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固体废弃物的资源化综合利用具有降低污染物质排放、充分有效利用资源和保护环境的重要意义,如何充分发挥固体废弃物中有效资源的环保效益和经济效益成为近几年的重点研究方向.因防水涂料在建筑行业有广泛的研究和应用,本文根据防水涂料的防水机理,归纳了工业固废资源化利用制备防水涂料的研究及应用现状.  相似文献   

针对当前工业固废利用率低的问题,以固废粉煤灰、水泥、石英砂和石英粉为原材料,H2 O2溶液为发泡剂,采用化学发泡的方法制备一种新型固废粉煤灰泡沫混凝土.研究水胶比、粉煤灰掺量、集料掺量对抗压强度的影响规律.结果表明:随着水胶比、粉煤灰掺量和集料掺量的增加,新型固废粉煤灰泡沫混凝土的7 d,14 d和28 d抗压强度呈现...  相似文献   

吕建仁 《砖瓦》2023,(10):83-86
超高性能混凝土(ultra-high performance concrete,UHPC)是一种新型的水泥基复合材料,具有超高的强度,优异的韧性和耐久性,应用前景广阔,但配制中的高水泥含量限制了其在工程中的进一步应用。与此相比,硅灰、粉煤灰、粒化高炉矿渣、磷渣等固体废弃物掺合料来源广泛,成本低廉,此外,该类掺合料能耗更低,同样可显著减少CO_(2)排放,更为经济环保。因此,采用固废掺合料来替代部分水泥配制UHPC意义深远。系统地总结了固废掺合料对UHPC工作性能、力学性能、体积稳定性和耐久性的影响,指出了不同掺合料对UHPC的影响规律,并对固废掺合料替代水泥制备UHPC的环保性和经济效益进行了评价。  相似文献   

本文对建筑固废制备GRC进行了研究,通过物理性能、力学性能和抗冻性三方面对再生GRC进行性能表征,同时探讨了建筑固废的取代掺量对再生GRC各项性能的影响。试验结果如下:采用喷射成型工艺,再生GRC的力学性能在废混凝土10%,废尾矿10%和废砖1%取代掺量下达到最优,而后随着掺量的增加力学性能逐渐降低。建筑固废的掺入对再生GRC的物理性能没有明显影响。25次冻融循环后再生GRC没有发现冻融破坏现象,且质量损失在0.2%以下。  相似文献   

本文阐述了河北省近年来工业固废产生量变化趋势、处置与利用现状,针对河北省大宗工业固废污染控制存在的问题,提出了相应的污染控制对策与建议。  相似文献   

砂石矿山固废是机制砂石骨料生产过程中产生的固体废弃物,需要有更多的资源化处理处置方法以满足砂石矿山绿色发展的要求。以主要化学成分为Si2O3、Al2O3和Fe2O3等的砂石矿山固废为单一制砖原料,通过烧结砖制备试验,研究了砂石矿山固废样品的化学成分、挤出成型性能和烧结性能。结果表明,5个砂石矿山固废样品中,HF、HQ和ZH 3个样品不仅化学成分和挤出成型性能基本满足制砖要求,烧结后抗压强度分别为11.8、18.3、19.4 MPa,吸水率分别为16.9%、15.6%、15.9%,烧成总收缩率分别为2.39%、2.52%、3.72%,均符合GB 5101—2017《烧结普通砖》要求,用其做为制砖塑性的原料,具备在烧结砖行业进行资源化利用的技术可行性。  相似文献   

为提高建筑固废的利用率,推动再生骨料和再生混凝土的产业化,基于最新的研究成果、现行相关国家标准及实践调查结果,从建筑固废分类回收、骨料破碎、分选、强化、骨料分级、再生混凝土制备等环节对制备再生混凝土的技术路线进行研究,结合我国的实际情况,分析各生产加工环节的工艺特点,探讨各环节不同技术方案的优缺点,明确建筑固废制备再生混凝土的技术路线。  相似文献   

夏志勇夏皖 《砖瓦》2022,(10):28-33
城市化建设发展过程中,城市中的建筑垃圾、渣土等废弃物产生量也越来越多,给垃圾的处理带来了极大的负担,如何将这些废弃物“变废为宝”,再次回收利用,减轻垃圾处理压力,是固废资源综合利用领域研究的重点课题。主要综述了固废资源综合利用制备烧结墙板的生产工艺技术与装备,原料通过过筛、粉碎、碾磨、陈化等一系列作业后挤压成型为砌块坯料,坯料经过码坯、烧结、填充功能材料形成定型的砌块部件,最后将砌块部件堆砌形成墙板。研究表明该工艺流程合理,通过研究发明的工艺技术装备,能将建筑垃圾、建筑渣土、淤泥等废弃物再次利用制成墙板,实现“变废为宝”,给城市垃圾处理减轻了负担,也能为企业带来良好的经济效益,同时,本研究发明墙板的原料中减少了黏土使用量,有效保护了生态环境,烧结墙板成品环保、可靠。  相似文献   

城市大宗固废资源化于制备建材是消纳固废的重要手段,本研究初步建立起科学合理的城市大宗固废制备绿色建筑材料的环境评价体系,以企业为主体,结合生产过程中的大气排放和建材产品使用和废弃时可浸出重金属进行评价,有助于提升我国固废资源化利用的整体技术水平,促进我国建材和建筑业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过室内试验,对比分析了工业固废基固化材料和粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥稳定低液限黏土的无侧限抗压强度、CBR值、水稳定性以及抗干湿循环等性能。结果表明:随着固化材料掺量的增加,工业固废基固化材料稳定土的最佳含水率增大、最大干密度减小。与粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥相比,低掺量(3%)下,工业固废基固化材料稳定土的物理力学性能与之相当;但较高掺量(4%~6%)下工业固废基固化材料稳定土可获得更高的CBR值和无侧限抗压强度。且相同掺量和龄期下,工业固废基固化材料稳定低液限黏土的水稳定性和抗干湿循环性能更优。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2023,63(1):101262
Biochemical decomposition of high kitchen wastes in landfills in China results in (i) a high content of vapor in landfill gas (LFG) and (ii) a noticeable temperature gradient across the earthen final cover (EFC). Yet, it is unclear how vapor and temperature gradients affect moisture and gas transport through EFC and microbial aerobic methane oxidation (MAMO). A theoretical model of moisture-gas-heat reactive transport considering MAMO and effects of vapor flow and temperature gradients was developed, and a series of parametric studies were included. The model was verified by published test results. The parametric simulation results show that vapor from landfill wastes can replenish water to EFCs in dry seasons, which results in (i) the relief of water shortage of vegetation and MAMO and (ii) LFG emission reduction. Effects of vapor inflow become more significant under larger temperature gradient. In cold seasons, temperature gradients can promote MAMO to reduce methane emissions, and enhance evaporation to reduce percolation. When evaporation rate at the surface exceeds 30 times vapor influx, vapor inflow has negligible effects on moisture and gas transport in EFCs. Neglecting effects of vapor and temperature gradient can lead to misjudgments on anti-seepage performance and methane emission reduction performance of EFCs.  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场毛细阻滞型腾发封顶工作机理及性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛细阻滞型腾发封顶目前主要用于国外干旱、半干旱地区,在湿润气候区的研究很少。在杭州市露天构筑毛细阻滞型腾发封顶模型,量测18个月中降水、蒸发和植被蒸腾下土柱透水量、地表径流量和土体含水率,得到该封顶在不同季节的响应,分析了毛细阻滞作用机理及其性能,使用水量平衡模型(HELP)和土壤–植被–大气相互作用模型(VADOSE/W)对试验过程中的水量平衡进行模拟,探讨了数值模拟存在的问题。试验过程中,共降水2361 mm,产生地表径流88.4 mm,透水67.4 mm,其他降水均在土层吸持与腾发交替作用下最终返回大气,由于试验地区多雨期与植被腾发旺盛期重合,毛细阻滞型腾发封顶在该地区具有良好性能。由于毛细阻滞作用,使得上部黏土中存储了更多水分用于后期腾发,从而减少了透水量,当毛细阻滞界面附近土体的体积含水率超过临界含水率时毛细阻滞界面被击穿,击穿是连续强降雨作用的结果。HELP和VADOSE/W均高估了地表径流和透水量、低估了腾发量,因为VADOSE/W能考虑毛细阻滞的机理,所以大致上VADOSE/W的模拟结果比HELP更合理和准确。  相似文献   

This study investigates the response of water resources regarding the climate and land‐cover changes in a humid subtropical watershed during the period 1970–2009. A 0.7°C increase in temperature and a 16.3% increase in precipitation were observed. Temperature had a lower increase trend, and precipitation showed definite increasing trend compared to previous studies. The main trend of land‐cover change was conversion of vegetation and barren lands to developed and crop lands affected by human intervention, and forest and grass to bush/shrub which considered to be caused by natural climate system. Hydrologic responses to climate and land‐cover changes resulted in increases of surface run‐off (15.0%), soil water content (2.7%), evapotranspiration (20.1%) and a decrease in groundwater discharge (9.2%). We found that surface run‐off is relatively stable with precipitation, whereas groundwater discharge and soil water content are sensitive to changes in land cover, especially land cover brought about by human intervention.  相似文献   

长三角地区填埋场ET封顶系统的性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从ET(evapotranspiration,腾发)封顶系统工作机理出发,根据苏州市气象资料,首先用Penman公式计算ET封顶的潜在腾发量,然后依次求解植被截留量、土面蒸发量、植被蒸腾量和地表径流量,从而求得净入渗量;将净入渗量作为边界条件,选取典型参数分别建立单一土层型ET封顶和毛细阻滞型ET封顶的非饱和渗流模型,分析得到这两种封顶内的水分运移规律,并对其性能进行评价。分析结果表明,蒸发蒸腾对ET封顶中的水分运移起决定性作用,封顶中浅部土体含水率受降雨和腾发作用影响显著,而底部含水率不变化或变化很小,蓄水–释水循环主要发生在植被根系发育区。植被良好、根系深度50 cm的ET封顶系统累积透水量很小,在长三角地区气象条件下能满足设计要求,其中毛细阻滞型ET封顶的累积透水量小于单一土层型,这两种ET封顶减小降雨入渗的性能均优于传统压实黏土封顶。  相似文献   

填埋场覆盖系统由不同的土层组成,它们具有不同的性质和功能。覆盖层直接与大气和植被接触,因此土的含水率随季节和天气条件不断变化。冬天,土的饱和度增加。夏天,土的含水率减少,同时土中吸力增加。如果土中吸力达到某个极限值,将出现干缩裂缝。这时,粘土阻隔层的密封功能将受到损害。为了研究粘土覆盖系统的长期性状,我们进行了两个大规模现场试验。本文介绍第一批现场试验结果,包括水流量、土中吸力和温度的变化规律。重点介绍保护层(营养层)厚度对覆盖系统水平衡的影响。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong climate is sub-tropical with hot and humid weather from May to September and temperate climate for the remaining 7 months period. A mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning (MVAC) system is usually operated to avoid the high temperatures resulting in high peak cooling loads. The facade design has a significant influence on the energy performance of office buildings. This work evaluates different ventilated facade designs in respect to energy savings.Thermal building simulations (TRNSYS) were linked to nodal airflow network simulations (COMIS) for detailed ventilated double-skin facade performance. In order to validate the model, simulations were carried out for an office building in Lisboa; the results were compared with measured data from the same building. The simulation results of surface and air temperatures show good agreement with the measurements. The results of the study can be used to reduce surface temperatures by using different materials for the roller blind that is positioned in the cavity of the double-skin facade. The results can further be used to reduce the high peak cooling loads during the summer period. This may result in significant energy savings and a reduction in the system's cooling capacity. It proved that a careful facade design can play an important role in highly glazed buildings and provides potential for energy efficiency.  相似文献   

在青海省半湿润地区,地处高海拔且常年遭受几种主风向作用下的土遗址,风力掏蚀成为其破坏的最重要因素之一。主要根据多年的气候数据及已观测的掏蚀量,并结合室内风洞试验与流体动力学(CFD)中常用的软件Fluent进行模拟分析,主要揭示风力掏蚀病害形成和发展过程中的影响因素,进一步结合工程地质学和力学理论进行分析研究,提出风蚀量与风速、风蚀时间之间的定量关系。为防治和监测此类病害的发生和发展,预报一次风蚀事件的风蚀量,及其对土遗址稳定造成的影响提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

大连沈阳夏季室内热湿环境状况的实测调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对大连市和沈阳市8套住宅夏季室内温湿度的实测调查,分析了室外气候条件、住宅形式、人员活动及空调设备使用情况对室内热湿环境的影响,为了解目前北方地区现有住宅夏季室内热湿环境状况提供了参考。  相似文献   

Energy shortages, pollution, global warming, and the impacts of urban heat islands are among the pressing issues in this century all over the world. Historically, local architecture was based on people’s experience and knowledge. It was sympathetic to the climate and environment. After a period of building design that ignored the local climate, more passive buildings, low energy buildings, and zero buildings have come into focus because of the environmental pollution caused by an excessive use of fossil fuels. The historic architectural style in Dezful includes underground shelters, 5–12 m deep, to improve the indoor climate conditions in this hot and semi humid city. This type of underground shelter, known as a Shavadoon, is regarded as one of the passive energy strategies to seek temperature comfort using the earth annual temperature stability and natural ventilation. The present study was conducted in a house owned by Mohammad Reza Ghamsari. The house was used to test the accuracy of numerical simulation of the temperature and air flow within the Shavadoon spaces. Temperature contours, streamlines, and other related findings are reported. The results show that space conditioning costs could be cut and adequate comfort could be derived using such passive heating and cooling systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to perform an analysis on thermal acceptability in naturally ventilated (NVB) and air-conditioned buildings (ACB) located in hot and humid climates in Brazil. Experiments were carried out in April and November 2005 with 1.301 questionnaires based on ISO 10551:1995(E). Indoor and outdoor climatic variables were monitored simultaneously. The results revealed that 53% of the occupants of NVB and 78% of ACB were thermally satisfied. However, some restrictions were observed with the applications of the following methodologies: ISO/FDIS 7730:2005(E); ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55:2004; Adaptive Temperature Limits (ATG) and prEN15251: 2005(E). Differences were observed between thermal sensation (TSV) and predicted mean vote (PMV) and between the subject's percentages expressing thermal unacceptability of the environment and the PPD calculated according to ISO/FDIS 7730:2005(E).  相似文献   

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