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In order to alleviate multiple access interference and multipath interference of ultra‐wideband (UWB) system, we propose the orthogonal complementary code (OCC)‐based direct‐sequence UWB system and offset‐stacking (OS)‐UWB system. OCC has perfect partial autocorrelation and cross‐correlation characteristics. With the application of OCC in UWB system, we can obtain better performance in multiple access interference and multipath interference. The proposed OS‐UWB structure can also achieve variable data rate transmission because of its innovative OS spreading technique. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed UWB system can achieve excellent performance and outperform the unitary code‐based direct‐sequence UWB system. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While enjoying various LBS (location‐based services), users also face the threats of location privacy disclosure. This is because even if the communications between users and LBS providers can be encrypted and anonymized, the sensitive information inside LBS queries may disclose the exact location or even the identity of a user. The existing research on location privacy preservation in mobile peer‐to‐peer (P2P) networks assumed that users trust each other and directly share location information with each other. Nonetheless, this assumption is not practical for most of the mobile P2P scenarios, for example, an adversary can pretend to be a normal user and collect the locations of other users. Aiming at this issue, this paper presents x‐region as a solution to preserve the location privacy in a mobile P2P environment where no trust relationships are assumed amongst mobile users. The main idea is to allow users to share a blurred region known as x‐region instead of their exact locations so that one cannot distinguish any user from others inside the region. We propose a theoretical metric for measuring the anonymity property of x‐region, together with three algorithms for generating an x‐region, namely, benchmark algorithm, weighted expanding algorithm, and aggressive weighted expanding algorithm. These algorithms achieve the anonymity and QoS requirements with different strategies. Our experiments verify the performance of the algorithms against three key metrics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汤震  蔺莉 《电视技术》2015,39(11):136-141
针对无线传感器网络(WSN)中多径路由的可靠性和能量效率问题,提出了一种基于代理和位置感知的多径路由发现方案(LABMR).事件节点根据位置信息,动态寻找其到Sink节点之间的特殊中间节点,来构建多径路由.利用移动代理来收集多径路由的局部拓扑结构信息,Sink节点根据代理收集的路由参数来计算路径权值,以此选择最优不相交路径.同时,对于信息的重要性差异,Sink节点选择单条或多条路径来传输数据,在保证传输可靠性的同时减少能耗.与现有的基于代理的多径路由(ABMR)方法相比,LABMP在数据包投递率、能量消耗、额外开销和延迟方面具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, the channel characteristics of ultra‐wideband systems with single co‐channel interference are investigated. A ray‐tracing technique is developed to calculate channel frequency responses in an indoor environment, of which the frequency dependence for the dielectric constant and the conductivity are carefully considered. By using the frequency responses, the channel capacities with single co‐channel interference are calculated. The outage probability of the channel capacities are also calculated for analyzing the channel statistical property. Furthermore, some useful channel statistical parameters are also investigated for different material partitions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Range‐free localization algorithms in wireless sensor networks have been an interesting field for researchers over the past few years. The combining of different requirements such as storage space, computational capacities, communication capabilities, and power efficiency is a challenging aspect of developing a localization algorithm. In this paper, a new range‐free localization algorithm, called PCAL, is proposed using soft computing techniques. The proposed method utilizes hop‐count distances as the data to train and build a neural network. Before feeding the data into the neural network for the purpose of training, the dimensionality of data is reduced by principal component analysis algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using simulation. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm has a better performance in contrast to other algorithms based on storage space, communication overhead, and localization accuracy. Furthermore, the effect of various parameters on the PCAL algorithm is studied.  相似文献   

Conversational video service is characterized by high bandwidth demand and low delay requirement. Bandwidth and transmission schemes play an important role in providing high‐quality delivery service for point‐to‐point conversational video service. Multipath transmission is regarded as an effective way to aggregate bandwidth. Transmission schemes need to ensure the strict time relation between information entities and to alleviate the negative impact of packet loss on video quality. To achieve this, existing transmission schemes may incur either a large delay or a large amount of duplicated packets that are not suitable for conversational video service. In this paper, we propose an adaptive retransmission mechanism–based multipath transmission (MT‐AR) for conversational video service delivery. MT‐AR takes advantage of historical reception experience to timely detect packet loss with a certain degree of misjudgement. Receiver requests sender to retransmit the lost packet if the lost packet benefits the decoding. Adaptive playout speed adjustment and alternative path retransmission cooperatively optimize the performance of retransmission. Receiver slightly extends playout speed to reserve time for retransmission and accelerates playout speed to alleviate negative impact of cumulative extension. Multiple paths support to conduct retransmission on an optimal path selected from alternative paths to avoid continuous congestion or error on the original path. Finally, we conduct extensive tests to evaluate the performance of MT‐AR. Experimental results show that MT‐AR can effectively improve the quality of experience of conversational video service by retransmission.  相似文献   

The asymptotics of cell loss ratio (CLR) in the regime of large buffers are exponential and can be characterized by two parameters, the asymptotic constant and asymptotic decay rate. This result is very general, provided that the arrival process does not possess long‐range dependence. As for the long‐range dependent case (or equivalently, when the increment of the traffic process is self‐similar), the CLR decreases with the buffer size sub‐exponentially, and the two parameters are no longer adequate to capture this phenomenon. Recent results from the literature show that for self‐similar traffic models the tail of the stationary queue length distribution is Weibullian. Using these results, this paper proposes an algorithm for estimating the CLR in real time based on buffer measurements, which works for both the long‐range‐ and the short‐range‐dependent case. For this purpose, the notion of state‐space representation of a single‐server queue is introduced, and Bayesian regression analysis is applied to estimate the state variable of that system. Our approach does not require any models describing the statistics of the traffic other than the asymptotic behaviour of the CLR. We describe how our method can be applied to VP bandwidth control by using results from simulation experiments. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a direction finding (DF) receiver for ultra wideband impulse radio (UWB‐IR) signal in a realistic multipath environment. The receiver uses an array of antenna, where each antenna is connected to a proposed propagation‐delay estimation structure. The advantage of the proposed structure is that it outputs a trapezoidal signal whose amplitude reflects the propagation delay and thus relaxes the sampling rate requirement of the analog‐to‐digital‐converter (ADC). The angle‐of‐arrival (AOA) is estimated from the vector of propagation delays measured with respect to reference antenna. Because these estimated delays contain outliers, we propose a simple AOA estimation algorithm based on minimum fractional‐distance search. Experimental results based on simulation show that the proposed DF receiver achieves better performance compared with the minimum ?1‐ and ?2‐based (least‐squares based) distance search. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a new preamble that can reduce the performance degradation because of the diminishing of operational complexity in coarse timing acquisition. The reduced‐complexity acquisition algorithm uses a received preamble that has been shortened by summing its elements group‐by‐group. Therefore, the performance deteriorates because it loses the impulsive autocorrelation property of the preamble after summation and correlation. In this paper, we design a preamble sequence with a sliding correlator output function that shows a distinct peak at zero delay and symmetry even after summation based on a flipping and doubly spreading concept. By comparing with other preamble sequences, we prove that the proposed preamble shows better timing acquisition performance in ultra‐wideband channel environment.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses impulse‐radio ultra‐wideband (IR‐UWB) transmission under the Russian spectral emission mask for unlicensed UWB radio communications. Four pulse shapes are proposed and their bit error rate (BER) performance is both estimated analytically and evaluated experimentally. Well‐known shapes such as the Gaussian, root‐raised cosine, hyperbolic secant, and the frequency B‐spline wavelet are used to form linear combinations of component pulses, shaped to make efficient use of the spectral emission mask. Analytical BER values are derived using a Nakagami‐m model, and good agreement is found with the experimentally obtained BER. The proposed pulse shapes allow IR‐UWB transmission with BERs below the limit for a 7% overhead forward error correction, achieving distances of up to 6.5 m at 1 Gbit/s, 4.5 m at 1.25 Gbit/s, and 1 m at  Gbit/s. These results confirm the viability of IR‐UWB transmission under the strict regulations of the Russian spectral emission mask.  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals have a problem with a high peak‐to‐average power ratio (PAPR). A distortionless selected mapping (SLM) has been proposed to reduce the PAPR, but a high computational complexity prohibits its application to an OFDM system with a large number of subcarriers. Recently, we proposed OFDM combined with time division multiplexing (OFDM/TDM) using minimum mean square error frequency‐domain equalization (MMSE‐FDE) to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance of conventional OFDM with a lower PAPR. The PAPR problem, however, cannot be completely eliminated. In this paper, we present an SLM combined with symbol re‐mapping for OFDM/TDM using MMSE‐FDE. Unlike the conventional OFDM, where SLM is applied over subcarriers in the frequency domain, we exploit both time and frequency dimensions of OFDM/TDM signal to improve the performance with respect to PAPR and BER. A mathematical model for PAPR distribution of OFDM/TDM with SLM is presented to complement the computer simulation results. It is shown that proposed SLM can further reduce the PAPR without sacrificing the BER performance with the same or reduced computational complexity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This letter proposes an energy‐detection‐based non‐data‐aided weighted non‐coherent receiver (NDA‐WNCR) scheme for impulse radio ultra‐wideband (IR‐UWB) pulse‐position modulated signals. Compared to the conventional WNCR, the optimal weights of the proposed NDA‐WNCR are tremendously simplified as the maximum eigenvector of the IR‐UWB signal energy sample autocorrelation matrix. The NDA‐WNCR serves to blindly obtain the optimal weights and entirely circumvent the transmission of training symbols or channel estimation in practice. Analysis and simulation results verify that the bit error rate (BER) performance of the NDA‐WNCR closely approaches the ideal BER of the conventional WNCRs.  相似文献   

Due to the low power spectral density and complicated transfer propagation of ultra‐wideband (UWB) signal, it is important to estimate UWB channel accurately. But it is difficult to sample UWB signals directly due to their wider band width. However, compressed sensing (CS) theory provides a feasible way through lower sampling speed. Common CS‐UWB channel estimation methods adopt convex optimization, non‐sparse or non‐restricted form. In order to strengthen the restriction on sparsity of the reconstructed channel vector, a non‐convex optimization method is proposed in this paper to estimate UWB channel. Proposed method sets the objective function as a non‐convex optimization model using lp–norm. This model is combined as a convex function to approximate the objective function and reconstruct the UWB channel vector iteratively. Because lp–norm is closer to l0–norm than l1 and l2–norm, its restriction on sparsity of objective vector is stricter. The simulation results show that this method can enhance reconstruction performance compared with existing CS‐UWB channel estimation methods. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This letter proposes a non‐coherent blind time‐of‐arrival (TOA) estimation scheme for impulse radio ultra‐wideband systems. The TOA estimation is performed in two consecutive phases: the Rayleigh‐quotient theorem‐based coarse‐signal acquisition (CSA) and the iterative‐threshold‐test‐based fine time estimation (FTE). The proposed scheme serves in a blind manner without demanding any a priori knowledge of the channel and the noise. Analysis and simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly increases the signal detection probability in CSA and ameliorates the TOA estimation accuracy in FTE.  相似文献   

The reduction of energy consumption in order to increase network lifetime is one of the most major challenges in the design of wireless sensor networks. During data dissemination, the sensors that are located in the sink's neighborhood are responsible to relay data to the other nodes; hence, their energy is exhausted expeditiously. Therefore, the idea of utilizing mobile sinks can be so advantageous to decrease energy consumption during data dissemination process. In this paper, we propose self‐managed grid‐based data disseminating protocol for mobile sink in wireless sensor networks by using the idea of constructing a virtual grid. In self‐managed grid‐based data disseminating protocol, sink and nodes map their geographical position to a virtual location. In order to increase the performance, we have employed a cell head for each grid cell. Cell heads are selected based on two parameters, centralization and residual energy. Our data dissemination protocol is simple and has low overhead to construct and maintain. Also, we have presented a new method for sink location update, which leads to the least cost in data transfer. Simulation results illustrate that by utilizing hierarchical functionality and determining an optimal size for grid cells, energy consumption is decreased, which leads to increasing network lifetime. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional synchronization algorithms for impulse radio require high‐speed sampling and a precise local clock. Here, a phase‐locked loop (PLL) scheme is introduced to acquire and track periodical impulses. The proposed impulse PLL (iPLL) is analyzed under an ideal Gaussian noise channel and multipath environment. The timing synchronization can be recovered directly from the locked frequency and phase. To make full use of the high harmonics of the received impulses efficiently in synchronization, the switching phase detector is applied in iPLL. It is capable of obtaining higher loop gain without a rise in timing errors. In different environments, simulations verify our analysis and show about one‐tenth of the root mean square errors of conventional impulse synchronizations. The developed iPLL prototype applied in a high‐speed ultra‐wideband transceiver shows its feasibility, low complexity, and high precision.  相似文献   

A novel beacon‐less algorithm called Blind Geographic Routing (BGR) is presented, which comes with an effective and robust recovery strategy to circumvent voids, and a new technique to avoid simultaneous forwarding by more than one node, features not included in other beacon‐less algorithms. BGR is the first beacon‐less algorithm that also works in 3D topologies. Additionally, BGR supports different delivery semantics, which specify how close a node must be to the destination location in order to receive the message, and how many nodes shall receive it. These semantics allow for routing not only to designated nodes with network‐wide known locations such as sinks, but to arbitrary destinations within the network area. It is shown through extensive simulation that BGR performs well even in the case of mobility, radio irregularity, and location errors, while GPSR as a beacon‐based algorithm suffers from severe problems in realistic scenarios that do not follow the unit disk graph model, even with recent enhancements of the original GPSR algorithm. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chip interleaving (CI) is a unique technique to exploit time diversity in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS)‐based systems operating in fading environments. In order to facilitate design of CI systems in various fading situations, we present a performance analysis for CI DS/SS system over Rician multipath time‐varying fading channels. We derive the analytical bit error rate (BER) expression for CI DS/SS to allow fast and accurate evaluation of BER performance based on the interleaving depth selected, spreading codes employed, and the time correlation function of the channel. We then discuss some ideal cases by using the analytical results to reveal some of the insights presented in the performance analysis. For the purpose of comparison, we also obtain the BER expression for conventional DS/SS system as a special case of CI system with an interleaving depth of one. Using numerical examples, we verify the analytical results with computer simulations and illustrate the BER performance behavior of CI DS/SS system with varying interleaving depth for all possible combinations of two sets of spreading codes of different type and two different time correlation functions of the channel. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a mobile sink can help eliminate the hotspot effect in the vicinity of the sink, which can balance the traffic load in the network and thus improve the network performance. Location‐based routing is an effective routing paradigm for supporting sink mobility in WSNs with mobile sinks (mWSNs). To support efficient location‐based routing, scalable location service must be provided to advertise the location information of mobile sinks in an mWSN. In this paper, we propose a new hierarchical location service for supporting location‐based routing in mWSNs. The proposed location service divides an mWSN into a grid structure and exploits the characteristics of static sensors and mobile sinks in selecting location servers. It can build, maintain, and update the grid‐spaced network structure via a simple hashing function. To reduce the location update cost, a hierarchy structure is built by choosing a subset of location servers in the network to store the location information of mobile sinks. The simulation results show that the proposed location service can significantly reduce the communication overhead caused by sink mobility while maintaining high routing performance, and scales well in terms of network size and sink number. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed medium access control (MAC) protocol for low data rate ultra‐wideband (UWB) wireless sensor networks (WSNs), named LA‐MAC. Current MAC proposal is closely coupled to the IEEE 802.15.4a physical layer and it is based on its Impulse‐Radio (IR) paradigm. LA‐MAC protocol amplifies its admission control mechanism with location‐awareness, by exploiting the ranging capability of the UWB signals. The above property leads to accurate interference predictions and blocking assessments that each node in the network can perform locally, limiting at the same time the actions needed to be performed towards the admission phase. LA‐MAC is evaluated through extensive simulations, showing a significant improvement in many critical parameters, such as throughput, admission ratio, energy consumption, and delay, under different traffic load conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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