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In this paper we are going to introduce the notion of strong non-standard completeness (SNSC) for fuzzy logics. This notion naturally arises from the well known construction by ultraproduct. Roughly speaking, to say that a logic is strong non-standard complete means that, for any countable theory Γ over and any formula φ such that , there exists an evaluation e of -formulas into a -algebra such that the universe of is a non-Archimedean extension of the real unit interval [0,1], e is a model for Γ, but e(φ) < 1. Then we will apply SNSC to prove that various modal fuzzy logics allowing to deal with simple and conditional probability of infinite-valued events are complete with respect to classes of models defined starting from non-standard measures, that is measures taking value in .  相似文献   

In statistical analysis of measurement results it is often necessary to compute the range of the population variance when we only know the intervals of possible values of the x i . While can be computed efficiently, the problem of computing is, in general, NP-hard. In our previous paper “Population Variance under Interval Uncertainty: A New Algorithm” (Reliable Computing 12 (4) (2006), pp. 273–280) we showed that in a practically important case we can use constraints techniques to compute in time O(n · log(n)). In this paper we provide new algorithms that compute (in all cases) and (for the above case) in linear time O(n). Similar linear-time algorithms are described for computing the range of the entropy when we only know the intervals of possible values of probabilities p i . In general, a statistical characteristic ƒ can be more complex so that even computing ƒ can take much longer than linear time. For such ƒ, the question is how to compute the range in as few calls to ƒ as possible. We show that for convex symmetric functions ƒ, we can compute in n calls to ƒ.  相似文献   

In constructing local Fourier bases and in solving differential equations with nonperiodic solutions through Fourier spectral algorithms, it is necessary to solve the Fourier Extension Problem. This is the task of extending a nonperiodic function, defined on an interval , to a function which is periodic on the larger interval . We derive the asymptotic Fourier coefficients for an infinitely differentiable function which is one on an interval , identically zero for , and varies smoothly in between. Such smoothed “top-hat” functions are “bells” in wavelet theory. Our bell is (for x ≥ 0) where where . By applying steepest descents to approximate the coefficient integrals in the limit of large degree j, we show that when the width L is fixed, the Fourier cosine coefficients a j of on are proportional to where Λ(j) is an oscillatory factor of degree given in the text. We also show that to minimize error in a Fourier series truncated after the Nth term, the width should be chosen to increase with N as . We derive similar asymptotics for the function f(x)=x as extended by a more sophisticated scheme with overlapping bells; this gives an even faster rate of Fourier convergence  相似文献   

Given a variety of bounded residuated lattices satisfying the Stone identity , the free algebras in over a set X of cardinality |X| are represented as weak Boolean products over the Cantor space 2|X| of a family of free algebras in an associated variety of (not necessarily bounded) residuated lattices with a bottom added.  相似文献   

We investigate interpretations of formulas ψ in a first order fuzzy logic in models which are based on objects of a category SetR(Ω) which consists of Ω-sets, i.e. sets with similarity relations with values in a complete MV-algebra Ω and with morphisms defined as special fuzzy relations between Ω-sets. The interpretations are then morphisms in a category SetR(Ω) from some Ω-set to the object . We define homomorphisms between models in a category SetR(Ω) and we prove that if is a (special) homomorphism of models in a category SetR(Ω) then there is a relation between interpretations of a formula ψ in models . Supported by MSM6198898701, grant 201/07/0191 of GAČR and grant 1M0572.  相似文献   

Generalized fuzzy bi-ideals of semigroups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After the introduction of fuzzy sets by Zadeh, there have been a number of generalizations of this fundamental concept. The notion of (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy subgroups introduced by Bhakat is one among them. In this paper, using the relations between fuzzy points and fuzzy sets, the concept of a fuzzy bi-ideal with thresholds is introduced and some interesting properties are investigated. The acceptable nontrivial concepts obtained in this manner are the (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy bi-ideals and -fuzzy bi-ideals, which are extension of the concept of a fuzzy bi-ideal in semigroup.  相似文献   

Let d ν be the metric associated with a strictly positive submeasure ν on some Boolean algebra . If d ν is bounded from above by 1, E ν=1−d ν is a (fuzzy) similarity relation on at least w.r.t. the Lstrok ukasiewicz t-norm, but possibly also w.r.t. numerous further t-norms.In this paper, we show that under certain assumptions on and ν, we may associate with ν in a natural way a continuous t-norm w.r.t. which E ν is a similarity relation and which, in a certain sense, is the weakest such t-norm. Up to isomorphism, every continuous t-norm arises in this way  相似文献   

Halfspace Matrices   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Consider a class of binary functions h: X→{ − 1, + 1} on an interval . Define the sample width of h on a finite subset (a sample) S ⊂ X as ω S (h) =  min x ∈ S |ω h (x)| where ω h (x) = h(x) max {a ≥ 0: h(z) = h(x), x − a ≤ z ≤ x + a}. Let be the space of all samples in X of cardinality ℓ and consider sets of wide samples, i.e., hypersets which are defined as Through an application of the Sauer-Shelah result on the density of sets an upper estimate is obtained on the growth function (or trace) of the class , β > 0, i.e., on the number of possible dichotomies obtained by intersecting all hypersets with a fixed collection of samples of cardinality m. The estimate is .   相似文献   

In this work, we consider the problem of solving , , where b (k+1) = f(x (k)). We show that when A is a full matrix and , where depends on the specific software and hardware setup, it is faster to solve for by explicitly evaluating the inverse matrix A −1 rather than through the LU decomposition of A. We also show that the forward error is comparable in both methods, regardless of the condition number of A.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concepts of R 0 valuation, R 0 semantic, countable R 0 category , R 0 fuzzy topological category , etc. It is established in a natural way that the fuzzy topology δ and its cut topology on the set Ω M consisting of all R 0 valuations of an R 0 algebra M, and some properties of fuzzy topology δ and its cut topology are investigated carefully. Moreover, the representation theorem for R 0 algebras by means of fuzzy topology is given, that is to say the category is equivalent to the category . By studying the relation between valuations and filters, the Loomis–Sikorski theorem for R 0 algebras is obtained. As an application, K-compactness of the R 0 logic is discussed.  相似文献   

The D0L sequence equivalence problem consists of deciding, given two morphisms , and a word , whether or not g i (w) = h i (w) for all i ≥ 0. We show that in case of smooth and loop-free morphisms, to decide the D0L sequence equivalence problem, it suffices to consider the terms of the sequences with , where n is the cardinality of X.  相似文献   

Consider the controlled system dx/dt = Ax + α(t)Bu where the pair (A, B) is stabilizable and α(t) takes values in [0, 1] and is persistently exciting, i.e., there exist two positive constants μ, T such that, for every t ≥ 0, ${\int_t^{t+T}\alpha(s){\rm d}s \geq \mu}Consider the controlled system dx/dt = Ax + α(t)Bu where the pair (A, B) is stabilizable and α(t) takes values in [0, 1] and is persistently exciting, i.e., there exist two positive constants μ, T such that, for every t ≥ 0, . In particular, when α(t) becomes zero the system dynamics switches to an uncontrollable system. In this paper, we address the following question: is it possible to find a linear time-invariant state-feedback u = Kx, with K only depending on (A, B) and possibly on μ, T, which globally asymptotically stabilizes the system? We give a positive answer to this question for two cases: when A is neutrally stable and when the system is the double integrator. Notation  A continuous function is of class , if it is strictly increasing and is of class if it is continuous, non-increasing and tends to zero as its argument tends to infinity. A function is said to be a class -function if, for any t ≥ 0, and for any s ≥ 0. We use |·| for the Euclidean norm of vectors and the induced L 2-norm of matrices.  相似文献   

The h-h/2-strategy is one well-known technique for the a posteriori error estimation for Galerkin discretizations of energy minimization problems. One considers to estimate the error , where is a Galerkin solution with respect to a mesh and is a Galerkin solution with respect to the mesh obtained from a uniform refinement of . This error estimator is always efficient and observed to be also reliable in practice. However, for boundary element methods, the energy norm is non-local and thus the error estimator η does not provide information for a local mesh-refinement. We consider Symm’s integral equation of the first kind, where the energy space is the negative-order Sobolev space . Recent localization techniques allow to replace the energy norm in this case by some weighted L 2-norm. Then, this very basic error estimation strategy is also applicable to steer an h-adaptive algorithm. Numerical experiments in 2D and 3D show that the proposed method works well in practice. A short conclusion is concerned with other integral equations, e.g., the hypersingular case with energy space and , respectively, or a transmission problem. Dedicated to Professor Ernst P. Stephan on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Propositional dynamic logic () is complete but not compact. As a consequence, strong completeness (the property ) requires an infinitary proof system. In this paper, we present a short proof for strong completeness of relative to an infinitary proof system containing the rule from [α; β n ]φ for all , conclude . The proof uses a universal canonical model, and it is generalized to other modal logics with infinitary proof rules, such as epistemic knowledge with common knowledge. Also, we show that the universal canonical model of lacks the property of modal harmony, the analogue of the Truth lemma for modal operators.  相似文献   

Let H is an H v -group and the set of all finite products of elements of H. The relation β* is the smallest equivalence relation on H such that the quotient H/ β* is a group. The relation β* is transitive closure of the relation β, where β is defined as follows: x β y if and only if for some . Based on the relation β, we define a neighborhood system for each element of H, and we presents a general framework for the study of approximations in H v -groups. In construction approach, a pair of lower and upper approximation operators is defined. The connections between H v -groups and approximation operators are examined.  相似文献   

Hájek introduced the logic enriching the logic BL by a unary connective vt which is a formalization of Zadeh’s fuzzy truth value “very true”. algebras, i.e., BL-algebras with unary operations, called vt-operators, which are among others subdiagonal, are an algebraic counterpart of Partially ordered commutative integral residuated monoids (pocrims) are common generalizations of both BL-algebras and Heyting algebras. The aim of our paper is to introduce and study algebraic properties of pocrims endowed by “very-true” and “very-false”-like operators. Research is supported by the Research and Development Council of Czech Government via project MSN 6198959214.  相似文献   

Let SFd and Πψ,n,d = { nj=1bjψ(ωj·x+θj) :bj,θj∈R,ωj∈Rd} be the set of periodic and Lebesgue’s square-integrable functions and the set of feedforward neural network (FNN) functions, respectively. Denote by dist (SF d, Πψ,n,d) the deviation of the set SF d from the set Πψ,n,d. A main purpose of this paper is to estimate the deviation. In particular, based on the Fourier transforms and the theory of approximation, a lower estimation for dist (SFd, Πψ,n,d) is proved. That is, dist(SF d, Πψ,n,d) (nlogC2n)1/2 . T...  相似文献   

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