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Y Yazaki M Isobe S Hiramitsu S Morimoto M Hiroe C Omichi T Nakano M Saeki T Izumi M Sekiguchi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,82(4):537-540
In the present study, clinical findings of 15 patients with cardiac sarcoidosis presenting as dilated cardiomyopathy were compared with those of 30 consecutive patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The sarcoidosis patients had different clinical features, including female predominance, a high incidence of grave conduction disturbance and abnormal wall thickness, uneven wall motion abnormalities, and perfusion defects preferentially affecting the anteroseptal and apical regions, and poor prognosis compared with those with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. 相似文献
Morphologic features of spontaneously occurring hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HC) were compared in 38 humans, 51 cats and 10 dogs. Asymmetric hypertrophy of the ventricular septum, marked disorganization of cardiac muscle cells, abnormal intramural coronary arteries and myocardial fibrosis were each present in the ventricular septum of human, feline, and canine forms of HC; these abnormalities were generally more severe and most frequently identified in humans. Asymmetric left ventricular hypertrophy (based on the calculated septal-to-free wall thickness ratio) was most common in humans (31 of 38 [81%]) and dogs (8 of 10 [80%]), as compared with cats (16 of 51 [31%]; p < 0.001) with HC; in all 3 species, hypertrophy was often diffuse, involving substantial portions of the anterolateral and posterior free walls, and the ventricular septum. Marked septal disorganization (> or = 5% of the tissue section) was present in 35 patients (92%), but in only 14 cats (27%) and 2 dogs (20%) (p < 0.001). Abnormal intramural coronary arteries occurred with similar frequency in the ventricular septum of patients (n = 25; 66%), cats (n = 38; 74%) and dogs (n = 6; 60%) (p < NS). Moderate-to-severe septal fibrosis was identified more commonly in humans (15 of 38 [39%]) than in animals (13 of 61 [21%]; p < 0.001). In all 3 species, abnormal intramural coronary arteries were most commonly observed within or at the margins of areas of fibrous tissue. These morphologic findings describe spontaneously occurring models of HC in cats and dogs with substantial structural similarities to the well-recognized disease entity in humans. 相似文献
Although cardiac transplantation offers prolonged survival and improved quality of life to patients with end-stage heart failure, many patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy do not undergo this procedure. Possible barriers to cardiac transplantation were examined among 138 patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy from five hospitals in Washington, DC. Patients underwent follow-up for approximately 5 years. The patients or a close family member were interviewed at baseline about socioeconomic factors and medical history. The patients or their next-of-kin were recontacted at 1-year intervals to determine patients' vital status and to obtain information about cardiac transplantation. Overall, the cumulative survival at 12 and 60 months was 75.8% and 37.3%, respectively. Only 3.6% (5 of 138) of the patients underwent cardiac transplantation, and 19 (13.8%) patients had been placed on a waiting list for a heart transplant. Black race and nonmarried status were inversely associated with cardiac transplantation. Factors associated with not having been placed on a waiting list included older age, lower income, and lack of private health insurance. Black race was found to be significantly, but inversely associated with cardiac transplantation while older age was inversely associated with having been placed on a waiting list after adjusting for sex, race, education, and private insurance. These findings suggest that black patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy are less likely to undergo cardiac transplantation. 相似文献
The rat model has been used to present evidence of the effect of surgical damage on the immune system. Syngeneic small bowel transplantation (SBT) has been used to show an increased incidence of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) as well as thymic atrophy and altered host T cell proliferative response. Syngeneic auxiliary SBT was carried out between (LEW x BN)F1 hybrids. Varying amounts of LEW mesenteric lymphocytes were injected into the last animals to induce GVHD. Results showed that in the SBT recipients the incidence of lethal GVHD was increased when compared with untreated or sham-laparotomy controls. Marked thymic atrophy was also observed, while the number of hepatic lymphocytes increased transiently. Lymphocyte proliferation in response to concanavalin A or interleukin-2 was impaired for up to 21 days postoperatively, whereas the mixed lymphocyte reaction reactivity was not affected. These results show that the number and proliferative activity of thymic T cells were impaired after major small bowel transplantation surgery and that extrathymic lymphocytes were developed in the liver. 相似文献
Toxic cardiomyopathy (TC) has a rapid clinical course and morphologically resembles idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC). To further characterize TC, we used light microscopy to compare lesions caused by cobalt (Co) to those of IDC. Cobalt levels were also measured as a chemical marker to differentiate TC from IDC. We reviewed cases with TC and IDC and excluded all cases with chemotherapy-induced myopathy and catecholamine toxicity as well as cases with possible infectious, ischemic, or hypersensitivity-induced myopathies. We compared the light microscopic findings of 12 TC cases of 12 cases of IDC, and measured trace Co levels on digested heart tissue samples. The TC cases had prominent myofibrillar loss and atrophy; no cases had neutrophil infiltration or frank myocyte necrosis. In contrast, IDC had minimal myofibril loss and atrophy. Cobalt levels in the range of 0.6 to 5.45 micrograms/g of dry tissue were obtained for the TC cases, while IDC demonstrated Co levels of 0.01-0.2 micrograms/g. Distinction between TC and IDC is predominantly a function of myocyte change, with TC showing myofibrillar loss and atrophy in the absence of inflammatory infiltrates and fibrosis; IDC is predominantly associated with myocyte hypertrophy, atrophy, and fibrosis. 相似文献
G Pons-Lladó F Carreras X Borrás J Palmer J Llauger A Bayés de Luna 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,79(12):1651-1656
To compare the value of echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the assessment of the amount and extent of hypertrophy in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HC) and, second, to correlate the degree of hypertrophy, as assessed by MRI, with clinical and electrocardiographic parameters, 30 consecutive patients (16 men and 14 women, aged 20 to 74 years) with HC were studied. Measurements of left ventricular wall thickness were performed at 11 predetermined segments (5 basal, 5 midventricular, and 1 apical) by 2-dimensional echocardiography and MRI. Two parameters derived from MRI studies were considered as indicators of the degree and extent of hypertrophy: (1) mean of the measured wall thickness at the 11 segments, and (2) the number of segments with thickness > 15 mm. Results showed that, from a total of 330 myocardial segments, thickness could be measured by echocardiography in 221 (67%), whereas MRI allowed measurement of 320 segments (97%). When compared with clinical and electrocardiographic data, no correlation was found regarding mean wall thickness and number of hypertrophied segments by MRI except for the presence of an abnormal electrocardiographic repolarization pattern. It is concluded that MRI allows a better assessment of the degree and extension of left ventricular hypertrophy than echocardiography in HC. Despite the precise information on hypertrophy provided by MRI, the amount and degree of hypertrophy bears no correlation with most of the clinical data in these patients. 相似文献
Medical thinkers in China visualized the liver in microcosmal and macrocosmal terms. An anatomical tradition did not exist, hence the liver was described grossly in broad outline. It was recognized as being functionally important in the movement of qi (vital energy) and storage of xue ('blood'). The liver corresponded to various phenomena in both the natural and social orders, according to the scheme of yin yang and five phases. These interrelationships provided the basis for the diagnosis and treatment of liver dysfunctions. The disorders fell into three general groups: (i) hepatic qi stasis; (ii) hepatic yang excess with yin deficiency; and (iii) hepatic yin insufficiency. The signs and symptoms represented the logical outcomes of the disturbed physiology. Acupuncture, moxibustion and herbal drugs were used to redress the imbalance of hepatic qi and yin-yang. The impact of Western medicine led traditional authors to recognize the hepatobiliary role in bile secretion and in jaundice. The exchange between the Western and Chinese medical traditions revealed that active agents were included in the Chinese formulary, such as glycyrrhizin, which has recently been shown to be beneficial in chronic viral hepatitis. 相似文献
We investigated whether the growth state of NRK cells (proliferating or quiescent by serum deprivation) affected the ability of oncogenic Ki-ras p21 and the protein kinase C activator, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), to alter gap junctional communication. We evaluated gap junctional permeance by rate analysis of the transfer of a fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow, between cell pairs. We found that while the gap junctions of proliferating NRK cells were unresponsive to both TPA and to Ki-ras p21, junctional communication in quiescent cells was significantly inhibited by brief exposures to 100 ng/ml TPA. Furthermore, activity of Ki-ras p21 2 h prior to TPA exposure enhanced the inhibitory effect of TPA in quiescent cells. Junctional sensitivity to TPA was transient, with inhibition of junctional communication detected at 10 min and refractory after 60 min of continuous exposure. The suppression of junctional communication by TPA was completely prevented if the oncogenic p21 had been active for a longer period of time (48 h). The application of a phorbol ester derivative (4 alpha-PDD), which does not activate protein kinase C, did not affect the ability of quiescent cells to communicate. From these results we conclude that there is a cell-state dependence of junctional sensitivity to TPA in NRK cells and that ras p21 activity potentiates the junctional response to TPA. One interesting possibility is that this involved a cell-cycle effect. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: To define the electrophysiological mechanism(s) of inducible and spontaneously occurring ventricular arrhythmias associated with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, 3-dimensional intraoperative mapping from 156 intramural sites was performed in 6 patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy undergoing cardiac transplantation. METHODS AND RESULTS: Electrode density was sufficient to determine the mechanism for 52 of 74 beats of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) induced by programmed stimulation and 9 of 11 beats of spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias. The first, second, and third extrastimuli (S2 through S4) conducted with progressively greater degrees of conduction delay (total activation times [TAs] of 144+/-5, 166+/-5, and 194+/-5 ms, respectively) owing to slow conduction and on occasion intramural block. The first beats of induced VT arose from subendocardial or subepicardial sites distant from areas of marked conduction delay by a focal mechanism on the basis of the absence of intervening electrical activity between the termination of the last extrastimulus and the initiation of VT (123+/-31 ms). Subsequent beats arose by a focal mechanism and conducted with a TA of 127+/-6 ms (P=NS versus initiating beats of VT [118+/-9 ms]). Spontaneous ventricular arrhythmias initiated in the subendocardium by a focal mechanism and conducted with a TA of 138+/-5 ms. Tissue analysis demonstrated a variable degree of interstitial fibrosis at sites of focal activation. Sites of conduction delay or block typically exhibited marked interstitial and/or replacement fibrosis but were spatially distant from sites initiating VT. CONCLUSIONS: Spontaneous and induced ventricular arrhythmias in patients with end-stage idiopathic cardiomyopathy can arise in the subendocardium or subepicardium by a focal mechanism. 相似文献
QT dispersion and risk factors for sudden cardiac death in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
G Yi P Elliott WJ McKenna K Prasad S Sharma XH Guo AJ Camm M Malik 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,82(12):1514-1519
Growth hormone (GH) treatment is associated with a reduction in fat mass in healthy and GH-deficient (GHD) subjects. This is mainly mediated via a direct GH action on adipose cells and stimulation of lipolysis. Leptin is secreted from adipose tissue and may be involved in signaling information about adipose tissue stores to the brain. Hormonal regulation of leptin is still not fully elucidated, and in the present study, we investigated both the long-term (4-month) and short-term (28-hour) GH effects on serum leptin and leptin gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue. In GHD adults (n = 24), leptin correlated with most estimates of adiposity (r = .62 to .86), as previously found in healthy subjects. However, no correlation was observed with intraabdominal fat determined by computed tomographic (CT) scan (INTRA-CT). GH treatment for 4 months had no independent effect on either serum leptin or leptin gene expression. In a short-term study, we found that fasting gradually reduced leptin levels in both healthy men and GHD adults, with a maximum reduction of 58% to 60% (P < .01) after 31 hours. No independent effect of GH suppression or GH substitution on serum leptin was found during fasting. Adipose tissue leptin mRNA correlated with serum leptin (r = .51, P < .01) and the body mass index ([BMI] r = .55, P < .05). Serum leptin levels and gene expression were significantly higher in women compared with men (26.6 +/- 5.8 v 10.0 +/- 1.30 ng/mL, P < .05). However, in regression analysis accounting for the gender differences in subcutaneous femoral adipose tissue (FEM-CT), the difference in serum leptin disappeared, indicating that subcutaneous femoral fat or factors closely related to femoral fat (eg, sex hormones) may be causal factors for the gender difference in leptin. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the risk factors for coronary artery disease associated with initiation of immunosuppressive therapy in patients with a pre-heart transplant diagnosis of idiopathic cardiomyopathy. This study was performed in 15 consecutive patients, mean +/- SEM age of 39 +/- 2 years, with a pre-operative diagnosis of idiopathic cardiomyopathy, who underwent cardiac transplantation at the Tri-Services General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, from July 1992 to June 1993. All patients were treated with cyclosporine, azathioprine and prednisolone, and the following measurements were performed prior to hospital discharge (mean +/- SEM) 36 +/- 3 days after successful transplantation: 1) fasting plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations; 2) plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in response to a 75 g oral glucose challenge; and 3) steady-state plasma insulin (SSPI) and glucose (SSPG) concentrations in response to a continuous infusion of somatostatin, insulin, and glucose. Since the SSPI concentrations are similar in all individuals, the SSPG concentrations provide an estimate of the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose disposal. Only six of the patients had a normal oral glucose tolerance test and the following diagnoses were found in the remaining nine patients: not diagnised (n = 3), impaired glucose tolerance (n = 4), and non-insulin-dependent diabetes (n = 2). Plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations were also frequently abnormal in the heart transplant patients; eight of the 15 patients had a plasma cholesterol > 5 mmol/l, nine had a high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol concentration < 1 mmol/l, and nine had a ratio of total to HDL-cholesterol > 5.0. Finally, the SSPG concentration was greater than 11.0 mmol/l in eight of the 15 patients, a value rarely exceeded in healthy volunteers. In conclusion, significant metabolic abnormalities were present at discharge in patients who had undergone successful cardiac transplantation for idiopathic cardiomyopathy. These metabolic abnormalities were probably caused by the use of immunosuppressive drugs. Given the magnitude of these changes, it would seem prudent to initiate therapeutic programs in patients with cardiac transplants that are not simply aimed at preventing rejection, but also address the metabolic abnormalities associated with the immunosuppressive agents used to prolong allograft survival. 相似文献
S Isobe A Ando M Nanasato M Nonokawa H Izawa T Sobue M Hirai K Ito T Ishigaki T Murohara M Yokota 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,24(10):1071-1080
This study aimed to determine whether combined examinations of myocardial 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG PET) and stress-redistribution 201Tl single-photon emission computed tomography (Tl SPECT) were useful in clarifying myocardial ischaemia and evaluating the prognosis in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM). Twenty-two patients with IDCM underwent echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, FDG PET, and Tl SPECT. In scintigraphic analysis, the total defect score (TDS) was semiquantitatively determined as the sum of scores of the 17 left ventricular (LV) segments with a 5-point scale (0 as normal to 4 as absent). Patients were classified according to the scintigraphic findings as follows: eight patients with small defects on Tl and FDG (TDS < or = 20) (group I), eight patients with small defects on FDG (TDS < or = 20) with FDG uptake increased relative to Tl or 'mismatch' (group II), and six patients with large defects on FDG and Tl (TDS >20) (group III). Eleven patients (50%) showed reversible defects on Tl and all showed preserved FDG uptake. The patients in group III had significantly lower LV ejection fraction (LVEF) (P<0.05, respectively) and a poorer prognosis as shown by the Kaplan-Meier event-free curve compared with those in groups I and II (P<0.01, respectively). Although patients in group II had significantly greater TDS on Tl compared with those in group I (P<0.01), no significant differences in LVEF and prognosis were found between patients in groups I and II. In multivariate analysis, a TDS on FDG revealed an independent predictor of subsequent cardiac events. In conclusion, such mismatched areas can be assumed to consist of impaired but viable myocardium, and may be associated with ischaemia of the microvasculature. Impaired myocardial glucose metabolism is a more powerful predictor of future cardiac events than perfusion abnormality in patients with IDCM. 相似文献
S Maki H Ikeda A Muro N Yoshida A Shibata Y Koga T Imaizumi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,82(6):774-778
Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HC) die suddenly. Proposed risk factors for sudden cardiac death (SCD) in HC are youth, a family history of SCD, syncope, and ventricular tachycardia. Hemodynamic variables have not convincingly proved to be risk factors for SCD. Therefore, this study was designed to examine predictors of SCD in a large number of patients with HC during long-term follow-up periods. The relation of studied variables (clinical, electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, hemodynamic, and exercise test findings) to SCD in 309 patients with HC who were initially diagnosed during 1971 through 1994 (mean follow-up 9.4 years) was examined by multivariate analysis. SCD occurred in 28 patients. Independent predictors of SCD were a smaller difference between peak and rest systolic blood pressure during exercise testing (p=0.006), and higher left ventricular outflow tract pressure gradient at rest (p=0.003). Exercise-related SCD occurred in 8 patients and exercise-unrelated SCD in 20 patients (mean age 28 vs 47 years, p <0.05). Thus, patients of exercise-related SCD were younger and had smaller increases in systolic blood pressure during exercise testing, whereas patients with exercise-unrelated SCD were older and had higher left ventricular outflow tract pressure gradient. 相似文献
S Gradinac M Miri? Z Popovi? AD Popovi? AN Neskovi? L Jovovi? L Vuk M Boji? 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,66(6):1963-1968
BACKGROUND: Recent reports show that partial left ventriculectomy improves hemodynamic and functional status in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. This study sought to determine the effects of partial left ventriculectomy on clinical outcome and left ventricular function during 6-month follow-up. METHODS: Twenty-two patients underwent partial left ventriculectomy. Mitral valve repair was performed whenever possible, otherwise the valve was replaced. Hemodynamic and functional data were obtained at baseline, as well as 2 weeks and 6 months postoperatively. RESULTS: Overall, 7 of 22 patients died; there were three early and four late deaths. One-year survival was 68%+/-10%. Ejection fraction increased from 23.9%+/-6.8% before the operation to 40.7%+/-12.5% at 2 weeks and to 36.8%+/-7.7% at 6 months (p<0.001, for both). The cardiac index before the operation, at 2 weeks, and at 6 months was 2.3+/-0.8, 2.9+/-0.6, and 3.4+/-1.0 L/m2 per minute, respectively (p = 0.035, and p = 0.009, compared with baseline). The increase in ejection fraction 2 weeks postoperatively was less in patients with left circumflex artery dominance (10.9%+/-3.2% compared with 19.9%+/-10.7%, respectively, p = 0.017). At 6-month follow up, all surviving patients except one improved New York Heart Association functional class when compared with preoperative status (from 3.8+/-0.4 to 1.4+/-0.6, p = 0.0002). CONCLUSIONS: Early hemodynamic improvement after partial left ventriculectomy was maintained during midterm follow-up. 相似文献
J Müller G Wallukat YG Weng M Dandel S Spiegelsberger S Semrau K Brandes H Bieda M Hummel M Loebe R Meyer R Hetzer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,22(5):227-236
BACKGROUND: Implantation of a mechanical cardiac support system (MCSS) in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDC) may improve cardiac function and allow explantation of the device. Our experience now includes 13 patients who have been "weaned" from MCSS and we report about the overall results of this treatment as well as the effects of ventricular unloading on cardiac function, anti-beta 1-adrenoceptor-autoantibody (A-beta 1-AAB) level and the degree of myocardial fibrosis. METHODS: 13 patients with non-ischemic IDC who had been admitted here in cardiogenic shock (CI < 1.61.min-1.m2, left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] < 16% and left ventricular internal diameter in diastole [LVIDd] > 68 mm) and who all tested positive for A-beta 1-AABs were implanted with an uni-(12 patients) or a biventricular (1 patient) mechanical assist device. Echocardiographic evaluation and A-beta 1-AAB-level-monitoring was routinely performed after implantation and explantation of the MCSS and the degree of myocardial fibrosis was assessed at the time of implantation and after explantation. RESULTS: During a mean duration of mechanical support of 236 +/- 201 days (range: 30 to 794 days), LV-EF improved to a mean of 46% and LVIDd decreased to a mean value of 56 mm in these 13 patients. A-beta 1-AABs decreased and disappeared 11.7 weeks after implantation of the device and did not reincrease thereafter. The highly pathologic degree of fibrosis at the time of implantation diminished to normal values about 1 year after explantation. One patient died of anesthesiologic complications and another patient shortly presented with a new episode of cardiac insufficiency 6 months after explantation. He was implanted again with an univentricular assist device was successfully transplanted 3 weeks later. Mean observation period of the remaining 11 patients now amounts to 12.6 +/- 9.77 (range: 3 to 26) months after explantation of the device--as of May, 31, 1997--with a cumulative observation period of 139 patient months. CONCLUSION: Temporary implantation of a MCSS may normalize cardiac function in selected patients with IDC. The striking degree of myocardial fibrosis can reduce to normal values after explantation of the device. A-beta 1-AABs disappear during ventricular unloading and do not increase thereafter. "Weaning" from mechanical device may constitute an alternative treatment to cardiac transplantation in selected patients. 相似文献
L Almenar S Martí I Roldán V Miró JL Díez A Osa M Palencia F Algarra 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,49(6):423-431
AIM: The purpose of the study was to analyse echocardiographic, electrocardiographic and clinical variables in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, as well as to compare the possible differences between the non-obstructive (NOHCM) and the obstructive form (OHCM). METHOD: 44 consecutive patients were studied and diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (NOHCM 26 and OHCM 18). The following variables were analysed: 1) echocardiographic: right ventricle (RV), interventricular septum (IVS), posterior wall (pW), telediastolic and telesystolic diameter of the left ventricle (TDD-LV and TSD-LV), size of the left atrium (LA), systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve (SAM), mitral insufficiency and direction of the jet (MI and MIpW), mitral anular calcium (MAC), filling pattern (A > E); 2) electrocardiographic: repolarization disorders (RD), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), negative "T" waves in the precordial leads (T-), pathological "q" waves, super or ventricular arrhythmias (SA or VA), short PR, right or left bundle branch block (RBBB and LBBB), and 3) clinical: presence of dyspnea, angina, syncope, palpitations and response to treatment with beta-blockers (B-b) or Calcium-antagonists (C-A). RESULTS: There were no differences in age or sex between the obstructive and non-obstructive groups: 1) echocardiographic differences: there were none in RV, pW, TDD-LV, LA nor A > E wave. Significant differences were found (p < 0.05) in the rest of the variables; IVS (16 +/- 3 mm in NOHCM vs 22 +/- 5 mm in OHCM), TSD-LV (26 +/- 5 mm in NOHCM vs 22 +/- 6 mm in OHCM), SAM (38% in NOHCM vs 89% in OHCM), MI (19% in NOHCM vs 78% in OHCM), MIpW (20% in NOHCM vs 79% in OHCM), MAC (15% in NOHCM vs 44% in OHCM); 2) electrocardiographic differences: there were none in the presence of RD, pathological "q", VA, short PR, RBBB nor LBBB. The presence of "T" negatives was on the limit of significance in the precordial leads (31% in NOHCM vs 11% in OHCM; p = 0.09). Differences were found in the rest of the variables; LVH (58% in NOHCM vs 83% in OHCM), SA (50% in NOHCM vs 17% in OHCM); 3) clinical differences: there were none in the presence of dyspnea, angina, syncope or palpitations. Differences were found in the improvement with treatment; B-b (60% in NOHCM vs 57% in OHCM), C-A (100% in NOHCM vs 100% in OHCM). CONCLUSIONS: 1) in our patients, the most frequent cardiomyopathy is the non-obstructive one, with no predominance of age or sex; 2) in OHCM, IVS is much wider, with smaller TSD-LV, there is a greater incidence of MI, generally directed towards the posterior wall of the left atrium, and a larger tendency to calcify the mitral annulus; 3) the most frequent electrocardiographic abnormality is the alteration of repolarization. NOHCM has a greater incidence of SA and a lower degree of LVH with more prevalence of negative "T" waves in the precordial leads; 4) there are no clinical parameters differentiating the two groups, although the sustained improvement obtained with treatment is more likely to be produced by the calcium-antagonists than by beta-blockers in both types of cardiomyopathy. 相似文献
K Sliwa D Skudicky G Candy T Wisenbaugh P Sareli 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,351(9109):1091-1093
BACKGROUND: There is accumulating evidence that inflammatory cytokines have an important role in the pathogenesis of heart failure. Plasma concentrations of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) are high in heart failure and have been correlated with the severity of symptoms. Pentoxifylline suppresses the production of TNF-alpha. This study aimed to assess the effects of pentoxifylline on left-ventricular function and functional class in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. METHODS: We undertook a single-centre, prospective, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, in which 28 patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy were assigned pentoxifylline 400 mg three times daily or matching placebo. Clinical, echocardiographic, and radionuclide assessments were done at baseline and after 6 months of treatment. Primary endpoints were New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class and left-ventricular function. FINDINGS: Baseline characteristics were similar in the two groups. Four patients died during the study period, all in the placebo group. After 6 months of treatment, the proportion of patients in NYHA functional class I or II was higher in the pentoxifylline group than in the placebo group (14/14 vs 10/14; p=0.01), and ejection fraction was higher in the pentoxifylline group than in the placebo group (mean 38.7% [SD 15.0] vs 26.8% [11.0], p=0.04). At 6 months, TNF-alpha plasma concentrations were significantly lower in the pentoxifylline-treated group than in the placebo group (2.1 [1.0] vs 6.5 [5.0] pg/mL, p=0.001). INTERPRETATION: Our results suggest that pentoxifylline improves symptoms and left-ventricular systolic function in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. These results must be confirmed in larger-scale trials. 相似文献
A Gualeni A D'Aloia A Gentilini M Pagani A Giordano P Faggiano 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,81(11):1370-1372
In patients with heart failure, therapy with "maximally tolerated" oral doses of diuretics, vasodilators, and digitalis results in a significant increase in the distance walked during the 6-minute walking test, compared with conventional therapy at "standard" doses, indicating an improvement in exercise tolerance. The 6-minute walk test is a simple, inexpensive, and well-tolerated test to measure changes in exercise tolerance induced by pharmacologic interventions, even on a short-term basis. 相似文献
H Niimura LL Bachinski S Sangwatanaroj H Watkins AE Chudley W McKenna A Kristinsson R Roberts M Sole BJ Maron JG Seidman CE Seidman 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,338(18):1248-1257
BACKGROUND: Mutations in the gene for cardiac myosin-binding protein C account for approximately 15 percent of cases of familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The spectrum of disease-causing mutations and the associated clinical features of these gene defects are unknown. METHODS: DNA sequences encoding cardiac myosin-binding protein C were determined in unrelated patients with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Mutations were found in 16 probands, who had 574 family members at risk of inheriting these defects. The genotypes of these family members were determined, and the clinical status of 212 family members with mutations in the gene for cardiac myosin-binding protein C was assessed. RESULTS: Twelve novel mutations were identified in probands from 16 families. Four were missense mutations; eight defects (insertions, deletions, and splice mutations) were predicted to truncate cardiac myosin-binding protein C. The clinical expression of either missense or truncation mutations was similar to that observed for other genetic causes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, but the age at onset of the disease differed markedly. Only 58 percent of adults under the age of 50 years who had a mutation in the cardiac myosin-binding protein C gene (68 of 117 patients) had cardiac hypertrophy; disease penetrance remained incomplete through the age of 60 years. Survival was generally better than that observed among patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy caused by other mutations in the genes for sarcomere proteins. Most deaths due to cardiac causes in these families occurred suddenly. CONCLUSIONS: The clinical expression of mutations in the gene for cardiac myosin-binding protein C is often delayed until middle age or old age. Delayed expression of cardiac hypertrophy and a favorable clinical course may hinder recognition of the heritable nature of mutations in the cardiac myosin-binding protein C gene. Clinical screening in adult life may be warranted for members of families characterized by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 相似文献