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Mercury contamination associated with small-scale gold mining and processing represents a major environmental and human health concern in Eastern and Southern Africa. Approximately 200,000-300,000 persons are involved in small-scale gold mining activities in Tanzania and > 200,000 persons in Zimbabwe. Mercury (Hg) is used mainly for the processing of primary gold quartz veins and supergene gold mineralizations. Gravimetric material flow analyses show that 70-80% of the Hg is lost to the atmosphere during processing, 20-30% are lost to tailings, soils, stream sediments and water. For every 1 g Au produced, 1.2-1.5 g Hg are lost to the environment. Cumulatively, the anthropogenic Hg released annually into the atmosphere is approximately 3-4 t in the whole Lake Victoria Goldfields of Tanzania and > 3 t in Zimbabwe. Tailings are local 'hot spots' with high concentrations of As, Pb, Cu and Hg. Lateral and vertical dispersion of Hg lost to soils and stream sediments is very limited (laterally < 260 m, vertically < 20 cm). Dispersion of mercury from tailings is low because Hg is transported largely in the elemental, metallic form. In addition, Fe-oxide rich laterites and swamps appear to be natural barriers for the dispersion of metals in soils and streams. Ground and surface water quality data indicate very low dispersion rates during the dry season.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects on fish and assesses human health hazards from mercury released in two gold mining areas in Indonesia: Tatelu (North Sulawesi Province) and Galangan (Katingan District, Central Kalimatan Province). In Tatelu, 154 fish specimens of 10 freshwater species were collected, as well as five marine species from the fish market. The mean concentration of total mercury in muscles of freshwater fish from this area was 0.58+/-0.44 microg/g, with more than 45% of fish having Hg levels above the WHO guideline for human consumption of 0.5 microg/g. In Galangan, where 263 fish specimens of 25 species were collected, the total mercury in muscles averaged 0.25+/-0.69 microg/g. Excluding data from flooded open pits in sub-area P4, mean Hg levels in fish from Galangan were 2 to 4 times lower than 0.5 microg/g, while fewer than 10% of fish from Galangan exceeded WHO guidelines. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) was applied to both areas to determine the threat of MeHg exposure for communities in both areas. The HQ is a risk assessment indicator which defines the ratio of exposure level to a single substance in relation to a reference dose. Samples from Tatelu (excluding marine species) had an HQ above one, while those from Galangan resulted in values of 2.4 for the whole area and 9.9 for sub-area P4, pointing to potentially harmful fish consumption for the local population. By using the single-compartment model to estimate mercury levels in blood and hair from daily intake dose, sub-area P4 showed the highest levels, higher than the upper limit guideline for pregnant women, but still lower than threshold levels associated with observed clinical effects.  相似文献   

Exposure to pesticides has been the source of many acute and chronic health problems in the rural population, mainly in developing countries. The objective of this study was to characterize the poisonings from acute exposure to agricultural pesticides used in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from 1992 to 2002, which were reported to the Integrated Center of Toxicological Vigilance of the State Health Department. A total of 1355 involuntary (accidental or occupational) and voluntary (intentional self-poisoning) cases were reported during the period of the study. The majority of the poisonings occurred with men ranging in age from 15 to 49 years of age (55.1%). One hundred seventy-six poisonings lead to death, with a case fatality rate (CFR) three times higher than the average Brazilian CFR. The pesticide poisoning rates, per 100,000 inhabitants living in rural areas, ranged from 25 to 65.7 during the period of the study. In 2000, the micro-region of Campo Grande, where the state capital is located, had the highest rate, with 100.5 exposure/100,000 inhabitants, followed by Dourados, the larger agricultural region of the state. Insecticides were involved in 75.7% of the poisoning cases, followed by herbicides, with 12.2% of the cases. The anticholinestherase insecticides methamidophos, carbofuran and monochrotophos were the primary pesticides involved in the poisonings. The insecticide dimethoate was associated with the highest CFR (30.8%). The high rates of pesticide poisoning in the rural populations of certain regions of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul indicate the need for a more detailed study concerning the risk of pesticide poisoning among these populations.  相似文献   

The garimpo gold mining activity has released about 2.500 tons of mercury in the Brazilian Amazonian environment in the 1980-1995 period. The northern region of Mato Grosso State, an important gold mining and trading area during the Amazonian gold rush is now at a turning point regarding its economic future. Nowadays, the activities related to gold mining have only a low relevance on its economy. Thus, the local communities are looking for economic alternatives for the development of the region. Cooperative fish farming is one of such alternatives. However, some projects are directly implemented on areas degraded by the former garimpo activity and the mercury left behind still poses risks, especially by its potential accumulation in fish. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the levels of mercury contamination in two fish farming areas, Paranaíta and Alta Floresta, with and without records of past gold-washing activity, respectively. Data such as mercury concentration in fish of different trophic level, size, and weight as well as the water physical and chemical parameters were measured and considered. These preliminary data have shown no significant difference between these two fish farming areas, relatively to mercury levels in fish.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of an environmental assessment of mercury (Hg) contamination in the Rwamagasa artisanal gold mining area, northwest Tanzania, and the potential downstream dispersion along the River Malagarasi to Lake Tanganyika. At the time of sampling, generally low concentrations of Hg (<0.05 mg/kg) occurred in most cultivated soils although higher Hg (0.05-9.2 mg/kg) was recorded in urban soils and vegetable plot soils where these are impacted by Hg-contaminated water and sediment derived from mineral processing activities. Hg in vegetable and grain samples is mostly below the detection limit of 0.004 mg/kg Hg, apart from 0.007 and 0.092 mg/kg Hg in two yam samples and 0.011 to 0.013 mg/kg Hg in three rice samples. The standardized (i.e., standardized to 10 cm length) Hg concentrations in Clarias spp. increase from about 0.01 mg Hg/kg for the River Malagarasi delta to 0.07, 0.2, and 1.6 mg/kg, respectively, for the Rwamagasa 'background', moderately and most contaminated sites. For piscivorous (Lates, Brycinus, and Hydrocynus spp.), insectivorous (Barbus spp.), and planktivorous (Haplochromis spp.) fish species, the 10-cm standardized Hg concentrations increase from about 0.006 mg/kg for the River Malagarasi-Lake Tanganyika area to 0.5 and 3.5 mg/kg, respectively, for the Rwamagasa moderately and most contaminated sites. The low concentrations of Hg in fish from the Malagarasi River delta and Lake Tanganyika indicate that Hg contamination from the Rwamagasa area does not have a readily discernible impact on the biota of Lake Tanganyika. Many of the fish samples from Rwamagasa exceed guidelines for human consumption (0.5 mg/kg) as well as the WHO recommended limit for vulnerable groups (0.2 mg/kg). Tissue total Hg (THg) of all fish collected from the River Malagarasi-Lake Tanganyika subarea is well below these guidelines. Potential human exposure through consumption of 300 g/day of rice grown on Hg-contaminated soils is 5.5 microg/week. Consumption of 250 g Nile perch (Lates spp.), 500 g tilapia (Oreochromis spp.), and 250 g of catfish (Clarias spp.) each week would result in an intake of 65 microg Hg/week for people consuming only fish from the Mara and Mwanza regions of Lake Victoria and 116 microg Hg/week for people in the Rwamagasa area consuming tilapia and Nile perch from Lake Victoria and catfish from mining-impacted streams. This is lower than the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of 300 microg for Hg in the diet set by the WHO and the FAO. Inadvertent ingestion of soil containing 9 mg Hg/kg at a rate of 80 mg/day would give an additional estimated weekly intake of 5 microg THg, whereas the persistent and purposeful consumption of soil (geophagia) at a rate of 26 g soil/day would produce an additional chemical exposure of 230 microg Hg/day.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg total) fluxes were calculated for rainwater, throughfall and stream water in a small catchment located in the northeastern region of the Brazilian Amazon (Serra do Navio, Amapá State), whose upper part is covered by a natural rainforest and lower part was altered due to deforestation and activities related to manganese mining. The catchment area is 200 km from the nearest gold mining (garimpo). Minimum and maximum Hg concentrations were measured monthly from October 1996 to September 1997 and were 3.5–23.4 ng l−1 for rainwater, 16.5–82.7 ng l−1 for throughfall (March–August 1997) and 1.2–6.1 and 4.2–18.8 ng l−1 for stream water, in natural and disturbed areas, respectively. In the natural area, the inputs were 18.2 μg m−2 year−1 in rainwater and 72 μg m−2 year−1 in throughfall. This enrichment was attributed to dry deposition. The stream output of 2.9 μg m−2 year−1 indicates that Hg is being recycled within the forest as other chemical species or is being retained by the soil system, as confirmed by the cumulative Hg burden in the 0–10 cm surface layer, which was 36 480 μg m−2. When the disturbed area of the catchment was included, the stream output was 9.3 μg m−2, clearly indicating the impact of the deforestation of the lower part of the basin on the release of mercury. The Hg burden in the disturbed area was 7560 μg m−2 for the 0–10 cm surface layer.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) exposure in the population from Wuchuan mercury mining area (WMMA), Guizhou, China, was evaluated by human hair Hg investigation. Total gaseous mercury (TGM) in the ambient air and Hg in rice were measured to assess human risk of Hg exposure. High TGM concentrations in the ambient air were found near smelting workshop. Rice not only contained high total mercury (T-Hg) which ranged from 6.0-113 ng/g, but also contained highly elevated methylmercury (Me-Hg) which ranged from 3.1-13.4 ng/g. The means of hair T-Hg concentrations were 33.9 microg/g and 21.5 microg/g at YQG and JXC sites, respectively. Residents from other sites also reflected a certain level of Hg exposure. Age had no significant effect on hair Hg levels, but male had higher hair T-Hg concentrations due to occupational exposure and also higher Me-Hg levels which might be related to larger amount of rice consumption. Hair may be a useful tool for monitoring human exposure of Hg vapor in Hg-mining areas. By a preliminary estimation, the inhalation of Hg polluted air was the main route of inorganic Hg exposure to the smelting workers and vicinal residents; but the population in the study area was also at a potential risk of Me-Hg exposure via rice intake.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury (MeHg) were measured in soil and vegetation samples collected from a small area with a long history of Hg-mining. Hg distributions were determined in stream-waters during two sampling periods. Total Hg concentrations in soil and vegetation samples were highly elevated ranging from 0.41 to 610 mg kg(-1) and from 0.02 to 55 mg kg(-1), respectively. MeHg concentrations varied from 0.41 to 8.8 microg kg(-1) in soil samples and from 0.65 to 5.5 microg kg(-1) in vegetations. The concentrations of total Hg in stream waters varied from 55.0 to 7020 ng L(-1) in the flood-flow regime and from 24.8 to 679 ng L(-1) in the base-flow regime, respectively. Average dissolved Hg concentration was 15.7 ng L(-1) in the wet season and 21.0 ng L(-1) in the dry season. However, particulate Hg was typically >70% of total Hg in the flood-flow regime. Higher concentrations of particulate Hg primarily originated from summer floods were the major pathway of Hg transportation, which were evidenced by the positive correlation between particulate Hg and total suspended solids (TSS). The contaminated soils and distribution patterns of Hg in the stream-waters may serve as an important source of Hg to the local environment in the study area.  相似文献   

In artisanal gold mining practiced in North Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, gold is separated from ore by the use of mercury, which forms an amalgam with gold. All related processes are undertaken with a low level of technical knowledge and skills, no regulation, and with disregard for the safety of human and environment health. The situation is generating serious potential health and environmental risks in the area. As part of an ongoing monitoring program, total mercury concentrations were examined in water, bottom sediment and fish samples from three main rivers in Talawaan Watershed, which receives drainage from gold mining practices. Monitoring began in May-June 2000, almost 2 years after artisanal gold mining had begun. At that time, the mercury concentration in the sediment was generally low, except in places close to the gold processing plants. In the present study, a more systematic sampling and analysis was conducted in May-June 2001. Bottom surface sediments, water, and fish samples were collected at 12 sites along the three main rivers in the watershed. In addition, one site outside the watershed was sampled to serve as a control. Sample collections were conducted in three phases in duplicate, with two-week intervals between each phase. The mercury concentration observed in this study indicated that an increase took place along the three main rivers in the watershed. Solutions to this problem must be formulated as soon as possible in order to avoid a major health, economic, and ecological disaster arising from the continuing discharge of Hg. The present study proposes that mercury dispersion occur downstream of the mining.  相似文献   

Dissolved gaseous Hg, reactive Hg, total dissolved Hg and particulate Hg concentrations were measured in samples of majors tributaries of the Sepetiba Bay, SE Brazil (Itimirim, Itingu?u, Guarda, Guandu, S?o Francisco and Ita rivers), in dry and rainy seasons. The average Hg concentrations found varied from 0.02 to 0.18 ng L(-1) for dissolved gaseous Hg, from 0.1 to 18.1 ng L(-1) for reactive Hg, from 0.1 to 66.6 ng L(-1) for total dissolved Hg and from 0.3 to 250 ng L(-1) for particulate Hg. During the rainy season, a decrease in the dissolved Hg concentrations and an increase in the particulate Hg concentrations was observed. Positive correlations were found between the reactive Hg and the total dissolved Hg concentrations (r = 0.99), between the particulate Hg and TSS concentrations (r = 0.82) and between total Hg and particulate Hg concentrations (r = 0.95). The instantaneous Hg fluxes varied among rivers from 0.02 to 412 microgs(-1) for total dissolved Hg and from 0.03 to 12,572 microgs(-1) for particulate Hg. The log Kd varied from 3.76 to 6.43 and showed a significant increase in rainy season following an increase in particulate Hg and a decrease in dissolved Hg concentrations. These results suggest that erosion and runoff are the major pathways of Hg transport to rivers and eventually to Sepetiba Bay.  相似文献   

Mercury-contaminated effluent was discharged into Minamata Bay from a chemical plant over a 20-year period until 1965 (from 1958 to 1959, effluent was discharged into Minamata River), causing Minamata disease. In an effort to characterize the extent of the contamination in the Yatsushiro Sea, the vertical and horizontal distributions of mercury in sediment were investigated. Sediment was sampled at 62 locations in the southern part of the sea from 4 to 6 March 1996. In the lower layers of the long cores of sediment, the total amount of mercury was at a relatively uniform low concentration. We interpret these low values to represent the background concentration absent of anthropogenic influence. The background value thus estimated for the Yatsushiro Sea was 0.059 +/- 0.013 mg kg(-1) (mean +/- S.D., n = 51). The highest concentration in each sample ranged from 0.086 to 3.46 mg kg(-1) (mean, 0.57 mg kg(-1)). The higher values were obtained at stations near Minamata Bay and the Minamata River (the sources of the pollution). Concentrations decreased with distance from the source. An inspection of the vertical profiles of mercury concentration in cores suggested that the deposited mercury had not been fixed in sediment but had been transported, despite 30 years having past since the last discharge of contaminated effluent. At nine stations, extractable inorganic and organic mercury concentrations were determined differentially. Inorganic mercury is the predominant species in sediment and organic mercury comprising approximately 1% of the total.  相似文献   

This work presents quality control results on the mercury concentrations in different environmental (river sediments, forest soils, river suspended matter and fish) and human samples from the lower Madeira River, Amazon sampled between 2001 and 2003, about 15-20 years after the nearly cessation of gold mining activities in the region, which reached its peak in the late 1980s. The study aimed to compare mercury concentrations in these environmental samples with those reported by other authors during the gold rush of the Madeira River Basin. Today, in the Madeira River the releases of mercury register a sudden reduction due the gold price fall in the international trade. However, about 100 t of Hg were released to the atmosphere and to aquatic systems in the region during the gold rush. The present survey shows that notwithstanding the reduction of Hg emissions to the Madeira River Basin from gold mining proper, concentrations in fish and humans are similar to those measured during the gold rush. Reduction in Hg concentrations is restricted to areas close to old point sources and only for abiotic compartments (air and sediments). Remobilization of Hg from bottom sediments plus re-emission from soils due to land use changes are probably responsible for keeping high Hg concentrations in biological samples.  相似文献   

A mercury-cell chlor-alkali plant operated in Pavlodar, Northern Kazakhstan, for 18 years and caused widespread contamination of the surrounding environment. Untreated wastewater from the plant was discharged to Lake Balkyldak, a shallow impounded lake without an outlet. The nearby River Irtysh was also suspected to be impacted by mercury (Hg) via the transport of contaminated groundwater. We took sediment and water samples from both aquatic systems, and also sampled soils along the shoreline of the lake and in the Irtysh flood plain. Sediments from Lake Balkyldak were found to be very heavily contaminated, with Hg concentrations in the surface layer reaching up to approximately 1500 mg kg(-1) near the wastewater outfall pipe. The contaminated lake sediments are prone to wind-driven resuspension and are acting as a strong source of Hg to the water column. Unfiltered lake water samples taken in shallow areas within 10-15 m from the shoreline contained from 0.11 microg Hg L(-1) in the less contaminated northern part of the lake to 1.39 microg L(-1) near the pollutant outfall in the south (up to 7.3 microg L(-1) on windy days). Sediments from the River Irtysh were only slightly impacted, with maximum Hg concentrations of 0.046 mg kg(-1) in the old river channel and 0.36 mg kg(-1) in floodplain oxbow lakes. In water samples from the River Irtysh, Hg was generally not detected, although trace concentrations (3 to 9 ng L(-1)) were found in some samples taken from oxbow lakes. We conclude that the river is not significantly impacted by Hg, but the highly contaminated Lake Balkyldak poses a threat and is in need of remediation. Potential remediation options for the lake are reviewed and are discussed in the context of experiences made at other Hg-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

A mercury-cell chlor-alkali plant operated in Estarreja (North-western Portugal) for 50 years causing widespread environmental contamination. Although production by this process ceased in 2002, mercury contamination from the plant remains significant. The main objective of this study was to investigate mercury impact on the nearby environment and potential risks to local population. To assess the level of contamination soil samples were collected from agricultural fields in the vicinity of the plant, extending the study by taking samples of the predominant vegetation suitable for animal and human consumption, water samples, and fish species from a nearby coastal lagoon, to gain a preliminary insight into the potential for contamination of the terrestrial and aquatic food web. To determine population exposure to mercury, hair samples were collected from local residents. Total mercury concentration in the 0-15 cm layer of soil was found to be highly variable, ranging between 0.010 and 91 mg kg− 1, although mercury contamination of soils was found to be restricted to a confined area. Lolium perenne roots contained between 0.0070 and 2.0 mg kg− 1, and there is evidence that root systems uptake mercury from the soil. Levels of mercury in the aerial parts of plants ranged between 0.018 and 0.98 mg kg− 1. It appears that plants with higher mercury concentration in soils and roots also display higher mercury concentration in leaves.Total mercury concentration in water samples ranged between 12 and 846 ng L− 1, all samples presenting concentrations below the maximum level allowable for drinking water defined in the Portuguese law (1.0 μg L− 1).Mercury levels in fish samples were below the maximum limit defined in the Portuguese law (0.5 mg kg− 1), ranging from 0.0040 to 0.24 mg kg− 1. Vegetables collected presented maximum mercury concentration of 0.17 mg kg− 1. In general, food is not contaminated and should not be responsible for major human exposure to the metal.Mercury determined in human hair samples (0.090-4.2 mg kg− 1; mean 1.5 mg kg− 1) can be considered within normal limits, according to WHO guidelines suggesting that it is not affecting the local population. Despite being subject to decades of mercury emissions, nowadays this pollutant is only found in limited small areas and must not constitute a risk for human health, should these areas be restricted and monitored.Considering the present data, it appears that the population from Estarreja is currently not being affected by mercury levels that still remain in the environment.  相似文献   

Marine fishes in South Florida (Florida Keys-Florida Bay-Everglades region) accumulate higher concentrations of mercury (Hg) in their tissues than similar fishes from other areas of the southeastern U.S., though it is not known whether these elevated levels affect fish health. In this study, we used quantifiable pathological and biochemical indicators to explore Hg-associated differences in marine fish from South Florida, where Hg contamination is high, and from Indian River Lagoon, Florida, which served as a reference area. Hg concentrations in all tissues of mature spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) from South Florida were significantly higher than those from Indian River Lagoon and were within the threshold range of those in studies where effects of Hg exposure have been observed. The distribution of Hg among tissues followed the same trend in both areas, with the greatest concentration in kidney tissue, followed by liver, muscle, brain, gonad, and red blood cells. Blood-plasma biochemistry showed that concentrations of iron, inorganic phosphate, lactate dehydrogenase, and aspartate aminotransferase were significantly less in South Florida. Also, fructosamine and alkaline phosphatase were significantly less in South Florida. Liver histology revealed that pyknosis/necrosis, interstitial inflammation, and bile duct hyperplasia were found only in seatrout from South Florida, and steatosis/glycogen was more frequently found in Indian River Lagoon specimens. In renal tissue, interstitial inflammation, glomerular dilatation and thickening, and tubular degeneration and necrosis were more frequently found in South Florida specimens. Changes in the liver cytoskeleton and morphology may explain some of the differences in blood parameters between study areas. Neurochemical analyses showed that brain N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors (but not those of muscarinic cholinergic receptors, monoamine oxidase, or acetylcholinesterase) were significantly less in fish from South Florida than from Indian River Lagoon. These findings provide compelling evidence that elevated Hg could cause quantifiable pathological and biochemical changes that might influence the health of spotted seatrout and could also affect other marine fish species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the environmental impact and level of risk associated with mercury (Hg) contamination near a derelict chlor-alkali plant in Pavlodar, Northern Kazakhstan. Several species of fish were sampled from the highly polluted Lake Balkyldak and the nearby river Irtysh, to assess the extent of Hg bioaccumulation in the aquatic food chain and potential human health risks. A small number of bovine tissue samples, water samples, soil and plant samples from a nearby village were also investigated in order to make a preliminary assessment of potential impacts on the terrestrial food chain. Mercury levels in fish caught from Lake Balkyldak ranged from 0.16 to 2.2 mg kg(-1) and the majority of fish exceeded current human health criteria for Hg. Interspecies comparisons indicated that Hg is accumulated in the order dace>carp>tench. Site-specific bioaccumulation factors (BAF) were calculated for THg, and were estimated for MeHg. Fish from the river Irtysh and floodplain oxbow lakes contained between 0.075 and 0.159 mg kg(-1) of Hg and can be regarded as uncontaminated. Soils were found to be impacted by past atmospheric emissions of Hg. Cattle grazing in the surroundings of the factory are exposed to Hg from contaminated soils, plants and surface water, but the consumption of contaminated fish from the lake appears to be the main route of exposure for humans.  相似文献   

金井金矿区开采历史悠久,文章从该矿区脉金矿的地质特征着手,总结了成矿规律,提出了在该区寻找新矿体的思路,为今后找矿明确了方向。  相似文献   

We investigated the total mercury content in the muscles, liver and gonads of eight commercial fish from Kuwait. Mercury concentrations in the muscle of all the fish were below the action level of 1 microgram g-1 (wet weight) set by the United States Food and Drug Administration. However, large specimens of Epinephelus tauvina (Hamoor) and Lutjanus Coccineus (Hamrah) showed concentrations which were close to the action level. The relationship between mercury concentration and fish age and length was in the form of an exponential correlation (Y = aXb), in which concentration increases with an increase in fish age or length. Correlation coefficients obtained ranged between 0.65 and 0.86.  相似文献   

In this paper, a flash flood that occurred in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina in 2008 is used to investigate the existence of spatial spillovers from natural disasters in geographically-linked areas. In order to do so, we estimated a Difference-in-Differences model that explicitly allows for the existence of spatial interactions within affected and unaffected regions. Our results show that municipalities directly affected by the flood suffered an 7.6% decrease in GDP per capita in the year of the disaster. Three years after the flood, however, GDP per capita rebounded back to pre-disaster levels in all sectors but the Agricultural sector. Finally, our spatial estimations show that spillovers exist and are economically relevant.  相似文献   

王超  刘凯  樊忠平  任涛  徐启斌  郑忠林 《矿产勘查》2020,11(7):1334-1343
刘家峡金矿床位于南秦岭山阳矿集区东部,矿床产出于近东西向镇安-板岩镇大断裂南侧的NE、NNE和NW向次级构造带内。矿体主要赋存于泥盆系西岔河组层中,呈透镜状、脉状;矿体形态、产状严格受断裂带控制,断裂构造发育密集处为富厚矿体赋存的有利部位,近矿围岩蚀变较强,主要有黄铁矿化、褐铁矿化、硅化。该矿床为构造蚀变岩型金矿床估算金资源量5余吨。文章通过总结刘家峡金矿床的地质特征和找矿标志,分析矿床成因,评价了刘家峡金矿的成矿潜力,为该区的进一步找矿工作提供思路。  相似文献   

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