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Engineering and construction projects are dependent on two fundamental elements: (1) the ability to plan and manage the technical components of the project such as the tasks and resources; and (2) the ability of the project participants to effectively develop into a high performance team. Historically, the industry has focused extensively on optimizing the project management processes associated with the former element. In this focus, organizations have emphasized the ability to develop the optimum plan, allocate resources efficiently, and utilize control functions to ensure that the project stays on schedule and within budget. Although this has been effective, this engineering focus has reached the point of diminishing results. Specifically, the engineering approach to project management has neglected to recognize the importance of the participants to the success of the overall project. Rather, the engineering approach has favored the development of an optimum plan as the path to effective project management. In this paper, the engineering-based approach to project success is reconfigured to reemphasize the need to develop high performing teams by recognizing the importance of the project network. This recognition is formalized in the social network model of construction that integrates classic project management concepts with social science variables to enhance the focus on knowledge sharing as the foundation for achieving high performance teams and project results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of text analysis techniques to measure relevance between objects in product models. This relevance measure is used to support design reuse from an archive of product models from previous projects. We consider several techniques from the field of information retrieval for comparing documents. Next, we explore whether we can improve the performance of the relevance measure by considering contextual building model elements. The paper concludes with an evaluation and discussion of the techniques considered. We conclude that relatively good retrieval results can be achieved with short texts and sparse building models such as those that occur in current industry practice.  相似文献   

The procurement process of construction projects has been affected by developments in the field of Information Technology, as well as by the need to cope with growing technological challenges stemming from the integration of multiple building systems into tall and complex buildings. Furthermore, since the procurement phases are undertaken simultaneously, project complexity is increased, and increased integration among them is therefore required. These constraints have made the management of complex construction projects less of an architectural and engineering issue and more of a managerial one. In turn, this has led to an increasing use of the “construction management” concept in the procurement process. This study focused on communications in construction management procurement of building and residential projects in Israel. Communications between the construction manager and the design team were found to be vital in ensuring adherence to project objectives. Communication means were classified as “formal”—written technical information, and as “informal”—verbal communications. Construction managers in Israel still use informal communications in 50% of their interactions with their project counterparts. The study concludes that design capabilities should be one of the essential qualifications required of a construction management firm. In addition to the more traditional responsibilities, such as planning, scheduling, and coordination, the scope of the construction manager’s professional duties should emphasize the aspect of quality management.  相似文献   

Increasing complexity of many constructed facilities and escalating demands for project performance are driving significant changes in design and construction. Increased project integration and technical support of construction operations provide a promising response to these demands. This paper identifies and describes nine critical activities to increase technical support for construction: integrate early planning; plan for regulatory compliance; consider construction methods and sequences in design; tailor and time technical information to users’ needs; provide materials to support effective construction; identify and provide construction-applied resources; create an environment for safe, productive, and high quality work; technically support efficient construction operations and completion; and transfer experience between projects. The paper’s relevance to industry practitioners includes multiple benefits of completing these activities for firms, projects, and professionals, along with the necessary steps to develop this capability and gain these benefits. Educators and researchers can use the activities to structure course topics related to technical fundamentals of construction and integration with design, along with future investigations of construction process knowledge.  相似文献   

As the world construction market becomes more globalized, an increasing number of construction companies, including both large companies (LCs) and small and medium-sized companies (SMCs), have extended their business to the global market. During this process, the number of collaborative ventures to mitigate the burden of entry risks has greatly increased. This study aims to investigate the formation of construction firms’ collaborative networks for performing international projects from both the LC and SMC network perspectives. To this end, 389 real cases of overseas projects executed by Korean firms over the last two decades that involved collaboration were analyzed using social network analysis (SNA) approach. The result showed that LCs and SMCs have different perspectives when pursuing collaborative ventures for overseas construction projects; LCs have a tendency to form large and dense networks, whereas SMCs prefer to maintain long-term and targeted relationships. Moreover, this study showed a series of apparent tendencies in the development of collaboration networks to realize better profit performance under risky project conditions. Through analysis based on real cases, this study validated the applicability of SNA in analyzing the collaboration in the construction domain. More importantly, this study is useful as an aid for developing collaboration strategies to achieve better outcomes while considering the relevant network patterns and their different levels of performance under the assorted network attributes.  相似文献   

With increasing awareness of gains and importance of the strategic use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), the implementation rate of ICTs in the construction sector is increasing. However, these technologies have not been covered by legal and contractual practices. The industry needs to implement application frameworks and legal restructuring of the existing related laws and regulations to use ICT in a legal and contractually valid environment. The EU-funded eLEGAL project, which defined a legal framework for ICT uptake in construction, is selected as a model project to address legal and contractual issues regarding ICT use in the Turkish construction industry. The applicability of this project’s results are discussed by using real cases and defining the barriers, opportunities, methods, and tools to use ICT in a legally admissible manner in the Turkish construction industry.  相似文献   

Since information and communication technology (ICT) was introduced into the construction industry over a decade ago, the once fledging technologies have now been well developed. ICT has been commonly adopted, particularly in places where speedy construction is the norm, e.g., in Hong Kong. At the time when ICT is seemingly well developed, this paper aims at identifying the difficulties and hindrances facing the end users of such information exchange systems during design and construction and the consequential effects on project performance. Through literature review, a series of structured interviews, and a questionnaire survey, it is found that industry users welcomed the advancement of ICT, but that the necessary technical and psychological supports from their organizations were insufficiently provided. In addition, significant differences on the hindrances and their consequential effects have been identified between end users in the private sector and those in the public sector. The study findings have also highlighted factors impeding the smooth implementation of ICT systems at the end-user level, which would help organizations to formulate effective strategies to cope with ever-evolving communication technologies and changes in working style.  相似文献   

In the wake of increased globalization, more small and medium construction companies (SMCCs) are expanding into the global market. However, the international construction industry is different from the domestic with respect to resource, regulations, culture, entry strategies, and risk levels among other factors. This paper explores various ways and modes of internationalization for SMCCs under 13 key hypotheses that are relevant to the issues of internationalization from the perspective of SMCCs. To verify these hypotheses, this study used actual data from 560 cases of SMCCs’ overseas projects performed between 1990 and 2007. It was found that SMCCs’ entry scheme as prime contractors was more rewarding than in the case of subcontractors. Moreover, SMCCs are likely to evolve from subcontractors engaged with home-country contractors to subcontractors engaged with foreign contractors. Also, cultural distance is positively related to performance, but the effects of cultural properties are not as strong compared to the international manufacturing industry. The results are expected to help SMCCs build internationalization strategies by determining promising entry modes, proposing possible evolutionary paths to enter overseas projects, and assessing cultural effects in reference to SMCCs’ successful performance.  相似文献   

The use of information and communication technology (ICT) has been commonplace in the construction industry, with the increased functionalities of intranets and extranets in a web-based environment. Yet, human and organizational hindrances bring about consequences which affect the effectiveness of these online collaboration tools. Through a cross-sectional study of six construction-related organizations via interviews with ICT developers and users, these hindrances and consequences are highlighted against contextual backgrounds which depict a wide spectrum of ICT use in the construction industry. The results underpin a questionnaire survey which identified the most frequently encountered hindrances, such as self-discipline, technical support, and system capacity, both for internal and external information exchanges. These hindrances, together with undesirable behaviors such as the tendency to forward information to irrelevant parties and ignore information, would result in double handling and missing of time targets. Results also show that public organizations seem to be less prone to the discipline problems. While ICT advances, it is imperative that users make the best use of it by understanding and avoiding the pitfalls.  相似文献   

The paper explores the adoption of information and communication technology-enabled alliance modes of operation by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the construction sector. It argues that SME alliance modes of operations promote business process innovation and allow SMEs to compete in new ways, get better reward for their work, and gain greater financial strength, which in turn, will give them the financial capability to move forward and develop their products and services. Findings from the multiple case study approach used to conduct the research are discussed, including: (1) the concept of an SME alliance and its key features; (2) business relationships management in an SME alliance; (3) SME alliance viability and sustainability; (4) the role of information and communication technologies in an alliance; and (5) technical innovation management in an alliance regime of peers. Recommendations for future research in the form of open questions to the research community are given.  相似文献   

Construction engineering for major infrastructure projects covers a wide range of activities to evaluate and select the techniques for assembling materials and components. Construction engineering inherently presents a very challenging opportunity for creative design, particularly on infrastructure projects. This construction engineering activity can be described as one of creating and developing workable, cost-effective, low-risk technical solutions for an array of infrastructure construction problems that must be solved from the plans and specifications stage through facility completion. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate a 10-step construction engineering process and define important knowledge requirements to foster creative design solutions using four case studies, including (1) positioning and holding a concrete bridge caisson in a 7-knot tidal current for a 4-month period; (2)?skidding a 55,000-t immersed tube tunnel element 200?m on dry land from casting site to launch site; (3)?building a major dam without the use of river diversion or on-site dewatering systems; and (4)?building underwater bridge piers without the use of conventional bottom-founded cofferdams. The creative design process was able to successfully devise a plan for solving highly technical construction challenges using a process-based approach. The key requirements of knowledge, skill, and experience necessary to perform these activities are presented to assist construction engineers in preparing for these creative opportunities.  相似文献   

The successful initiation and execution of a virtual team is gaining increasing attention in the design and construction community. From opportunities to integrate international and multidisciplinary teams to the opportunity to leverage the best resources in an organization on a given project, virtual teams can transform the concept of project planning and execution. However, potential barriers exist in several areas to the successful implementation of virtual teams. The needs of increased management emphasis, social and cultural understanding, and emphasis on common goals are only a few of the nontechnical factors that can turn successful virtual teaming into virtual frustration. When combined with traditional technical challenges including compatibility of systems, security, and the selection of appropriate technologies, the line between leveraging virtual technologies for enhanced solutions and introducing additional complications into the project process is one that can be easily crossed. This paper presents the findings of research that addresses the opportunities and potential barriers to successful virtual teams in the engineering, procurement, and construction industry. Combining results from current research, industry practices, and early results from nonconstruction industries, the research findings provide an initial path to successful virtual team implementation.  相似文献   

Time compression is a widely accepted approach to improving customer service levels while minimizing total costs. However, few applications within the construction sector exist, especially in relation to the early stages of program development and design. These stages are of paramount importance because of the resultant ramifications on the total cycle time of the entire construction project, in the form of changes, rework, waste, and risk. Most applications of time compression focus on quantifying and removing nonvalue adding time from business processes. This is difficult for program development and the design stages of construction because most information sources are qualitative. As a result, a methodology has been developed to identify the key areas of potential improvement during these early stages. Collection of opinion data via semistructured interviews, questionnaires, and a workshop with a cross section of supply chain members has made it possible to quantify the potential improvements. The action research findings have been summarized into a time-compression model for the program development stages in the format of two interlinked cause and effect diagrams. These further emphasize the need for effective program development to minimize the risks of project overrun.  相似文献   

The construction industry is very diverse and consists of businesses that vary in size and ability to adopt information technology. Previous implementations of the project model have been based on information standards that have often adopted closely coupled collaborations. However, it is difficult to take a top down method and require participants to conform to universally accepted standards for the details of their operation. The proposed extended production integration for construction model is a loosely coupled process integration system that allows the participants to maintain a high level of independence as well as the integrity of their existing computer systems. The system is supported by a viable collaboration mechanism. A conceptual model for construction projects is proposed based on the study of events, contract conditions, and their impacts on the collaborations and interactions among participants. Events were identified as the major issue that the system needs to consider in order to conduct the collaboration work. Contract conditions were converted and used as guidelines to create enforceable rules in the system. A prototype system based on the proposed model was developed using Java, CORBA, and UML. A case study involving construction change orders was used to demonstrate the functionality of the prototype system. The factors that impact the efficiency of the system for the case study were determined through sensitivity analyses and comprehensive simulations. The results indicate that the system achieves a high level of efficiency when complicated changes are involved, which cause a higher rejection rate within the system.  相似文献   

A large amount of information is generated, shared, and exchanged during a construction project. However, several studies have shown that effective communication in construction is seriously hampered due to a lack of appropriate data channels, inaccurate data transfers, long delays, etc. Web-based and wireless communication technologies, however, offer a rich set of new tools to bridge those chasms but may also overwhelm the many potential users with too much information. To address the apparent danger of information overload, agent mediated communication concepts have been designed to autonomously manage large amounts of information exchanges. This paper presents the result of an effort to test the functionality of ubiquitous communication applications over a wireless fidelity infranet installed on an “unfriendly” construction site. Various applications were successfully designed, built, and tested, demonstrating that a well designed 801.11b backbone network is able to link today’s “islands of information” on a working site. The value of this paper to researchers and practitioners is the lessons learned and the outcome of a variety of field tests with the prototype system.  相似文献   

Sustainable, or “green,” rating systems, such as the United States Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), are leading to changes in the way owners, designers, and contractors approach the design, construction, and operation of buildings. The processes and features included in green design and construction may have positive and/or negative impacts on construction worker safety and health. This paper presents the findings of a research study of the impact of green building design and construction practices on construction worker safety and health. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable and lost time injury and illness data from green projects (as identified by LEED) and from nongreen projects was collected through a structured questionnaire survey. The data collected was analyzed to test for the presence of a difference in OSHA recordable incident rates (RIRs) and lost time case rates (LTCRs) between green and nongreen projects. It was found that there was suggestive, but inconclusive evidence of a statistically significant difference in the RIRs of the green and nongreen building projects included in the study. No statistically significant difference was found between the LTCRs for the green and nongreen projects included in the study. The study findings provide valuable information to the construction industry for the purposes of project safety planning and the assessment of safety and health on projects.  相似文献   

With the increasing demands for domain-wide integrated construction and infrastructure development, there is a need for developing a domain ontology to build a knowledge model that describes the multistakeholder project development process. This paper presents a domain ontology for supporting knowledge-enabled process management and coordination across various stakeholders, disciplines, and projects. The ontological model is composed of concepts, relations, and axioms. Concepts represent the “things” in the domain of interest; relations establish the interconcept links; and axioms specify the definitions of concepts and relations and constraints on their behavior and interpretation. The ontology models the most fundamental concepts in the domain in a structured, extendable, and flexible format to facilitate future evolution and extension of the ontology for representing application-specific and/or enterprise-specific knowledge. The ontology was evaluated through technical evaluation and user evaluation. User evaluation was conducted through one-to-one expert evaluation interviews.  相似文献   

Trust is an underlying psychological condition that can cause cooperation or risk-taking. Trust is considered as a predominant feature and a central mechanism in business transactions, especially among Chinese. Trust-based relationships create advantages in conducting business such as lowering cost, shortening duration, and improving performance. Indispensable conditions for trust to arise are relationships and risks. Different risks surface as a result of different levels of relationships. Sustained trust is therefore fostered by various means to counterbalance those risks. In order to assess the links between distinct trust-related features, a model is constructed and tested through a questionnaire survey in China. The findings generally support the model in terms of explaining the dominant relationships, inherent risks, and trust-fostering tools. It is recommended that firms adopt the refined model and utilize successful practices verified in this paper to foster trust and relationships and in turn secure project success.  相似文献   

Engineering project networks are increasingly global in scope and outsourcing is increasingly common. Along with globalizing trends in project delivery, the workforce is also globalizing. It is common for engineers to move to other countries as expatriate workers or as emigrants to pursue job opportunities in other firms. Where much is known about global networks of engineers collaborating on projects, little is known about the mediating role played by individuals that share the same nationality as an international partner on a project. In this paper, we examine two project teams executing complex, reciprocally interdependent design projects in India. One team was comprised of Indians and Americans. The other team was identical, but also contained an Indian national who had studied and worked in the United States. Both teams worked on similar design schedule optimization problems. Over the duration of three days, we examined the interactions of the teams assembled to finalize their designs. Through quantitative network analysis and qualitative observations of the cross-cultural interactions, we found the Indian expatriate to play a cultural boundary spanning role resolving cross-cultural knowledge system conflicts and increasing collaboration effectiveness. We induce a propositional theoretical model of cultural boundary spanning in global engineering project networks.  相似文献   

Timely acquisition of construction resource information is an essential task for construction engineers and managers. Due to the harsh and dynamic construction environment, it is not easy to acquire construction information in real time. This paper presents a radio frequency identification (RFID) and ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4)-based system to manage materials on a busy construction site where a data communications system is not in place. RFID tags are attached to and used to identify various kinds of construction materials, and the ZigBee communication technology is used to wirelessly transfer this information. To confirm the viability of our system, the RFID and ZigBee technologies were assessed using an indoor experiment. Following this, a field experiment was then conducted. On a building construction site, a range of construction materials was identified using RFID tags and this information was transferred to an end user with the help of ZigBee multihop networking. The results of the field experiment showed an acceptable reading range and rate for the proposed system. Therefore, the integrated system with RFID and ZigBee modules demonstrated great potential for improving the existing management processes for construction resources on large and complex construction sites.  相似文献   

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