Lang K. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1985,33(11):1163-1174
The directivity of a reflector antenna deteriorates as the feed moves away from the focal point for beam scanning. This deterioration can be substantially reduced if a cluster feed instead of a single feed is used to control a beam. A closed-form solution is presented for the cluster excitation to achieve the optimum directivity. For an offset108 lambda parabolic reflector scanning 10 beamwidths, the optimum-directivity achieved by a 19-element (seven-element) cluster is 12 dB (8 dB) higher than that of a single element. Comparison of the optimum-directivity design and the popular conjugate field matching design is made. When the cluster spacingd is greater than1 lambda , it is found that the optimum directivity is higher than that of conjugate field matching (CFM) scheme by an insignificant amount, although the excitations of two designs can be quite different. Ford < 0.5 lambda , the optimum design may exhibit the supergain phenomenon, namely, extremely high directivities achieved by an oscillatory cluster excitation. 相似文献
Spatial-domain Green's functions for multilayer, planar geometries are cast into closed forms with two-level approximation of the spectral-domain representation of the Green's functions. This approach is very robust and much faster compared to the original one-level approximation. Moreover, it does not require the investigation of the spectral-domain behavior of the Green's functions in advance to decide on the parameters of the approximation technique, and it can be applied to any component of the dyadic Green's function with the same ease 相似文献
The error performance of coherent detection of binary phase shift keying (BPSK) signals with noisy phase reference is analysed for a flat Nakagami-m fading channel and in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). By assuming Gaussian and Tikhonov probability density functions (PDFs) for the phase error, closed-form expressions for the average bit error rate (BER) are derived 相似文献
In many systems which are composed of components with exponentially distributed lifetimes, the system failure time can be expressed as a sum of exponentially distributed random variables. A previous paper mentions that there seems to be no convenient closed-form expression for all cases of this problem. This is because in one case the expression involves high-order derivatives of products of multiple functions. The authors prove a simple intuitive multi-function generalization of the Leibnitz rule for high-order derivatives of products of two functions and use this to simplify this expression, thus giving a closed form solution for this problem. They similarly simplify the state-occupancy probabilities in general Markov models 相似文献
An efficient solution for locating a target was proposed, which by using time difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements in the presence of random sensor position errors to increase the accuracy of estimation. The cause of position estimation errors in two-stage weighted least squares (TSWLS) method is analyzed to develop a simple and effective method for improving the localization performance. Specifically, the reference sensor is selected again and the coordinate system is rotated according to preliminary estimated target position by using TSWLS method, and the final position estimation of the target is obtained by using weighted least squares (WLS). The proposed approach exhibits a closed-form and is as efficient as TSWLS method. Simulation results show that the proposed approach yields low estimation bias and improved robustness with increasing sensor position errors and thus can easily achieve the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) easily and effectively improve the localization accuracy. 相似文献
Ho Van Khuong Hyung-Yun Kong 《Communications Letters, IEEE》2006,10(3):159-161
In order to evaluate exactly the performance of some diversity schemes, the probability density function (pdf) of a sum of independent exponential random variables (r.v.'s) must be known. This paper proposes a simple method to find it by using characteristic function., The resultant pdf is successfully applied to formulate the closed-form BER expression of 2 Tx-J Rx transmit diversity as well as the outage probability of repetition coding. 相似文献
Importance sampling (IS) is developed as a variance reduction technique for Monte Carlo simulation of data communications over random phase additive white Gaussian noise channels. The binary problem (with known performance) is examined initially to determine parameter values and estimate the performance gain of IS. These results can then be applied to intractable m-ary signaling problems through composite IS. An example compares the performance of linear, square-law, and optimum receivers for binary block coded data 相似文献
In this paper, a set of closed-form formulas for vector Finite Element Method (FEM) to analyze three dimensional electromagnetic problems is presented on the basis of Gaussian quadrature integration scheme. By analyzing the open region problems, the first-order Absorbing Boundary Condition (ABC) is considered as the truncation boundary condition and the equation is carried out in a closed-form. Based on the formulas, the hybrid Expanded Cholesky Method (ECM) and MultiFrontal algorithm (MF) is applied to solve finite element equations. Using the closed-form solution, the electromagnetic field of three dimensional targets can be studied sententiously and accurately. Simulation results show that the presented formulas are successfully and concise, which can be easily used to analyze three dimensional electromagnetic problems. 相似文献