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偏微分方程(PDEs)模型在图像处理中的若干应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
介绍了偏微分方程(PDEs)模型在图像处理与分析中的应用,基本思想,发展历史和解决问题的基本框架。主要阐述了变分方法和形变模型(曲线演化)在图像恢复和图像分割中的应用。理论和实验结果表明,应用偏微分方程模型进行图像处理是一种有效的工具。最后,分析了这种方法的优点和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Segmentation is an important problem in various applications. There exist many effective models designed to locate all features and their boundaries in an image. However such global models are not suitable for automatically detecting a single object among many objects of an image, because nearby objects are often selected as well. Several recent works can provide selective segmentation capability but unfortunately when generalized to three dimensions, they are not yet effective or efficient. This paper presents a selective segmentation model which is inherently suited for efficient implementation. With the added solver by a fast nonlinear multigrid method for the inside domain of a zero level set function, the over methodology leads to an effective and efficient algorithm for 3D selective segmentation. Numerical experiments show that our model can produce efficient results in terms of segmentation quality and reliability for a large class of 3D images.  相似文献   

We present a double Legendre spectral methods that allow the efficient approximate solution for the parabolic partial differential equations in a square subject to the most general inhomo-geneous mixed boundary conditions. The differential equations with their boundary and initial conditions are reduced to systems of ordinary differential equations for the time-dependent expansion coefficients. These systems are greatly simplified by using tensor matrix algebra, and are solved by using the step-by-step method. One numerical application of how to use these methods is described. Numerical results obtained compare favorably with those of the analytical solution. Accurate double Legendre spectral approximations for Poisson' and Helmholtz' equations are also noted.  相似文献   

Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimal Path Approach   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
A new boundary detection approach for shape modeling is presented. It detects the global minimum of an active contour models energy between two end points. Initialization is made easier and the curve is not trapped at a local minimum by spurious edges. We modify the snake energy by including the internal regularization term in the external potential term. Our method is based on finding a path of minimal length in a Riemannian metric. We then make use of a new efficient numerical method to find this shortest path.It is shown that the proposed energy, though based only on a potential integrated along the curve, imposes a regularization effect like snakes. We explore the relation between the maximum curvature along the resulting contour and the potential generated from the image.The method is capable to close contours, given only one point on the objects' boundary by using a topology-based saddle search routine.We show examples of our method applied to real aerial and medical images.  相似文献   

We cast the problem of shape reconstruction of a scene as the global region segmentation of a collection of calibrated images. We assume that the scene is composed of a number of smooth surfaces and a background, both of which support smooth Lambertian radiance functions. We formulate the problem in a variational framework, where the solution (both the shape and radiance of the scene) is a minimizer of a global cost functional which combines a geometric prior on shape, a smoothness prior on radiance and a data fitness score. We estimate the shape and radiance via an alternating minimization: The radiance is computed as the solutions of partial differential equations defined on the surface and the background. The shape is estimated using a gradient descent flow, which is implemented using the level set method. Our algorithm works for scenes with smooth radiances as well as fine homogeneous textures, which are known challenges to traditional stereo algorithms based on local correspondence.  相似文献   

This paper deals with image and video segmentation using active contours. We propose a general form for the energy functional related to region-based active contours. We compute the associated evolution equation using shape derivation tools and accounting for the evolving region-based terms. Then we apply this general framework to compute the evolution equation from functionals that include various statistical measures of homogeneity for the region to be segmented. Experimental results show that the determinant of the covariance matrix appears to be a very relevant tool for segmentation of homogeneous color regions. As an example, it has been successfully applied to face segmentation in real video sequences.  相似文献   

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