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Response of lowland rice to sources and methods of nitrogen fertilizer application were summarized for more than 100 experiments. In about 2/3 of the experiments, the yield increase per kg of fertilizer N was judged to be relatively poor with best split applications of urea. Based on frequency distribution, sulfur coated urea and urea briquets or urea supergranules deep placed more often produced satisfactory yield increases than best split urea, but even with these sources/methods the yield increases were judged to be relatively poor in about 1/2 of the experiments. There is an enormous potential to increase rice production with no further increases in inputs of fertilizer N if we could learn to match the best method/source of fertilizer with the soil-crop management complex.About 60% of the yields with no fertilizer N were in the range of 2 to 4 t/ha. Based on the average yield response to urea, this is equivalent to about 100 kg of urea N. It would appear worthwhile to study ways to improve utilization of soil nitrogen since it is already in place on the land and apparently in fairly abundant amounts in many soils.About 50 experiments with15N fertilizers were summarized. In almost all cases, the uptake of tagged fertilizer was less than the net increase in N in the above ground matter. In about 2/3 of the experiments, the addition of fertilizer N increased soil N uptake more than 20% and in 1/3 of the experiments the uptake of soil N was increased more than 40%. These results lead to much uncertainty about practical interpretation and use of15N data.  相似文献   

An understanding of nitrogen mineralization from residues and soil organic matter is important to understand the quantity of N available from the soil for crop production. The objective of this study was to determine effects of repeated wetting and drying of soils on rates of N mineralization. The study compared mineralization rates in three kaolinitic, low organic matter soils, utilizing cotton leaves or compost as residues. One set of treatments was subjected to repeated drying and rewetting, whereas the other was kept at constant moisture content. Mineralized N was measured by leaching with 0.01 M CaCl2 periodically, for 185 days. Rates of C mineralization were measured in the treatment containers by periodic measurement of CO2 respiration rates. In constant moisture conditions, soils with cotton leaf residue mineralized between 25% and 40% of N applied as residue, whereas soils with compost mineralized between 3.8% and 9.3%. In fluctuating moisture conditions, soils with cotton leaf residue mineralized between –1.3% and 6.9%, whereas soils with compost mineralized from 1.6% to 3.3%. Moisture effect was not significant in soils without residue, with soils mineralizing between 16 and 47 mg N kg–1. Carbon mineralization rates were not significantly affected by moisture. Both residue and soil type affected rates of C mineralization.  相似文献   

Estimating indigenous nitrogen supply (INS) by measurement of crop N uptake in N omission plots for site-specific N management is not feasible on a routine basis because it involves destructive plant sampling and plant tissue analysis, which is time-consuming and expensive. The objective of this study was to determine the amount of INS and develop a method to estimate it using soil testing in the North China plain (NCP). On-farm experiments at 229 sites were conducted from 2003 to 2005 in seven key winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/summer maize (Zea mays L.) production regions of the NCP. The mean INS during the wheat-growing season was129 kg N ha−1 with a range from 62 to 212 kg N ha−1, and it varied from 69 to 202 kg N ha−1 with a mean of 142 kg N ha−1 during the maize-growing season. Considering all sites, the variability of INS was not simulated by initial soil N min or apparent N mineralization (N organic) alone, while together they could explain about 38% and 60% of INS during the wheat and maize-growing seasons, respectively. During the wheat-growing season, mean N organic was 63 kg N ha−1, and 59% and 33% of its variation could be explained by SOM in high-yielding regions (mean yield, 7.6 t ha−1) and low-yielding regions (mean yield, 5.3 t ha−1), respectively. Mean N organic during the maize-growing season was 109 kg N ha−1, 22% of which could be explained by SOM across all sites. An average of 40% and 42% of INS variation could be explained by both SOM and initial soil N min content during the wheat and maize-growing seasons, respectively. We conclude that the accuracy of estimating crop N requirement for site-specific N management will be increased by using initial soil N min and SOM.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the fate of nitrogen (N) in a first ratoon sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) crop in the wet tropics of Queensland when urea was either surface applied or drilled into the soil 3–4 days after harvesting the plant cane. Ammonia volatilization was measured with a micrometeorological method, and fertilizer N recovery in plants and soil, to a depth of 140 cm, was determined by mass balance in macroplots with 15N labelled urea 166 and 334 days after fertilizer application. The bulk of the fertilizer and soil N uptake by the sugarcane occurred between fertilizing and the first sampling on day 166. Nitrogen use efficiency measured as the recovery of labelled N in the plant was very low. At the time of the final sampling (day 334), the efficiencies for the surface and subsurface treatments were 18.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The tops, leaves, stalks and roots in the subsurface treatment contained significantly more fertilizer N than the corresponding parts in the surface treatment. The total recoveries of fertilizer N for the plant-trash-soil system on day 334 indicate significant losses of N in both treatments (59.1% and 45.6% of the applied N in the surface and subsurface treatments, respectively). Drilling the urea into the soil instead of applying it to the trash surface reduced ammonia loss from 37.3% to 5.5% of the applied N. Subtracting the data for ammonia loss from total loss suggests that losses by leaching and denitrification combined increased from 21.8% and 40.1% of the applied N as a result of the change in method of application. While the treatment resulted in increased denitrification and/or leaching loss, total N loss was reduced from 59.1% to 45.6%, (a saving of 13.5% of the applied N), which resulted in an extra 9.9%of the applied N being assimilated by the crop. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Management of nitrogen by fertigation of potato in Lebanon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Reports on soil and groundwater contamination with nitrates in Lebanon and other developing countries could be related to the mismanagement of water and fertilizer inputs. The objective of this work was to determine the N requirements and N-use efficiency of a main-crop potato in Lebanon, irrigated by a drip system, compared to the farmer's practice of macro-sprinkler. In the drip irrigation, fertilizers input was as soil application at the time of sowing or added continuously with the irrigation water (fertigation). Nitrogen-fertilizer recovery was determined using 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate. Fertigation with continuous N feeding based on actual N demands and available sources allowed for 55% N recovery. For a total N uptake of 197 kg ha–1 per season in the lower N rate, the crop removed 66 kg N ha–1 from fertilizers. The spring potato crop in this treatment covered 44.8% of its N need from the soil and 21.8% from irrigation water. Higher N input increased not only N derived from fertilizers, but also residual soil N. Buildup of N in the soil with the traditional potato fertilization practice reached 200 kg N ha–1 per season. With increasing indications of deteriorating groundwater quality, we monitored the nitrate leaching in these two watering regimes using soil solution extractors (tensionics). Nitrate leaching increased significantly with the macro-sprinkler technique. But N remained within the root zone with the drip irrigation. The crop response to applied N requires a revision of the current fertilizer recommendation in semi-arid regions, with an improved management of fertilizer and water inputs using fertigation to enhance N recovery.  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out to study the fate of15N-labelled urea applied to summer maize and winter wheat in loess soils in Shaanxi Province, north-west China. In the maize experiment, nitrogen was applied at rates of 0 or 210 kg N ha–1, either as a surface application, mixed uniformly with the top 0.15 m of soil, or placed in holes 0.1 m deep adjacent to each plant and then covered with soil. In the wheat experiment, nitrogen was applied at rates of 0, 75 or 150 kg N ha–1, either to the surface, or incorporated by mixing with the top 0.15 m, or placed in a band at 0.15 m depth. Measurements were made of crop N uptake, residual fertilizer N and soil mineral N. The total above-ground dry matter yield of maize varied between 7.6 and 11.9 t ha–1. The crop recovery of fertilizer N following point placement was 25% of that applied, which was higher than that from the surface application (18%) or incorporation by mixing (18%). The total grain yield of wheat varied between 4.3 and 4.7 t ha–1. In the surface applications, the recovery of fertilizer-derived nitrogen (25%) was considerably lower than that from the mixing treatments and banded placements (33 and 36%). The fertilizer N application rate had a significant effect on grain and total dry matter yield, as well as on total N uptake and grain N contents. The main mechanism for loss of N appeared to be by ammonia volatilization, rather than leaching. High mineral N concentrations remained in the soil at harvest, following both crops, demonstrating a potential for significant reductions in N application rates without associated loss in yield.  相似文献   

Crop response to applied nitrogen in animal slurry as affected by distribution pattern and slurry type was examined in spring barley using two slurries enriched with isotopic nitrogen (15N). The slurries differing in immobilisation potential were either fully incorporated in the soil or injected in concentrated bands in two fields of low and high fertility caused by the preceding crop. Band-injection of slurry was combined with furrow type formed by different injector tines as well as the distance between the slurry band and seed row. Spring barley was sampled nine times during the season for determination of dry matter (DM) accumulation, total nitrogen (N) uptake and crop recovery of applied nitrogen (15N recovery). A sigmoid growth function was fitted to the recorded crop 15N recovery. A slurry band to crop row (SB-CR) distance of 4 cm clearly promoted crop 15N recovery by 6–12 days and increased total N-uptake and DM accumulation compared with a SB-CR distance of 12 cm. In contrast, the furrow type neither affected the crop 15N recovery course, total N-uptake, nor DM accumulation. An elevated immobilisation potential in the slurry slowed the 15N recovery course. In contrast, crop 15N crop recovery was unaffected by the residual effect of the preceding crop. The elevated immobilisation potential of the slurry also reduced the DM accumulation, but the mineralisation potential of the preceding crop clearly increased total N-uptake and DM accumulation. As the SB-CR distance had a significant effect, this should be taken into account in agroecological systems using application of animal slurry in bands by direct injection.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) leaching under grazed pastures can be very high directly under urine spots. The amount of N which is returned by one excretion of urine or dung can locally exceed 1000 kg ha−1 a−1 which is far more than the uptake by surrounding plants during one grazing period. We therefore quantified the contribution of N deriving from urine and dung to the total N leaching under urine and dung patches. Dung N and urine N was separately sampled from a cow feed with 15N labelled grassilage, and were amended on lysimeters in October 2000 and October 2001. Lysimeters (350 mm diameter and 800 mm length) were filled with sand, and an intact grass sod from a pasture, 4 lysimeter each were amended with the 15N labelled dung and urine; 4 lysimeters without an application of dung or urine served as control. During 11 months after dung and urine amendment the amount of leachate was monitored and leachate was analysed for nitrate, ammonium and total N. 15N in these fractions was measured. Dung and urine applications of 1052 and 1030 kg N ha−1 in autumn increased N leaching. Leaching loss of nitrate and dissolved organic N deriving from dung was only 37 kg N ha−1 in both years, whereas under urine patches 447 kg nitrate-N ha−1, 108 kg N ha−1 ammonia-N and 53 kg ha−1 dissolved organic N leached on average of both experimental years. N not deriving from dung and urine exceeded the leached N under the control by about 36 and 136 kg ha−1 on average of both years, suggesting the contribution of different priming processes.  相似文献   

Legume residues have been credited with supplying mineral nitrogen (N) to the associated cereal crop and improving soil fertility in the long term. Few studies using15N have reported the fate of legume N and fertilizer N in the presence of legume residues in soil-plant systems over periods of two years or longer. A field experiment was conducted in microplots to evaluate: (1) the residual value of the15N added in leucaena residues; (2) the residual value of fertilizer15N applied in the presence of unlabelled leucaena residues in the first year to maize over three subsequent years; and (3) the long-term fate of residual fertilizer and leucaena15N in a leucaena alley cropping system.There was a significant increase in maize production over three subsequent years after addition of leucaena residues. The residual effect of fertilizer N increased maize yield in the second year when N fertilizer was applied at 36 kg N ha–1 in the first year in the presence of leucaena residues. Of the leucaena15N applied in the first year, the second, third and fourth maize crop recovered 2.6%, 1.8% and 1.4%, respectively. The corresponding values for the residual fertilizer15N were 0.7%, 0.4% and 0.3%. About 12–14% of the fertilizer15N added in the first year was found in the 200 cm soil profile over the following three years. This differed from the 38–41% of leucaena15N detected in the soil over the same period. Most of the residual fertilizer and leucaena15N in the soil was immobilized in the top 25 cm with less than 1% leached below 100 cm. More than 36% of the leucaena15N and fertilizer15N added in the first year was apparently lost from the soil-plant system in the first two years. No further loss of the residual leucaena and fertilizer15N was detected after two years.  相似文献   

In the southern U.S. rice belt it is recommended that rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in the dry-seeded, delayed flood cultural system have the preflood N fertilizer applied and the field flooded at the fourth to fifth leaf stage of plant development. The objective of this field study was to determine if delaying the flood and preflood N application past the fifth leaf stage was detrimental to rice total N and fertilizer15N uptake, total dry matter, and grain yield. This study was conducted on a Crowley silt loam (Typic Albaqualfs) and a Perry clay (Vertic Haplaquepts). The preflood N fertilizer and flood were delayed 0, 7, 14, or 21 d past the fourth to fifth leaf stage, after which time a permanent flood was established and maintained until maturity. All treatments received 20.5 g N m–2 as15N-labeled urea in three topdress applications. All plant and soil samples were taken at maturity. Harvest index increased as the preflood N and flood were delayed past the 4 to 5 leaf stage. Total N in the grain + straw either decreased or showed a decreasing trend as the N and flood were delayed. Similarly, uptake of native soil N decreased as flood was delayed. Conversely, percent recovery of fertilizer N in the rice plant and the plant-soil system increased as the preflood N and flood were delayed. Rice grain yield was not significantly affected by delaying the preflood N and flood up to 21 d.Received....... . Published with permission of the Director of the Arkansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Project ARK01386. Supported in part by the Tennessee Valley Authority National Fertilizer and Environmental Research Center and the Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board.  相似文献   

Algal N labelled with 15N added to a flooded soil in laboratory columns without plants was studied to determine the changes over time in the fate of N assimilated by algae and to study how its fate is affected by (a) exclusion of light simulating complete closure of the rice canopy, and (b) addition of fertilizer-NH4*. In the light but with no added fertilizer-N there was little net mineralization of the added algal N during the first 4 weeks, but after 8 weeks 42% had been mineralized, of which 95% was denitrified. Exclusion of light caused net mineralization to proceed more rapidly in the first 4 weeks due to the death of algal cells and lowered reassimilation. After 8 weeks 51% had been mineralized, of which 54% was denitrified, 16% volatilized and 30% was present as KCl exchangeable NH4+-N. Application of fertilizer-NH4+ apparently caused mineralization of 25% of the algal N within one week but the results were probably affected by pool substitution in which labelled N mineralized to NH4+-N was diluted with fertilizer – NH+4 and then immobilized leaving more labelled NH4–N in the mineral pool. After 8 weeks, 42% of algal N had been mineralized, of which 69% was estimated to have been denitrified, 19% lost through NH3 volatilization and 12% remained as extracted NH4++NO-3. Uptake of N by a rice crop would reduce the gaseous losses. Algal N was mineralized quickly enough to be available during the growing season of a rice crop and, depending on field conditions, algae may have a role in assimilating N and protecting it from loss as well as being a major driving force for NH3 volatilization through diurnal increases in pH.  相似文献   

The organic materials of vetch straw, isotopically labeled with15N and unlabeled, rice straw and15N-enriched urea were applied to rice in a greenhouse experiment to evaluate the release of available N during the decomposition of vetch material and its uptake by rice, and to measure the effect of organic materials on the efficiency of urea-N utilization by rice. Measurements were made at three sampling stages during the growth period. As expected, vetch material decomposed readily and furnished a continuous supply of N for the growth of rice, although only 18.1% of vetch-N was utilized by the rice crop. However, this was not sufficient to support the survival of all tillers until harvest. After harvest, 70% of vetch-N still remained in paddy soil. The influence of organic materials on urea-N absorption by rice became apparent at about the stage of panicle initiation. The highest urea-N uptake by rice was 42.2% in vetch straw-mixed soil. Otherwise, rice straw retarded urea-N uptake by rice. Nitrogen distribution data indicated that the vetch material would stimulate urea-N uptake by rice plants.The residual effect of vetch material was evaluated by planting Sudan grass immediately after rice was harvested. Only 4.4% of residual vetch-N was utilized in 20 weeks. This low percentage of N uptake and its low availability ratio demonstrated the poor residual effects of this leguminous material.  相似文献   

Sugarcane is one of the main economic resources of Guadeloupe (France). Cane grown on the island's vertisols shows nitrogen deficiency which is accentuated with each successive ratoon. This deficiency could partially explain the observed decrease in yield. The present study, based on the isotopic N method applied to different ratoons in the field, was aimed at: (i) diagnosing the problem in the crop environment itself; and (ii) quantifying the fertilizer-N balance. The results indicated that decrease in yield and N absorption by the cane was related to ratoon number. The real utilization coefficient for the fertilizer (RUC%) ranged from 6 and 34%, and a high proportion (30–40%) of fertilizer-N was immobilized in the soil (NiS%) after the annual crop cycle. The N absorbed by the cane was essentially derived from the soil. Rainfall at the beginning of (re)growth determined crop development and N supply to the crop. When the water requirements of the crop are satisfied, nitrogen supply and cane yield can be improved in two ways: (i) by increasing the efficiency of the applied N fertilizer (RUC% and NiS%); and (ii) by maintaining the soil's capacity to supply cane with N. This implies maintaining and, if necessary, upgrading the structural state of the vertisols.  相似文献   

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions farmers are being encouraged not to burn sugarcane residues. An experiment was set up in NE Thailand, where sugarcane residues of the last ratoon crop were either burned, surface mulched or incorporated and subsequently the field left fallow or planted to groundnut or soybean. The objectives of the current experiment were to evaluate the residual effects of these treatments during the following new sugarcane crop on (i) microbial and mineral N dynamics, (ii) performance of sugarcane and (iii) effectiveness of recycled legume residues compared to mineral N fertilizer on N use efficiencies, 15N recovery in the system and in soil particle size and density fractions (using 15N labelled legume residues and fertilizer). The millable cane and sugar yield were positively affected by sugarcane residue mulching and incorporation compared to burning suggesting microbial remobilization of previously immobilized N. Residual effects of legumes increased sugarcane tillering and yield (127 and 116 Mg ha−1 for groundnut and soybean, respectively) compared to the fallow treatment without N fertilizer (112 Mg ha−1). Soybean residues of higher C:N ratio (33:1) and lignin content (13%) compared to groundnut residues (21:1 C:N, 5% lignin) decomposed slower and improved N synchrony with cane N demand. This led to a better conservation of residue N in the system with proportionally less 15N losses (15–17%) compared to the large losses from groundnut residues (50–57%) or from mineral N fertilizer (50–63%). 15N recoveries in soil were larger from residues (41–80%) than from fertilizer (30%) at final harvest. Recycled legume residues were able to substitute basal fertilizer N application but not topdressing after 6 months.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide can be produced during nitrification, denitrification, dissimilatory reduction of NO 3 - to NH 4 + and chemo-denitrification. Since soils are a mosaic of aerobic and anaerobic zones, it is likely that multiple processes are contributing simultaneously to N2O production in a soil profile. The N2O produced by all processes may mix to form one pool before being reduced to N2 by denitrification. Reliable methods are needed for measuring the fluxes of N2O and N2 simultaneously from agricultural soils. The C2H2 inhibition and 15N gas-flux methods are suitable for use in undisturbed soils in the field. The main disadvantage of C2H2 is that as well as blocking N2O reductase, it also blocks nitrification and dissimilatory reduction of NO 3 - to NH 4 + . Potentially the 15 N gas-flux method can give reliable measurements of the fluxes of N2O and N2 when all N transformation processes proceed naturally. The analysis of 15N in N2 and N2O is now fully automated by continuous-flow isotope-ratio mass spectrometry for 12-ml gas samples contained in septum-capped vials. Depending on the methodology, the limit of detection ranges from 4 to 11 g N ha-1day-1 for N2 and 4 to 15 g N ha-1day-1 for N2O. By measuring the 15N content and distribution of 15N atoms in the N2O molecules, information can also be obtained to help diagnose the sources of N2O and the processes producing it. Only a limited number of field studies have been done using the 15N gas-flux method on agricultural soils. The measured flux rates and mole fractions of N2O have been highly variable. In rain-fed agricultural soils, soil temperature and water-filled pore space change with the weather and so are difficult to modify. Soil organic C, NO 3 - and pH should be amenable to more control. The effect of organic C depends on the degree of anaerobiosis generated as a result of its metabolism. If conditions for denitrification are not limiting, split applications of organic C will produce more N2O than a single application because of the time lag in the synthesis of N2O reductase. Increasing the NO 3 - concentration above the K m value for NO 3 - reductase, or decreasing soil pH from 7 to 5, will have little effect on denitrification rate but will increase the mole fraction of N2O. The effect of NO 3 - concentration on the mole fraction of N2O is enhanced at low pH. Manipulating the interaction between NO 3 - supply and soil pH offers the best hope for minimising N2O and N2 fluxes.  相似文献   

The effect of the timing of N fertilizer application on the uptake and partitioning of N within the crop and the yield of tubers has been studied in two experiments. In 1985 either none, 8 or 12 g N m–2 was applied and in 1986 none, 12 or 18 g N m–2. Fertilizer N was applied either at planting, around the time of tuber initiation or half at planting and the remainder in four foliar sprays of urea during tuber bulking.15N-labelled fertilizer was applied to measure the recovery of fertilizer N in the crops.There was an apparent pre-emergence loss of nitrate from the soil when N was applied at planting in 1986, thereby reducing the efficiency of fertilizer use. Applying the N at tuber initiation delayed and reduced the accumulation of N in the canopy compared with crops receiving all their fertilizer at planting. Foliar sprays of urea slightly increased both tuber yields and tuber N contents when compared to a single application at planting. The proportion of the fertilizer N recovered in the crop was little affected by the rate of N application, but a greater proportion of foliar-applied N was recovered than N broadcast at planting, due partly to pre-emergence losses of nitrate in 1986. It is suggested that late applications of N was foliar sprays can be of benefit to crops with a long growing season and reduce environmental losses of N.  相似文献   

The comparative effects of ammonium sulphate (AS), potassium nitrate (KNO3), urea (U) or combined 1:1 (w/w) U/KNO3, U/AS granular products were investigated on dry matter (DM) yield and15N utilisation by perennial ryegrass grown under controlled environmental conditions.The DM yield and apparent N recovery with the single N sources was in the order KNO3 > AS > U. The15N budget in shoots, roots and soil indicated that only 55% of the urea N was recovered at the end of the experiment compared with 87% and 86% for AS and KNO3 respectively. The DM yield and apparent N recovery from the combined U/AS source was significantly higher than would be expected (P < 0.01) based on the proportions of each N source in the mixture. Differentially labelling the U and AS with15N indicated that AS enhanced the shoot % utilisation of urea by 38% (P < 0.001) whereas urea reduced the shoot % utilisation of AS by 14% (P < 0.01). These results indicate that an interaction occurred between U and AS when combined in a 1:1 (w/w) ratio in the same pellet.  相似文献   

Recycling of plant waste materials from household, gardening and municipal origin to soils is usually done after an intermediate composting step. In this study, as an alternative to composting, direct application of plant wastes has been evaluated in an on-farm experiment by quantifying the contribution to the nitrogen nutrition of winter oilseed rape and assessing the risk of nitrogen immobilisation in soil. Within experimental field plots receiving non-labeled green material, one-square metre subplots received 7.4 Mg ha−1 of 15N-labelled fresh-shredded green material corresponding to 60 kg Nt ha−1. After application and incorporation into the soil in autumn, 0.50% of the total green material nitrogen was recovered in oilseed rape plants at harvest. Mulch application in spring resulted in a recovery of 1.62% of the green material nitrogen applied. Determination of the glutamine content in oilseed rape leaves, sampled at flowering, and CaCl2 extraction of the soil indicated that on the Black Earth Soil there was no temporal nitrogen deficiency of the fertilised crop or nitrogen immobilisation in soil. As a comparison to 15N uptake, 0.0125 M CaCl2 extraction of fresh-shredded green material was assessed as an estimation of the nitrogen contribution from green material to the following crop. This estimate was unsatisfactory for spring application, but was acceptable for autumn application. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ammonia volatilization, denitrification loss and total nitrogen (N) loss (unaccounted-for N) have been investigated from N fertilizer applied to a calcareous sandy loam fluvo-aquic soil at Fengqiu in the North China Plain. Ammonia volatilization was measured by the micrometeorological mass balance method, denitrification by the acetylene inhibition – soil core incubation technique, and total N loss by 15N-balance technique. Ammonia loss was an important pathway of N loss from N fertilizer applied to rice (30–39% of the applied N) and maize (11–48%), but less so for wheat (1–20%). The amounts of unaccounted-for fertilizer N were in the order of rice > maize > wheat. Deep placement greatly reduced ammonia volatilization and total N loss. Temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation (particular for rice), and source of N fertilizer also affect extent and pattern of ammonia loss. Denitrification (its major gas products are N2 and N2O) usually was not a significant pathway of N loss from N fertilizer applied to maize and wheat. The amount of N2O emission (N2O is an intermediate product from both nitrification and denitrification) was comparable to denitrification loss for maize and wheat, and it was not significant in the economy of fertilizer N in agronomical terms, but it is of great concern for the environment.  相似文献   

Accurate and easy to adapt methods of total soil N determination are a prerequisite for N balance research. For15N balance studies certain modifications of the regular methods are generally adopted, e.g. the distillation of an aliquot of the digest in preference to the entire digest. However, comparative evaluation of such methods has not been investigated. In this study, three methods of distilling soil digests were evaluated for the determination of total N in diverse Alfisols and Vertisols. These are distillation of a clear aliquot (suspended materials allowed to settle) of the digest, distillation of an aliquot with suspended materials, following digestion in a block digestor, and distillation of the entire digest following macro-Kjeldahl digestion. The total N content of soils were determined to be similar whether the aliquot distilled was a clear solution or a suspension with solid materials, and these results were similar to those obtained by distilling the entire digest. The precision obtained by the three methods of distillation was similar for the Vertisols but for the Alfisols, distillation of the clear aliquot of the digest was found to be most precise.Submitted as Journal Article No. 776 by International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)  相似文献   

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