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Experimental K X-ray emission ratios have been measured for nine elements ranging from F to Ti (9 ? Z2 ? 22) using 1H+, and 6Li+ projectiles. The experimental ratios are in fair agreement with theoretical predictions for the velocity range studied, ?k$?1.  相似文献   

Relativistic direct ionization cross sections for proton impact have been computed for atomic K and L shells, with Dirac-Hartree-Slater wave functions. Corrections for binding, polarization, and Coulomb deflection are included. Results are tabulated for proton energies from about 0.1 to 3 MeV, for 27 elements with atomic numbers 22 ? Z ? 92.  相似文献   

Cross sections for L-shell x-ray production and ionization by protons are tabulated according to target atomic number, target type, and incident proton energy. Cross sections for production of the individual L-shell component x-rays and for ionization of the three L subshells are presented separately. Ratios of to Ll x-ray production cross sections are also listed. Literature is covered from 1975 to November 1982. Experimental details pertaining to the cross-section measurements and the theoretical models employed by the experimenters for comparison with their data are included. It is intended that this information will help the reader to ascertain the most reliable cross-section values without recourse to the literature.  相似文献   

Cross sections for K x-ray production, K Auger-electron production, and K-shell ionization are tabulated as functions of target and projectile atomic numbers and projectile energy. The data are given in two tables. Table I presents data for the target-projectile systems where Z1Z2 ? 0.3. Table II presents data for published results where no restriction on the ratio Z1Z2 is applied and the studies were reported including data for different charge states of the incident heavy ion. Data are included in both tables for heavy ions incident upon gaseous targets, thick solid targets, and thin solid targets. However, data for solid targets (Z1Z2 > 0.3) that have not taken into account the effects of target thickness on measured target x-ray yields are not included in the present tabulations. The literature from 1973 through 1977, has been covered. This work is thus a sequel to the 1973 compilation of Rutledge and Watson.  相似文献   

Ionization cross sections for K and L subshells are tabulated according to target atomic number and incident ion energy. Proton and helium ion energies between 100 keV and 10 MeV and selected targets between C and Am for the K shell and between Ar and Am for the L subshells are used. The cross sections have been calculated in the plane-wave Born approximation (PWBA) with corrections for energy loss (E), Coulomb deflection (C), perturbed stationary state (PSS), and relativistic (R) effects (ECPSSR).  相似文献   

Tables are presented in universal form for the calculation of plane-wave Born cross sections for proton-impact ionization of the K-shell and of individual L-subshells. The reason for these new calculations was twofold: First, these tables cover a wider range of proton energies and target binding energies than the original tables of Khandelwal et al., so that corrections for increased binding energy, Coulomb deflection etc. can be taken into account. Second, the table values have been calculated with the exact physical limits of integration given by energy and momentum conservation. This leads to lower cross-section values than in the original tables for low proton energies.  相似文献   

The peaked binary-encounter approximation is used to compute cross sections for removing one or more electrons from K- and L-shells of atomic targets with Z = 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60, 80 and 100 by bombardment with alpha particles. The cross sections, σ1K, nL and σ2K, nL, are plotted over a range of alpha energies in the MeV region near the peaks of these cross sections. The relative magnitudes of the σ1K, nL and σ2K, nL cross sections are similar. Estimates of multiple-ionization cross sections for other projectiles may be determined in some instances by means of the z2 scaling law for the ionization probability.  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of the neutron-induced cross-sections for (n,3He) reactions has been made for the interval of 14⩽Z⩽84 around 14 MeV neutron energy. For practical purposes, an empirical expression has been found by using the experimental (n,3 He) cross section values as a function of (N-Z) and (En-Eth) where (N-Z) is the neutron excess of the target nucleus, En and Eth are the incident neutron energy and the (n,3He) threshold energy, respectively. The derived empirical relation gives a good fit with the experimental values  相似文献   

The tritium release from Li2O single crystals due to a recoil process during neutron irradiation was investigated. The linear relationship between the number of tritium atoms ejected from Li2O and the 6Li(n, α) 3H reaction density was observed up to about 1 × 1024 reactions/m3 and the linearity was deviated above this reaction density. From this linear relationship, the recoil range of 2.7 MeV tritons in Li2O single crystals was determined and discussed in terms of the calculated value.  相似文献   

A table is presented of semiempirical values of stopping cross sections [expressed in eV/(atom/cm2)] for 4He ions in every element (1 ≤ Z ≤ 92) for ion energies from 400 to 4000 keV. The semiempirical results have been fitted with polynomial expansions whose coefficients are also tabulated. The stopping cross sections provide parameters for the interpretation of backscattering experiments, for example factors for converting backscattering-peak widths to areal density (atoms/cm2). The semiempirical results are based on recent experimental measurements and on theoretical values calculated in the Lindhard-Winther formalism with Hartree-Fock-Slater elemental wavefunctions. Comments are included on combining the specific energy loss tables for compound backscattering analysis by using Bragg's Rule, and also on the effects on backscattering of target tilt and of the finite thicknesses of targets.  相似文献   

The total electron scattering cross sections (TCS) of C2H2 and C3H4 have been obtained for 200-4500 eV electrons by measuring the attenuation of the electron beam through a gas cell. An empirical expression is deduced to express the TCS of normal hydrocarbons as a function of the number of atomic constituencies in the hydrocarbon and the electron energy.  相似文献   

The activation method is used to measure cross sections for the 51V(n, p)51Ti reaction from En = 2.856 to 9.267 MeV and for the 51V(n, α)48Sc reaction from 5.515 to 9.567 MeV. Both measurements utilize ENDF/B-V evaluated neutron-induced fission cross sections of 238U as a standard. The experimental results from this work are compared with corresponding ENDF/B-V evaluated cross sections for V and substantial differences are evident. The most significant difference is a tendency for the measured values to exceed evaluated ones by as much as 50% in the vicinity of 8 MeV.  相似文献   

Detailed measurements of the cross-section for non-dissociative ionization of CO2 are presented and compared with available experimental and theoretical results. An excellent agreement is found with the energy dependence of another experimental determination; however, uncertainties exist over the magnitude. Also presented are the preliminary results for the combined cross-section for direct dissociative ionization of CO2 into O+ or C+.  相似文献   

Cross sections for two high energy threshold reactions 23Na(n, 2n)22Na and 58Ni(n, 2n)57Ni were measured by the activation method in the neutron energy range from 14 to 18 MeV. Inelastic scattering cross section for 115In was measured in the threshold region, i.e. from 0.5 to 1.3 MeV. The results of measurements are compared with scarce and divergent earlier data.  相似文献   

A new crossed beams apparatus for measuring absolute electron impact ionization cross-sections of multiply charged ions is described. First measurements are also reported which deal with N4+ and N5+. The results are in good agreements with those previously obtained by the Oak Ridge group. For N5+ a non-negligible signal is observed below the ground state ionization threshold. It is attributed to the presence of ions in metastable states. From the semi-empirical Lotz formula, the population of ions in those states is estimated to be approximately 3%.  相似文献   

This work describes the application of the technique of photographic VUV spectroscopy to accurate measurement of the wavelength of the theoretically interesting 1s2s 3S1-1s2p 3P2 transition in helium-like Ne8+ in a recoil ion source. Good resolution is obtained, and a preliminary value of 124.815±0.002 nm is found for the wavelength.  相似文献   

Two aspects of the elastic recoil detection technique for analyzing H and D are described; i) experimental factors which effectively limit the depth resolution in Al film, and ii) determination of the recoil cross section for H(4He, 4He)H and D(4He, 4He)D reactions in the range of 1.5–3.0 MeV energy of 4He. Both experimental and theoretical estimates of the depth resolution are presented and are in good agreement each other. The theoretical estimate therefore provides a reliable guide to find optimum resolution conditions. The recoil cross section for H is more than double the theoretical Rutherford scattering value and that for D becomes greater than 30 times Rutherford near the resonance energy of 2.1 MeV 4He.  相似文献   

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