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The chemical transformations of the volatile fractions of two different Brazilian honeys (cashew and marmeleiro) were monitored during storage under tropical conditions. Five systems, namely: 1 – fresh samples; 2 and 3 – samples heated for 3 and 6 months at 35 – 40 °C; 4 and 5 – samples kept under similar conditions to systems 2 and 3, but containing sodium metabisulphite, were tested. The transformations noted in the volatile fractions of these honeys could be mainly associated to acid or enzymatic hydrolysis of glycosides, volatilization, oxidation or esterification processes. The formation of furan derivatives, linalool derivatives and esters appears to be quite affected by the sodium metabisulphite. The concentrations of most powerful odorants increased during the storage (e.g.: benzenemethanol and isovaleric acid) or remained unchangeable (e.g.: vanillin, furfuryl mercaptan, 2-methoxyphenol).  相似文献   

In the present research we optimised an extraction procedure for the flavonoid aglycones: myricetin, quercetin and luteolin from honeys (as natural biological matrices), based on Amberlite XAD-4 resin followed by HPLC quantification. In addition, honeys from three geographical regions of Argentina were analysed with regard to the contents of these flavonoids. The extraction procedure was optimised for XAD-4 resin considering: resin/honey ratio, elution volume to desorb flavonoids and colour intensity of honeys. Differences in flavonoid recoveries were observed depending on the colour intensity. The flavonoid aglycones contents, in accordance with differences in geochemical characteristics and typical vegetation, varied with the geographical origin of honeys. The results obtained allowed us to consider these three flavonoids as chemical markers for the phytogeographical origin of honeys. In the case of monofloral honeys, the contribution of each one of the flavonoids was associated with the presence of a dominant pollen kind in these samples.  相似文献   

The causes of darkening in honey have been attributed to Maillard reaction, fructose caramelization and reactions of polyphenols, however, no systematic studies exist on this subject. The influence of composition and initial color on the rate of darkening of several Argentine honeys submitted to storage at 37°C during 90 days was evaluated through spectrocolorimetric measurements. The most suitable color functions to evaluate darkening of honeys [lightness (Lab*), browning index (BI), metric chroma (Cab*), metric hue (Hab*) and 1/Z] increased linearly as storage time increased, after an initial induction period of very low browning development. The slope of the linear browning development zone with time was an index of browning rate, and it was analyzed in relation to the initial color and the composition of honeys (moisture content, total nitrogen, total lipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, fructose and glucose content). Of the analyzed variables, the initial color was the parameter which better defined the rate of darkening of honeys.  相似文献   

In this study the mineral content, ash content and electrical conductivity of 98 honey samples from Northwest Morocco were studied. Using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES), six minerals were identified and quantified: K, Mg, Mn, Cu, Fe and Zn. Potassium was the predominant mineral (accounting for 80% of the total minerals quantified), followed by Mg and Fe (9 and 3% respectively). The ash content values were lower than 0.6% in 95 of the samples. The higher electrical conductivity values corresponded to the honeydew honeys ( x = 1734 µS cm?1). In addition, characterisation of the main unifloral honeys by principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and multilayer perceptrons (MLP) was carried out. The PCA showed that the cumulative variance was approximately 67%. On the other hand, the LDA and MLP allowed perfect classification of the honeydew (100% correct classification) and Eucalyptus (92%) honeys. © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), furosine (FUR), lactulose (LU), lysine loss, ascorbic acid and colour (ΔE) were determined in powdered infant formulas stored under nitrogen and oxygen conditions at 20°C and 55°CC during 15, 30 and 90 days. The indicators of the assay at 20°C showed similar behaviour in nitrogen or oxygen atmospheres. Changes in furosine and lysine loss after 90 days occurred under oxygen. Storage at 55°C produced considerable browning. Browning was always greater in nitrogen than in oxygen. Most of the studied parameters increased with the storage time and are useful in controlling the extent of browning in powdered infant formulas under adverse storage conditions.  相似文献   

The deterioration of black tea, characterised by a loss of flavour and astringency and sometimes by the acquisition of undesirable “taints” is accompanied by lipid hydrolysis and by autoxidative reactions that cause losses of theaflavins, amino acids, sugars, photosynthetic pigments and some volatile aliphatic constituents and increases in non-dialysable pigments and some volatile phenolic components. These reactions are accelerated by moisture and heat. Although lipid oxidation is insignificant except under hot dry conditions, it is postulated that oxidation of free fatty acids released during storage occurs during brewing, and has a profound influence on the quality of the liquor.  相似文献   

W.K. Solomon  V.K. Jindal 《LWT》2007,40(1):170-178
The changes in rheological properties of potatoes stored at 5, 15, 25 °C and variable (fluctuating) temperature for 16 or 26 weeks were evaluated in terms of elasticity and viscosity parameters using axial compression and creep tests. Cylindrical test specimens (15 mm diameter and 30 mm long) were used. A third-degree polynomial best fitted the force-deformation curves in axial compression test (R2=0.98-0.99) whereas a four-element (Burgers) mechanical model adequately described the creep response of potatoes (R2=0.95-0.99). The tangent modulus of elasticity in axial compression and elasticity and viscosity parameters in creep tests in general decreased significantly (P<0.05) with increase in storage time both under constant and variable storage conditions. The changes in rheological properties of potatoes stored under constant storage condition were sufficiently described by a modified exponential model (R2=0.89-0.96) except for the viscosity parameter of the Maxwell component of the four-element model. The logarithm of degradation rate constant, k, and the constant, n, were linearly related to storage temperature. For the variable storage condition, a bulk mean temperature (Tbm) was calculated to account for a series combination of storage time and temperature to which the potatoes were subjected. The changes in rheological properties due to variable storage temperature were then described as a function of Tbm and storage time, ts, using stepwise multiple regression. The result indicated that except the viscosity parameter of the Maxwell component of the four-element model, it was possible to describe the changes in rheological properties as a function of Tbm and ts (R2=0.84-0.99).  相似文献   

将各种铁源加到面粉中,测定贮藏过程中铁化学形式的变化。乙二胺四乙酸铁钠和元素羰基铁粉在贮藏过程中变化不大,而硫酸亚铁和柠檬酸铁铵在贮藏过程中绝大部分变成了不溶性铁。   相似文献   

不同处理对小麦储藏品质影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了进一步加深对小麦贮藏过程的了解,使品质检测数据相对稳定,较系统地分析了不同储存条件对小麦陈化的影响。测定水分含量、发芽率、酸度、脂肪酸值、过氧化氢酶活性、色泽等指标变化情况,讨论了不同储藏条件对小麦品质指标变化的影响。结果表明:真空处理可以很好地抑制氧化分解作用,防止小麦储藏过程中脂肪酸值、酸度的升高,提高小麦的营养价值和商业价值。且以0℃条件下真空处理的小麦储藏品质最佳。  相似文献   

目的探寻不同贮藏条件下花生中黄曲霉毒素含量的变化趋势。方法以远杂9102和豫花15品种的花生和花生仁为研究对象,采用免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法测定其在不同储藏的条件下黄曲霉毒素的含量。结果在整个贮藏过程中,远杂9102和豫花15品种的花生和含水量低于10%的花生仁的黄曲霉毒素含量为0,而含水量高于10%的花生仁的黄曲霉毒素含量随着贮藏时间的延长而升高。在接菌量相同的条件下,同一品种的花生仁黄曲霉毒素的含量随含水量增加而增高;在含水量相同的条件下,同一品种花生仁中黄曲霉毒素的含量随接菌量的增加而增高。在相同的贮藏条件下,远杂9102花生仁中黄曲霉毒素含量极显著高于豫花15。结论在贮藏过程中,花生中黄曲霉毒素的含量与花生是否带壳、含水量、初始带菌量和品种之间具有相关性。  相似文献   

The changes on chemical composition, physico-chemical parameters, free fatty acids and free amino acids content of dry-cured deer loin were investigated at day 0, 30 and 60 of dry-cured process. On the whole, except for pH values (≈5.6) and composition (fat: 4.6–5.2%; protein: ≈73%; ash: ≈17.5%) that did not show differences between the processing days, the other physico-chemical parameters were affected by curing process. Colour parameters and moisture (from 69 to 38.4%) decreased while the hardness increase from 12.35 to 342 N and lipid oxidation (from 0.2 to 0.52 mg MDA/kg) increased as dry-cured stage progresses. In similar way, free fatty acid (2250 mg per 100 g of fat at 0 day and 5940 mg per 100 g of fat at 60 days) and free amino acid content (914 mg per 100 g DM at 0 day and 1253 mg per 100 g DM at 60 days) increased progressively as the curing process progressed. The behaviour of this product during processing is similar to that described for the same product made with other animal species. Therefore, deer meat is an excellent candidate for the production of dry-cured loin, which would allow introducing a new product on the market.  相似文献   

巴氏消毒乳储存过程中化学与微生物变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究不同储存温度的巴氏消毒乳感官品质、生化指标和微生物数量,来确定影响巴氏消毒乳品质的主要因素。结果表明,在5 d的储存期内,巴氏消毒乳在4℃和8℃储存条件下感官品质变化趋势几乎一样,在12℃储存条件下感官品质下降趋势较4℃和8℃储存条件下快。巴氏消毒乳中脂肪酶的活力、TBARS值和蛋白水解程度均随着储存时间的延长而逐渐升高,SDS-PAGE显示主要蛋白未见明显分解,金黄色葡萄球菌未检出,嗜冷菌的数量逐渐减少,菌落总数呈现对数生长趋势并在储存的第4天达到稳定期。巴氏消毒乳中残存的脂肪酶、蛋白酶和微生物是影响巴氏消毒乳品质的主要因素。  相似文献   

对四种成鱼(三牙、带鱼、蓝圆够、马鲅)在20、4、-20℃贮藏条件下各个品质变化进行了研究。通过感官评价得到,在20℃的贮藏条件下,四种成鱼的货架期分别为20、6、10、14d;在4℃贮藏备件下的货架期明显延长,分别为70、35、70、70d;而在-20℃条件下贮藏的样品货架期均大于4个月。结合感官评价,对20%与4℃贮藏条件下货架期终点的指标值进行了准确的描述:带鱼和马鲅的咀嚼性为20-30gmm,蓝圆够的咀嚼性为30~40gmm,三牙的约为50gmm;TVBN值约为40-50mg/100g;TBA值与亚硝酸盐的含量在贮藏期间具有峰值,峰值出现在货架期的不同时期。  相似文献   

贮藏条件对葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用HPLC方法研究贮藏条件(贮藏温度、光照)对葡萄酒中四种白藜芦醇异构体含量的影响,发现:1)高温贮藏条件引起白藜芦醇总量的降低,其中反式白藜芦醇减少了45.8%;2)日光照射引起白藜芦醇含量的降低,而灯光照射后白藜芦醇总量未见明显降低;3)光照具有促进白藜芦醇向白藜芦醇糖苷转化的趋势.实验结果证明高温贮藏不利于葡萄酒中白藜芦醇的保存,商业流通中的灯光照射对葡萄酒中白藜芦醇含量无明显影响.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is measuring the effect of different volatile extract compositions on the perception of taste, astringency, global intensity and persistence of wine. Six Spanish wines, two from Chardonnay and four from Tempranillo grapes, all of them showing different chemical and sensory characteristics, were selected. Wines were separated into volatile and non-volatile fractions by solid phase extraction and lyophilisation and further liquid extraction, respectively. Eighteen “reconstituted wines” were prepared, combining different volatile extracts and different non-volatile matrices and adjusting ethanol content to 12% (v/v), and were further described by a specifically trained sensory panel. Taste attributes (sweetness, acidity, bitterness), astringency, aroma intensity, global intensity and persistence were assessed in both, original and “reconstituted” wines by using a numerical category scale. The sensory properties of the original wines were retained by their corresponding “reconstituted samples”. The sensory assessment of the “reconstituted wines” showed that the addition of volatile fruity extracts from white wines brought about a decrease in astringency and bitterness and an increase in sweet perception in all cases. While global intensity and persistence of white wine matrices were also increased, they did not change in red wine matrices, which suggests that the volatile fraction plays only a secondary role in these attributes of red wines. Similarly, the effects of replacing the volatile fraction of a red wine by volatile extracts from other red wines were small and inconsistent, which confirms that taste and astringency are primarily driven by non-volatile molecules in these wines.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of virgin olive oils from Arbequina olives cultivated in Córdoba (Argentina) was studied in relation to the oil extraction system and production year. Significant variations were found between oils obtained by pressure (PEOs) and centrifugation (CEOs) systems. PEOs were characterised by higher values of acidity, pigments and oleic acid, while CEOs showed greater phenol content. Moreover, a significant effect of crop year was observed. Arbequina oils produced in Córdoba contained lower amounts of oleic acid but higher amounts of phenolic compounds than Arbequina oils produced in Spain. A storage stability test was carried out in order to study the combined effects of oil extraction system and storage conditions (packaging material and illumination) on quality indices related to oxidative stability. Multivariate analysis applied to the chemical data emphasised the differences between PEOs and CEOs, indicating that variations due to extraction system were greater than those due to illumination condition and package type. Cluster analysis of oils from each extraction system stressed the influence of illumination condition on the oxidative stability of olive oils, showing increased amounts of secondary oxidation products in oils exposed to light. Glass and tin packages appear to be the most appropriate containers for maintaining the quality of olive oils, but this supposition is strongly dependent on the type of oil (PEO or CEO) and its initial chemical properties. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以感官特性、色差、质构、K值、pH、硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)值以及菌落总数(TVC)为评价参数,研究冷却保鲜(4 ℃)、冰藏保鲜(0 ℃)以及微冻保鲜(-3 ℃)对高白鲑鱼片贮藏期间品质变化的影响。结果表明:随着贮藏时间增加至第6 d,各实验组的感官品质、色差和质构均逐渐降低,K值、TBA值和菌落总数均持续增加,且4 ℃实验组上升程度明显快于其他组(p<0.05)。综合分析不同指标的数据发现,微生物数量、K值和TBA值能够准确地反映出高白鲑鱼片的品质变化,同时也发现4 ℃和0 ℃贮藏条件下高品质保鲜期分别为1 d和2 d,而-3 ℃微冻能将一级鲜度延长至3 d,有效维持良好鲜度品质。研究结果为高白鲑高品质保鲜提供数据支持和参考依据。  相似文献   

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