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Density effects on activated sludge zone settling velocities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Schuler AJ  Jang H 《Water research》2007,41(8):1814-1822
A recently developed method to manipulate biomass density based on the addition of synthetic microspheres was used to isolate density effects on zone (hindered) settling velocities in samples from full-scale activated sludge plants over a range biomass densities and concentrations. Settling velocities increased by as much as a factor of five as density was increased by microsphere addition. The effects of density on the Vesilind sedimentation model parameters (V=V(o)e(-kX) , where V is the settling velocity, X is the biomass concentration, and V(o) and k are constants) were evaluated. The parameter V(o) was positively correlated with density for values greater than approximately 1.02 g/mL, while k values were approximately constant in this range. New models were developed for settling velocity as a function of both density and biomass concentration, and these may be useful for future incorporation with clarifier models to improve predictions of system performance, particularly when biomass characteristics known to affect density are variable, such as polyphosphate and nonvolatile suspended solids content.  相似文献   

Lisha Guo  Danyu Xu 《Water research》2009,43(9):2383-2390
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to study the settling of activated sludge flocs under turbulent flow conditions. Experimental results showed that a larger particle diameter led to a higher settling velocity while the higher turbulence intensity led to lower settling velocity. Based on the measurements a mathematical relation has been derived which correlates the settling velocity for individual sludge flocs under turbulent conditions through a modified Vesilind equation. Settling velocity shows a power-type relation to sludge particle diameter and an exponential-type relation with turbulence intensity and sludge concentration.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale setup was used for characterization of gravitational drainage of waste activated sludge. The aim of the study was to assess how time of drainage and cake dry matter depended on volumetric load, SS content and sludge floc properties. It was demonstrated that activated sludge forms compressible cakes, even at the low pressures found in gravitational drainage. The values of specific cake resistance were two to three orders of magnitude lower than those obtained in pressure filtration. Despite the compressible nature of sludge, key macroscopic parameters such as time of drainage and cake solid content showed simple functional dependency of the volumetric load and SS of a given sludge. This suggests that the proposed method may be applied for design purposes without the use of extensive numerical modeling. The possibilities for application of this new technique are, among others, the estimation of sludge drainability prior to mechanical dewatering on a belt filter, or the application of surplus sludge on reed beds, as well as adjustments of sludge loading, concentration or sludge pre-treatment in order to optimize the drainage process.  相似文献   

Patziger M  Kainz H  Hunze M  Józsa J 《Water research》2012,46(7):2415-2424
Secondary settling is the final step of the activated sludge-based biological waste water treatment. Secondary settling tanks (SSTs) are therefore an essential unit of producing a clear effluent. A further important function of SSTs is the sufficient thickening to achieve highly concentrated return sludge and biomass within the biological reactor. In addition, the storage of activated sludge is also needed in case of peak flow events (Ekama et al., 1997). Due to the importance of a high SST performance the problem has long been investigated ( [Larsen, 1977], [Krebs, 1991], [Takács et?al., 1991], [Ekama et?al., 1997], [Freimann, 1999], [Patziger et?al., 2005] and [Bürger et?al., 2011]), however, a lot of questions are still to solve regarding e.g. the geometrical features (inflow, outflow) and operations (return sludge control, scraper mechanism, allowable maximum values of surface overflow rates). In our study we focused on SSTs under dynamic load considering both the overall unsteady behaviour and the features around the peaks, investigating the effect of various sludge return strategies as well as the inlet geometry on SST performance. The main research tool was a FLUENT-based novel mass transport model consisting of two modules, a 2D axisymmetric SST model and a mixed reactor model of the biological reactor (BR). The model was calibrated and verified against detailed measurements of flow and concentration patterns, sludge settling, accompanied with continuous on-line measurement of in- and outflow as well as returned flow rates of total suspended solids (TSS) and water.As to the inlet arrangement a reasonable modification of the geometry could result in the suppression of the large scale flow structures of the sludge-water interface thus providing a significant improvement in the SST performance. Furthermore, a critical value of the overflow rate (qcrit) was found at which a pronounced large scale circulation pattern develops in the vertical plane, the density current in such a way hitting the outer wall of the SST, turning then to the vertical direction accompanied with significant flow velocities. This phenomenon strengthens with the hydraulic load and can entrain part of the sludge thus resulting in unfavourable turbid effluent.As a representative case study an operating circular SST most commonly used in practice was investigated. Focusing on the sludge return strategies, it was found that up to a threshold peak flow rate the most efficient way is to keep the return sludge flow rate constant, at 0.4QMAX. However, once the inflow rate exceeds the threshold value the return sludge flow rate should be slowly increased up to 0.6QMAX, performed in a delayed manner, about 20-30 min after the threshold value is exceeded. For preserving the methodology outlined in the present paper, other types of SSTs, however, need further individual investigations.  相似文献   

In building and tuning good settling models for secondary clarifiers of wastewater treatment plants, there is a need for measured continuous solids concentration profiles during batch settling. Conventional measuring techniques have difficulties in recording this kind of data, either because they are invasive, or because of the low solids concentration and/or solids density of activated sludge. This paper investigates a novel non-invasive measurement technique borrowed from nuclear medicine, using a solids radiotracer and gamma cameras, to obtain solids concentration profiles during the batch settling of activated sludge, in a pilot-scale column with a height of 1m. The technique does not disturb the settling process, does not alter the settling characteristics, gives profiles every minute and every few millimeters, and is capable of measuring in a range of 0-25 g/l with high accuracy. Dynamic solids concentration profile measurements were performed for sludges of different wastewater treatment plants, and at different initial concentrations. The results show a quantitative representation of the settling process, and reveal hindered and compression settling.  相似文献   

Biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) are complex systems to assess. Many parameters are recorded daily in WWTP to monitor and control the treatment process, providing huge amounts of registered data. A combined approach of extracting information from the WWTP databases by statistical methods and from the sludge physico-chemical characterization was used here for a better understanding of the WWTP operation. The monitored parameters were analysed by multivariate statistical methods: Principal Components Analysis and multiple partial linear regression. The WWTP operational conditions determine the sludge characteristics. The bacterial activity of the sludge in terms of extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) production was assessed using size exclusion chromatography and the internal structure of sludge flocs was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The diagnosis of three paper mill WWTP enabled the identification of an important EPS production, the presence of the nitrification process and the presence of PO43− nutrient in WWTP-A. These three main characteristics of WWTP-A were related with a systematically good sludge settling. In WWTP-B and C with bad settling, the bacterial activity was weak.  相似文献   

Ben Koopman  Keith Cadee 《Water research》1983,17(10):1427-1431
Knowledge of the secondary clarifier's capacity to produce an adequately thickened underflow stream is essential for successful design and control of the activated sludge process. Accurate prediction of thickening capacity is possible using settling flux theory, but establishment of the required functional relationship between settling velocity and suspended solids concentration is a lengthy and tedious procedure. In this study, parameters characterizing such relationships are shown to be well correlated with an easily measured index of sludge settleability, the diluted sludge volume index (SVI*). It is therefore possible to predict, using settling flux theory, limiting values of solids loading as a function of SVI* and underflow velocity. This technique has numerous potential applications in activated sludge process control and design.  相似文献   

A multi-exposure photographic method was developed for the combined measurement of the settling velocity and size of activated sludge flocs. The proposed method mainly differs from the previous stroboscopic tests by introducing a new experimental arrangement which ensures sharp images of flocs on photographs.The relationships between individual floc-settling velocity and the floc size were found to be linear or fractional power functions. All these relationships were well correlated.Based on a simplified floc structure assumption and results of experimental measurements of floc-settling velocity and size, the floc porosity was determined. The porosity increased at two distinct rates as the floc size increased.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the addition of a preaeration and a preprecipitation stage to a conventional activated sludge process. The experiments were carried out in a pilot plant using wastewater from the city of Valencia (Spain) as feed. The effect of the F/M ratio and sludge age on sludge settleability was established. In both cases, process stability was observed to increase with respect to the conventional process. Good sludge settleability was thus assured in a greater F/M ratio range. A comparative economic study was also carried out.  相似文献   

Liao BQ  Droppo IG  Leppard GG  Liss SN 《Water research》2006,40(13):2583-2591
The effect of solids retention time (SRT) (4-20 d) on sludge floc structure, size distribution and morphology in laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactors receiving a glucose-based synthetic wastewater was studied using image analysis in a long-term experiment over one year. Floc size distribution (>10 microm) could be characterized by a log-normal model for no bulking situations, but a bi-modal distribution of floc size was observed for modest bulking situations. In each operating cycle of the SBRs, the variation in food /microorganisms ratio (0.03-1.0) had no significant influence on floc size distribution and morphology. The results from a long-term study over one year showed that no clear relationship existed between SRT and median floc size based on frequency. However, sludge flocs at the lower SRTs (4-9 d) were much more irregular and more variable in size with time than those at higher SRTs (16 and 20 d). The level of effluent-suspended solids at lower SRTs was higher than that at higher SRTs.  相似文献   

Kim YM  Cho HU  Lee DS  Park D  Park JM 《Water research》2011,45(17):5785-5795
To improve the efficiency of total nitrogen (TN) removal, solid retention time (SRT) and internal recycling ratio controls were selected as operating parameters in a full-scale activated sludge process treating high strength industrial wastewater. Increased biomass concentration via SRT control enhanced TN removal. Also, decreasing the internal recycling ratio restored the nitrification process, which had been inhibited by phenol shock loading. Therefore, physiological alteration of the bacterial populations by application of specific operational strategies may stabilize the activated sludge process. Additionally, two dominant ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) populations, Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrosomonas nitrosa, were observed in all samples with no change in the community composition of AOB. In a nitrification tank, it was observed that the Nitrobacter populations consistently exceeded those of the Nitrospira within the nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) community. Through using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), nirS, the nitrite reducing functional gene, was observed to predominate in the activated sludge of an anoxic tank, whereas there was the least amount of the narG gene, the nitrate reducing functional gene.  相似文献   

采用内掺法与外掺法将自制的新型高效阻燃剂按照沥青质量的6%、9%、12%、15%、18%、21%添加到沥青混合料中,检测其毛体积密度、空隙率、流值、稳定度、VWA、VFA等体积指标,探讨阻燃剂添加方式及掺量对沥青混合料体积指标的影响。结果表明:阻燃剂的加入对沥青混合料体积指标影响较大;添加方式不同,对阻燃沥青混合料的各项指标影响不同;当阻燃剂添加量在10%以内时,采用外掺法较为合适;当添加量在10%~15%时,内掺法较为合适;当添加量在20%以上时由于其对沥青混合料体积指标影响较大,不建议使用如此高的添加量。  相似文献   

C Su  RW Puls  TA Krug  MT Watling  SK O'Hara  JW Quinn  NE Ruiz 《Water research》2012,46(16):5071-5084
A field test of emulsified zero valent iron (EZVI) nanoparticles was conducted at Parris Island, SC, USA and was monitored for two and half years to assess the treatment of subsurface-source zone chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) dominated by tetrachloroethene (PCE) and its chlorinated daughter products. Two EZVI delivery methods were used: pneumatic injection and direct injection. In the pneumatic injection plot, 2180 L of EZVI containing 225 kg of iron (Toda RNIP-10DS), 856 kg of corn oil, and 22.5 kg of surfactant were injected to remedy an estimated 38 kg of CVOCs. In the direct injection plot, 572 L of EZVI were injected to treat an estimated 0.155 kg of CVOCs. After injection of the EZVI, significant reductions in PCE and trichloroethene (TCE) concentrations were observed in downgradient wells with corresponding increases in degradation products including significant increases in ethene. In the pneumatic injection plot, there were significant reductions in the downgradient groundwater mass flux values for PCE (>85%) and TCE (>85%) and a significant increase in the mass flux of ethene. There were significant reductions in total CVOC mass (86%); an estimated reduction of 63% in the sorbed and dissolved phases and 93% reduction in the PCE DNAPL mass. There are uncertainties in these estimates because DNAPL may have been mobilized during and after injection. Following injection, significant increases in dissolved sulfide, volatile fatty acids (VFA), and total organic carbon (TOC) were observed. In contrast, dissolved sulfate and pH decreased in many wells. The apparent effective remediation seems to have been accomplished by direct abiotic dechlorination by nanoiron followed by biological reductive dechlorination stimulated by the corn oil in the emulsion.  相似文献   

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