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I. N. Sengupta 《Scientometrics》1986,10(5-6):235-242
Ranking of scientific periodicals by the method of citation counting provides valueable information about the degree of importance of the ranked periodicals. But such lists suffer from some inherent limitations. This paper discusses various pitfalls of traditional ranking lists and suggests, as a remedial measure, three new bibliometric parameters, namely, (1) scientific interest of a journal in relation to total number of articles published; (2) compactness of information content in a scientific periodical; and (3) scientific value of the papers in relation to compactness of presentation. It is believed that these new parameters, whenever applied to any traditional ranking list, will help to identify the accurate positions of different scientific journals of the parent list in order of their usefulness and importance. As a case study these parameters have been applied to the first ten core journals of biochemistry identified earlier and a revised reranked order of the titles presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Lately, the three-dimensional (3-D) analog of the Cauchy integral formula was used for several studies in geophysics and magnetism. In this paper, a simple demonstration of the expression of the 3-D analog of the Cauchy integral formula is given using only the usual rules of vector calculus, whereas the demonstrations given in references such as journal papers, treatises, or textbooks require complicated mathematical proceedings and lack clearness. Further on in the paper it is shown that some formulas obtained in references by using the analog of the Cauchy integral formula include inadequate results. The ways to avoid these inadequate results are also shown  相似文献   

On the basis of experimental data an analytical relationship is obtained between the thermal conductivity of liquids and sound velocity in them for wide temperature and pressure ranges. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 70, No. 1, pp. 27–29, January–February, 1997.  相似文献   

弹性海底边界的声导纳公式及对快速场模型的改进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张翼鹏  张大海 《声学技术》2006,25(6):595-601
West对基于传播矩阵的快速场算法进行改进,采用了迭代算法,使得基于传播矩阵的快速场算法的计算速度、计算精度以及稳定性有很大改进。但是,迭代算法仅适用于分层液态介质环境,当海底为弹性介质时,迭代算法无法使用。通过对弹性介质中的声传播规律进行研究,推导了弹性半空间边界处的声导纳计算公式。用该公式替代文献[4]给出的边界处声导纳计算公式后,迭代算法可以计算海底为弹性介质时的声场。根据所述方法编制了相应的快速场程序,通过算例比较,说明了该方法的有效性。在典型的浅海环境下,用快速场计算了不同频率的声传播损失曲线。计算结果表明,海底存在切变波时,低频声传播受到的影响较大。因此在考虑低频声传播时,将海底建模为弹性介质是必要的。  相似文献   

A robust formula to credit authors for their publications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Trueba  Frank J.  Guerrero  Héctor 《Scientometrics》2004,60(2):181-204
We have developed a formula that assigns relative values to each author of the list in any publication according to the authors' relative positions. The formula satisfies several criteria of theoretical and practical significance. We tested the formula's validity and usefulness with bibliographical references from the INSPEC database, mainly from the physical sciences. Enforced alphabetical sorting, different names of single authors and other statistical disturbances are accounted for. Our results demonstrate that our formula, or any other that satisfies several objective and quantitative criteria, can and often should be used as an additional criterion in the processes of evaluating relative scientific productivity, detecting experts in a given discipline, etc. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We establish a formula for the number of irreducible polynomialsf(x) over the binary fieldF 2 of given degreen 2 for which the coefficient ofx n-1 and ofx is equal to 1. This formula shows that the number of such polynomials is positive for alln 2 withn 3. These polynomials can be applied in a construction of irreducible self-reciprocal polynomials overF 2 of arbitrarily large degrees.  相似文献   

Summary According to the discrete model of periodical publication process, recurrence formulae of parameters of the process are gained and the initial conditions of control process parameters from one steady state to another are deduced. Using the variable separation approach, which is used generally to solve the partial differential equation, the recurrence computing formula of the publication probability function is deduced. First the publication delay increasing process caused by the accepted contribution flux increase is simulated, and then the publication delay decreasing processes under four different control means are simulated too. Finally it is demonstrated that the periodical publishing process is a strong inertia system and it is found that reducing the quantity of deposited contributions can shorten the publication delay.  相似文献   

The coverage of Indian S&T periodicals inSCI has been studied covering the period 1975–88. The study shows that coverage is rather poor due to a variety of reasons. Many of the Indian periodicals do not fulfil the criteria for getting covered inSCI. About 500 periodicals have been identified which are covered by at least one major indexing or abstracting service of the world. Total number of such periodicals is likely to be over 600. Slight improvement in the standard of these periodicals is likely to make many of them worthy of coverage bySCI.  相似文献   

关于 Stirling公式的一个注记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记 rn=nne- n 2πn.这个注记证明 ,当 n≥ 1 0时rn 1 +11 2 n+ 12 88n2 +2 4 9.2 n 相似文献   

为保障食品微生物检验结果的准确性和可靠性,提高检验技术人员业务水平,保证检验工作质量和提高实验室科学管理水平,全面开展食品微生物实验室质量控制是非常有必要的。食品微生物实验室质量控制工作应从检验人员的基本技能、设施和环境质量、仪器设备的质量、试剂和培养基的管理、微生物检验方法的确认、标准菌株的管理、微生物检测过程、样品处理与培养等多个方面着手;食品微生物实验室质量控制直接关系到日常检验工作的质量,为食品安全监管提供有利依据,是检验数据公正性、可靠性、科学性的重要保证。  相似文献   

Many design objectives can be expressed more directly in terms of circuit parameters, such as capacitance and inductance, than in terms of the field vectors E and B. A simple, although radical, change is suggested to provide a closer link between the field and circuit views. The electric potential φ and magnetic vector A are defined, in energy terms, as the primary field quantities, and they are visualized as measures of the capacitance and inductance, respectively. E and B become auxiliary symbols denoting derivatives, so that the customary roles of the potentials and field vectors are reversed. Some of the practical advantages of the change are examined and are illustrated by example  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the ratio of grain boundary curvature to grain size is reported, from which it is deduced that the terminal grain size determined by inclusions should be about an order of magnitude less than that predicted by the Zener formula in its usual form. It is demonstrated that the Zener formula does not necessarily include the condition that each boundary is impeded by an inclusion, and a supplementary condition is derived to cover this possibility.  相似文献   

From the basic mechanisms of plastic deformation, a new equation for the isothermal relaxation has been derived, depending on two empirical parameters. Relaxation tests show the validity of the formula to explain isothermal relaxation losses in stress-relieved steels and to take into account the influence of the temperature up to 60°C and the initial stress up to 0.80 u.t.s. A new testing method, as deduced from the formula, for high temperature relaxation tests is proposed. Finally, the equation has been applied to test results from other authors obtaining again an excellent agreement with them.
Résumé A partir de l’analyse des mécanismes de la déformation plastique on arrive à déduire une expression qui nous donne la déformation plastique en fonction d’une variable qui dépend de la contrainte de la température et du temps: c’est la contrainte effective. En appliquant cette expression au phénomène de la relaxation des aciers de précontrainte, on déduit une nouvelle formule qui détermine la perte de contrainte en fonction de la contrainte effective de l’acier. Cette expression est valable dans un certain intervalle de températures (20 à 60°C), et de tensions (jusqu’à 80% de la charge unitaire maximale) et l’influence du matériel n’est représentée que par deux paramètres empiriques. Pour vérifier la validité de cette expression on expose les résultats des essais qui ont été réalisés sur deux aciers stabilisés. Pour l’un de ces aciers on a exploré l’intervalle de tension et de températures considéré auparavant. Les essais à hautes températures ont été réalisés suivant une nouvelle méthode: tandis que pour les essais à 20°C la vitesse de mise en charge a été de 3,3 MN/m2.s, pour les essais à 40°C la vitesse employée a été de 33 MN/m2.s et pour les essais à 60°C elle était de 250 MN/m2.s. Le temps de maintien de la charge initiale a été réduit à 13 secondes pour les essais à 40°C et à 1,8 secondes pour les essais à 60°C. Les résultats de ces essais s’accordent très bien avec l’expression théorique. Finalement on applique cette expression à d’autres essais qui ont été publiés par le C.U.R. et par Brachet, Jacques et Atallah et on vérifie sa validité avec les résultats de ces essais.

A simple analytical algebraic formula is developed for predicting the penetration depth of a deformable projectile into a semi-infinite target. This formula is a simplified version of more general equations that have been developed to predict the time-dependent penetration process in finite thickness targets. Specifically, the formula generalizes the classical hydrodynamic theory to include dependence on elastic properties of the target and on the yield strengths of both the target and the projectile. Moreover, the formula is limited to the case of long-rod penetration where both the projectile and the target experience significant plastic flow. The limiting values of the location of the elastic–plastic boundary in the target have been determined, and a single empirical constant has been introduced to characterize the transition between these limiting values. A value for this empirical constant has been determined which produces theoretical predictions that are in reasonable agreement with experimental data for moderate to high values of the impact velocity of steel and tungsten projectiles penetrating a steel target.  相似文献   

This paper gives a full quantum mechanical analysis of the magnetic field (first discussed by London) that appears spontaneously when a sample of superconductor is set into rotation. It is shown that, for slow rotation velocities and using certain approximations, the fieldB threading a cavity within a superconductor that rotates at angular velocity is given bye B=2(m oW/c 2), where — e is the charge on the electron,m o is the free electron mass,W is the work function of the superconductor, andc is the velocity of light. In this calculation effects that are second order in the rotation velocity have been ignored, and the result is only strictly valid at the zero of temperature. The application of this result to experiments using practical, nonideal apparatus is then illustrated for a simple geometry.This work was supported in turn by the Science Research Council; Trinity College, Cambridge; and the U. S. Department of Commerce under contract number NB81RAC10026.  相似文献   

The integral balance laws of continuous systems with an interface are obtained as a limit of balance law relative to suitable three-dimensional continuum. This approach supplies a physical interpretation of the quantities appearing in the balance laws and dodges around the not invariance under Galilean transformations of angular momentum balance.  相似文献   

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