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The mechanism controlling luteal regression in primates is unknown but may involve cell death by apoptosis. Marmoset ovaries containing corpora lutea were studied at different stages of the normal ovarian cycle. Two additional groups of animals underwent induced luteolysis with either the prostaglandin F2 alpha analogue, cloprostenol, or the GnRH antagonist, antarelix, at the mid-luteal phase. Apoptosis in ovarian sections was estimated both by counting the number of cells exhibiting morphological features of apoptosis and by in situ labelling the 3' ends of the DNA fragments with digoxigenin-11-dUTP. Apoptosis was found to be significantly increased in corpora lutea in the early follicular phase (equivalent to the later stage of luteal lifespan) compared with the mid-luteal phase corpora lutea, as judged by either computerized morphometry or 3' end labelling. Apoptosis was also increased by the administration of either cloprostenol or antarelix when using the 3' end labelling end point, but only after cloprostenol when using computerized morphometry. A further form of cell death, characterized by the formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles, was also observed in corpora lutea undergoing both induced and spontaneous regression. These results demonstrate that apoptosis within the primate corpus luteum is increased in both physiological and induced luteal regression. In addition, they show that an alternative form of cell death is involved in both spontaneous and induced luteal regression, although the relative importance of the two mechanisms remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The thiazolidinedione analogue troglitazone is an antidiabetic agent that improves insulin resistance in rodents and humans. Although coronary artery disease is common in patients with the insulin resistance syndrome, the effects of troglitazone on smooth muscle cells (SMC) have not been fully elucidated. We therefore examined the effects of troglitazone on cell growth and glucose uptake in human aortic SMC. Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity and glucose transporter (Glut) 1 mRNA levels were also studied. In the absence of troglitazone, insulin (10(-7) M) caused a 2-fold increase of DNA synthesis in SMC and troglitazone suppressed the increase of DNA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. This growth suppression was accompanied by inhibition of MAP kinase activity. On the other hand, troglitazone significantly increased Glut 1 mRNA and enhanced glucose uptake in SMC. These results suggest that troglitazone affects the insulin signaling pathways in SMC and suppresses growth while promoting glucose uptake. Our findings support the application of troglitazone as an inhibitor of SMC proliferation in patients with insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have noted the unusual placental anatomy of marmosets and the high frequency of biovular, synchorial twinning. The maintenance of a captive colony of Callithrix jacchus has enabled further studies to be made of embryonic development in this species. Thirty-six embryos from seventeen pregnancies were examined in detail and assigned to horizons on the basis of Streeter's classification of external form and internal structure. The specimens represented tha major part of the embryonic period and, with few exceptions, the structural development of the marmoset closely resembled that of the other primates that have been described. Marmoset embryos of a given horizon were consistently shorter than those of man. The timing of morphogenesis in C. jacchus was different from that observed in man and other primates. There was a considerable delay in early embryogenesis in the marmoset, although subsequent to stage XI, development proceeded at approximately the same rate as other primates. The available evidence suggested that this anomaly was not due to delayed implantation or embryonic diapause but to a generally slower rate of early development. The evolution of synchorial twinning is considered as a possible reason for this mode of development.  相似文献   

The model of 25 children with mild Class II, Division 1 malocclusions who had their upper buccal segments moved distally with an en masse appliance were measured at the beginning of treatment and at the completion of buccal segment retraction. A reflex microscope, interfaced to a personal computer, was adapted for this purpose. A custom-made jig and linear stepping motor permitted the recording of both buccal and incisal measurements of the teeth in occlusion, as well as individual arch parameters. Software was designed to record and calculate the required measurements. The method error associated with this approach ranged from 0.01 to 0.5 mm. Results indicated that mean distal movement of the buccal segments approximated 6 mm, equivalent to a full cusp of buccal segment retraction. A small spontaneous reduction in overjet was seen. The upper arch showed spontaneous alignment and increases in width, length, and perimeter. In the lower jaw, transverse expansion was accompanied by a small increase in arch perimeter. Arch length, however, was slightly reduced. It was concluded that the system was an acceptable method of recording occlusal changes during orthodontic treatment, supplementing routine cephalometry. Furthermore, a full unit of buccal segment retraction could be expected, by using a removable appliance/headgear technique.  相似文献   

Recent studies in non-human primates support a role for the subthalamic nucleus in the expression of parkinsonian symptomatology, and it has been proposed that subthalamic lesions may provide a surgical treatment for the symptoms of Parkinson's disease in humans. We have applied a broad range of behavioural tests to characterize the effects of lesions of the subthalamic nucleus on parkinsonian symptoms in the unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesioned marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). Thirteen marmosets were trained on a battery of behavioural tasks that were conducted at regular intervals before and after surgery. All received unilateral 6-OHDA lesions to the medial forebrain bundle. Seven animals were then given an additional N-methyl-D-aspartate lesion of the ipsilateral subthalamic nucleus, whereas the remaining six animals received a variety of control or sham lesions to the nucleus. The 6-OHDA lesions induced a strong ipsilateral bias in head position; mild-moderate ipsilateral rotation spontaneously and after injection of saline or amphetamine; and contralateral rotation after injection of apomorphine. Hemineglect was evident as delayed initiation of reaches on the contralateral side on the staircase reaching task. Additional subthalamic lesions significantly reversed the bias in head position from ipsilateral to contralateral and decreased neglect as evidenced by improved latencies to initiate reaching on the contralateral side at the staircase. However, deficits in skilled movements persisted in the subthalamic nucleus lesion group in that they did not complete the staircase task any faster than the control group and remained impaired on another task which required reaching into tubes. These behavioural effects demonstrate that excitotoxic lesioning of the subthalamic nucleus can ameliorate some, but not all, parkinsonian-like deficits in the unilateral 6-OHDA lesioned marmoset.  相似文献   

Metabolic bone disease was diagnosed in an 11-month-old female common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). It was depressed, reluctant to move, and was cachectic and small for its age. Laboratory findings included anaemia, azotaemia and an inverse calcium to phosphorus ratio. The radiological findings showed simultaneous signs of osteomalacia and soft-tissue calcification. There was decreased bone density with lytic areas in the pelvis and femur, and severe bilateral nephrocalcinosis. Postmortem examination revealed marked focal dystrophic calcification of the epi- and myocardium. Calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency (nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism) was the most likely cause of the osteomalacia.  相似文献   

To examine whether acute dystonia is induced by neuroleptic treatment, common marmosets were treated with haloperidol orally twice a week over 25 weeks until dystonic behavior was elicited. Movement disorders such as acute dystonia were observed 6 weeks after the initial treatment, and had appeared in all treated animals by 25 weeks. Once these movement disorders were induced, they consistently reappeared after further treatment with haloperidol, and once haloperidol dosing was discontinued, the episodes vanished. Then, various neuroleptic drugs (bromperidol, chlorpromazine, risperidone thioridazine, sulpiride, tiapride, and clozapine) or a nonneuroleptic drug (diazepam) were administered orally instead of haloperidol in the above animals. All the neuroleptic drugs except for clozapine elicited similar abnormal behavior, while diazepam failed to induce any dystonia. An anticholinergic drug, trihexyphenidyl, which is known to reduce acute dystonia in patients, was also given orally to the above haloperidol-sensitized animals, followed by further treatment with haloperidol 30 min later. This clearly suppressed the induction of dystonia by haloperidol. The similarity between these findings for haloperidol-pretreated common marmosets and clinical findings suggests that the present model is useful for predicting the potential of antipsychotics to induce acute dystonia in humans.  相似文献   

The lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in humans and Old-World monkeys is dominated by the representation of the fovea in the parvocellular (PC) layers, and most PC cells in the foveal representation have red-green cone opponent receptive field properties. It is not known whether these features are both unique to trichromatic primates. Here we measured receptive field properties and the visuotopic organization of cells in the LGN of a New-World monkey, the marmoset Callithrix jacchus. The marmoset displays a polymorphism of cone opsins in the medium-long wavelength (ML) range, which allows the LGN of dichromatic ("red-green color blind") and trichromatic individuals to be compared. Furthermore, the koniocellular-interlaminar layers are segregated from the main PC layers in marmoset, allowing the functional role of this subdivision of the LGN to be assessed. We show that the representation of the visual field in the LGN is quantitatively similar in dichromatic and trichromatic marmosets and is similar to that reported for macaque; the vast majority of LGN volume is devoted to the central visual field. ON- and OFF-type responses are partially segregated in the PC layers so that responses are more commonly encountered near the external border of each layer. The red-green (ML) opponent cells in trichromatic animals were all located in the PC layers, and their receptive fields were within 16 degrees of the fovea. The koniocellular zone between the PC and magnocellular layers contained cells that receive excitatory input from short wavelength sensitive cones ("blue- cells") as well as other nonopponent cells. These results suggest that the basic organization of the LGN is common to dichromatic and trichromatic primates and provide further evidence that ML and SWS opponent signals are carried in distinct subdivisions of the retinogeniculocortical pathway.  相似文献   

Hand preference in two adult C. jacchus (one male and one female) and five C. penicillata (three adult females and two 70-day-old male and female infants) was examined in this study. Animals were housed in large wire mesh cages and daily tested twice during 40 consecutive days in 15-minute experimental sessions. Tests were carried out with dog food pellets and were as follows: 1) food taking from a glass cylinder (12 cm long x 5 cm diameter), 2) food taking from an opaque plastic flask (11 cm long x 9.5 cm diameter) behind wire mesh, 3) food taking under the cage floor and 4) spontaneous activity (food manipulation, self-grooming and scratching behavior, and grasping wire mesh). It was observed that 1) subjects exhibit a high manual ability in all testing conditions, 2) hand biases occurred, but the subjects either reversed hand preference or the preference was ambiguous as the performances are examined in a longitudinal perspective, 3) hand biases were clearly more visible in test 1, which may be due to the complexity of this task itself, 4) hand biases were not similar in all testing conditions--i.e., subjects were left--in one test and right-handed in another-, and 5) the main results were very similar in both C. jacchus and C. penicillata and seem to be not dependent on either sex or age.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase (COX) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) and exists in two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2. In spite of long-standing speculation, definitive roles of PGs in various events of early pregnancy remain elusive. We demonstrate herein that the targeted disruption of COX-2, but not COX-1, in mice produces multiple failures in female reproductive processes that include ovulation, fertilization, implantation, and decidualization. Using multiple approaches, we conclude that these defects are the direct result of target organ-specific COX-2 deficiency but are not the result of deficiency of pituitary gonadotropins or ovarian steroid hormones, or reduced responsiveness of the target organs to their respective hormones.  相似文献   

Brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were recorded in 20 common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to investigate the effects of click frequency up to 99 kHz, in consideration of the higher hearing range of the marmoset, and intensity on wave forms and peak latencies. According to the results of BAEP recordings at frequencies of 4, 32, and 99 kHz, the number of components recorded was affected by the stimulus intensity and the clicks at an intensity of 80 dB peak equivalent sound pressure level (pe SPL) had the maximum number of clear components. Therefore, it was indicated that click stimulations at an intensity of 80 dB pe SPL over a broad range of frequencies appears to be useful for recording the maximum number of components in marmosets and may increase the information obtainable from BAEPs. BAEP latencies were prolonged as the stimulus intensity decreased from 100 to 50 dB pe SPL. The effects of stimulus frequency on the wave latencies and amplitudes in response to 80 dB pe SPL at frequencies between 0.5 and 99 kHz revealed various changes: the amplitude of wave I increased at 16 and 32 kHz, but that of waves III and V increased at 4-8 and 64-99 kHz. These increases in amplitudes of the waves may correlate with higher synchronous activity of the peripheral or central auditory pathways.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against the calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin and calbindin, can be used to label distinct neuronal subgroups in the primate visual pathway. We analyzed parvalbumin immunoreactivity (P-IR) and calbindin immunoreactivity (C-IR) in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and visual cortex of the marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. We compared marmosets which were identified as having dichromatic or trichromatic color vision. Within the LGN, the density of P-IR neurones is highest in the parvocellular and magnocellular laminae, but C-IR neurones are found mainly in the koniocellular division of the LGN, that is, the interlaminar zones and S laminae. Not all interlaminar zone cells are C-IR. In the visual cortex, P-IR neurones are present in all laminae except lamina 1, in areas V1 and V2. Neurones which are strongly C-IR are mainly located in laminae 2 and 3 in V1 and V2. Lightly C-IR neurones are concentrated in lamina 4, and are more numerous in V1 than in V2. Quantitative analysis showed no differences in the density or distribution of IR neurones in either LGN or visual cortex when dichromat and trichromat animals were compared. We conclude that this functional difference is not associated with differences in the neurochemistry of calcium-binding proteins in the primary visual pathways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There have been only a few brain computed tomography imaging studies, with mostly negative findings, in subjects with borderline personality disorder (BPD). This is the first MRI study which evaluated the structural abnormalities of the brain in subjects with the sole diagnosis of BPD. METHODS: Twenty-five subjects with BPD were compared with age-, gender-matched healthy comparison subjects (n=25) on volumes of the frontal lobes, the temporal lobes, the lateral ventricles, and the cerebral hemispheres in brain magnetic resonance imaging. RESULTS: Subjects with BPD had a significantly smaller frontal lobe compared to comparison subjects (multivariate regression analysis, t=2.225, df=46, P=0.031). There were no significant differences in volumes of the temporal lobes, the lateral ventricles, and the cerebral hemispheres between subjects with and without BPD. LIMITATIONS: Strict inclusion and exclusion criteria employed in the present study may make it difficult to generalize our findings. The gray matter and white matter of the brain were not measured separately. Differences in head tilt during image acquisition were not corrected. CONCLUSIONS: The current study reports a smaller frontal lobe volume on brain MRI in subjects with BPD compared with healthy comparison subjects. This finding may serve as a potentially useful biological variable that may allow for subtyping BPD.  相似文献   

The biobehavioral consequences of psychogenic stress were examined using neuroendocrine and ethological methods in a captive colony of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus jacchus). Specifically, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity was evaluated as a function of gender and social status in four consecutive social environments [(1) stable heterosexual pairs; (2) isolation; (3) unstable peer groups; and (4) stable peer groups], by measuring both basal plasma cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and beta-endorphin concentrations and responsiveness of these hormones to dexamethasone, ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH), and ACTH1-24. Socially stressful conditions, such as isolation and peer group formation, were associated with increased HPA axis function and behavioral arousal, and individual profiles were related to gender and social status. Hormonal levels prior to group formation predicted subsequent status in peer groups. Basal morning concentrations of plasma cortisol, as well as cortisol responsiveness to dexamethasone suppression, were sensitive indices of HPA axis arousal during periods of social stress. The context-dependent development of hormonal and behavioral profiles, reminiscent of depression and/or anorexia nervosa, suggests that the common marmoset may be a useful model of psychiatric hypercortisolism.  相似文献   

Social peer groups of callitrichid monkeys [marmosets and tamarins] exhibit intrasexual dominance hierarchies in captivity. This laboratory study employed two-choice behavioral discrimination bioassys to test the hypothesis that scent from female common marmosets contains chemical cues that permit discrimination between dominant females in the periovulatory versus luteal phase of the ovarian cycle and females holding dominant versus subordinate status. When scent from only dominant females was presented, marmosets directed significantly greater amounts of investigatory behavior toward peri-ovulatory scent versus scent collected during the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle. Animals of both sexes demonstrated significant discriminatory behavior between scent deposited by dominant versus subordinate females, but only when the dominant female was in the peri-ovulatory phase of the ovarian cycle. Test animals directed equal amounts of investigative behavior toward scent from luteal-phase dominant females and subordinate females. Female test subjects deposited significantly more scent marks over presented scents than did male subjects, particularly when the scent had been donated by a peri-ovulatory female. Chemical odors specific to the periovulatory and luteal phases of the ovarian cycle may play a role in mediating behavioral interactions among marmosets.  相似文献   

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