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Cloned gene 8, which specifies the protein of the head-tail connector of bacteriophage T7, was expressed in Escherichia coli. Extracts prepared in a low-salt buffer gave rise to free monomers, assembled connectors, and various complexes and aggregates. Connectors isolated as single peaks from DEAE-Sepharose and phosphocellulose chromatography gave separate peaks of monomers and stable connectors upon hydroxylapatite chromatography perhaps because of dissociation of monomer-connector complexes or disassembly of unstable connectors. Electron microscopy showed that the connectors readily formed ordered arrays after hydroxylapatite chromatography but not before. Addition of 100 mM NaCl to the buffer used to prepare extracts eliminated most complexes and aggregates and gave rise almost entirely to monomers and stable connectors that formed arrays even before hydroxylapatite chromatography. The distribution of masses determined by scanning transmission electron microscopy would be consistent with a mixed population of stable connectors containing 12 or 13 monomers, and the same preparation gave two bands upon agarose gel electrophoresis. Connectors bound linear, circular and supercoiled DNA, whereas monomers did not, as determined by a gel-shift assay. No ATPase activity was detected in either monomer or connector preparations in the absence or presence of DNA.  相似文献   

The central role of nucleic acids in biosciences has effectuated the rapid development of numerous techniques for their isolation, separation, characterization and quantitation. Advances in high-performance liquid chromatography, particularly the introduction of novel microparticulate sorbents, have greatly promoted the separation and quantitation of nucleic acids. Because of their favorable mass transfer properties, micropellicular packing materials are advantageous for fast and high-resolution separations of double-stranded (ds) DNA molecules. With micropellicular packings, anion-exchange and ion-pair reversed-phase chromatography are the most popular chromatographic separation modes for dsDNA. The effective separation mechanisms in both chromatographic techniques are preferably described by nonstoichiometric models, that are founded on a better physicochemical background than traditional stoichiometric models. Column efficiency, retention characteristics, and size or sequence dependency of retention of dsDNA are greatly influenced by the chosen operational variables in both chromatographic modes. The applicability of HPLC with micropellicular stationary phases nucleic acids research includes preparative DNA fractionation, DNA restriction mapping, analysis of polymerase chain reaction products and purification of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

In this paper, two methods are presented. One involves the separation of calcipotriol, a new synthetic analogue, from two related compounds, specifically cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) and calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3). The other involves the isolation and assay of calcipotriol from a topical ointment. The study was performed with reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using an RP18 column and ultraviolet detection. Applying the method of Snyder, a mobile phase mixture containing methanol-acetonitrile-water (67:23:10, v/v) was found which achieved a total separation within 18 min. A mobile phase of methanol-water (80:20, v/v) attained a slower elution of calcipotriol. For isolation and assay of calcipotriol from an ointment (Daivonex), dissolution in chloroform gave the highest recovery (> 98%). The isolation and assay process can be performed within 2 h.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to develop and validate a stereo-specific high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay for rogletimide (Rog) and rogletimide-N-oxide (Nox) isomers in plasma. The assay was performed with a chiral cellulose-[4-methylbenzoate]ester column (Chiracel OJ). Optimal separation was achieved isocratically with a mobile phase consisting of n-hexane/anhydrous ethanol (65/35, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.9 ml/min, with the column being thermostated at +35 degrees C (UV detection at 257 nm). Under these conditions, retention times were approximately 17, 28, 31 and 76 min for R-Rog, S-Rog, R-Nox and S-Nox, respectively. S-aminoglutethimide (S-Ag) served as the internal standard (retention time 70 min). An extraction procedure from plasma samples was developed on Bond Elut RP8 500-mg cartridges; conditioning was performed with 5 ml methanol and 5 ml water, after which 1 ml plasma that had previously been spiked with 5 microM S-Ag was applied. Washing was done with 6 ml water and elution, with 4 ml methanol. After evaporation to dryness, residues were dissolved in 400 microliters anhydrous ethanol and 12-48 microliters was injected onto the HPLC system. Blank plasma from healthy donors showed the random presence of a small interference eluting at the retention time of R-Rog, precluding the accurate quantification of R-Rog concentrations below 2.5 microM. Reproducibility assays demonstrated the need to use an internal standard. Taking into account the internal standard, at 2.5 microM the intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 10.5% and 21.0% for R-Rog 5.5% and 8.7% for S-Rog, 7.6% and 20.8% for R-Nox and 11.7% and 6.4% for S-Nox, respectively. The detection limit was 2.5 microM for R-Rog, 0.5 microM for S-Rog, 0.25 microM for R-Nox and 0.5 microM for S-Nox. Linearity was satisfactory at concentrations ranging from 2.5 to 10 microM for R-Rog, from 0.5 to 10 microM for S-Rog, from 0.25 to 2.5 microM for R-Nox and from 0.50 to 2.5 microM for S-Nox. This assay was applied to plasma obtained from rog-letimide-treated breast cancer patients receiving conventional oral doses and demonstrated its feasibility with regard to sensitivity. The preliminary pharmacokinetic results reported herein suggest for the first time that both the R-Rog and S-Rog isomers are metabolized into rogletimide-N-oxide.  相似文献   

rac-Isradipine is a dihydropyridine type calcium antagonist. Its calcium entry blocking effect is due primarily to the (+)-(S)-enantiomer. This study describes a sensitive enantioselective method for the determination of isradipine in human serum. Following alkaline extraction into hexane, the enantiomers of isradipine are separated quantitatively by high-performance liquid chromatography on a Chiralcel OJ column at 39 degrees C. The collected fractions were evaporated and assayed using capillary gas chromatography on a HP 50+ column with nitrogen selective detection. Using 2.0 ml of serum, 0.7 nmol/1 (0.26 ng/ml) of each enantiomer could be determined with acceptable precision. The method has successfully been used to measure (+)-(S)- and (-)-(R)-isradipine concentrations in samples from volunteers after intravenous and oral administration of isradipine.  相似文献   

离子液体作为气相色谱固定相的研究吸引了越来越多色谱研究者的关注,这主要归功于它们的理化性质正好能够满足气相色谱对固定相的要求。本文重点阐述了最初的有机融盐、后来出现的具有独特性质的离子液体及以此为基础的聚合物离子液体、含有双阳离子的离子液体、混合离子液体和手性离子液体等作为气相色谱固定相的研究进展,简要介绍了离子液体在全二维气相色谱等方面的应用,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method for the determination of allantoin in pharmaceuticals by reversed-phase ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography using an ODS column was presented. In general, it is difficult to retain allantoin to the ODS column owing to its very low hydrophobicity. We solved these problems by the use of a Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5) containing tetra-n-hexyl-ammonium bromide (THAB) as an ion-pair reagent for the mobile phase. Comparatively low concentrations of Tris-HCl buffer (0.9 mM) and THAB (0.5 mM) gave a high capacity factor (k'). As a results of the examination of the chromatographic behavior, it is confirmed that the retention mechanism of allantoin to the ODS column on the present method was not the ion-pair mode, but the ion-exchange mode. Calibration curves for allantoin showed a good linearity in the range of 10 to 400 micrograms/ml (r = 0.9999). The reproducibility (R.S.D., n = 6) was invariably good (0.37%). The lowest concentration of allantoin for the determination was 200 ng per 20 microliters of injection. The present method was successfully applied to the determination of allantoin in commercial eyedrops with good recovery (99.4%). It was found that allantoin in pharmaceuticals could be determined by the present method in short time and without any complicated derivatization.  相似文献   

Recently, cDNAs encoding brain-specific transmembrane-type protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) with single catalytic domain have been cloned. These include PC12-PTP, PCPTP1, PTPBR7, and PTP-SL, whose cytoplasmic domains had high similarity to STEP, a brain-specific nontransmembrane-type PTP. Based on the high similarity and expression pattern, PCPTP1 seems to be identical with PC12-PTP1 and to be the rat homologue of murine PTPBR7. Here, we report the molecular cloning and expression profile of PCPTP1-Ce, a variant of PCPTP1. Both PCPTP1 mRNA and PCPTP1-Ce mRNA seem to be derived from a single common region gene. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence comparison between PCPTP1-Ce and PCPTP1 revealed that the predicted protein product of PCPTP1-Ce is identical with that translated from the third initiation methionine of the longest ORF of PCPTP1, and that these two clones differ in the 5'-untranslated sequences. Northern blot analyses with specific probes for PCPTP1 and PCPTP1-Ce confirmed our previous observation that PCPTP1-Ce mRNA was almost exclusively expressed in the cerebellum, whereas PCPTP1 was widely expressed in various brain regions dissected including cerebellum. In situ hybridization study demonstrated that PCPTP1-Ce mRNA was exclusively expressed in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. In contrast, PCPTP1 mRNA was predominantly expressed in granule cells and less in Purkinje cells. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis using an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody raised against the cytoplasmic region of PCPTP1/PCPTP1-Ce demonstrated that Purkinje cells were strongly immunostained, whereas granule cells were stained only faintly in the cerebellum. These observations clearly demonstrated that PCPTP1-Ce mRNA and its protein products are expressed in Purkinje cells and suggest that PCPTP1-Ce may play an important role in Purkinje cell function in the rat cerebellum.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional liquid chromatographic system is described here which uses size-exclusion liquid chromatography (SEC) followed by reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) to separate the mixture of proteins resulting from the lysis of Escherichia coli cells and to isolate the proteins that they produce. The size-exclusion chromatography can be conducted under either denaturing or nondenaturing conditions. Peaks eluting from the first dimension are automatically subjected to reversed-phase chromatography to separate similarly sized proteins on the basis of their various hydrophobicities. The RPLC also serves to desalt the analytes so that they can be detected in the deep ultraviolet region at 215 nm regardless of the SEC mobile phase used. The two-dimensional (2D) chromatograms produced in this manner then strongly resemble the format of stained 2D gels, in that spots are displayed on a X-Y axis and intensity represents quantity of analyte. Following chromatographic separation, the analytes are deposited into six 96-well (576 total) polypropylene microtiter plates via a fraction collector. Interesting fractions are analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS) or electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) depending on sample concentration, which both yield accurate (2 to 0.02%) molecular weight information on intact proteins without any additional sample preparation, electroblotting, destaining, etc. The remaining 97% of a fraction can then be used for other analyses, such Edman sequencing, amino acid analysis, or proteolytic digestion and sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry. This 2D HPLC protein purification and identification system was used to isolate the src homology (SH2) domain of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase pp60c-src and beta-lactamase, both inserted into E. coli, as well as a number of native proteins comprising a small portion of the E. coli proteome.  相似文献   

The alteration in calcium transport in the liver nuclei of rats orally administered carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) was investigated. Rats received a single oral administration of CCl4 (5, 10, and 25%, 1.0 ml/100 g body weight), and 5, 24 and 48 h later the animals were sacrificed. The administration of CCl4 (25%) caused a remarkable elevation of calcium content in the liver tissues and the nuclei of rats. Liver nuclear Ca2+-ATPase activity was markedly decreased by CCl4 (25%) administration. The presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP(10(-4) and 10(-3) M) or inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (10(-6) and 10(-5) M) in the enzyme reaction mixture caused a significant decrease in Ca2+-ATPase activity in the liver nuclei obtained from normal rat, while the enzyme activity was significantly increased by calmodulin (1.0 and 2.0 microg/ml). These signaling factor's effects were completely impaired in the liver nuclei obtained from CCl4 (25%)-administered rats. DNA fragmentation in the liver nuclei obtained from CCl4-administered rats was significantly decreased by the presence of EGTA (2 mM) in the reaction mixture, suggesting that the endogenous calcium activates nuclear DNA fragmentation. The present study demonstrates that calcium transport system in the liver nuclei is impaired by liver injury with CCl4 administration in rats.  相似文献   

Ion-exchange chromatography is a major method used for large-scale protein separations. New zirconia-based polymeric cation-exchange HPLC stationary phases have been developed for protein separations. Two routes were employed for the synthesis. In one method, polyethyleneimine (PEI) was adsorbed onto porous zirconia particles and cross-linked with 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether (BUDGE). Succinic anhydride was then reacted with the remaining primary and secondary amine groups on PEI to afford anionic functionalities. The second method utilizes poly(acrylic acid) anhydride as both the crosslinker and the stationary phase. The resulting stationary phases act to separate proteins by a weak cation-exchange mechanism with a slight contribution to retention from hydrophobic interactions. In the presence of 20 mM phosphate buffer, Lewis acid/base interactions between the zirconia support and the proteins, which can significantly broaden the peaks, are sufficiently suppressed. The effects of ionic strength, mobile phase pH, and salt type are discussed. Protein mass recovery and loading capacity for protein separations on these phases have been evaluated. These weak cation-exchange stationary phases exhibit good stability under normal separation conditions for months and are stable in alkaline solution up to pH 10. In contrast to zirconia supports modified with small anionic species, these new phases have no limitation on the type of salt used as the eluent, and they exhibit unique selectivities. Therefore, they offer interesting alternatives for protein separations. To our knowledge, this work represents the first successful example of protein separations using porous zirconia-based polymeric phases under normal chromatographic conditions, which will definitely help make zirconia-based supports more useful for bio-separation.  相似文献   

Mice trisomic for the distal portion of MMU 16 (Ts65Dn) were examined for differences in jejunal function and plasma amino acids as compared to diploid controls. Eighteen control and 19 Ts65Dn mice were compared for whole-body and intestinal O2 consumption, jejunal glucose uptake, and plasma amino acid concentrations. Ts65Dn mice consumed less (P < 0.02) O2 per gram of fasted body weight. No significant differences were found in either active or passive glucose uptake. Oxygen consumption by jejunal tissue was not different between Ts65Dn and control mice. The apparent energetic efficiency of jejunal active glucose uptake (eta mol ATP expended/eta mol glucose uptake) was significantly higher (115.6 vs. 80.8; P < 0.05) in Ts65Dn mice. Histomorphometric analysis of jejunal mucosa showed that Ts65Dn mice had shorter villus height (P < 0.04) and decreased planar villus circumference (P = 0.05). No differences were found in total jejunal protein (microgram/g) or DNA (mg/g) concentrations. Significantly higher concentrations of plasma tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, and citrulline (P < 0.05) were found in Ts65Dn mice. Lower plasma concentrations of hydroxyproline were detected in Ts65Dn mice (P < 0.05). These data suggest that Ts65Dn mice have anomalies in digestive function and amino acid metabolism as compared to normal, diploid controls.  相似文献   

The separation of mixtures of cardiac glycosides by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on silica gel with chemically grafted diphenylsilyl groups using water-ethanol as the eluent was carried out. It is shown that the configuration and conformation of the glycoside molecules, and the hydrophilic properties of their aglycones and glycones, influence the separation. The hydrophilic properties of the aglycones are more important than those of the glycones. The glycosides with more hydrophilic aglycones have higher biological activity. This is probably related to the easier transport of these glycosides to the receptor.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with diode-array detection for the determination of nicotine and its metabolites, cotinine and caffeine, in meconium is described. This method is suitable to assess foetus exposure to tobacco smoke. The analytes were extracted by solid-phase extraction before chromatography. From among 30 meconium samples 11 were positive for cotinine (20-86 ng/g) and 27 for caffeine (10-45 ng/g). No nicotine was present in the samples because of its rapid metabolism into cotinine.  相似文献   

Direct separation of enantiomers of denopamine was investigated by two separation methods. One is capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using cyclodextrins (CDs) (CD-CZE) and the other is high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using CD immobilized chiral stationary phases (CD-CSPs). Enantiomers of denopamine were successfully resolved by employing heptakis (2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD) and acetyl-beta-cyclodextrin (AC-beta-CD), and partially resolved with heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (TM-beta-CD), hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) and beta-CD polymer under acidic conditions. Separation of enantiomers of denopamine by HPLC was also successful with one of the CD-CSPs, where perphenylated beta-CD (Ph beta-CD) was immobilized. In CD-CZE, some polymeric additives, such as hydroxy-propylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and polyvinylalcohol (PVA), and a coated capillary were used to improve the enantioseparation of denopamine. Method validations such as linearity, recovery and repeatability, etc., were investigated for HPLC, and the method was applied to the optical purity testing of the drug substances and in tablet form.  相似文献   

The enantioseparation of pirlindole by liquid chromatography (LC) was investigated using three different chiral stationary phases (CSPs) containing either cellulose tris-(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) (Chiralcel OD-R), ovomucoid (OVM) or beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The effects of the mobile phase pH on retention, enantioselectivity and resolution were studied. Methanol and acetonitrile were tested as organic modifiers while the influence of the addition to the mobile phase of sodium alkanesulfonates or sodium perchlorate was also investigated. Sodium perchlorate was only used on the Chiralcel OD-R column while sodium alkanesulfonates were tested as mobile phase additives on the three kinds of CSPs. The enantioseparation of pirlindole could be obtained on all CSPs tested, the best results with respect to chiral resolution being achieved on the Chiralcel OD-R and the OVM columns. The use of sodium octanesulfonate (NaOS) was found to improve the enantioseparation of pirlindole on the OVM column while enantioselectivity was considerably enhanced by addition of sodium perchlorate on the Chiralcel OD-R column.  相似文献   

The glycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin is shown to be a highly effective stationary phase chiral selector for the resolution of underivatized amino-acid and imino-acid enantiomers. Fifty four of these compounds (including all chiral protein amino acids) as well as a number of dipeptides were resolved. Hydro-organic mobile phases are used and no buffers or added salts are needed in most cases. Hence the purified analytes are easily isolated in pure form, if needed, by evaporating of the solvent. The effect of pH, organic modifier type and amount are discussed. The enantioselective separation mechanism is examined using both molecular modeling and retention data. The strongest stereoselective interaction is for carboxy-terminated D-amino-acids. In case of peptides, it is not necessary for these to be a D-, D-, terminal sequence for strong interactions. In some cases, including Ala-Ala, the L-, D-, terminal sequence showed greater interaction with the teicoplanin chiral stationary phase.  相似文献   

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