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In the treatment of Menière's disease, surgical procedures are available when conservative measures have failed. The most distressing symptom of vertigo can frequently be arrested, tinnitus reduced and hearing improved. Sudden deafness due to round window rupture is treatable. The most important disorder with labyrinthe symptoms is the acoustic neuroma, the smaller ones of which can be operated on by otologists in collaboration with neurosurgeons using the transtemporal or translabyrinthine approach with preservation of the facial nerve.  相似文献   

Methods have been established to produce gastric cancer in rats and dogs by administration of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or of the ethyl derivate. The agent is administered in drinking water or by a pellet diet soaked in the carcinogen. Histologically well differentiated and poorly differentiated types of adenocarcinoma and signet-ring cell tumors are induced in several months with greath reliability. Metastases were observed in both rats and dogs with gastric carcinoma. The carcinogenic effect could be enhanced by surface active agents, sodium chloride, iodoacetamide, insertion of plastic beads into the stomach and gastroenteroanastomosis. Follow-up studies by radiologic, endoscopic and bioptic examinations are possible in the dog. There are similarities in these experimental tumors to those in man and thus they provide means for the investigation of histogenesis, prevention, and chemotherapy of gastric cancer. An adenocarcinoma of the glandular stomach of a Wistar rat was successively transplanted to new born rats of the same strain.  相似文献   

There are many theories concerning the etiology of chondromalacia patellae, as well as many points which have not been fully investigated yet. Using rabbits experimentally, shortening and elongation of the 3 mm patellar ligament were performed, producing the changes of contact surface and pressure on the patellar cartilage, and the patellar cartilage and the subchondral bone were studied sequentially. In the group of shortening, after the course of 16 weeks, no particular changes were recognized in the cartilage and the subchondral bone, compared with the control. In the group with elongation, 2-4 weeks after the operation, thinning of the trabecular and the subchondral bone, proliferation of blood vessels in the subchondral bone and their invasion into the calcified cartilage, were seen, without abnormality in the articular cartilage. After 4 weeks, irregularity or disappearance of the tide mark and degeneration of the ground substance toward the deep layer of the cartilage began to be recognized. After 8 weeks fasciculation was produced in the ground substance from the deep to the middle layers of the cartilage. After 12 weeks, degeneration extended to the superficial layer of the cartilage, producing blister formation, fibrillation and fissura, and finally proceeding to the desquamation of the superficial layer, degeneration and decrease in the thickness of the cartilage. These findings are similar to the histological findings of chondromalacia patellae, and seem to be different from those of arthrosis deformans in the bony changes. It is further suggested that decrease of contact surface and pressure on the cartilage can be considered to be one of the causes for chondromalacia patellae.  相似文献   

In 140 patients who were suspected of having space-occupying lesions of the kidney the ultrasound findings were analysed. There were no false negative results. Out of 4 false positives two could be explained by nontumourous focal renal disease. In a further 10 cases a space-occupying lesion could not be excluded with certainty on the grounds of the ultrasound investigation alone. Out of a total of 96 space-occupying lesions (48 solid tumours, 48 cystic processes) 83 were correctly diagnosed sonographically.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that rat pancreatic periacinar fibroblastoid cells (PFCs) can be cultured from isolated pancreatic acini. In the present study, immunocytochemical examination of the PFC extracellular matrix was performed using antibodies against prolyl hydroxylase alpha and beta subunits, types I, III, and IV collagen, fibronectin, and laminin. The PFC content of alpha-smooth muscle actin and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor were studied by immunoblotting. We demonstrated that PFCs synthesized extracellular matrix and expressed alpha-smooth muscle actin and PDGF receptors. These results suggested that PFCs resemble myofibroblasts and may play a critical role in pancreatic fibrosis. Conversely, pancreatic-type phospholipase A2 (P-PLA2), one of the pancreatic digestive enzymes, has been shown to induce DNA synthesis of Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. To determine whether this enzyme is involved in pancreatic fibrosis, we studied P-PLA2's proliferative and chemotactic effects on PFCs as well as its digestive activity. The proliferative and chemotactic effects were investigated using 3H-thymidine incorporation and a chemotactic assay, respectively. P-PLA2 had both proliferative and chemotactic effects. P-PLA2 is considered a growth factor for PFCs and is implicated in pancreatic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Arterial embolic occlusion is a comparatively new therapeutic method in urology. This procedure is performed now before operation of tumours of the kidney and as a palliative measure in the treatment of renal and bladder cancer. The procedure and mode of administration of the different materials for occlusion are described. The difficulties arising during embolic occlusion and the subjective response of the patient to this treatment are discussed. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of this method and, in particular, undesirable side effects are pointed out.  相似文献   

The influence of sorbitol was studied by recording the microphonic potentials (MP) of 10 guinea-pigs whose internal ears had been noise-damaged immediately before. Neither the rise of MP 10 sec after the start of noise exposure nor the total rise of MP showed any changes after the intraperitoneal injection of 2 ml of a 40% sorbitol solution.  相似文献   

Surgical drilling similar to that developed by Kaltenbach and Voigt for bone work on the ear, nose, maxilla, hand and vertebrae can be used at up to 80,000 rev/min without undesirable heat production. Drill-bits with the normal shaft length of 45 mm remain steady at 80,000 rev/min, but drill-bits of 70 mm length sometimes vibrate. The size of drill head and rate of revolution in this respect are related proportionately especially with cutting as opposed to diamond drill-heads. In ear surgery this method is only suitable on certain conditions. In nasal surgery it is useful for the transverse osteotomy with a 45 mm long circular saw.  相似文献   

The dumping syndrome is due to a vigorous reflex distension of the jejunum, caused by the stomach violently evacuating its contents. The aim of treatment is to overcome the drastic evacuation by restoring the rhythmic peristalsis of the stomach (eukinetics). This can be achieved by a special diet. Every meal should begin with well chewed solids (pulp) and avoid all fluids. With a well organised medical staff a complete success can be achieved. Surgical measures in Dumping can be avoided.  相似文献   

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