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The effect of sodium hypochlorite on the physicochemical and functional properties of normal and waxy corn starches was investigated in this study. It was found that both carboxyl and carbonyl contents of oxidized starches from normal corn were higher than those of waxy corn. The introduction of carboxyl and carbonyl groups resulted in lower amylose content and swelling power. Both amylose and amylopectin were oxidized and degraded during oxidation but amylose was more susceptible to oxidation. Studies conducted on paste clarity revealed that the percentage transmittance increased after oxidation. The morphology of the starches was not altered after oxidation. Thermal properties measured by differential scanning calorimeter, showed that oxidation reduced transition temperatures (onset temperature, To; peak temperature, Tp; and conclusion temperature, Tc), gelatinization and retrogradation enthalpies of both normal and waxy corn starches. The retrogradation tendency was reduced after oxidation both in normal and waxy corn starches. Oxidation produced waxy starch with significantly higher peak (PV), trough (TV), breakdown (BV), final (FV), and setback viscosity (SV) as demonstrated by using a rapid visco analyzer. Oxidation reduced the pasting temperature of both normal and waxy corn starches. Also, the principal component analysis (PCA) study was conducted to find the overall variations among the oxidized starches studied. Together, the first two components represent 88.7 g/100 g of the total variability.  相似文献   

The starches isolated from normal and waxy corn varieties were hydrolyzed with hydrochloric acid (0.14 mol equivalent/L) and evaluated for physicochemical and functional properties. Acid thinning decreased the amylose content and swelling power but increased the solubility. The light transmittance of acid thinned (AT) starch pastes was higher than those of their native starches after similar storage intervals. The scanning electron microscopic observation demonstrated that the acid thinning did not cause any disruption of the granular crystalline structure. Native normal corn starches showed lower onset temperature (To) and peak temperature (Tp) as compared to their counterpart AT starches, whereas the reverse was observed for waxy corn starch. Enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔHgel) was lower in AT normal and waxy starches as compared to their native starches. The percentage of retrogradation (%R) was significantly higher for native corn starches as compared to their AT starches. A significant reduction in peak—(PV), trough—(TV), breakdown—(BV), final—(FV), and setback viscosity (SV) was observed by acid thinning, and the reduction was more pronounced in AT waxy starches. Among AT starches, AT waxy starch showed the lowest values of PV, TV, BV, FV and SV.  相似文献   

The variability in physical (1000 kernel weight and bulk density) and mechanical (rupture force) properties of grains from different Indian corn varieties (African tall, Ageti, Early composite, Girja, Navjot, Parbhat, Partap, Pb sathi and Vijay) were studied. The functional (colour, gelatinization, retrogradation and pasting) and chapati-making properties of flours milled from corn varieties were evaluated. African tall flour showed the highest enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔHgel), peak-, trough-, breakdown-, final-, and setback viscosities, and L (84.4) value and resulted in chapaties with higher extensibility (5.76 mm) and of light colour. African tall flour, with the lowest protein content, showed the lowest grain rupture force. Amylose content and hardness of starch gel from African tall were found to be the lowest among all corn varieties. Girja flour, with the lowest transition temperatures and ΔHgel, showed the lowest extensibility of chapaties made from it. Pearson correlations between physical and textural properties of corn grains and the functional properties of their flours were established. Rupture force of corn grain and protein content of flour showed a negative correlation with peak viscosity of flour (r = −0.917, and −0.863, p < 0.01). The protein content of flours was negatively correlated with L (r = −0.759, p < 0.01) value and positively with b (r = 0.635, p < 0.01) value. Pasting temperature of flours showed a significant negative correlation with peak, trough, breakdown, final and setback viscosities (r = −0.836, −0.846, −0.778, −0.871, and −0.847, respectively, p < 0.01). Pearson correlation was also established between the grain and starch properties. Rupture force of corn grains was positively correlated with the amylose content of starch (r = 0.950, p < 0.01).  相似文献   

Starches isolated from five corn cultivars namely C4, C5, C6, C8, and C15 were investigated for their physicochemical and structural properties. The amylose content of corn starches varied from 24.74 to 30.32 g/100 g among the cultivars. The starch granules showed polyhedral granule shapes and differences in their mean granule size ranged from 2.3 to 19.5 μm. The starch samples showed A-type diffraction pattern with strong reflection at 15.25, 18.11, and 23.33°. Pasting profile, textural, and thermal properties of corn starch showed the cultivar differences. Raman spectroscopy showed the major band intensities at 1340, 1082, 940, 865, 523, 485, 440, and 412 cm?1. Syneresis and turbidity of gelatinized pastes of starches varied among the cultivars and increased progressively with the increase in storage period. The present study can be used for identifying differences between corn genotypes for starch quality and could provide guidance to possible industries for their end use.  相似文献   

Starches from raw Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima Bl.) were isolated and dried by freeze drying and oven drying methods and the physicochemical, thermal, and the pasting properties were evaluated. Results showed that the two drying methods clearly affected the properties of the Chinese chestnut starches (CCS), both in composition, physicochemical, thermal, pasting properties, and functional characteristics. Freeze dried CCS presented the higher RS content, higher thermal properties, higher pasting values, higher solubility, lower syneresis to freezing, and thawing when compared with oven dried CCS. These properties of freeze dried CCS represented a unique starch for food ingredient usage of chestnut.  相似文献   

Twenty chickpea cultivars were evaluated for genetic diversity in seeds (physical, hydration and cooking), flours (composition, pasting and gel textural) and starch (swelling, thermal, amylose content and amylopectin structure) properties. Frequency distribution and principal component analysis revealed significant differences among the cultivars studied. Pasting temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback of flours ranged from 75.0 to 87.1 °C, 564 to 853 cP, 32 to 123 cP, 573 to 969 cP, and 84 to 185 cP, respectively. Amylose content of starch ranged from 28.26% to 52.82%. Amylopectin unit chains of DP 6–12, 13–18, 19–24 and 25–30 ranged from 36.2% to 43.25%, 36.44% to 38.68%, 14.86% to 18.22% and 4.95% to 6.9%, respectively. To establish the relationships between different properties Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were computed. Cluster analysis for grain and flour characteristics was also done to see the association between chickpea cultivars.  相似文献   

A total of 499 non‐waxy rice lines including 172 landraces (the landrace set) and 327 cultivars and breeding lines (the breeding line set) were used to study the genetic diversity of starch physicochemical properties, and the differences between the landrace set and the breeding line set were compared. All the rice lines were planted in the same season and at the same location in Hainan province. Wide diversities of starch physicochemical properties were found, e.g. apparent amylose content ranged from 7.9% to 33% in normal rice and up to 39.8% in an amylose extender mutant; peak viscosity ranged from 90.1 to 305.4 RVU, hot paste viscosity from 77.5 to 248.1 RVU, and cold paste viscosity from 111.4 to 412.6 RVU; gel hardness ranged from 9.4 to 61.1 g. The breeding line set had a wider range of physicochemical properties than the landrace set with a rare exception in gel hardness. The mean values of nearly all the parameters showed significant differences between the two sets of rice except for the setback ratio. The adhesiveness and cohesiveness of landrace starches were significantly lower than those of the breeding lines whereas the other parameters of the landrace set were higher than those of the breeding line set. Analysis of correlation among these parameters indicated that most of the traits were significantly correlated. The wide range of physicochemical properties among non‐waxy rice lines allows breeders to obtain breeding lines with desirable grain quality and food processors to select unique rice materials for specialty food processing, in addition to the applications in other processing industries.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of water-soluble mucilages (0, 2.5, and 5 g/100 g; w/w, dry basis) on the thermal and pasting properties of isolated starches from three root and tuber crops. The results show that yam tuber presents the greatest level of mucilage and also possess the largest amylose content of the three isolated starches. The addition of mucilage caused a remarkable increase in the temperature of gelatinization for the three tested starches due to the competition for water during starch gelatinization. Furthermore, adding mucilage increased the phase transition temperature range (Tc-To) of starches but decreased enthalpy (ΔH). However, although the pasting temperature increased with the addition of mucilage into tuber starches, it did not change that of taro starch. The peak viscosity of taro and sweet potato starches decreased significantly as their mucilages were added into each starch suspension system (p < 0.05). However, the addition of mucilage slightly increased the viscosity of yam starch. Furthermore, the addition of mucilage slightly increased the swelling power of yam and taro starches, but did not change that of sweet potato starch.  相似文献   

Starch from water chestnuts (Trapa natans) was isolated and modified by dry heating and hydrocolloids [carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) and sodium alginate]. Native and modified starches were evaluated for their physicochemical, pasting, thermal and morphological properties. Pasting and thermal properties were studied using Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) and Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) respectively. Morphological properties were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Modification of the starch by dry heating with and without gums reduced paste clarity and increased the water and oil binding capacity; solubility and swelling power decreased. Dry heating of native starch increased peak viscosity; however, with addition of CMC, peak viscosity decreased. Starch modified with CMC and 4 h heating exhibited lowest gelatinization temperature (T0). Pasting characteristics of native water chestnut starch were largely affected by the addition of gums and/or heat treatment. Overall onset gelatinization temperature reduced with heat treatment and addition of gums. Morphological studies revealed no significant variation in starch granule size. Starch granules were seen agglomerated because of leaching of amylose and granule interspacing decreased with addition of gums.  相似文献   

The starches separated from bulbs of four different lily cultivars (Lanzhou, Pinglu, Yixing‐1, and Yixing‐2) were investigated for physicochemical, morphological, crystalline, and thermal properties. AM content of lily bulbs starches from different cultivars ranged from 19.46 to 25.17%. The swelling power of starches ranged between 14.4 and 21.3 g/g, and the solubility ranged from 8.92 and 16.6% at the temperature of 85°C. Four cultivars of lily starches paste had excellent transparency and the transmittance value of Lanzhou lily as high as 54.7%. The transmittance of the gelatinized aqueous starch suspensions, from all lily cultivars, decreased with increase in storage period. The shape of starch granules varied from triangular to cylindrical and XRD of four lily starches all showed B‐type pattern. The transition temperatures and enthalpy of gelatinization (ΔHgel) were determined using DSC. Tp varied from 62.52 to 65.25°C. Pinglu lily starch showed the highest ΔHgel and gelatinization range (TcTo) index among starches from four different lily cultivars.  相似文献   

The aims of this work were to analyze physicochemical and thermal properties of ahipa and cassava flours and starches and to determine their water sorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties. Both flours are naturally gluten-free products, obtained by relatively simple procedures (grating or slicing). Ahipa flour gelatinized at lower temperature than cassava, indicating a better aptitude for cooking. Gelatinization temperatures of flours were higher than those of their starches. Water holding capacity of ahipa flours was significantly higher than those of cassava, leading the slicing process the highest values. Sorption isotherms were determined at 10, 20 and 30 °C. Experimental data were satisfactorily fitted using different mathematical models. Thermodynamic parameters associated with water adsorption process were calculated from GAB model, as well as the monolayer water content. All samples could be considered as products with an acceptable stability.  相似文献   

A novel starch was isolated from litchi kernel and compared with mango kernel starch. The properties studies were physicochemical, morphological, pasting, rheological, X-ray diffraction, and morphological. Litchi kernel starch had significantly (p < 0.05) higher amylose content and solubility, whereas its swelling power and paste clarity were lower than mango kernel starch. Peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity of litchi kernel starch were lower than mango kernel starch; however, it showed higher setback viscosity. The scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of starch granules varying in size and shape from small to large and oval to elliptical, respectively, in litchi kernel starch. The mean length of small and large litchi starch granules was 9.52 and 50 µm, respectively, while the mean breadth of small and large litchi starch granules was 7.14 and 35.7 µm, respectively. X-ray diffractions of both litchi and mango kernel starches showed typical A-type patterns. During heating, litchi kernel starch showed higher peak G’ (storage modulus), G’’ (loss modulus), and breakdown in G’ in comparison to mango kernel starch. The peak tan δ of litchi and mango kernel starch was <1, which indicated that both litchi and mango kernel starches were more elastic than viscous.  相似文献   

The isolation, composition, morphology and pasting properties of rice starches from different rice cultivars (N2R, Nerica II rice; IGR, Igbemo rice; ILR, Ilaje rice; and EAR, Efon Alaye rice) were studied. The starches were isolated from their flours by using a modified deproteination method in 0.1% NaOH. The highest starch yield of 65% was obtained from EAR with a residual protein of 0.41% and lowest starch yield of 45.70% from IGR with a residual protein of 0.42%. The AAM concentration of rice starches ranged from 21.88 to 26.04%. The sizes of the starch granules obtained from SEM were between 3 and 8 µm, some of the granules were individual (single) while others were fused (compound granules). The starch granules were small, polygonal and irregular in shape. The pasting parameters were evaluated using rapid visco analyser (RVA). Significant differences were observed in individual pasting parameters such as peak viscosity (PV), breakdown viscosity (BV), final viscosity (FV) and setback viscosity (SV). Cooked ILR starch had the highest PV (279.69 RVU; rapid viscosity units) and BV (52.50 RVU) when compared to the other starches. In contrast, N2R showed the highest FV (329.92 RVU) and SV (102.50 RVU), the latter due to the high concentration of AAM. The results revealed that cultivar has an effect on composition and pasting properties of rice starch.  相似文献   

The physicochemical, pasting, and gel textural properties of potato and rice starches and their blends were studied in relation to their noodle making performance. Amylose content, swelling power and solubility values of potato starch were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher than for rice starch. Pasting properties showed higher peak, final and setback viscosity for potato starch as compared to rice starch. Texture profile analysis revealed that potato starch gel had higher hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness as compared to rice starch gel. Potato starch noodles showed higher cooked weight and cooking loss and were scored higher by sensory panellists especially with respect to transparency and slipperiness. On the other hand, rice starch noodles were more firm with lower cooking loss. Addition of potato starch to rice starch significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected the noodle characteristics. Among the starch blends studied, blending of potato and rice starch in the ratio of 1:1 resulted in good quality noodles in terms of their lower cooking time, higher cooked weight, transparency and slipperiness. The results revealed the possibility of blending of potato starch with rice starch in equal proportions to produce noodles of acceptable quality.  相似文献   

The physicochemical and functional properties of flours from 25 Papua New Guinean and Australian sweetpotato cultivars were evaluated. The cultivars (white-, orange-, cream-, and purple-fleshed, and with dry matter, from 15 to 28 g/100 g), were obovate, oblong, elliptic, curved, irregular in shape, and essentially thin-cortexed (1–2 mm). Flour yield was less than 90 g/100 g solids, while starch, protein, amylose, water absorption and solubility indices, as well as total sugars, varied significantly (p < 0.05). Potassium, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus were the major minerals measured, and there were differences in the pasting properties, which showed four classes of shear-thinning and shear-thickening behaviours. Differential scanning calorimetry showed single-stage gelatinisation behaviour, with cultivar-dependent temperatures (61–84 °C) and enthalpies (12–27 J/g dry starch). Oval-, round- and angular-shaped granules were observed with a scanning electron microscope, while X-ray diffraction revealed an A-type diffraction pattern in the cultivars, with about 30% crystallinity. This study shows a wide range of sweetpotato properties, reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Acetylated starches are a commercially important group of modified starch known for their reduced retrogradation tendency, high clarity, low viscosity, high swelling power, and lower gelatinization temperature and time. Due to these remarkable properties, acetylation is a commonly used chemical modification for preparing stabilized starches. This review summarizes the methods used for preparation of starch acetates and corresponding effects of acetylation on morphological, thermal, pasting, digestibility, textural, and other functional characteristics of starches isolated from various botanical sources. Starch acetates are also useful as packaging material, as wall material for encapsulating active ingredients, and to improve the storage stability of different products.  相似文献   

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