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水利规划环境影响评价指标体系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
规划环境影响评价是战略层次上的环境影响评价,规划环境影响评价指标体系的建立是规划环境影响评价从理论研究阶段进入可操作的实际应用阶段的重要步骤。建立水利专项规划环境影响指标体系的实质就是建立水利规划环境影响评价的具体评价内容。丈中分析了水利规划环境影响评价指标体系的特点,提出了建立指标体系的基本框架、原则,以我国水资源配置为主的水利规划环境影响评价为背景,提出了具体研究内容。  相似文献   

对水利规划环境影响评价的重要意义和基本思路与方法、要求等进行了研究、探讨和归纳,以供水利规划行业在今后开展水利规划环境影响评价时起到参考作用。  相似文献   

针对贵州省水利设施落后、生态环境脆弱和石漠化严重的特点,国家提出了水利建设、生态建设和石漠化综合治理规划。本研究通过对该规划环评的研究,从环境影响识别、规划环评的统筹组织管理,开展环境影响评价和资源承载力分析,提出规划环评的组织管理、评价途径筛选、评价方法选择等方面的创新点,对综合类和生态类规划环境影响评价具有诸多借鉴意义。  相似文献   

环境影响评价是水利工程规划设计的重要环节,通过环境影响评价对水利规划整体设计及水利工程项目的可行性进行分析,进而判断水利规划整体设计是否科学准确。文章指出必须加强水利工程规划设计阶段对环境影响的事前评价与管理,并将结果纳入项目可行性分析以便对项目的可行性、经济社会效益性等作出准确评估。  相似文献   

水利专项规划环境影响评价初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从水利专项规划的特点出发,对水利专项规划环境影响评价的工作程序、评价的方法体系及其环境影响评价中应注意的问题进行了初步探讨.提出水利专项规划环境影响评价应力求做到控制宏观环境问题,保护自然生态景观,保证生态环境需水,注重持续协调发展.  相似文献   

开展水利"十三五"发展规划中期评估,重点围绕节水型社会建设、重点骨干工程建设、农村水利建设、水生态文明建设、防洪抗旱减灾、水利信息化建设、扶贫水利建设、全面深化水利改革、环境影响评价、水利安全生产与管理、保障措施等11个方面,全面、客观地评价规划实施进展情况,客观评价取得的成效,总结提炼有益的经验和做法,并在深入分析存在的问题,如其他部门规划与水利规划的衔接不够、重点工程生态环境制约、专项规划需修编、水利工程建设资金缺口较大等基础上,评估规划中后期完成任务的可能性,提出加强各行业协调,合理控制规模等进一步推进规划实施的意见和建议等。  相似文献   

近年来我国水利规划工作在规划指导思想、水资源供需分析、水利经济工作、环境影响评价、系统分析的应用、规划计算软件和在规划工作管理等方面取得了可喜进展。今后水利规划的任务仍十分艰巨,应加强规划信息的搜集和分析,认真进行一些全局性问题的研究,补充一些主要江河的规划工作,进一步探索规划技术,完善多学科规划方法,提高规划人员素质等。  相似文献   

水利项目的环境影响评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利项目环境影响评价是一项复杂的工程,目前尚未形成有效的体系。在人们对生态环境日益关注的今天,如何对水利项目生态环境影响进行评价显得尤为重要。根据评价的意义和评价内容,分析了水利项目环境评价实行中存在的主要问题,提出了解决建议,并设计了建立环境影响评价体制。  相似文献   

流域综合利用规划环境影响评价有关问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
罗小勇  陈蕾  吐尔逊 《水电站设计》2005,21(1):78-80,98
按照环境影响评价法要求,对于流域综合利用规划应进行环境影响评价,以便从规划的源头上采取防治措施,防治生态环境的破坏,把污染降低至最低限度。针对流域综合利用规划的特点,提出了流域综合利用规划的环境影响评价的战略意义,环境评价的重点,环境影响报告书编制章节的设置、内容要点和评价技术方法等.  相似文献   

中国水利学会环境水利研究会于1982年11月11—16日在武汉召开了第二次会议。参加会议的有来自全国各有关单位的代表130余人。会上总结了过去一年多的工作,提出了对今后工作的意见,交流了82篇论文,并分水质监测调查与评价、水资源保护规划与管理、水利工程环境影响评价和城市环境水利四个小组作了专题交流与讨论。 在我国环境水利的研究是近年才开展起来  相似文献   

从战略层次上对郑州市水资源综合规划环境影响评价的工作程序、评价方法与指标体系进行探讨,以规划水平年2010年为例,基于层次分析法(AHP)对规划实施的环境影响进行多方案比较:方案一(回用型);方案二(节水型);方案三(增量型);得出环境可行的规划方案。  相似文献   

论述流域规划环境评价的总体思路、目标与评价指标体系、预测内容等。结合实例,综合分析流域规划对水文水资源、水环境、生态环境、土地资源、社会环境等的影响;对可持续发展的影响及规划方案进行合理性论证;提出减轻流域规划实施后对环境产生不良影响的对策措施。  相似文献   

我国规划水资源论工作还处于探索起步阶段,如何建立科学有效的论证机制仍需开展大量工作。学习和借鉴已建立实施近10年的规划环境影响评价制度,规划水资源论证制度应重点建立健全规划水资源论证法律制度,细化论证范围,建立和完善适应不同规划层次的技术体系、责任机制,同时建立信息公开和公众参与机制。  相似文献   

为进一步提高规划环评中海湾水环境容量预测结果的合理性和准确性,基于潮流数学模型和物质输运数学模型,通过试算法,提出了一种基于混合区概念的计算海湾水环境容量的新方法。结果表明,通过新方法预测的海湾环境容量符合国家规范要求,能充分考虑排污口附近最大允许混合面积、海湾生态敏感区分布状况、多排污口同时排放下的叠加影响等因素。该方法被运用于福建省湄洲湾规划环评的环境容量测算,分析了海湾湾口、湾中和湾内不同动力环境下差异化的水污染承载能力。认为考虑最大混合允许范围的环境容量预测方法可优化海湾排污口的布置,促进海湾经济规划发展的合理布局。  相似文献   

我国在水利水电工程建设项目环评方面已取得长足的进步,项目环评的技术也日趋成熟,与此同时也面临一些问题.项目层次上的环评已难以保证水资源开发与生态和环境保护的协调发展,尤其是涉及流域水资源梯级开发中的项目环评如何协调经济社会可持续发展与生态和环境保护之间的关系.为了在环境影响的源头对不利因素进行控制,规划环评或战略环评是流域水资源开发中应高度重视的问题.  相似文献   

In this paper, the traditional problem of matching supplies to competing demands, referred to as water resources planning (WRP), is re-visited. With the pressure of continuing growth in the world's population, efficient development and management of available water resources are of greater importance than ever before. It is equally important in today's world that the environmental implications of any activity should be minimised. The aim of this research is to develop a methodology for including environmental considerations in the WRP process. This is achieved by weighting the costs of the various water resource options (both constructional and operating) to reflect their environmental impacts, prior to their inclusion in an economic planning model. The effect of such a weighting procedure is to encourage the selection of environmentally-friendly schemes at the expense of environmentally-damaging ones. The objective function of the combined methodology is to minimise the total environmentally-adjusted costs, discounted to a base year. A comprehensive planning tool named ENRES has been developed to carry out this task. The model allows the environmental impact assessment of all development options, either source components or transfer structures, to be undertaken prior to running the allocation procedure which is carried out by means of an optimisation technique. With the help of all the facilities provided, the model can be used in a planning exercise both with and without environmental considerations. In this way, it is possible to quantify the cost of environmental impacts in the planning process.  相似文献   

Climate change challenges water managers and researchers to find sustainable management solutions, in order to avoid undesirable impacts on water resources, environment and water-dependent sectors. Needed are projections into the future for the main driving forces, the resulting pressures on water resources, and quantification of the impacts. Modeling studies can play an important role in investigating, quantifying, and communicating possible impacts of climate change, with account of uncertainty of the results. However, climate change related impacts and a need for adaptation still play a minor role in current river basin management plans that have to comply e.g. with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). One important reason is that climate impact assessment is generally done in research institutes, while management plans are designed by practitioners working in national and regional environmental agencies and water supply companies. Knowledge transfer from science to practice and visa versa is often missing. In the present study, we propose a methodology and a case study for model-supported decision making in the water sector applicable to a participatory water resources planning process. The methodology is applied in a case study investigating climate change impacts on water resources. The case study area is the German State of Saxony-Anhalt, where the task was to develop a climate change impact assessment including possible adaptation measures as basis for a federal adaptation directive.  相似文献   

The demand for water withdrawal continues to increase worldwide. These water withdrawals from rivers can affect fish habitat and aquatic life. As such, environmental flow assessment methods are used in order to protect rivers against excessive water withdrawals. The concept of environmental flow relates to the quantity of water required in rivers to sustain an acceptable level of living conditions for aquatic biota at various phases of their development. For many agencies, environmental flow methods are essential in environmental impact assessments and in the protection of important fisheries resources. The present study deals with the evaluation of hydrologically based environmental flow methods within the Maritime Province of Canada. In total, six hydrologically based environmental flow methods were compared using data from 52 hydrometric stations across the region. Some methods provided adequate environmental flow protection (e.g. 25% mean annual flow and Q50 flow duration method); however, other methods did not provide adequate flow protection (e.g. Q90 flow duration method and 7Q10 and 7Q2 low‐flow frequency). The 70% Q50 method provided adequate flow protection only under good baseflow conditions and should be applied with extreme caution. The present study shows the importance of the hydrologic flow regime, particularly as it pertains to the baseflow component, as a significant determinant in the level of instream flow protection. © 2014 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. River Research and Applications © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

经过几十年的发展, 长江流域水资源保护科学研究在水环境监测技术、流域水资源保护规划、大型水工程环境影响评价、技术标准体系等方面取得了长足进展,初步形成了水资源保护的监管体系、监测监控体系、科技支撑体系和工程体系,长江流域水资源环境总体状况不断改善,然而随着经济社会发展,局部水污染问题还很突出、水安全保障程度不高、科学研究支撑不够、能力建设滞后、监管监控手段乏力、距离国家对生态文明建设和环境保护的要求以及人民对美好生活的需求甚远。为此,提出长江流域水资源保护科学研究思路:应基于大保护,系统开展保护与发展的策略、政策和保障机制、水生态文明建设的支撑体系、入河污染物总量控制体系、技术标准体系、工程体系及新技术引进和应用等方面。供关注流域水资源保护科学研究的工作者参考。  相似文献   

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