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概要介绍了金属材料学科1996年立项的面上项目的总结情况,在详细分析基金成果各种指标的基础上,对能体现基础研究特点的成果进行了排序和初步分析,并从管理角度评述了一些有特色的总结,还指出在结题报告中应该注意的一些问题,论述了定期评述结题项目的意义,以及建立成果评价规范的重要性。希望通过制度化、规范化的结题管理,奖优征劣,促进基金事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了2022年国家自然科学基金(NSFC)在资助导向、评审机制、学科布局等方面的主要改革举措;其次统计和分析了改革举措下“光学和光电子学”学科面上、青年、地区、重点和优青项目的申请、受理与资助情况;然后,围绕实行分类评审、构建“负责任、讲信誉、计贡献”(RCC)评审机制、完善智能辅助受理三大重要举措在本学科的工作开展情况进行了分析与探讨;最后,结合上述完善评审机制的三大举措在本学科的实践情况,对申请人和专家提出了建议。  相似文献   

近日,中国科学院基础局在上海对由上海光学精密机械研究所和国家纳米中心联合主持的中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“纳米光信息存储及其原型器件的基础研究”进行了结题验收。以解思深院士为组长的专家组听取了项目负责人和课题负责人的结题报告,认为该项目全面达到任务书中的预定目标和技术考核指标,取得了一些有实用前景的创新性成果,一致同意通过验收。上海光机所所长李儒新等也出席了验收会,并对项目的后续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

1994年度高分子材料学科面上基金的申请和评审简况1994年度高分子材料学科的面上项目的各项工作已于八月初基本完成.与L年度情况相比,申请项目总数由259项减到242项,其中高技术探索项目由ZI项增为26项,申请经费平均强度由8.16万元/项,增至8...  相似文献   

孙玲  冯帅  朱广宇 《光电工程》2021,48(12):1-10
为国内科技工作者了解2021年度国家自然科学基金"光学和光电子学"领域基础研究队伍、主要研究方向及项目立项资助等情况,对本年度F05申请代码下的面上项目、青年科学基金项目、地区科学基金项目、重点项目、优秀青年科学基金项目和国家杰出青年科学基金项目等项目类型进行了统计与分析,给出了自然科学基金各类项目申请中涉及面最广的面上项目和青年科学基金项目申请与资助的依托单位、申请代码分布,介绍了本领域按科学问题属性分类的评审试点和RCC评审机制试点工作,最后展望了领域若干发展动向.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了2023年国家自然科学基金委员会对科学基金的一系列改革举措;接着统计分析了F05“光学和光电子学”学科面上项目、青年科学基金、地区科学基金和重点项目、优秀青年基金、杰出青年基金等项目的申请与资助情况,以及项目所属二级学科代码、依托单位和四类科学问题属性的分布情况;然后对“负责任、讲信誉、计贡献”(RCC)评审机制试点工作情况进行了介绍;最后结合本年度项目申请与资助情况,对“光学与光电子学”学科领域项目申请者和评审专家提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正>2010-2011年学科史研究项目结题评审会召开。1月18日,2010-2011年学科史研究项目结题评审会在中国科技会堂举行。中国力学学会和中国地球物理学会就承担的研究课题作了结题报告,与会专家就每个课题组的研究工作做了缜密的评议,中国科协学会学术部副部长刘兴平2010-2011年学科史研究项目结题主持会议并作总结。中国科学院力学研究所研究员,中国科学院院士李家春、中国地球物理学会秘书长郭建首先分别就学会所承担的《中国力学学科史研究》和《中国地球物理学科史研究》作了报告,从研究的意义、研究思路、研究内容、研究成果等方面进行了详细介绍。中国石油勘探开发研究院教授级高工、中国科学院院士郭尚平,中国科学院  相似文献   

<正>2013年1月22、24日,中国科协2012年度科普发展对策研究类项目结题论证会在中国科技会堂举行。该项目是中国科协科普部为推进《全民科学素质行动计划纲要实施方案(2011-2015年)》相关任务实施,落实中央领导同志和中国科协党组书记处的指示精神而设立的,旨在加强科普基础和对策研究,提高科普工作的科学决策水平,为新增工作任务提供理论支持。  相似文献   

正《复合材料学报》(月刊)是中国复合材料领域的基础性、学术性科技期刊;主要刊载复合材料基础研究和应用研究方面具有创造性、高水平和有重要意义的最新研究成果的论文,以及由该领域专家亲自撰写的反映本学科最新发展状况的文献综述和信息性文章;所刊载的研究成果对科学研究具有参考价值,对生产实践具有指导作用。  相似文献   

1994年度金属材料学科面上基金的申请和评审概况ABriefIntroductiontothe1994StatusofApplicationandEvaluationoftheGeneralProjectsforMetallicMaterials$//本年度面上申请项目在1993年大幅度增长的基础上又有增加,总申请达638项.根据基金委员会“控制规模、提高强度”的方针,今年金属材料学科共资助面上项目90余项,平均资助强度已达到百万元.批准率为14.73%(其中的自由申请含地区基金13.73%、青年基金18.18%、高技术探索项目....  相似文献   

Standards Column     
《Quality Engineering》2008,20(2):243-249
In this column we will review the status of the ISO project to create a family of documents related to customer satisfaction. We will discuss a new project on people aspects of quality management. We will review new projects to revise, expand, and update standards for auditing management systems. We will review the status of the ISO series on capability and performance measurement. And we will review a standard on detection and analysis of outliers.  相似文献   

Supply chain departments spend their time managing numerous projects that will improve and maintain their supply chains. Recent literature has most frequently described the content of these projects and their scheduling but neglected to include risk and uncertainty in the expected cost, profits and time durations of these projects. In this article, we have introduced real option valuation (ROV) to supply chain project scheduling as a flexible method to quantify those risks. Our proposed two-step framework links ROV to all relevant constraints of a multi-project set-up by binary fuzzy goal programming. We applied the framework to a real-life case study data of 21 projects that were facing numerous risks and resource constraints. The results show how scheduling performance improved in comparison to methods ignoring risk and uncertainty (e.g. net present value-based scheduling). For validation we conducted hypothesis tests and sensitivity analysis, and provide an in-depth discussion. The findings contribute to research and practice by capturing project-related risks and managerial flexibilities in general and in supply chains in particular.  相似文献   

The construction industry produces a large amount of data on a daily basis. However, existing data sets have not been fully exploited in analyzing the safety factors of construction projects. Thus, this work describes how temporal analysis techniques can be applied to improve the safety management of construction data. Various time series (TS) methods were adopted for identifying the leading indicators or predictors of construction accidents. The data set used herein was obtained from a large construction company that is based in Singapore and contains safety inspection scores, accident cases, and project-related data collected from 2008 to 2015. Five projects with complete and sufficient data for temporal analysis were selected from the data set. The filtered data set contained 23 potential leading indicators (predictors or input variables) of accidents (output or dependent variable). TS analyses were used to identify suitable accident predictors for each of the five projects. Subsequently, the selected input variables were used to develop three different TS models for predicting accident occurrences, and the vector error correction model was found to be the best model. It had the lowest root mean squared error value for three of the five projects analyzed. This study provides insights into how construction companies can utilize TS data analysis to identify projects with high risk of accidents.  相似文献   

Throughout history mankind has sought to improve its economic and even its spiritual development through the creation of gargantuan and awe-inspiring infrastructure projects. The twenty-first century has seen the rapid growth of the use of this type of project in providing society’s needs: such projects are widely referred to as “mega-projects”. Mega-projects are extremely large-scale infrastructure projects typically costing more than $1 billion. Mega-projects include power-plant (conventional, nuclear or renewable), oil and gas extraction and processing projects and transport projects such as highways and tunnels, bridges, railways, seaports and even cultural events such as the Olympics. Mega-projects are united by their extreme complexity (both in technical and human terms) and by a long record of poor delivery. What to do in the face of this dilemma is a question that is still being asked by mega-project practitioners and academics alike. This paper presents the unique work of the MEGAPROJECT COST Action which brings together a multi-disciplinary network of over 80 researchers from 24 countries to respond to this dilemma. Mega-project’s aim involves capturing the existing performance of large infrastructural mega-projects and understanding how their delivery can be improved. In order to do this, the investigation has gathered together the MEGAPROJECT Portfolio. The Portfolio contains meta-data on a wide range of mega-projects from across countries and sectors and acts as a firm empirical foundation for the investigation’s activities. Having assembled the MEGAPROJECT Portfolio, this paper shows how analyzing the Portfolio shatters myths of mega-project management and identifies new areas of fruitful investigation. Mega-project’s findings downplay the importance of formal project management tools and techniques in insuring successful delivery. Instead mega-project highlights the need to concentrate on the impact of financing on project governance, the technical modularization of the project and the devastating roles that eternal stakeholders can have on mega-project delivery. Most importantly, it discusses how we can effectively learn across mega-projects in order to maximize their value to their stakeholders and to society as a whole.  相似文献   

Distracted driving is acknowledged universally as a large and growing road safety problem. Compounding the problem is that distracted driving is a complex, multifaceted issue influenced by a multitude of factors, organisations and individuals. As such, management of the problem is not straightforward. Numerous countermeasures have been developed and implemented across the globe. The vast majority of these measures have derived from the traditional reductionist, driver-centric approach to distraction and have failed to fully reflect the complex mix of actors and components that give rise to drivers becoming distracted. An alternative approach that is gaining momentum in road safety is the systems approach, which considers all components of the system and their interactions as an integrated whole. In this paper, we review the current knowledge base on driver distraction and argue that the systems approach is not currently being realised in practice. Adopting a more holistic, systems approach to distracted driving will not only improve existing knowledge and interventions from the traditional approach, but will enhance our understanding and management of distraction by considering the complex relationships and interactions of the multiple actors and the myriad sources, enablers and interventions that make up the distracted driving system. It is only by recognising and understanding how all of the system components work together to enable distraction to occur, that we can start to work on solutions to help mitigate the occurrence and consequences of distracted driving.  相似文献   

During the last 2.5 years, the RealityGrid project has allowed us to be one of the few scientific groups involved in the development of computational Grids. Since smoothly working production Grids are not yet available, we have been able to substantially influence the direction of software and Grid deployment within the project. In this paper, we review our results from large-scale three-dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulations performed over the last 2.5 years. We describe how the proactive use of computational steering, and advanced job migration and visualization techniques enabled us to do our scientific work more efficiently. The projects reported on in this paper are studies of complex fluid flows under shear or in porous media, as well as large-scale parameter searches, and studies of the self-organization of liquid cubic mesophases.  相似文献   

在烟囱等高耸构筑物拆除爆破中,因缺少原始资料致使整体结构不详或将局部露出的结构看作是整体结构,加之施工时现场管理和技术把关不严,常会造成爆破后烟囱不倒塌的现象,留下极大的安全隐患。通过对一砖结构烟囱爆破拆除失败原因分析及成功处理措施,阐述了砖结构烟囱爆破拆除时的技术设计和施工作业要点,并对因首次爆破失败而导致的危险烟囱进行二次爆破处理的方法和参数选取以及爆破有害效应的合理控制进行了探讨,以供类似工程借鉴。  相似文献   

Engineering education is undergoing an assessment of its own. Organizations responsible for engineering education are looking at themselves in an attempt to improve their total quality as well as the quality of the programs they assess. The reasons for these changes include issues relating to cost, efficiency and quality of engineering education programs, and the increased demand for accountability by constituencies (state legislatures, students, employers). The ability to work in a group and to acquire and assimilate new knowledge effectively is another key requirement of graduate engineers and is difficult to assess. This article describes the national and local forces for more definitive outcome assessment and how we have responded to those forces. The article in particular describes how we have used senior design projects as an important part of undergraduate program assessment.  相似文献   

In recent years, hospitals have been vigorously searching for ways to reduce costs and improve productivity. One tool, simulation, is now widely accepted as an effective method to assist management in evaluating different operational alternatives. It can help improve existing Emergency Departments (EDs) and assist in planning and designing new EDs. In order to increase the acceptance of simulation in healthcare systems in general and EDs in particular, hospital management should be directly involved in the development of these projects. Such involvement will also bolster the simulation's credibility. In addition, it is important to simplify simulation processes as much as is reasonably possible and use visual aids or animation that will heighten users' confidence in the model's ability. This study lays the foundation for the development of a simulation tool which is general, flexible, intuitive, simple to use and contains default values for most of the system's parameters.  相似文献   

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