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HJ-1A高光谱数据高效大气校正及应用潜力初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
环境与灾害监测预报小卫星于2009年3月30日开始正式交付使用,A星上搭载了我国自主研制的空间调制型干涉高光谱成像仪(HSI),作为一种新型传感器,HSI数据的应用在我国还处于探索阶段。要充分发挥超光谱数据优势、进行有效的遥感应用,首先需要消除遥感成像过程中的大气影响,获得不同波段的地物真实反射辐射信息。通过使用FLAASH大气辐射传输模型对HSI数据进行大气校正,并与表观反射率进行对比分析,证明了校正后获得的地表光谱反射率的有效性。同时基于校正后得到的光谱反射率图像,进行改良型土壤调整植被指数(MSAVI)与叶面积指数(LAI)的反演,初步展现了HSI数据的实际应用效果。  相似文献   

HJ-1A高光谱数据预处理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高光谱遥感数据处理与应用已成为目前遥感应用研究领域的热点和难点之一。介绍了环境与减灾监测预报小卫星中高光谱遥感数据产品命名规则和内容,以及产品数据的主要特点,通过对HSI数据辐射定标、Flaash大气校正和几何精校正等数据预处理方法,得出Flaash大气校正后的HSI数据,提高了高光谱数据的质量,地物光谱曲线更加符合实际情况,为下一步定量遥感研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水华与水草的同步监测对于研究湖泊水环境、生态特性以及水循环具有重要意义,相对于传统监测方法如实地调查,利用遥感手段具有大范围、长时间周期、高效率以及低成本等优势。基于海岸带高光谱成像仪HICO(Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean)影像,利用叶绿素a光谱指数和藻蓝蛋白基线的水华和水草识别模型,提取太湖水华和水草分布图,经过检验,水华和水草的平均提取精度为93%和95%;通过水华和水草分布图的叠加分析了2010~2014年太湖水华和水草的分布规律,与相关文献的分析结果一致,进一步证实了识别方法的可靠性;将平均阈值与最佳阈值进行对比分析,提取水华与水草面积的精度分别为75.7%和84%,在对精度要求不高但对效率要求较高的情况下,可以利用平均阈值提取水华和水草,便于实现水华和水草的自动化提取及批处理。  相似文献   

针对高光谱遥感图像训练样本较少、光谱维度较高、空间特征与频谱特征存在差异性而导致高光谱地物分类的特征提取不合理、分类精度不稳定和训练时间长等问题,提出了基于3D密集全卷积(3D-DSFCN)的高光谱图像(HSI)分类算法。算法通过密集模块中的3D卷积核分别提取光谱特征和空间特征,采用特征映射模块替换传统网络中的池化层和全连接层,最后通过softmax分类器进行分类。实验结果表明,基于3D-DSFCN的HSI分类方法提高了地物分类的准确率、增强了低频标签的分类稳定性。  相似文献   

近年来,高光谱遥感图像的分割作为地物识别和异常目标探测等应用的基础工作而受到重视,而高光谱遥感图像的海量数据和复杂结构使其分割技术成为一项挑战性的工作.在对海岸带高光谱遥感图像的光谱特性进行分析的基础上,提出一种基于光谱特性的海岸带水、陆区域分割的偏微分方程活动轮廓模型:首先以高光谱海岸带图像的海域像元光谱信息为参照点,构建海岸带高光谱图像的能量偏差矩阵;在此基础上建立适应该能量偏差矩阵的水、陆区域分割的活动轮廓模型.模型通过引入基于梯度的边缘引导函数,提升了对水、陆区域边缘的捕捉能力和抗噪声干扰能力.实验结果表明,与传统活动轮廓模型相比,本文模型不仅能够保证水、陆区域分割的精度,而且具有更快的计算速度.  相似文献   

针对水环境监测的实际需求,研究选用具有cm级空间分辨率和nm级光谱分辨率的机载航空高光谱成像仪CASI和SASI数据,在380 ~2450 nm光谱范围内,提出了一种水体精准提取综合模型,建立了一种适用于CASI和SASI数据的水体提取方法体系.有效地解决同谱异物、阴影遮挡和地形起伏等问题,经与七种常规提取方法对比验证,提取精度达到98.41%,k系数达到0.97,在目视效果和制图精度上,都显著高于传统方法,实现了精准提取水体的目标.  相似文献   

高光谱遥感数据光谱特征提取算法与分类研究*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对高光谱数据的特点,探讨了高光谱数据特征提取的若干算法,重点研究了导数光谱和光谱编码技术,并从地物光谱曲线中提取了其光谱吸收特征.对同类曲线特征求交得到识别地物的有效特征;对不同类曲线特征求交得到区分不同类地物的有效特征.最后基于提取的特征建立了地物识别决策树,从而达到快速识别分类地物的目的,能够实现依据地物光谱特征的地物识别与分类.  相似文献   

应用高光谱遥感技术对荒漠化进行监测的过程中,重建地物光谱是一项关键性的技术。在图像预处理及光谱重采样的基础上,通过严格模拟大气辐射过程,推导并选用一元线性模型来重建荒漠化地区地物光谱,获得了满意的结果,为目标地物直接识别及其信息的定量反演奠定了基础。  相似文献   

环境减灾星星座A星(HJ 1A)携带的超光谱仪填补了我国星载高光谱影像采集领域的空白,但目前国内关于该高光谱数据的应用较少。本文基于HJ 1A高光谱(HSI)数据预处理技术,以申扎县北部为研究区,采用SPCA MLC和HSI SAM分类方法,结合野外实测样本,将研究区分为沼泽草甸、高寒草甸、高寒草原、荒漠化草原和裸地5种类型,并结合分类精度和分类图对2种分类方法进行了对比分析,可得基于HJ 1A高光谱数据的藏北高原草地分类方法中SPCA MLC法优于HSI SAM法。2种方法的分类精度皆大于80%,证明了HJ 1A的HSI数据在实现藏北草地高精度分类方面的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

目的 高光谱影像(hyperspectral image,HSI)中“同物异谱,异物同谱”的现象普遍存在,使分类结果存在严重的椒盐噪声问题。HSI中的空间地物结构复杂多样,单一尺度的空间特征提取方法无法有效地表达地物类间差异和区分地物边界。有效解决光谱混淆和空间尺度问题是提高分类精度的关键。方法 结合多尺度超像素和奇异谱分析,提出一种新的高光谱影像分类方法,从而充分挖掘地物的局部空间特征和光谱特征,解决空间尺度和光谱混淆的问题,提高分类精度。利用多尺度超像素对影像进行分割,获取不同尺度的分割影像,同时在分割区域内进行均值滤波,减少类内的光谱差异,增强类间的光谱差异;对每个区域计算平均光谱向量,并利用奇异谱分析方法获取光谱的主要鉴别特征,同时消除噪声的影响;利用支持向量机对不同尺度超像素分割影像进行分类,并进行决策融合,得到最终的分类结果。结果 实验选取了两个标准高光谱数据集和一个真实数据集,结果表明,利用本文算法提取的光谱—空间特征进行分类,比直接在原始数据上进行分类分别提高约26.8%、9.2%和13%的精度;与先进的深度学习SSRN (spectral-spatial residual network)算法相比,本文算法在精度上分别提升约5.2%、0.7%和4%,并且运行时间仅为前者的18.3%、45.4%和62.1%,处理效率更高。此外,在训练样本有限的情况下,两个标准数据集的样本分别为1%和0.2%时,本文算法均能取得87%以上的分类精度。结论 针对高光谱影像分类中的难题,提出一种新的融合光谱和多尺度空间特征的HSI分类方法。实验结果表明,本文方法优于对比方法,可以产生更精细的分类结果。  相似文献   

The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) offers the coastal environmental monitoring community an unprecedented opportunity to observe changes in coastal and estuarine water quality across a range of spatial scales not feasible with traditional field-based monitoring or existing ocean colour satellites. HICO, an Office of Naval Research-sponsored programme, is the first space-based maritime hyperspectral imaging instrument designed specifically for the coastal ocean. HICO has been operating since September 2009 from the Japanese Experiment Module – Exposed Facility on the International Space Station (ISS). The high pixel resolution (approximately 95 m at nadir) and hyperspectral imaging capability offer a unique opportunity for characterizing a wide range of water colour constituents that could be used to assess environmental condition. In this study, we transform atmospherically corrected ISS/HICO hyperspectral imagery and derive environmental response variables routinely used for evaluating the environmental condition of coastal ecosystem resources. Using atmospherically corrected HICO imagery and a comprehensive field validation programme, three regionally specific algorithms were developed to estimate basic water-quality properties traditionally measured by monitoring agencies. Results indicated that a three-band chlorophyll a algorithm performed best (R2 = 0.62) when compared with in situ measurement data collected 2–4 hours of HICO acquisitions. Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) (R2 = 0.93) and turbidity (R2 = 0.67) were also highly correlated. The distributions of these water-quality indicators were mapped for four estuaries along the northwest coast of Florida from April 2010 to May 2012. However, before the HICO sensor can be transitioned from proof-of-concept to operational status and its data applied to benefit decisions made by coastal managers, problems with vicarious calibration of the sensor need to be resolved and standardized protocols are required for atmospheric correction. Ideally, the sensor should be placed on a polar orbiting platform for greater spatial and temporal coverage as well as for image synchronization with field validation efforts.  相似文献   


Coastal and lagoon water colour products are often greatly contaminated by clouds and accompanying shadows. Adjacency effects due to the strong reflection from contiguous cloud pixels can introduce further uncertainty into the water-leaving radiance retrieval process. This study aims to propose a robust cloud-index dynamic-threshold (CIDT) algorithm based on the spectral and spatial characteristics of the clouds and evaluate its performance in comparison with results obtained from the existing algorithms using multispectral and hyperspectral images from the lagoon and coastal water zones. Detection of cloud contamination from these images is performed before applying atmospheric correction in order to prevent significant loss of valuable data and ensure the quality of higher-level products. The CIDT starts with data pre-processing (in order to avoid misclassification across the clouds and non-cloud regions) by excluding signatures other than the cloud and non-cloud (water and land) pixels. Based on the spectral and spatial variability characteristic of clouds, a new cloud index is then introduced that uses the top-of-atmosphere reflectance in conjugation with the dynamic threshold values to detect the cloud pixels. For quantitative and qualitative analyses, CIDT is tested on a number of scenes provided by Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) sensors over the coastal and lagoon zones. According to the comparison of the algorithm results with the reference cloud flags, CIDT shows a significant improvement in identifying clouds of varying opacity, achieves a higher cloud detection accuracy, and reduces the number of the previously misclassified pixels by other algorithms in different coastal and lagoon water regions. The CIDT is extensively tested in mid-latitude and tropical areas and CIDT can be applied to both multispectral and hyperspectral images over the lagoon and coastal zones without the need for ancillary information.  相似文献   

Benthic mapping employs field surveys, hydroacoustic measurements, aerial photography, and satellite imagery. Effective benthic mapping involves removing overlying water effects from atmospherically corrected remotely sensed data to enhance signals from the seafloor. Our previous water correction algorithms depend on controlled laboratory measurements of substrates in clear water, which had challenges for replication. A more simplified water correction algorithm is presented, which uses bathymetry and only a few pixels from the image. Spectral profiles were extracted from four pixels in a Hyperspectral Imager for Coastal Oceans (HICO) image that was acquired in February 2014 over Indian River Lagoon, Florida. The four locations were chosen based on the assumption there were two types of homogeneous substrates at two depths. Our new algorithm calculates water column reflectance and water absorption at the instance of image data acquisition directly from the four pixel values. Water correction demonstrates improved benthic feature depiction including the near-infrared signals for benthic vegetation. A simple ratio was applied to the corrected image and demonstrates restored submerged vegetation signals.  相似文献   

Adjacency effects are an interesting physical phenomenon caused by multiple scattering between the atmosphere and the surface. It is necessary to remove adjacency effects in the surface reflectance retrieved from satellite data at a high spatial resolution. In this study, we propose an atmospheric correction method with adjacency effect correction to derive surface reflectance from Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imager (ALI) data. Adjacency effects are corrected using an atmospheric point spread function. An analytical expression of the atmospheric point spread function is presented based on a single scattering approximation. This method was applied to ALI imagery acquired through Watershed Airborne Telemetry Experimental Research (WATER) on 20 May 2008. Compared with the surface reflectance before the adjacency effects were corrected for, the surface reflectance after correction exhibited increased between-pixel contrast. Furthermore, the discrepancies between the surface reflectance before and after corrections decreased from the blue band to the shortwave infrared band.  相似文献   


The Earth’s surface is constantly changing due to variations originating from the increasing human population. In the last decade, numerous methods were presented in the literature for change detection using multispectral image data. Owing to the increasing availability of hyperspectral images, these methods are now being applied to hyperspectral images. The main objective of this study is to present different change detection methods in hyperspectral imagery. Numerous algorithms (more than 43 algorithms) have been proposed for change detection in hyperspectral imagery over the last decade. In this work, we provide a comparative review of these algorithms through experimental results. We place the algorithms in five major groups: (1) match-based, (2) transformation-based, (3) direct classification-based, (4) post-classification-based, and (5) hybrid-based. We evaluate and compare the performances of all five groups using two real-world data sets of multi-temporal hyperspectral imagery. This comparative study investigates the advantages and disadvantages of the effects of preprocessing steps in the efficiency of the hyperspectral change detection (HSCD) methods. These preprocessing steps are considered in four scenarios, including: (1) considering only spatial or geometric correction without noise reduction and spectral correction; (2) spatial, atmospheric, and radiometric corrections without noise reduction; (3) spatial correction and noise reduction without atmospheric and radiometric corrections; and (4) spatial, atmospheric, and radiometric correction with noise reduction. The empirical results, followed by a summary of the pros and cons of each algorithm, aim to help researchers select the procedures with the best characteristics for HSCD applications.  相似文献   

辐射测温法以其响应速度快、测温范围广的特点得到广泛应用,发射率是影响辐射测温精度的主要参数.实际条件中,不同物体、相同物体不同表面温度及表面状况其发射率是不同的.为获得实际物体的表面波段法向发射率,提高测温精度,采用红外热像仪对其进行测量.在介绍红外热像仪测温原理的基础上,通过分析得出红外热像仪测量发射率的方法.由于红外热像仪探测器、工作波段和测温范围的不同,发射率计算公式中n值也是不同的,对应用的红外热像仪在不同测温范围内的n值进行了计算.应用红外热像仪和比色测温仪对高温陶瓷表面波段法向发射率进行了测量,并对其进行了验证.实验结果表明该方法测得的表面波段法向发射率是可靠的,其修正后测温误差小于1%.  相似文献   

A method for the detection and correction of water pixels affected by adjacency effects is presented. The approach is based on the comparison of spectra with the near infrared (NIR) similarity spectrum. Pixels affected by adjacency effects have a water-leaving reflectance spectrum with a different shape to the reference spectrum. This deviation from the similarity spectrum is used as a measure for the adjacency effect. Secondly, the correspondence with the NIR similarity spectrum is used to quantify and to correct for the contribution of the background radiance during atmospheric correction. The advantage of the approach is that it requires no a priori assumptions on the sediment load or related reflectance values in the NIR and can therefore be applied to turbid waters. The approach is tested on hyperspectral airborne data (Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI), Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner (AHS)) acquired above coastal and inland waters at different flight altitudes and under varying atmospheric conditions. As the NIR similarity spectrum forms the basis of the approach, the method will fail for water bodies for which this similarity spectrum is no longer valid.  相似文献   

基于行频变化的航空高光谱成像仪相对辐射校正方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于核心部件为线阵CCD阵列的航空高光谱成像仪而言,积分时间因随飞行过程中成像行频动态变化而变化,导致影像中各行数据记录的地物灰度值不具备可比性,更使得相邻航带可能出现明显色差。为此,发展了一种基于行频变化的相对辐射校正方法,在传统的相对辐射校正模型中引入了行频的影响,实现了反映行频动态变化的航空高光谱数据辐射校正三维曲面模型。通过无人机载高光谱成像仪的航空飞行试验,利用所获取的验证场的图像进行相对辐射校正处理,通过相邻航带间图像处理前后色差比较、验证场布设均匀靶标的定量化。  相似文献   

针对高光谱遥感影像由于各波段光谱范围窄,难以获得符合人们视觉效果的真彩色合成影像问题,提出一种基于物理机理的高光谱遥感图像真彩色校正模型。该模型充分利用高光谱影像在红、绿、蓝反射区的所有谱段信息,通过插补波段并进行波段加权积分重建真彩色合成图像,进而结合实测地物反射率光谱,利用辐射传输模拟的方式,构建具备普适性的真彩色校正模型。利用航空高光谱遥感影像进行色彩校正实验的结果表明,所构建的真彩色校正模型能够很好地应用于高光谱遥感影像真彩色校正。  相似文献   

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