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植被净第一生产力(NPP)作为反映植被固碳能力的重要指标,在全球CO2浓度上升的背景下,成为研究全球及区域生态系统对气候环境变化响应的热点之一。基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像数据,采用改进的CASA模型,估算得到武汉市2001~2010年空间分辨率为30m的冬季NPP,并对其进行时空变化分析。研究结果表明:武汉市过去10a冬季平均NPP为8.55gC/m2·m。2001~2010年武汉市冬季NPP整体呈现波动上升的趋势,各区域具有不同的增长速率,其中以江夏区最快,而各植被类型中灌木林具有最快的增长速率和最高的平均NPP。武汉市冬季NPP均呈现从三环区域向四周增大的空间分布特征,过去10a武汉市冬季NPP最高的区域由黄陂区转移到了江夏区。  相似文献   

大气订正是遥感信息定量化研究中必不可少的一步,目前已有一些成熟的方法,但由于HJ-1A/B卫星CCD相机波段设置特点,常规的大气订正方法基本不适合于HJ-1A/BCCD影像.本文在大量分析HJ-1A/BCCD影像中不同地物的多种指数基础上,提出了改进暗目标法实现HJ-1A/BCCD影像的大气订正,该方法采用比值植被指数(RVI)、土壤调整植被指数(SAVI)和归一化水体指数(NDWI)的综合分析法确定暗像元自动提取,使之适用于环境减灾卫星CCD影像数据.为了客观地验证该方法的精度,本文选取地表平坦均一的敦煌校正场作为实验区,通过多次测量卫星过境时的地表反射率进行分析验证.  相似文献   

基于HJ-1A/B卫星CCD数据的土地宏观监测试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对HJ-1A/B卫星CCD数据质量进行分析,并采用人工解译和计算机自动分类两种方法进行土地利用信息提取试验研究。结果表明,HJ-1A/B卫星CCD数据能够满足制作1∶100 000比例尺数字正射影像图的平面精度要求,可用于不大于1∶100 000比例尺的土地利用宏观遥感监测。

HJ-1A/1B星CCD传感器数据在黄东海浒苔监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于浒苔光谱特性和归一化植被指数,利用HJ-1A/1B星CCD传感器数据对黄东海浒苔进行监测。监测结果表明HJ-1A/1B星CCD传感器,可以提供比MODIS更多的精细信息,如提供重点海域的浒苔分布范围、覆盖范围、变化状况等信息。  相似文献   

徐丰  李恒凯 《遥感信息》2021,(4):100-108
针对Landsat TM/OLI和HJ-1B CCD的不同传感器交互定标问题,提出了关于不同传感器NDVI、地表反射率两个参数之间的交互对比及转换方程.Landsat系列影像具有较为丰富的历史存档数据,而HJ-1B数据可作为Landsat系列数据的衔接和补充.文章基于同日过境的Landsat TM/OLI和HJ-1B ...  相似文献   

提出了适合环境与灾害监测预报小卫星-A、B星(简称HJ-1A/B星)CCD相机的大气订正算法,并基于不同地表特性和大气条件下的辐射传输模拟数据,建立HJ-1A/B星的窄波段向宽波段反照率转换的模型.利用多级灰阶靶标实测数据、敦煌检验场实测数据验证了大气订正算法以及转换模型的可靠性和精度,并将HJ-1A/B星影像数据计算的反照率产品与同时相的MODIS反照率产品进行对比分析.结果表明:文章提出的HJ-1A/B星CCD相机大气订正算法可有效校正大气影响;窄波段向宽波段反照率转换模型反演的反照率精度可靠;基于研究成果生成的HJ-1A/B星地表反照率与MODIS反照率产品一致性较好,满足后续遥感数据定量化模型研究的精度需要.  相似文献   

基于Terra/MODIS数据的HJ-1B/CCD1交叉定标方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交叉辐射定标是国际上新近发展起来的一种无场地定标方法,它的应用弥补了场地定标成本较高、定标参数更新周期较长的不足。对于我国2008年发射的环境与灾害监测预报小卫星CCD数据而言,探索交叉辐射定标方法的适用性,对及时发现传感器辐射性能的变化,促进CCD遥感数据的定量化应用具有重要意义。本研究以辐射定标精度较高的Terra/MODIS数据为参考,分别使用光线匹配法(RM)和辐射传输模型方法(RTM)对HJ-1B/CCD1数据进行交叉辐射定标,并与相同条件下进行的场地定标结果比较。实验结果表明,使用这两种方法获取的CCD1的第2、3、4波段的定标结果与场地定标结果差异较小,只有第1波段定标结果与场地定标结果差异相对较大,这证明了交叉辐射定标方法的有效性。另外,虽然RTM方法考虑了参考传感器和待定标传感器光谱响应和观测几何的差异,但是由于RTM方法会受到所使用的6S模型本身的误差以及输入的大气参数、地表参数测量误差的影响,该方法并不总是优于RM方法。  相似文献   

基于HJ-1星CCD多光谱数据,以2010年美国墨西哥湾深海油井溢油污染海域为研究区,对溢油迁移转化过程进行分析,认为油水混合物是该次事故的主要污染类型之一.研究HJ-1星CCD数据多种目标的影像特征与光谱响应特征,指出油水混合物能明显改变海水对入射光的后向散射性能,可以被有效地识别与判定.利用决策树分类方法能有效地提取墨西哥湾溢油污染中的油水混合物;对误判信息进行分块合并处理后,可进一步提高油水混合物的提取精度.研究表明,HJ-1星CCD多光谱数据能有效提取海洋溢油污染信息,具备了开展海洋溢油污染遥感监测的能力.  相似文献   

针对HJ-1A/B卫星CCD数据,建立适合于厦门海域的叶绿素a浓度反演模型,将为持续监测该海域的赤潮提供时间序列的叶绿素a浓度数据。基于2013年7月31日厦门海域水体实测光谱与叶绿素a浓度同步测量数据,及HJ\|1B卫星CCD2光谱响应函数,对各波段遥感反射率与叶绿素a浓度的相关性进行比较,证实蓝、绿波段比值与叶绿素a浓度相关性最高。对OC3模型在内的5种模型的反演结果和实测叶绿素a浓度做相关性分析,发现各模型相关系数均达到0.7以上。利用2013年7月30日实测数据对同期厦门海域HJ-1B卫星CCD2数据叶绿素a浓度反演结果进行精度验证,结果表明本地化的10指数模型在反演叶绿素a浓度动态范围较大的区域具有更高的精度。  相似文献   

基于HJ-1A高光谱数据的藏北高原草地分类方法对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境减灾星星座A星(HJ-1A)携带的超光谱仪填补了我国星载高光谱影像采集领域的空白,但目前国内关于该高光谱数据的应用较少.本文基于HJ-1A高光谱(HSI)数据预处理技术,以申扎县北部为研究区,采用SPCA-MLC和HSI-SAM分类方法,结合野外实测样本,将研究区分为沼泽草甸、高寒草甸、高寒草原、荒漠化草原和裸地5种类型,并结合分类精度和分类图对2种分类方法进行了对比分析,可得基于HJ-1A高光谱数据的藏北高原草地分类方法中SPCA-MLC法优于HSI-SAM法.2种方法的分类精度皆大于80%,证明了HJ-1A的HSI数据在实现藏北草地高精度分类方面的巨大潜力.  相似文献   

NDVI is a good indicator of vegetation cover,land use,and land cover,and it’s an important product of remote sensing data.In order to achieve better results,multiple sensors are often used to establish long time-series NDVI data sets.So comparing these sensors’ data and finding out the best way to use them,which are really important.In China,BJ-1 and HJ-1B are widely used in monitoring the environment and disaster events.In this paper,BJ-1 data,which contains three different exposure time data,was simulated from HJ-1B data.NDVI was generated from these original data.Then the difference between NDVI was measured by correlation analysis and residual analysis.The results show BJ-1 always has a good liner relation with HJ-1B,and the correlation can be improved by BJ-1 middle-exposure time data and processing through radiometric calibration.The effective data range of images and land covers is the main factor which affects NDVI accuracy.  相似文献   

HJ-1A/1B CCD数据湖泊水体污染遥感监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对新型国产卫星数据源HJ-1A/1B多光谱数据特点,进行内陆湖泊水污染定性及半定量化的遥感监测。根据水体污染所产生的光谱特性变化进行水体污染的识别与分析。通过实验表明,HJ-1A/1B多光谱数据能够有效地进行湖泊水污染变化监测与应用分析。  相似文献   

During the last few decades, many regions have experienced major land use transformations, often driven by human activities. Assessing and evaluating these changes requires consistent data over time at appropriate scales as provided by remote sensing imagery. Given the availability of small and large-scale observation systems that provide the required long-term records, it is important to understand the specific characteristics associated with both observation scales. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potentials and limits of remote sensing time series for change analysis of drylands. We focussed on the assessment and monitoring of land change processes using two scales of remote sensing data. Special interest was given to the influence of the spatial and temporal resolution of different sensors on the derivation of enhanced vegetation related variables, such as trends in time and the shift of phenological cycles. Time series of Landsat TM/ETM+ and NOAA AVHRR covering the overlapping time period from 1990 to 2000 were compared for a study area in the Mediterranean. The test site is located in Central Macedonia (Greece) and represents a typical heterogeneous Mediterranean landscape. It is undergoing extensification and intensification processes such as long-term, gradual processes driven by changing rangeland management and the extension of irrigated arable land. Time series analysis of NOAA AVHRRR and Landsat TM/ETM+ data showed that both sensors are able to detect this kind of land cover change in complementary ways. Thereby, the high temporal resolution of NOAA AVHRR data can partially compensate for the coarse spatial resolution because it allows enhanced time series methods like frequency analysis that provide complementary information. In contrast, the analysis of Landsat data was able to reveal changes at a fine spatial scale, which are associated with shifts in land management practice.  相似文献   

A C++ language-based software tool for retrieving land surface temperature (LST) from the data of Landsat TM/ETM+ band6 is developed. It has two main functional modules: (1) Three methods to compute the ground emissivity based on land use/cover classification image, NDVI image and the ratio values of vegetation and bare ground and (2) Converting digital numbers (DNs) from TM/ETM+ band6 to LST. In the software tool, Qin et al.'s mono-window algorithm and Jiménez-Muňoz and Sobrino's single channel algorithm are programmed to retrieve LST. It will be a useful software tool to study the thermal environment of ground surface or the energy balance between the ground and the bottom atmosphere by using the thermal band of Landsat TM/ETM+.  相似文献   

This paper provides a summary of the current equations and rescaling factors for converting calibrated Digital Numbers (DNs) to absolute units of at-sensor spectral radiance, Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, and at-sensor brightness temperature. It tabulates the necessary constants for the Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) sensors. These conversions provide a basis for standardized comparison of data in a single scene or between images acquired on different dates or by different sensors. This paper forms a needed guide for Landsat data users who now have access to the entire Landsat archive at no cost.  相似文献   

杨进  赵静 《遥感信息》2012,27(4):106-110
基于环境与灾害监测预报小卫星星座中的HJ-1A、1B卫星遥感数据,提出一种卫星影像数据与矢量数据在远程播报系统中快速叠加匹配的方法与技术流程。在此基础上,实现了HJ-1A、1B卫星宽覆盖CCD相机的数据远程播报。系统测试表明,远程播报系统对HJ-1A、1B卫星数据空间定位准确,数据处理速度快,满足远程播报实时显示数据的要求。  相似文献   

Plant foliage density expressed as leaf area index (LAI) is used in many ecological, meteorological, and agronomic models, and as a means of quantifying crop spatial variability for precision farming. LAI retrieval using spectral vegetation indices (SVI) from optical remotely sensed data usually requires site-specific calibration values from the surface or the use of within-scene image information without surface calibrations to invert radiative transfer models. An evaluation of LAI retrieval methods was conducted using (1) empirical methods employing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and a new SVI that uses green wavelength reflectance, (2) a scaled NDVI approach that uses no calibration measurements, and (3) a hybrid approach that uses a neural network (NN) and a radiative transfer model without site-specific calibration measurements. While research has shown that under a variety of conditions NDVI is not optimal for LAI retrieval, its continued use for remote sensing applications and in analysis seeking to develop improved parameter retrieval algorithms based on NDVI suggests its value as a “benchmark” or standard against which other methods can be compared. Landsat-7 ETM+ data for July 1 and July 8 from the Soil Moisture EXperiment 2002 (SMEX02) field campaign in the Walnut Creek watershed south of Ames, IA, were used for the analysis. Sun photometer data collected from a site within the watershed were used to atmospherically correct the imagery to surface reflectance. LAI validation measurements of corn and soybeans were collected close to the dates of the Landsat-7 overpasses. Comparable results were obtained with the empirical SVI methods and the scaled SVI method within each date. The hybrid method, although promising, did not account for as much of the variability as the SVI methods. Higher atmospheric optical depths for July 8 leading to surface reflectance errors are believed to have resulted in overall poorer performance for this date. Use of SVIs employing green wavelengths, improved method for the definition of image minimum and maximum clusters used by the scaled NDVI method, and further development of a soil reflectance index used by the hybrid NN approach are warranted. More importantly, the results demonstrate that reasonable LAI estimates are possible using optical remote sensing methods without in situ, site-specific calibration measurements.  相似文献   

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