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This paper presents a simplified automated fault detection scheme for wind turbine induction generators with rotor electrical asymmetries. Fault indicators developed in previous works have made use of the presence of significant spectral peaks in the upper sidebands of the supply frequency harmonics; however, the specific location of these peaks may shift depending on the wind turbine speed. As wind turbines tend to operate under variable speed conditions, it may be difficult to predict where these fault‐related peaks will occur. To accommodate for variable speeds and resulting shifting frequency peak locations, previous works have introduced methods to identify or track the relevant frequencies, which necessitates an additional set of processing algorithms to locate these fault‐related peaks prior to any fault analysis. In this work, a simplified method is proposed to instead bypass the issue of variable speed (and shifting frequency peaks) by introducing a set of bandpass filters that encompass the ranges in which the peaks are expected to occur. These filters are designed to capture the fault‐related spectral information to train a classifier for automatic fault detection, regardless of the specific location of the peaks. Initial experimental results show that this approach is robust against variable speeds and further shows good generalizability in being able to detect faults at speeds and conditions that were not presented during training. After training and tuning the proposed fault detection system, the system was tested on “unseen” data and yielded a high classification accuracy of 97.4%, demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Integration of hydrogen energy-based distributed generators (HEBDGs) to the main grid causes some power quality (PQ) problems. The conventional fault detection methods fail to detect some PQ disturbances, thus intelligent methods are proposed in the literature recently. This paper focuses on developing a wavelet transform (WT)-based fault detection method for HEBDG systems to detect PQ disturbances in the low-voltage grid connection. The proposed method uses the discrete WT and Daubechies wavelets of order 4 to detect the voltage swell, voltage sag, voltage interruption and transient disturbances in a HEBDG system. The performance of the WT-based method is also compared with the conventional fault detection methods, and using the time-frequency domain analysis by WT increases the stability of the proposed method. The results verify that the conventional methods are not capable of detecting some PQ disturbances properly, but the proposed WT-based method is more reliable according to the conventional methods.  相似文献   

文章首先对电网不对称故障对双馈风电机组造成的影响进行分析,采用转子侧和网侧变换器的比例积分谐振控制器(PIR)来简化传统低压穿越控制结构;通过引入两个可调参数,从而对前馈量进行调节来得到不对称故障期间双馈电机的多目标优化控制策略;在仔细研究模型的基础上,通过对电网电压不对称故障时双馈风电机组的多目标优化控制的PSCAD模型进行仿真试验,仿真结果表明,该方案对于电网电压不对称故障时的LVRT有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

定子绕组匝间短路作为双馈风力发电机常见故障之一,直接影响双馈风力发电机组的安全和稳定运行。但是,由于供电电源客观上存在三相不对称问题,这会造成匝间短路故障的误判。为了消除电源不对称对定子绕组匝间短路故障诊断的影响,文章首先通过多回路分析方法建立双馈风力发电机的仿真模型,然后结合对称分量法进行故障机理分析,最后依据时域图和频域图,综合判断匝间短路故障的存在与否及故障程度。试验结果表明:该方法可以消除电源不对称的影响,准确地诊断出定子绕组匝间短路故障。  相似文献   

Photovoltaic (PV) modules convert part of incident solar energy into electrical energy for commercial applications, with the rest being transferred to heat energy. The modelling of PV modules plays an important role in the fault diagnosis of a PV array. The object of this paper is to develop a parameter based model of a PV module. This model is sequentially coupled with an electrical model and energy balance equation. In order to establish the parameter based model, key parameters including the total effective solar energy, total heat exchange coefficient and ambient temperature are calculated from two working points on PV module along with the corresponding temperature from a thermal camera. Using the developed model, a fault diagnosis method based on the model is illustrated. Finally, model validation is carried out by the experiments.  相似文献   

A doubly-fed induction machine differential drive model for automobiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, an electrical drive model, implementing a doubly-fed differential drive (DFDD) is presented. Two doubly-fed induction machines, having the corresponding rotor phases connected, constitutes the differential wheel drive. Two inverters are supplying the machine stators with three-phase power of variable magnitude and frequency. The power required to supply the inverters may be delivered from a constant voltage DC source like a battery. Active power requirements for the machines and the inverters over the DFDD speed range may be obtained. Reactive power requirements for minimum copper loss may be derived as well. The DFDD may provide propulsion to electrical vehicles.  相似文献   

《Energy Conversion and Management》2005,46(15-16):2482-2500
Sensor failure and bias are harmful to the process control of air conditioning systems, resulting in poor control of the indoor environment and waste of energy. A strategy is developed for the flow sensor fault detection and validation of variable air volume (VAV) terminals in air conditioning systems. Principal component analysis (PCA) models at both system and terminal levels are built and employed in the strategy. Sensor faults are detected using both the T2 statistic and square prediction error (SPE) and isolated using the SPE contribution plot. As the reliability and sensitivity of fault isolation may be affected by multiple faults at the system level, a terminal level PCA model is designed to further examine the suspicious terminals. The faulty sensor is reconstructed after it is isolated by the strategy, and the FDD strategy repeats using the recovered measurements until no further fault can be detected. Thus, the sensitivity and robustness of the FDD strategy is enhanced significantly. The sensor fault detection and validation strategy, as well as the sensor reconstruction strategy for fault tolerant control, are evaluated by simulation and field tests.  相似文献   

The existence of broken rotor bars in induction motors can be detected by monitoring any abnormality of the spectrum amplitudes at certain frequencies in the motor current spectrum. It has been shown that these broken rotor bar-specific frequencies are settled around the fundamental stator current frequency and are termed lower and upper sideband components. Broken rotor bar fault detection schemes should depend on multiple signatures in order to overcome or reduce the effect of any misinterpretation of the signatures that are obscured by factors such as measurement noises and different load conditions. Multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) provides an appropriate environment to develop such fault detection schemes because of its multi-input processing capabilities. The focus of this paper is to provide a new fault detection methodology for broken rotor bar fault detection and diagnostics in terms of its multiple signature processing feature and the motor operation partitioning concept to improve the overall detection performance. This paper describes two fault detection schemes within this methodology, and demonstrates that multiple signature processing is more efficient than single signature processing. The first scheme, which will be named the "monolith scheme," is based on a single large-scale MDA unit representing the complete operating load torque region of the motor, while the second scheme, which will be named the "partition scheme," consists of many small-scale MDA units, each unit representing a particular load torque operating region.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的变速恒频级联式双反馈发电系统.该系统省略了PWM变换器及直流电容.不需要进行频率控制,与常规的双反馈风力发电系统相比,原理简单,控制方便.文章分析了系统变速恒频发电原理.通过对双馈电机的分析建立了该系统稳态运行时的电路模型,并进行了理论分析.在此基础上.利用SIMULINK分别对空载和负载稳态运行进行了仿真.通过对仿真结果分析,给出了该系统发电运行的条件.该系统空载运行时的并网比变速恒频双反馈发电系统空载并网更容易实现.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the detection of mechanical faults in an induction motor. As is reasonably well known, by means of analysis of combinations of permeance and magneto-motive force (MMF) harmonics, it is possible to predict the frequency of air gap flux density harmonics which occur as a result of certain irregularities in an induction motor. In turn, analysis of flux density harmonics allows the prediction of induced voltages and currents in the stator windings. Reviewing this theory, equations which may aid in the identification of mechanical faults are presented. These equations include both those which indicate eccentric conditions and those which have been suggested to help identify bearing faults. The development of test facility to create eccentricity faults and bearing fault conditions is described. This test facility allows rapid access to the motor bearings, allowing an investigation into the ability to detect faulted bearing conditions using stator current monitoring. Experimental test results are presented, indicating that it may be possible to detect bearing degradation using relatively simple and inexpensive equipment.  相似文献   

以PSCAD/EMTDC为平台建立了仿真模型,分析了以恒速异步风力发电机组为主的风电场并网运行的不同故障情况下的短路特性。仿真结果表明,影响短路特性的主要因素有故障类型、故障点、控制策略、风速等。因此,应针对风电场不同的短路特性采取相应的保护措施,以提高电网的稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the models of a wind power system, such as the turbine, generator, power electronics converters and controllers, with the aim to control the generation of wind power in order to maximize the generated power with the lowest possible impact in the grid voltage and frequency during normal operation and under the occurrence of faults. The presented work considers a wind power system equipped with the doubly-fed induction generator and a vector-controlled converter connected between the rotor and the grid. The paper presents comparative results between proportional-integral controllers and neural networks based controllers, showing that better dynamic characteristics can be obtained using neural networks based controllers.  相似文献   

针对孤岛运行双馈异步风力发电机输出电压易受负载切换影响、PI控制器对电机参数依赖性高等问题,建立了包含励磁电流动态过程与电机参数误差的数学模型。将电机参数误差和励磁电流动态过程分别视为系统的内扰与外扰,应用分离性原理和零极点配置方法设计双闭环自抗扰控制器替代PI控制器,扩张状态观测器可实时估计系统总扰动,并通过前馈进行补偿。建立兆瓦级DFIG孤岛运行仿真模型进行验证,结果表明文章控制方法能够有效抑制负载切换引起的电压扰动和电机参数变化的影响,提高了系统抗扰动性能。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the design of static compensator (STATCOM)-based voltage regulator for self-excited induction generators (SEIGs). SEIG has poor voltage regulation and it requires adjustable reactive power source with varying load to maintain constant terminal voltage. The required reactive power can be provided by a STATCOM consisting of ac inductors, a dc bus capacitor, and solid-state self-commutating devices. Selection and ratings of these components are quite important for design and control of STATCOM to regulate the terminal voltage of SEIG. The analysis, design, and selection of these STATCOM components are presented for five different rating machines to operate at varying power factor loads. Two criteria (full and reduced rating of STATCOM) are considered while designing STATCOM-SEIG systems.  相似文献   

A minimum airgap flux linkage is required for the self-excitation and stable operation of an isolated induction generator feeding an impedance load. With the aid of bifurcation theory, it is shown that the minimum airgap flux linkage requirement is the value at which the derivative of the magnetizing inductance with respect to the airgap flux linkage is zero. This minimum airgap flux linkage determines the minimum or maximum load impedance and minimum excitation capacitance requirements. This result is demonstrated using single-phase and three-phase induction generators  相似文献   

Simulation results are presented for the performance of a slip power recovery induction generator coupled to a vertical-axis wind turbine. The suitability of this type of generator for wind-driven applications is discussed. A qualitative comparison with two other alternatives is made, highlighting the basic features of the generator configuration studied. Quantitative simulation analysis showed that it is possible to reduce the ripple in the electrical power substantially with stable operation through various changes in wind speed. Regenerative braking is possible, especially in the upper range of speed, which reduces the wear on the mechanical brakes. The design described ensures smooth motor start-up for the induction machine in the motor-mode  相似文献   

双馈风力发电机网侧变换器通常工作在单位功率因数状态下,未充分发挥出其无功调节潜能。文章分析了双馈风力发电机网侧变换器的无功功率调节极限,针对网侧变换器非线性、时变d-q系统,提出了一种统一模糊控制策略,即利用网侧变换器进行无功补偿,同时抑制因风速变化引起的发电机出口电压波动。在PSCAD/EMTDC环境下,通过无穷大电网末端接入1台2 MW双馈风力发电机进行仿真,验证了该统一控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

A new control strategy is investigated for Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs). It exercises control over the generator terminal voltage and output power by adjusting the magnitude and angle of the rotor flux vector. It is shown that this control strategy leads to low interaction between the power and voltage control loop, better system damping and voltage recovery following faults, and it also provides enhanced frequency regulation capability compared with that achieved with existing DFIG controllers described in the open literature. The dynamic performance of the proposed DFIG control is tested for small and large disturbances using a generic network that combines wind and conventional synchronous generation. Simulation results are presented and discussed that demonstrate the capabilities of the new strategy to enhance DFIG performance and its contribution to network operation.  相似文献   

By varying the effective rotor resistance of a self-excited slip-ring induction generator (SESRIG), the magnitude and frequency of the output voltage can be controlled over a wide speed range. A steady-state analysis based on a normalized equivalent circuit enables the control characteristics to be deduced. For a given stator load impedance, both the frequency and the voltage can be maintained constant as the speed is varied, without changing the excitation capacitance. When the stator load is variable, simultaneous voltage and frequency control requires the excitation capacitance to be changed as the rotor resistance is varied. Experiments performed on a 1.8-kW laboratory machine confirm the feasibility of the method of control. Practical implementation of a closed-loop control scheme for an SESRIG using chopper-controlled rotor resistance is also discussed. With a properly tuned proportional-plus-integral (PI) controller, satisfactory dynamic performance of the SESRIG is obtained. The proposed scheme may be used in a low-cost variable-speed wind energy system for providing good-quality electric power to remote regions.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of a model reference adaptive system (MRAS) observer for the sensorless control of a standalone doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The analysis allows the formal design of the MRAS observer of given dynamics and further allows the prediction of rotor position estimation errors under parameter mismatch. The MRAS observer analysis is experimentally implemented for the vector control of a standalone DFIG feeding a load at constant voltage and frequency. Experimental results, including speed catching of an already spinning machine, are presented and extensively discussed. Although the method is validated for a standalone generator, the proposed MRAS observer can be extended to other applications of the doubly fed induction machine.  相似文献   

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