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本文从转盘塔内流体流动特性出发研究了塔内连续相轴向混合。应用光导纤维测试仪测定脉冲示踪的浓度响应。这种方法基本上不影响塔内流场,消除滞后现象,所得讯号可记录于磁带,直接送计算机处理。一个直径为D的液滴由于具有表面能 相似文献
通过示踪剂实验方法对38mm脉冲筛板萃取柱中连续相的轴向混合进行了研究。分别采用亚甲基蓝溶液和氯化钾溶液为示踪剂。实验过程中,首先采用"扰动-响应"技术实测了示踪剂的停留时间分布(RTD)曲线,然后依照轴向扩散模型(ADM)应用最小二乘法拟合求出连续相的轴向混合系数Ec,并分析了连续相表观流速、分散相表观流速、脉冲强度对于Ec的影响。实验结果表明,示踪剂浓度、径向取样位置和轴向取样位置对轴向混合系数Ec值的影响可以忽略,轴向混合系数Ec随着脉冲强度和两相表观流速的增加而增大。最后在本实验参数范围内,拟合出了连续相的轴向混合系数随操作参数变化的经验关系式,与实验结果对比,相对偏差在±20%以内。 相似文献
本文分两部分,在第Ⅰ部分中以实验验证了级内完全混合——级间有返混模型用于多层鼓泡塔的适用性。在空气-水系统中,用稳态示踪方法分别测定各级间的返混系数。从统计力学的观点,将本文及西胁昭雄在大孔径、大开孔率范围的实验结果进行了统一关联,得到一较普遍的关系式。第Ⅱ部分研究了碳酸镍铵溶液中不饱和硫化物在鼓泡塔中的氧化行为,应用返混模型及氧化速度方程,对塔内轴向不饱和硫浓度分布进行了计算,与实验结果比较,两者能基本相符。解析求出了塔内最佳氧化温度,也能与实验结果符合。 相似文献
一、前言为了更科学地设计、控制转盘萃取塔,就必须深入研究其流通能力、轴向混合等性能。通过示踪物质的测定了解一定操作条件下的返混情况则是一种方 相似文献
针对间歇操作萃取工艺生产能力低,而逆流连续操作萃取工艺返混严重等问题,研究提出了轻重相交替进料操作的萃取工艺,并对轻重相交替进料筛板萃取塔中的传质性能进行了研究。以煤油-苯甲酸-水为萃取体系,采用单个液滴的传质模型来计算萃取塔的分散相总传质系数,并研究了分散相流速、连续相流速、液滴上升速度以及塔板间距对分散相总传质系数的影响。实验得到分散相总传质系数Kod的数值在3.49?10?5~5.47?10?5 m?s?1,总分散相存留分数在1.63%~4.37%。结果表明轻重相交替进料筛板萃取塔的分散相总传质数高于Kühni搅拌萃取塔、脉冲萃取塔和振动挡板塔,并且流量变化对Kod的影响小,返混效应弱,总分散相存留分数小,不易液泛。 相似文献
A new configuration of coalescence-dispersed pulsed-sieve-plate extraction column (CDPSEC) was developed, and the mass transfer and axial mixing characteristics were evaluated with the two-point dynamic method.The influence of operation conditions was discussed with experimental results, showing that the mass transfer performance of CDPSEC mainly depends on the energy input and the holdup of dispersed phase. Higher energy input results in higher holdhp of the dispersed phase, the axial mixing of the continuous phase is suppressed, and the true height of mass transfer unit decreases markedly. On the other hand, higher energy input leads to more serious forward mixing of the dispersed phase, so the energy input should be limited. Accordingly the operation conditions were divided into two regions, and empirical correlations for predicting the mass transfer and axial mixing characteristics in different regions with a satisfactory accuracy were suggested. 相似文献
A new configuration of coalescence-dispersed pulsed-sieve-plate extraction column (CDPSEC) was developed, and the mass transfer and axial mixing characteristics were evaluated with the two-point dynamic method. The influence of operation conditions was discussed with experimental results, showing that the mass transfer performance of CDPSEC mainly depends on the energy input and the holdup of dispersed phase. Higher energy input results in higher holdup of the dispersed phase, the axial mixing of the continuous phase is suppressed, and the true height of mass transfer unit decreases markedly. On the other hand, higher energy input leads to more serious forward mixing of the dispersed phase, so the energy input should be limited. Accordingly the operation conditions were divided into two regions, and empirical correlations for predicting the mass transfer and axial mixing characteristics in different regions with a satisfactory accuracy were suggested. 相似文献
Abstract Axial dispersion of a crossflowing continuous phase was studied in a special experimental system that simulated a “slice” from a large, commercial scale sieve tray extractor. The toluene-water system was used, and Peclet numbers were determined as functions of phase flow rates and tray geometry. It was concluded that for systems with relatively high interfacial tension, which give characteristically low point efficiencies, axial mixing is not an important issue in the design of sieve tray extractors. 相似文献
Abstract A new continuous electrophoresis column is proposed which will allow for the continuous separation of industrial scale multicomponent mixtures. Computer simulated calculations predict steady-state bed temperature, separation distance, and power requirements. The proposed design compares favorably to previous designs in terms of minimizing peak bed temperature and power consumed. 相似文献
采用改进的Rushton六直叶涡轮桨,在内径为80 mm的多级搅拌塔中,以氮气-水体系为研究对象,考察了液速、气速和搅拌桨转速对连续相轴向混合和气含率的影响.结果表明:在液速1.38×10-4~4.42×10-4 m/s、气速5.53×10-2~17.68×10-2 m/s和转速1.67~13.33 r/s条件下,轴向扩散系数随着液速和气速的增加而增大,随着搅拌桨转速的增加先减小后增大;平均气含率随着液速、气速及搅拌桨转速的增加而增大.根据实验数据得到了连续相轴向扩散系数和平均气含率的关联式,其计算值与实验值误差较小,分别小于15%和10%. 相似文献
多级搅拌塔气液液系统的轴向混合 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文在内径为54mm,级数为16的多级搅拌塔中,研究了空气-水-煤油系统的轴向混合性质。讨论了搅拌转速、水相流速、有机相流速及气相流速对液体连续相和分散相轴向混合的影响。得到了操作范围内描述塔内轴向扩散系数的关联式。对连续水相:Ec=0.745·Ns0.530·ug0.459·uc0.691·ud0.319对分散有机相:Ed=21.92·Ns0.465·ug0.898·uc0.258·ud0.762 相似文献