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总结了近年来国内外甲烷水合物及其沉积层导热特性的研究现状,从实验测试和模拟研究两方面分析了甲烷水合物及其沉积层的导热影响因素、相关规律和导热机理。研究结果表明:纯质水合物的导热性能与外界温度、压力、客体分子数量、多孔介质、笼形结构等因素有关,其值大小主要由主体水分子形成的笼形结构决定;而水合物沉积层导热系数的大小主要依赖于实验样品的组成成分、初始水饱和度、各组分分布,与温度、压力以及垂直有效应力关系不大。最后,指出了现存研究方法中一些值得改进的地方,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

Hydrate exploitation requires a deep understanding on the mechanical behavior of methane hydrate-bearing sediment (MHBS). Due to the low permeability of overlying strata, partial MHBS likely exhibit failure behavior under undrained condition. Therefore, it is essential to understand the undrained shear strength and excess pore pressure behavior of MHBS for facilitating the evaluation of the stability of hydrate-bearing layer during methane hydrate recovery. This study conducted several undrained triaxial compression and hydrate dissociation tests on methane hydrate-bearing sand specimen to analyze the shear strength and excess pore pressure characteristics of MHBS under undrained condition. The experimental result shows that hydrate saturation and initial effective confining pressure significantly affect the undrained mechanical behavior of MHBS. Hydrate saturation increases the shear strength and negative excess pore pressure. High initial effective confining pressure also enhances the shear strength but suppressed the negative excess pore pressure. Hydrate saturation has a minimal effect on the undrained internal friction angle but remarkably enhances the undrained cohesion. The effective internal friction angle and cohesion exhibits an increase with the increase in hydrate saturation. Notably, completely different from the common soil, the effective undrained strength indexes are not equivalent to the drained strength indexes for MHBS, which should be careful in evaluating the stability of methane hydrate-bearing layer. In addition, the hydrate dissociation test by thermal stimulation method concludes that hydrate dissociation induces the positive excess pore pressure, axial compression, and volume expansion under undrained condition. The large deviatoric stress enhances volume expansion of MHBS but hinders the generation in excess pore pressure during hydrate dissociation. These findings significantly contribute to the safe exploitation process of methane hydrate.  相似文献   

储层稳定性是天然气水合物开采所面临的关键问题。本文基于多孔介质流体动力学和弹性力学,建立了天然气水合物降压开采储层稳定性数学模型,包括储层沉降和井壁稳定性分析两个方面,并以墨西哥湾某处水合物藏的基本参数为例,进行了水合物降压开采储层稳定性的模拟计算。结果表明,在水合物降压开采的过程中,孔隙流体压力降低导致了储层的沉降,最大的沉降发生在井壁附近,水合物分解会加剧储层的沉降;降低井孔压力会造成井壁破坏的潜在危险,在井壁附近,周向和垂向应力达到最大处容易发生失稳破坏,地层的水平应力差会增加井壁的不稳定性。  相似文献   

It is known that available analytical and empirical solutions for the burst pressure of defect-free line pipes cannot broadly fit experimental data for different materials. Usually the Tresca prediction provides a lower bound to the burst pressure, and the von Mises prediction provides an upper bound to the burst pressure. A new multiaxial yield criterion, referred to as the average shear stress yield (ASSY) criterion for isotropic hardening materials, is developed in this paper based on the traditional Tresca and von Mises yield criteria so that the burst pressure of a pipeline at plastic collapse can be accurately predicted.  相似文献   

The most prominent challenge associated with offshore horizontal drilling is wellbore stability. In this paper, simulation of in-situ stresses around the wellbore is conducted to study the effects of transient pore pressure on the stability of horizontal wells. The rock mechanical analysis based on finite element technique lead to investigate a unique behavior found in subsea horizontal wells known as transient pore pressure behavior and near wellbore pressure gradients. The results demonstrate that near wellbore pore pressure gradient is only active in rock formations which possess transient pore pressure behavior; therefore, simulated solutions require adjustment to achieve accurate results.  相似文献   


A novel approach is developed to represent coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) behavior of porous systems that incorporates the non-isothermal free and forced convection of a single component fluid in a non-boiling thermoelastic medium. The three-way simultaneous coupling between the THM triplet is currently linear, but no restriction is placed on incorporating material nonlinearities. The coupled PDEs are solved in space by grid-adaptive finite elements. The model is validated against solutions for linear non-isothermal consolidation of a column. We demonstrate the utility of the model by analyzing the behavior of a deep wellbore in a themoelastic medium circulated by a pressurized, but chilled fluid. Model results illustrate the significant importance of the cross-couplings between individual THM processes for the evaluation of wellbore stability.  相似文献   

页岩气水平井钻井液技术的难点及选用原则   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
王中华 《中外能源》2012,17(4):43-47
我国页岩气资源勘探开发已全面铺开。针对页岩气的成藏特征,页岩气开发以浅层大位移井、丛式水平井布井为主。由于页岩地层裂缝发育、水敏性强,长水平段钻井中不仅易发生井漏、垮塌、缩径等问题,且由于水平段较长,还会带来摩阻、携岩及地层污染问题,从而增大了产生井下复杂情况的几率。解决井壁稳定、降阻减摩和岩屑床清除等问题是目前页岩气水平井钻井液选择和设计的关键。选择页岩气水平井钻井液的原则是确保井壁稳定、润滑、防卡和井眼清洗。油基钻井液可提高水润湿性页岩的毛细管压力,防止钻井液对页岩的侵入,从而有效保持井壁稳定,同时还具有良好的润滑、防卡和降阻作用,是国内外目前采用最多的钻井液体系。当采用水基钻井液的时,利用低活性高矿化度聚合物钻井液或CaCl2钻井液以降低页岩和钻井液相互作用的总压力;采用浓甲酸钾、Al3+盐,可以通过脱水、孔隙压力降低和影响近井壁区域化学变化的协同作用产生良好的井眼稳定作用;对于有裂隙、裂缝或层理发育的高渗透性页岩应使用有效的封堵剂进行封堵;但对于强水敏性页岩地层,水基钻井液在抑制性方面仍然存在局限性。从环境保护的角度出发,甲基葡糖苷钻井液在井壁稳定机理方面与油基钻井液相似,未来可望作为有效的钻井液体系之一。随着以页岩气为代表的非常规油气资源的不断开发,为了满足安全钻井和环境保护的需要,未来页岩气水平井钻井液技术的研究应围绕高效、低成本水基钻井液和低毒油基钻井液来展开。  相似文献   

The present work concerns the synthesis of various single and mixed oxide materials and their study as catalysts for the sulfuric acid dissociation reaction via which the production of SO2 and O2 is achieved. This is the most energy intensive step of sulfur-based thermochemical cycles for the production of hydrogen. Commercial (i.e. FeO, Fe3O4, Fe2O3, CuO, Cr2O3, γ-Al2O3, Pt/γ-Al2O3) and in-house binary and ternary compositions of the Cu-Fe-Al system as well as Fe-Cr mixed oxide materials prepared by the Solution Combustion Synthesis (SCS) technique were comparatively tested. The materials were studied in powder form, in a fixed bed reactor at 850 °C and ambient pressure. The feedstock was concentrated liquid sulfuric acid (95-98% wt) and all tests were performed at a Liquid Hourly Space Velocity-LHSV of 50-52 h−1. It was found that systems of both in-house synthesized mixed oxide families (Cu-Fe-Al and Fe-Cr) with proper composition could achieve SO3 conversions comparable to that of the reference Pt/γ-Al2O3 system, being at the same time much less expensive. The results, in combination with characterization results of fresh and spent catalysts are employed to identify possible mechanisms of the reaction and streamline the synthesis of more efficient catalytic systems.  相似文献   

The in situ stress state and rock strength are key parameters in a number of problems concerning petroleum and geothermal reservoir development, particularly in well stimulation and optimum wellbore trajectory analyses. Inversion techniques utilized to determine the in situ stress and rock strength based on the observation of borehole failure and its analysis often assume elastic rock behavior. However, when drilling through high-pressure and high-temperature rocks, coupled poro-thermo-mechanical processes result in a time-dependent stress and pore pressure distribution around the borehole. In this work, the poro-thermoelastic effects on borehole failure are studied and their impact on wellbore stability and the estimations of the in situ maximum horizontal stress and rock strength using wellbore failure data are investigated. It is shown that coupled poro-thermo-mechanical effects influence both failure mode and potential. Also, when considering shear failure, neglecting heating and cooling effects will underestimate and overestimate rock strength, respectively. Therefore, for accurate assessment of wellbore stability and inversion of wellbore failure data, poroelastic and thermal factors should be considered.  相似文献   

为研究不同库水位及土石坝上下游坝脚有无设置压重对地震作用下饱和砂土坝基可液化土层的影响规律,以某中型平原水库土石坝为工程背景,利用岩土软件Geo-slope模拟分析了不同工况下坝基可液化土层的液化分布规律、坝体典型节点的加速度响应及上下游坝坡的稳定性。计算结果表明,正常蓄水位下,上下游坡脚设置压重后,坝脚处的液化区域明显减小,但远离上下游坝脚处的可液化土层的液化范围较无压重情况下几乎无改变。死水位情况下,上下游坡脚设置压重后可液化土层的液化区域变化规律与正常蓄水位下相似,但上下游远离坝脚处的可液化土层液化面积较无压重情况下相差无几,上下游坝坡的稳定性较为一致,但设置压重一定程度上增加了坝坡的稳定性。坝体的典型节点处的加速度出现不同的放大效应,其中坝顶的放大倍数最大,出现鞭梢效应。  相似文献   

分析了半流式DPF的工作原理,建立了其排气背压和过滤效率的数学公式,试验验证了公式的正确性,能够较准确地计算半流式DPF的排气背压和过滤效率;半流式DPF在柴油机排气后处理领域有良好应用效果.  相似文献   

In this study, we designed and developed a compact electrolyzer for the evaluation of components in proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis. First, this electrolyzer features a precise pressure-control system that controls the active electrode area and facilitates setting the desired clamping pressure. This mechanism makes it possible to optimize the electrolyzer performance. Second, it has two reference electrodes that are connected on the faces of the active electrode area of the anode and the cathode on the PEM. The polarizations at the anode and the cathode, the membrane resistivity, and the porous transport layer (PTL) overpotential were measured. The details of the design are described, and the electrochemical performance was measured. The optimized clamping pressure for this electrolyzer component was obtained as the specific value. A new measurement method was developed for estimating polarizations at the anode and the cathode, membrane resistance, and PTL overpotential using two reference electrodes.  相似文献   

针对复杂条件下挡土墙的土压力无法按照传统土压力理论计算的问题,提出了天然土岩分层边坡扶壁式挡土墙的土压力分析方法。结合某水库左岸边坡扶壁式挡土墙工程,采用三维数值方法及强度折减法,计算出边坡的最小抗滑稳定安全系数及相应滑动面,从而求得边坡滑动体作用于挡土墙的作用力和作用方向,并依此计算了挡土墙的抗滑及抗倾覆稳定安全系数,实现了挡土墙的稳定安全评价。计算结果表明,该挡土墙在不同工况下抗滑和抗倾覆稳定安全系数均大于允许值,符合实际情况,可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

The dry reforming of biogas on a Ni catalyst supported on three commercially available materials (ZrO2, La2O3ZrO2 and CeO2ZrO2), has been investigated, paying particular attention to carbon deposition. The DRM efficiency of the catalysts was studied in the temperature range of 500–800 °C at three distinct space velocities, and their time-on-stream stability at four temperatures (550, 650, 750 and 800 °C) was determined for 10 or 50 h operation. The morphological, textural and other physicochemical characteristics of fresh and spent catalysts together with the amount and type of carbon deposited were examined by a number of techniques including BET-BJH method, CO2 and NH3-TPD, XPS, SEM, TEM, STEM-HAADF, Raman spectroscopy, and TGA/DTG. The impact of the La2O3 and CeO2 modifiers on the DRM performance and time-on-stream stability of the Ni/ZrO2 catalyst was found to be very beneficial: up to 20 and 30% enhancement in CH4 and CO2 conversions respectively, accompanied with a CO-enriched syngas product, while the 50 h time-on-stream catalytic performance deterioration of ~30–35% on Ni/ZrO2 was limited to less than ~15–20% on the La2O3 and CeO2 modified samples. Their influence on the amount and type of carbon formed was substantial: it was revealed that faster oxidation of the deposited carbon at elevated temperatures occurs on the modified catalysts. Correlations between the La2O3 and CeO2-induced modifications on the surface characteristics and physicochemical properties of the catalyst with their concomitant support-mediated effects on the overall DRM performance and carbon deposition were revealed.  相似文献   

The experimental analysis was conducted for a better understanding of the combustion stability and reduction of exhaust emission in low compression ratio (CR) engine. The combustion stability was analyzed in terms of combustion pressure, the rate of heat release (ROHR), the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), and coefficient of variation of indicated mean effective pressure (COVIMEP), and formation of exhaust emissions such as CO, HC, NOX, and soot was measured and compared in the low compression ratio single cylinder CI engine.  相似文献   

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