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水流量热法是强流离子束束功率测量常用的方法,由于测量仪表安装位置的问题,EAST(Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak)全超导托卡马克中性束注入水流热量累积测量系统中存在不可忽略的误差。本文结合水流热量累计测量系统的原理分析其误差的来源,针对其中由于采集时间有限和真空室内外热传递损失三部分误差来源进行了详细的分析和修正,将沉积功率百分比由73.72%提高到86.27%,修正结果显著。最终将修正方法嵌入到现有的沉积功率计算系统中,实时地进行误差修正,从而得到更精确的沉积在热承载部件上的功率沉积,为功率沉积分布和中性化效率的精确测量提供依据。 相似文献
HL-1M 中性束注入器快速断电保护器 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了用于HL-1M中性束注入器电源系统中的一个快速断电保护器。它能快速探测注入器过黉,过流和打火击穿等运行故障并给出故障信号,以便快速分断电源,保护离子源和电源本身免于损坏。详细介绍了电路结构,工作原理和实验结果。保护器在强线路干扰和电磁干扰下可靠工作。 相似文献
本文综述了大型和下一代受控核聚变装置对负离了-中性束系统的技术以及负离子-中性束注入器的发展概况2,阐明了所取得的进展和需要进一步解决的物理和技术问题。 相似文献
Neutral beam injection (NBI) is recognized as one of the most effective means of plasma heating. The EAST NBI water flow calorimetry system (WFCS) based on PCI extensions for instrumentation (PXI) was established, it can measure temperature rise and flow rate of cooling water of the heat load components, and achieve beam power distribution and neutralization efficiency. Experimental data obtained from WFCS are feedback of the ion source operation state and direct the operation parameter optimization of the ion source. Experimental results show that the WFCS is stable, reliable, and meet the experimental requirements fully. 相似文献
Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) is an effective way to improve the efficiency of tokamak heating system. This article primarily introduces a work on the pressure distribution inside the tank of NBI heating system, especially inside the neutralizer, which is got by selecting a proper mathematical model and constructing a series of rational calculating formulas on pressure distribution. Furthermore, we simulate the pressure distribution by the Monte Carlo method. Comparing the result of simulation with that of theoretical calculation, we find that both the results are very close each other, showing their mutual validity. 相似文献
HL-2AMW级中性束注入系统弧流电源设计 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
中性束注入是磁约束受控核聚变实验装置中加热等离子体最有效的方法之一。针对中国环流器2号中性束大功率离子源的特点,从系统功能、主电路拓扑结构、控制硬件及控制时序等方面对弧流电源进行设计。整个电源由低位移相交流调压、高压隔离降压变压器、整流滤波和电流快速转移电路4部分组成。IGBT与电阻串联组成电流快速转移阵列电路,与离子源并联,可实现电流单次或多次快速转移、参数远程设定,有效用于强流离子束的引出和保护。选用DSP和CPLD电路技术实现低位与高位控制器。实验数据显示,该电源最大输出为200kW/1000A,纹波小于2%,开关上升下降时间达μs级。目前,该电源已安全运行3年,可靠性高,完全满足装置离子源及系统要求,也可应用于其它等离子体技术应用场合。 相似文献
中性束注入(Neutral Beam Injection,NBI)是等离子体辅助加热和维持最有效的手段之一。目前,红外诊断作为一种快速高效的诊断手段,逐渐用于中性束束品质诊断中。在红外诊断装置中,由于红外相机的光轴与靶平面的垂线呈一定夹角,从而导致采集图像的几何畸变。论文利用坐标变换的方法通过计算机编程实现了红外畸变图的校正,为红外成像应用于中性束诊断奠定了基础。 相似文献
强流离子源是HL-2M装置5 MW中性束注入加热系统的核心部件,离子源通过弧电源加速初级电子至高能态,碰撞气体分子,产生等离子体。所以,弧电源对于离子源维持稳定的弧放电非常重要。本文利用Saber软件建立了弧电源的主电路模型,设计并仿真了弧电流的恒流控制、打坑控制以及超级电容的恒流充电控制、恒功率放电控制等。这种方法不仅提高了弧电源电路的分析和设计效率,缩短了系统研制的周期,还可用于实际系统的故障分析和控制参数的整定,降低实验风险。实验结果表明,弧电源的真实输出与仿真输出结果相符。 相似文献
Neutral beam injection (NBI) system with two neutral beam injections will be con- structed on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) in two stages for high power auxiliary plasmas heating and non-inductive current drive. Each NBI can deliver 2-4 MW beam power with 50-80 keV beam energy in 10-100 s pulse length. Each elements of the NBI system are presented in this contribution. 相似文献
Neutral Beam Injection control system (NBICS) is constructed to measure the plasma current, Magnet current, vacuum pressure, cryopump temperature, control water cooling, filament voltage, and power supply, etc. The NBICS, consisting mainly of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) subsystem, data acquisition and processing subsystem and cryopump and vacuum pressure monitoring subsystem, has successfully been used on a NBI device. In this article, the design of NBICS on HT-7 is discussed and each subsystem is described in particular.In addition, some experimental results are reported which are very important data for further research related to the HT-7 tokamak. 相似文献
Neutral beam injection is recognized as one of the most effective means for plasma heating. According to the research plan of the EAST physics experiment, two sets of neutral beam injector(4–8 MW, 10–100 s) were built and operated in 2014. Neutralization efficiency is one of the important parameters for neutral beam. High neutralization efficiency can not only improve injection power at the same beam energy, but also decrease the power deposited on the heat-load components in the neutral beam injector(NBI). This research explores the power deposition distribution at different neutralization efficiencies on the beamline components of the NBI device. This work has great significance for guiding the operation of EAST-NBI, especially in long pulse and high power operation, which can reduce the risk of thermal damage of the beamline components and extend the working life of the NBI device. 相似文献
HU Chundong 《等离子体科学和技术》2013,15(3):201-203
Neutral beam injection (NBI) is recognized as one of the most e®ective means for plasma heating. A 100 s long pulse neutral beam with 30 keV beam energy, 10 A beam current and a 100 s long pulse modulating neutral beam with 50 keV beam energy, 16 A beam current were achieved in the EAST neutral beam injector on the test-stand. The preliminary results suggest that EAST-NBI system initially possess the ability of long pulse beam extraction. 相似文献