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介绍了国内住宅的内墙、隔墙与隔断用制品的现状与发展方向,对国外隔断产品也作了简略介绍。  相似文献   

工作区有隔断的大空间建筑CFD模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过数值模拟的方法对不同送风方式下工作区内有、无隔断物时,工作区内的空气分布特性及舒适性进行研究。对室内舒适性的评价基于整合于CFD软件内部的Fanger舒适性方程。对气流分布特性的评价采用了ADPI指标。模拟结果显示,隔断物对喷口送风方式的影响大于对旋流风口送风方式的影响;旋流风口送风方式优于喷口送风方式;改变喷口送风高度并不能明显改善隔断物带来的影响。两种送风方式工作区内的PMV指标都符合GB/T18049-2000的要求。本文的结论可以作为以后同类工程的借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

陆勇惠 《江西建材》2024,(1):253-254
文中研究了一种在核心截面拐角处使用钢板柱的新型复合核心筒系统。使用此系统可以获得更好的结构性能和可施工性,文中使用该系统分别对原型核心筒截面和超高层建筑进行了非线性截面分析和三维结构分析。结果表明,与传统的RC核心筒相比,角钢钢板柱提供了更好的结构承载力,可使墙体厚度更薄,使用钢筋更少,有利于缩短施工时间及节约成本。  相似文献   

畅销小说《格子间女人》,讲述了一位白领精英问的职场女子如何在爱情和事业之间艰难抉择并赢得办公室生存的职场故事。故事穿插起伏,贴近现实,极具感染力。书名把“格子间”形象地定义为职场,或者说是办公环境。模横竖竖一排排,看似简单、默默无闻的格子空间,每天都能发生各式各样的故事。  相似文献   

申利成 《建筑技术》2022,(4):414-416
中国工艺美术馆共有8个型钢混凝土核心筒,核心筒剪力墙内有劲性钢柱和劲性钢梁,筒内设剪刀式楼梯,展厅层层高9 m.施工前通过调整混凝土型号,改进施工工序和优化模架选型等技术措施,取得了混凝土表面平整密实、无麻面的效果,保证了核心筒施工进度,确保了施工工期.  相似文献   

张吉祥 《砖瓦》2024,(3):157-159
为进一步探究高大空间类建筑核心筒结构施工技术,以某艺术馆为例,该艺术场馆设计建设7个型钢混凝土核心筒结构,核心筒内设计剪刀式楼梯。施工前对混凝土型号予以调整,在明确施工工序及方案的基础上,针对核心筒结构施工技术予以优化,确保核心筒混凝土表面平整、密实,保证核心筒结构施工质量,确保该体育场馆建设如期完工。  相似文献   

采用数值方法研究了高大厂房内纵向和横向隔断气流的形成措施,得出隔断气流各影响因素(参数)间的关系及其在工程上的应用要点,认为该研究结果对大空间建筑的气流污染控制,洁净及空调工程的模型实验及设计参考意义。  相似文献   

悬挂浪漫帷幔的架子床在维多利亚和东南亚风格中都十分常见。帷幔半透明的材质更多的发挥了一种心理上的隔断与视觉上的装饰作用。透过朦胧的纱质纹理,另一侧的光景也渐渐模糊起来.仿佛睡意袭来的那个含混瞬间。置身其中.就能轻易获得睡神的神奇法力。卷帘而起,层层叠叠的纱帘堆砌起来.自有一番清透美好的意蕴。回首梦里香甜,唯有风情存留于心。  相似文献   

框架-核心筒结构体系同时具有框架结构和剪力墙结构的优点,被大量应用在我国民用建筑设计中。该文基于某超高层实例工程,分别以普通钢筋混凝土柱、钢管混凝土柱及型钢混凝土柱为不同竖向构件建立模型,在不同竖向构件的情况下,针对框架-核心筒结构形式从结构形式、SATWE计算结果以及经济性统计等多个方面进行比较,以加深对框架-核心筒结构布置的理解和认识。  相似文献   

为优化工程施工工期,以及突出项目的形象进度,采用塔楼核心筒与地下室水平结构分离,核心筒先行施工的技术措施.为解决塔楼核心筒先行施工及相应技术措施带来的问题,本文结合具体工程实例,采用支撑抬高支撑标高的方法解决水平结构施工与支撑拆除工序搭接,并通过支撑内预埋型钢解决核心筒剪力墙与支撑碰撞问题,在满足施工安全质量的同时,优...  相似文献   

Historically, the locations of cities mainly depend on the available water source and the urban river not only supplies the fresh water to city but also receives its wastewaters. To analyze the influences of urban zone on its receiving water river, the Jialu River in Henan Province, China, a typical urban river was chosen. Water and sediment samples were collected along the river in 2007 to analyze the concentrations of xenobiotic endocrine-disrupting chemicals (XEDCs) including nonylphenol (NP), octylphenol (OP) and bisphenol A (BPA) in surface water and sediment. The results showed that the concentrations of OP, NP and BPA in surface water were 20.9-63.2 ng L−1 (mean 39.8 ng L−1), 75.2-1520 ng L−1 (mean 645 ng L−1), 410-2990 ng L−1 (mean 1535 ng L−1), respectively. The lowest and highest concentrations of XEDCs in surface water were found in the upper stream and downstream of Zhengzhou urban zone, which was regarded as the major discharge source of these chemicals to this river. The concentrations of OP, NP and BPA in the sediment were 15.9-31.1 ng g−1, 145-349 ng g−1 and 626-3584 ng g−1 with the average concentrations of 21.4 ng g−1, 257 ng g−1 and 2291 ng g−1, respectively. The results of in situ sediment-water partition of XEDCs showed that the partition coefficients (log Koc′) in the downstream were higher than that in the upstream, which was mainly caused by the retransfer of surface sediment from the upper stream to the downstream. Comparison of measured and theoretical inventories of XEDCs in sediment indicated that the residual time of XEDCs in sediment in the river was about 5 years, which was in the same order of magnitude with its big flood frequency. In order to predict concentration variances of XEDCs in surface water, a fugacity-hydrodynamic model was developed according to the concept of in series completely stirred tank reactors (CSTR). The model results showed that about 29-65% of XEDCs derived from the urban zone (about 2.0 t yr−1) would finally dissipate from aqueous phase in the 170 km downstream of the river. Assuming the discharge amount of XEDCs from the urban zone remaining constant, the predicted concentrations of the total XEDCs in the over 90% river reach would be higher than 1.0 μg L−1 under all normal, high water and low water season in 2007.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations and gas-particle partition coefficients were determined for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere of Zonguldak, Turkey between May 2007 and April 2008. Total concentrations of PAHs ranged from 0.52 ng m− 3 to 636 ng m− 3 in the particle phase and from 5.60 ng m− 3 to 725 ng m− 3 in the gas phase. The annual mean concentrations of PAHs in the particle and gas phase were found to be 114 ng m− 3 and 184 ng m− 3, respectively. Significant seasonal variations of particle and gas phase PAH concentrations were observed with higher levels during cold period. The distribution of PAHs between the particle and gas phase was investigated and it was found that three ring PAHs were associated primarily with the gas phase, four ring PAHs were distributed almost equally between the two phases and five and six ring PAHs were mainly associated with the particle phase. Gas-particle partition coefficients (Kp) of PAHs have been calculated and correlated with their subcooled liquid vapor pressures (PLº). The slopes (mr) varied from − 0.63 to − 0.23 were far from the theoretical value (−1) due to the short distance between the sampling point and the emission sources. The relationships between temperature and gas phase partial pressures of PAHs were examined using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the obtained positive slopes indicated that PAH concentrations increased with decreasing air temperature as a result of high dominance of local emissions.  相似文献   

K. Parker  G. Morrison 《Indoor air》2016,26(4):634-641
Occupants of former methamphetamine laboratories, often residences, may experience increased exposure through the accumulation of the methamphetamine in the organic films that coat skin and indoor surfaces. The objectives of this study were to determine equilibrium partition coefficients of vapor‐phase methamphetamine with artificial sebum (AS‐1), artificial sebum without fatty acids (AS‐2), and real skin surface films, herein called skin oils. Sebum and skin oil‐coated filters were exposed to vapor‐phase methamphetamine at concentrations ranging from 8 to 159 ppb, and samples were analyzed for exposure time periods from 2 h to 60 days. For a low vapor‐phase methamphetamine concentration range of ~8–22 ppb, the equilibrium partition coefficient for AS‐1 was 1500 ± 195 μg/g/ppb. For a high concentration range of 98–112 ppb, the partition coefficient was lower, 459 ± 80 μg/g/ppb, suggesting saturation of the available absorption capacity. The low partition coefficient for AS‐2 (33 ± 6 μg/g/ppb) suggests that the fatty acids in AS‐1 and skin oil are responsible for much high partition coefficients. We predict that the methamphetamine concentration in skin lipids coating indoor surfaces can exceed recommended surface remediation standards even for air concentrations well below 1 ppb.  相似文献   

刘玉强 《建筑电气》2007,26(4):59-60
总结了建筑物易遭雷击的14种情况,以一个发生雷击事故的工程为例,提出在进行防雷设计时,首先要对建筑物所处的环境、地理、地质、气象条件和雷电活动规律进行认真调查,凡符合这14种情况之一的,至少应按第三类防雷建筑设防。  相似文献   

本文针对大数量且形式趋同的清代神龛构件自主聚类进行研究。通过对图像识别、聚类、机器学习算法的挖掘、改写,以及新算法的编写,利用 Python 编程,本文形成可以将清代神龛构件自主聚类的闭环技术流程。该流程可以辅助完成海量相似构件的聚类,减少人工干预,加快聚类过程。该流程具有推广性,能够扩展应用到其他类似项目,也为计算机技术在文物建筑虚拟复原的具体应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Despite playing an important role in the economies of low-income countries, there is a perception that informal markets are haphazard and disorganized. Using in-depth interviews conducted in Accra, Ghana, this study examines the strategic choices that market women pursue to gain access to and thrive in informal working spaces and ensure long-term survival. The findings reveal that entry into the informal working spaces is contingent on women’s ability to forge and nourish ties with acquaintances, kinsmen and middlemen. Further, the study found that in contrast to the notion of unregulated competition typically associated with street vending, market relations among women traders in informal market spaces are marked by alliances between rival sellers that transcended religious, ethnic, linguistic, and generational divides. As well, a strict code of conduct governs market behaviour, underpinned by an ethos of cooperation and mutual assistance among rival sellers. Furthermore, market women in Accra articulate the rationale behind informal entrepreneurship in ways that align with local and national development agenda. In so doing, the market women lend legitimacy to their trade, demand accountability from local authorities, and oppose repressive practices by the state. We highlight the implications of our findings for city planning and development.  相似文献   

费菁  傅刚 《建筑创作》2006,(3):120-127
作者和逾百名来自北京不同学校的学生对大栅栏地区进行重新设计,这是记录正在进行课题的系列介绍第二部分。  相似文献   

美国的贫困现象在整个20世纪持续增长。贫困曾经仅限于移民、妇女和儿童,但是到了1930年代,贫困和国家的地理发展变迁产生了联系。历史上,扶贫政策强调个人在贫困问题上的道德义务,却忽略了其地理性和结构性渊源。1960年代,美国政府曾经试图找出贫困的根源,但采取的手段软弱无力,并因1980年代的经济危机和政策不断趋于保守而宣告失败。截止至1997年,美国有超过700个县面临着经济不景气。很少有新的提议被提出以解决这个几十年来的难题。  相似文献   

Privatization of public spaces in the contemporary city has increased over the past few decades, but only a few studies have approached this trend from a mobility perspective. Therefore, this article seeks to make a contribution to the field by exploring two Australian examples of private spaces in the city, gated communities and shopping centres, through the ‘mobility’ lenses. The article illustrates how different mobility systems enable and/or restrict public access to private–public spaces, and it points out that proprietary communities create an unequal potential for human movement and access in the city. The main argument in the article is that many mobility systems enable specialization of places that are targeted at a special section of the population. This means that various forms of mobilities (e.g. automobility, virtual mobile communication technologies) not only create new opportunities for urban life, but also serve as one of the most critical components in the production of new exclusion and stratification. In conclusion, the article therefore suggests that future urban research and planning also need to apply the mobility perspective in order to understand the mechanisms between flows of movement and the understanding fixed spaces in the cities, and how different mobility systems play an important role in sustaining the exclusiveness that often characterizes private/public spaces. Likewise, from a mobility perspective, the specific consequences that the proprietary communities have on the surrounding communities seem to be an important further question for research and planning.  相似文献   

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