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为提高Monte Carlo分子模拟的取样效率,加速模拟过程的收敛,本文提出了根据粒子能量进行取样的方法。通过对凝固点附近的L-J流体的模拟,将能量选择取样法与Metropolis取样法以及力偏倚取样法的收敛性和模拟结果作了比较,表明能量选择取样法的收敛速度显著高于Metropolis取样法,与力偏倚取样法相当,而计算量比力偏倚取样法小。 相似文献
页岩的吸附解吸特性对页岩气资源开发具有重要意义。为深入了解页岩中黏土矿物微观吸附机理, 利用Material Studio 分子模拟软件构建了伊利石、蒙脱石和高岭石3种黏土矿物分子模型, 采用巨正则Monte Carlo(GCMC)方法对3种模型的等温吸附量和吸附热进行了模拟计算。研究表明, 在相同温度和压力条件下3种黏土矿物对CH4分子的吸附量大小顺序是伊利石>蒙脱石>高岭石;随压力增大3种黏土矿物对CH4分子的吸附量均有所增加, 而且伊利石和蒙脱石对CH4分子的吸附量对压力变化更为敏感;3种黏土矿物的等量吸附热均小于42 kJ·mol-1, 对CH4的吸附为物理吸附;随着温度的升高, CH4分子的吸附热和吸附量均减小。 相似文献
聚苯乙烯与溶剂体系相容性的计算机模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
使用推广的 Flory-Huggins理论结合 Monte Carlo法模拟聚苯乙烯与几种不同溶剂的相容性。用 Monte Carlo法从大量分子对中取样 ,计算配位数和相互作用能 ,将数据输入 Flory-Huggins格子模型中 ,估算出体系的混合自由能和相图 ,研究聚合度对聚苯乙烯与溶剂体系相容性的影响。模拟结果表明聚苯乙烯与甲苯等溶剂的相容性较好 ,与水等溶剂的相容性较差 ;随着聚苯乙烯聚合度增大 ,体系相容性变差 ;而且在聚合度较低时 ,相容性变差的程度更显著 ;以上结果与实际情况相符。 相似文献
以聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)为原料,无机层状材料蒙皂石(MMT)为添加剂,通过溶胶-凝胶相转化法研制成PVDF/MMT超滤膜.考察了MMT质量分数在0%~9%范围内对铸膜液黏度、膜孔隙率、孔径、水通量、PEG20000截留率等性能的影响,以及相图和DSC曲线的变化.实验结果表明,MMT的加入使铸膜液的黏度增加,铸膜液呈现非牛顿流体中的假塑性流体的特性;当MMT加入质量分数为7%时,PVDF/MMT超滤膜水通量可达94.32 L·m-2·h-1,对PEG20000的截留率达95.2%.MMT的添加对成膜过程也有影响,从相图分析,加入MMT改变了液–固双节点的位置,铸膜液对非溶剂的容纳能力降低;而从DSC测试曲线得知PVDF/MMT膜的结晶度低于PVDF膜. 相似文献
In the article the Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC), molecular dynamics (MD), and kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations with particular focus on ascertaining the loading dependence of benzene diffusion in the zeolite were performed. First, a realistic representation of the structure of the sorbate-sorbent system was obtained based on GCMC simulation. The simulation clearly shows the characteristics of the adsorption sites of the benzene-NaY system, from which two kinds of preferably adsorbing sites for benzene molecules, called SII and W sites, are identified. The structure thus obtained was then used as a basis for KMC and MD simulations. A compara-tive study by introducing and comparing two different mechanisms underlying jump diffusion in the zeolite of in-terest shows that the MS diffusivity values predicted by the KMC and MD methods are fairly close to each other, leading to the conclusion that for benzene diffusion in NaY, the SII→W→SII jumps of benzene molecules are dominated, while the W→W jumps do not exist in the process. These findings provide further support to our previous conclusion about the absence of the W→W jumps in the process of benzene diffusion in NaY. Finally, two relations for predicting the self- and MS diffusivities were derived and found to be in fair agreement with the KMC and MD simulations. 相似文献
Chemical potentials of charged hard-dumbbell fluids are obtained by Monte Carlo simulations using Widom‘s test-particle method, corresponding compressibility factors are achieved by integration of chemical potentials at different densities. A molecular thermodynamic model is also developed for these charged hard-dumbbell fluids where the residual Helmholtz function is composed of two terms: a reference term responsible for the charged hard spheres and a bonding contribution measuring the sticky interactions between positive and negative hard ions.Model predictions are in good agreement with simulation results. 相似文献
Taking classical polyoxometalates such as Lindqvist, Keggin, Dawson, and Preyssler anions as the starting point, a walk is taken through the electronic and structural properties of polyoxoanions in solution. We will discuss nucleation mechanisms, redox properties, and isomerism of polyoxometalates. The effects of confinement on water molecules and cation distributions inside nanocapsules are other topics discussed in the present review. 相似文献
在格子模型基础上,采用构型偏倚蒸发法(CBVM)对三元链状分子系统的液液平衡进行了Monte Carlo模拟,分别考查了分子链长和链节间相互作用参数对相区的影响。模拟发现,在保持交换能参数一定的情况下,互溶区随高分子之一的链长的增加而减小。在各组分链长不变的情况下,分相区随交换能的减小而增加。修正的Freed模型(RFT)可较满意地再现模拟结果,而Ftory—Huggins模型总是过低地估计互溶区。RFT模型可满意地关联和预测苯-庚烷-二甘醇系统的二元和三元液-液平衡数据。 相似文献
六硝基六氮杂异伍兹烷转晶中的分子动力学模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用六硝基六氮杂异伍兹烷(HNIW)晶体生长及添加剂附着晶面的模拟,来优选添加剂使转晶得到的ε型HNIW晶体形状更规则;构立了£型HNIW晶胞模型,采用分子动力学方法模拟了晶体生长的外部形态。应用分子动力学计算,筛选到能修改ε-HNIW晶体生长外形的T1、T2和T3添加剂。在转晶实验中利用T1、T2和T3添加剂修改了ε-HNIW晶体的外形,与分子动力学模拟结果基本一致。结果表明,分子动力学模拟可预示添加剂对ε-HNIW晶体生长的影响。借助这种模拟,易选择添加剂,使ε-HNIW晶体具有更规则的形貌。 相似文献