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ZrO2薄膜的X射线光电子能谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对自制ZrO2薄膜进行了成分分析,结果发现,在基片有负偏压的条件下,薄膜发生了氧缺位现象,退火处理可以补偿氧缺位,在膜表面存在一个Y的偏聚层,分析和讨论了这些现象产生的原因。  相似文献   

采用合适的溶剂,以3,4,9,10-茈四甲酸二酐、环己基胺、液溴等为原料,合成了1,7-二溴-3,4,9,10-茈四甲酸二酰亚胺,该合成反应分两步,第一步将3,4,9,10-苝四甲酸二酐在环己胺中回流24h,第二步以干燥过的二氯甲烷为溶剂溴化,得到1,7-二溴-3,4,9,10-苝四甲酸二酰亚胺.研究证明,此法产率高、经济效益好,是一条很有价值的合成路线.  相似文献   

用X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)对自制ZrO2 薄膜进行了成分分析 .结果发现 ,在基片有负偏压的条件下 ,薄膜发生了氧缺位现象 ,退火处理可以补偿氧缺位 .在膜表面存在一个Y的偏聚层 .分析和讨论了这些现象产生的原因  相似文献   

对羊毛纤维进行了改性处理,在去除了羊毛纤维表面部分鳞片后,通过扫描电镜观察和X射线光电子能谱仪测试分析了改性前后羊毛纤维与纳米ZnO整理剂的结合作用的变化。  相似文献   

研究了均苯四酸二酐(简称均酐或PMDA)凝华结晶精制的最佳条件,并以均酐在定温下的平衡蒸汽压为基础,推导出凝华结晶条件数学关系式.该式把氧化反应的空速,气相组成及捕集温度等工艺参数与捕集率关联起来,并制作出捕集温度对均酐凝华结晶效率和均酐纯度关系曲线图.同时讨论了拉乌尔数学关系式在处理本体系的适应范围.指出在低捕集率情况下,引入修正项后的拉乌尔数学关系式才能与实验值吻合.  相似文献   

Heparin was covalently immobilized onto polyurethane surface via a PEG spacer by a microwave-assisted approach to improve blood compatibility. Firstly, amino-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) (APEG) was rapidly grafted onto PU surface within 20 rain by a two-step method involving microwave-assisted MDI-functionalization and subsequent microwave-assisted APEG coupling. Then, heparin was eovalently immobilized through an amide linkage by the direct coupling of the carboxylic acid of heparin with the amino group of APEG on PU surface using carbodiimide coupling reaction. The surface structure and properties were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and water contact angle measurements. The results revealed that hepadn-immobilized PU surface had slightly increased roughness and significantly improved hydrophilicity in comparison to the original PU surface. The anticoagulant activity of films was evaluated by whole blood clotting time (CT) and prothrombin time (PT). Complement activation was assessed by detecting complement fragment 3a concentrations of serum exposed to the films. The results revealed that the microwave-assisted heparin-immobilized PU films had excellent antithrombogenicity and suppressed complement activation, indicating improved blood compatibility.  相似文献   

取南钢转炉厂当前使用的Ca-Si线制成2个样品,采用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)仪检测分析这2个样品中主要元素及其化合态的结合能。通过检测得出该样品的主要元素为Si,Ca,O,C,H;样品1中元素的主要化合态为Si,SiO2,CaO,CaSi2,CaSiO3,Ca2SiO4,CaCO3,Ca(OH)2,C;样品2中元素的主要化合态为Si,SiO2,CaO,CaSiO3,Ca2SiO4,CaCO3,Ca(OH)2,C。研究发现该Ca-Si线存在成份分布不均、部分被氧化等问题,影响喂线的实际效率。  相似文献   

利用电子束反应蒸发技术,调制衬底温度200~350℃,详细研究了Mo掺杂In2O3(IMO,In2O3:Mo)薄膜的微观结构以及光电性能的变化。随着衬底温度增加,原子力显微镜(AFM)与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像均证明IMO薄膜表面趋于粗糙,透过率和Hall测试表明其光学和电学性能逐渐提高。在衬底温度为350℃时,获得薄膜最小电阻率为2.1×10-4Ωcm,载流子迁移率为34.2cm2/Vs,其可见光区及近红外区的平均透过率为78%。衬底温度为200℃时,薄膜表现为黑褐色,经分析X射线光电子能谱(XPS)结果认为与薄膜中钼的低价氧化有关,提高衬底温度可改善薄膜氧化状态。  相似文献   

苝四酸二酰亚胺的光电导性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用光电灵敏度计算电荷放大增益的计算方法,研究了四酸二亚酰胺的光电导性能。结果表明苝四酸二亚酰胺具有很高的电荷放大增益,在正偏压17 V时,增益高达103倍。分析实验所测的光电流与电压的关系,发现此关系能很好地符合场效应发射公式,这表明苝四酸二亚酰胺的电荷放大增益主要是由隧道击穿效应所引起的。  相似文献   

采用固相反应法制备了Ba2SrCe2TbO9(简称B2SC2T)陶瓷。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、电子顺磁共振(EPR)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)技术研究了B2SC2T陶瓷的晶体结构和缺陷化学。XRD结果表明,B2SC2T陶瓷具有三斜钙钛矿结构,ESR和XPS证明Ce以Ce4+形式存在,Tb以Tb3+/Tb4+的混合价态形式存在。  相似文献   

分别以物理掺杂和化学掺杂的方式,采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了未经表面修饰纳米碳管(CNTs)和经r-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷(NH2(CH2)3Si(OC2H5)3,APTES)修饰纳米碳管的有机改性SiO2复合凝胶玻璃。在此基础上,以X射线光电子能谱(XPS)为表征手段,对所得两种复合凝胶玻璃中SiO2基质和掺杂CNTs的化学状态进行研究。结果表明,掺杂CNTs改变了复合凝胶玻璃中C和O的原子百分比,对SiO2基质的网络结构产生影响,但对SiO2基质的组成未产生显著影响;无论是在物理掺杂还是化学掺杂的有机改性SiO2复合凝胶玻璃中,CNTs与SiO2间均存在一定的Si—C结合键;在CNTs-SiO2复合凝胶玻璃中,以APTES作为桥梁,实现了CNTs与SiO2网络间的化学键合。  相似文献   

It was reported that both dielectricity and magnetism at room temperature were appreciably improved in Bi4Fe2TiO12 film compared with Bi4Fe2TiO12 bulk.X-ray diffraction profiles reveal similar crystalline nature and random orientation of the two,but X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments indicate that it is 1.4 eV lower binding energy of core-state Ols in the film relative to that of the bulk,so the improvement of multiferroics in the film is attributed to oxygen vacancies and high fraction of interface.The results have promising applications in multifunetional integrated devices.  相似文献   

It was reported that both dielectricity and magnetism at room temperature were appreciably improved in Bi4Fe2TiO12 film compared with Bi4Fe2TiO12 bulk. X-ray diffraction profiles reveal similar crystalline nature and random orientation of the two, but X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) experiments indicate that it is 1.4 eV lower binding energy of core-state O1s in the film relative to that of the bulk, so the improvement of multiferroics in the film is attributed to oxygen vacancies and high fraction of interface. The results have promising applications in multifunctional integrated devices.  相似文献   

多功能铁电材料是近年来的热门材料,为了研究铁电材料在光催化中的应用,通过溶胶-凝胶法在空气氛围下制备了铁酸铋(BiFeO3)和不同Y3+掺杂浓度(Bi1–xYxFeO3)的纳米粉体材料。通过X射线衍射仪(X-ray diffraction,XRD),扫描电镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)和X射线光电子能谱(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,XPS)表征了样品的结构、形貌和表面化学组成等物理化学性质。并利用分光光度计和光化学反应实验测试了样品的吸收谱和在紫外灯照射下的光催化效果。研究发现,掺杂Y3+不会改变晶格结构,但是减小了晶粒尺寸和禁带宽度。同时,根据O 1s的XPS窄谱扫描的拟合分析发现,引入Y3+可以有效提高氧空位的含量,而氧空位可以降低空穴-电子对的复合率,提高载流子利用率。因此,掺杂Y3+可以提高BiFeO3的光催化效率,使其成为一种很有潜力的光催化材料。  相似文献   

以哌嗪水溶液和均苯三甲酰氯正己烷溶液,通过油水两相界面聚合在聚砜超滤膜表面形成功能层.制备了超薄聚哌嗪酰胺/聚砜纳滤复合膜,利用衰减全反射傅立叶变换红外技术和X光电子能谱研究了超薄复合膜(TFC)表面化学结构,利用扫描电子显微镜和原子力显微镜观察了膜的形态结构.结果表明.在最初很短聚合时间(〈30s)内基膜表面形成一层聚酰胺脱盐功能层.新生功能层不能阻隔两相界面聚合.使得功能层不断增厚趋于稳定.基膜表层对复合膜通量影响很大,基膜表层越薄,所得TFC通量越大;TFC表面粗糙度与其性能关系密切,适宜的粗糙度可以使其获得高通量和高脱盐率.  相似文献   

The experimental results show that the exchange coupling field of NiFe/FeMn for Ta/ NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers is higher than that for the spin valve multilayers Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/ Ta. In order to find out the reason, the composition and chemical states at the surfaces of Ta( 12nm)/ NiFe(7nm), Ta( 12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(4nm) and Ta( 12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results show that no elements from lower layers float out or segregate to the surface for the first and second samples. However, Cu atoms segregate to the surface of Ta(12nm)/NiFe(7nm)/Cu(3nm)/NiFe(5nm) multilayers, i.e. Cu atoms segregate to the NiFe/FeMn interface for Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers. We believe that the presence of Cu atoms at the interface of NiFe/FeMn is one of the important factors causing the exchange coupling field of Ta/NiFe/FeMn/Ta multilayers to be higher than that of Ta/NiFe/Cu/NiFe/ FeMn/Ta multilayers.  相似文献   

Ta/NiO/NiFe/Ta multilayers were prepared by radio frequency reactive and dc magnetron sputtering. The exchange coupling field between NiO and NiFe reached 9.6×103 A/m. The compositions and chemical states at the interface region of NiO/NiFe were studied using the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and peak decomposition technique. The results show that there are two thermodynamically favorable reactions at NiO/NiFe interface: NiO+Fe= Ni + FeO and 3NiO+2Fe =3 Ni+Fe203. The thickness of the chemical reaction area estimated by angle-resolved XPS was about 1-1.5 nm. These interface reaction products appear magnetic defects, and the exchange coupling field Hex and the coercivity Hc of NiO/NiFe are affected by these defects.  相似文献   

NiOx/N81Fe19 and Co/AlOx/Co magnetic multilayers were fabricated by reactive RF/DC magnetron sputtering on clean glass substrates and oxidized Si (100) substrates, respectively. The exchange biasing field (Hex) between NiOx, and Ni81Fe19 as a function of NiOx, oxidation states was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The oxidation states and the oxide thickness of Al layers in magnetic multilayer films consisting of Co/AlOx/Co were also analyzed. It is found that the Hex of NiOx/Ni81Fe19 films only depends on Ni2+ but not on Ni3+ or Ni. The bottom Co can be completely covered by depositing an Al layer thicker than 2.0 nm. The oxide layer was Al2O3, and its thickness was 1.15 nm.  相似文献   

A new method to evaluate the hydraulic activity of Al-Si materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Slag, fly ash, gangue and 500°C calcined gangue are analyzed by using identical coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and magnetic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR). Research results show that there is a negative linear relationship between the Si 2p and Al 2p binding energies of Al-Si materials and the compressive strength of aluminosilicate based cementitious materials prepared with these Al-Si materials, i.e. the lower the binding energies, the higher the compressive strength. Indeed, the Si 2p and Al 2p binding energies of Al-Si materials can be used to indicate their hydraulic activity. The binding energies of the four examined materials increase in the order of slag, fly ash, 500°C calcined gangue and untreated gangue. Moreover, the binding energies of Si 2p, Al 2p and O 1s of every Al-Si material have excellent correlation. By using the Al 2p binding energy and 27Al MAS NMR spectra, the coordination number of aluminum in slag is determined to be four, while that in gangue, is six. Based on the aforementioned discoveries, this paper presents a new effective method to evaluate the hydraulic activity of Al-Si materials by using the surface binding energies of silicon and aluminum of Al-Si materials. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50474002) and the Key Project of Ministry of Education of China (Grant No.104231)  相似文献   

The specimens were implanted with aluminum ions with fluence ranging from 1× 10^16 to 1× 10^17 ions/cm^2 to study the effect of aluminum ion implantation on the aqueous corrosion behavior of zircaloy-2 by metal vapor vacuum arc source (MEVVA) at an extraction voltage of 40 kV. The valence states and depth distributions of elements in the surface layer of the samples were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), respectively. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to examine the microstructure of the aluminum-implanted samples. Glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GAXRD) was employed to examine the phase transformation due to the aluminum ion implantation. The potentiodynamic polarization technique was employed to evaluate the aqueous corrosion resistance of implanted zircaloy-2 in a 1 M H2SO4 solution. It is found that a significant improvement was achieved in the aqueous corrosion resistance of zircaloy-2 implanted with aluminum ions. Finally, the mechanism of the corrosion behavior of aluminum- implanted zircaloy-2 was discussed.  相似文献   

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